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BACKGROUND: A correctly performed cricothyroidotomy may be lifesaving in a cannot-ventilate, cannot-intubate situation. However, many practicing anesthesiologists do not have experience with cricothyroidotomy. The purpose of this study was to determine the minimum training required to perform cricothyroidotomy in 40 s or less in mannequins. METHODS: After informed consent, participants were shown a demonstration video and asked to perform 10 consecutive cricothyroidotomy procedures on a mannequin using a preassembled percutaneous dilational cricothyroidotomy set. Each attempt was timed from skin palpation to lung insufflation. Cricothyroidotomy was considered successful if it was performed in 40 s or less, and the cricothyroidotomy time was considered to have plateaued when there were no significant reductions in cricothyroidotomy times in three consecutive attempts. RESULTS: One hundred two anesthesiologists participated in the study. There was a significant reduction of cricothyroidotomy times over the 10 attempts (P < 0.0001) and between three consecutive attempts until the fourth attempt (P < 0.03). The cricothyroidotomy times plateaued by the fourth attempt, while the success rate plateaued at the fifth attempt (94, 96, 96, and 96% at the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh attempts, respectively). CONCLUSION: Practice on mannequins leads to reductions in cricothyroidotomy times and improvement in success rates. By the fifth attempt, 96% of participants were able to successfully perform the cricothyroidotomy in 40 s or less. While clinical correlates are not known, the authors recommend that providers of emergency airway management be trained on mannequins for at least five attempts or until their cricothyroidotomy time is 40 s or less. The most appropriate retraining intervals have yet to be determined for optimal cricothyroidotomy skill retention.  相似文献   

The proper duration of postoperative intravenous (IV) antibiotics in patients suffering complicated (perforated or gangrenous) appendicitis is debatable. Some advocate a set minimum number of IV antibiotic days whereas others discontinue IV antibiotics depending on the patient's clinical course regardless of the length of therapy. Our objective was to determine whether there are differences in morbidity and resource utilization between the two treatment methodologies. Ninety-four patients with intraoperative findings of complicated appendicitis were included. In all patients IV antibiotics were discontinued on the basis of clinical factors. However, Group 1 patients were given a minimum 5-day IV antibiotic course whereas Group 2 patients had no minimum IV antibiotic requirement. Group 1 patients received more IV antibiotics than Group 2 patients did (5.9 vs 4.3 days; P = 0.014). Infectious complications were not statistically different between the two groups (13.0% in Group 1 and 12.5% in Group 2). Average hospital stay was also not statistically different between the two groups. The data suggest that a protocol with no minimum IV antibiotic requirement in patients with complicated appendicitis does not increase morbidity. Furthermore, the protocol arm with no minimum IV antibiotic requirement led to less IV antibiotic use but did not significantly decrease hospital stay.  相似文献   



The relatively rare carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater is a neoplasia with a good prognosis compared to pancreatic cancer. Preoperative staging is important in planning the most suitable surgical intervention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To quantify the motor threshold current of a needle following elicitation of paresthesia during axillary brachial plexus block (ABPB). METHODS: This is a prospective, observational study of ABPB in 72 patients. Having elicited paresthesia, the minimum current required to produce a motor response was noted. The development and success of the block were subsequently followed. RESULTS: Nineteen blocks were excluded (18 because of arterial puncture and 1 blocked needle). Of the remaining 53 blocks, 41 (77%) produced a motor response at 0.5 mA or less. The median current was 0.17 mA (range, 0.03 to 3.3 mA). The site of initial paresthesia and subsequent motor response were related in 43 (81%) of cases. CONCLUSIONS: A needle position causing paresthesia produced a motor response at 0.5 mA or less in 77% of cases studied. This current may, therefore, be a reasonable threshold to aim for when performing an ABPB.  相似文献   

Klotz L 《Urologic oncology》2008,26(5):495-499
The case for active surveillance as the optimal therapy for screen detected, low volume, low grade prostate cancer is presented. This is based on data from recent long term studies of conservative management, the prostate cancer prevention trial (PCPT), the Swedish trial of radical prostatectomy vs. observation, and several large Phase 2 trials of active surveillance. These studies indicate convincingly that (1) widespread screening results in a diagnosis of prostate cancer in many patients with clinical insignificant disease, (2) that these patients can be identified with reasonable accuracy, (3) that delayed intervention does not appear to put those patients who reclassify as higher risk over time at significant risk, and (4) that the psychological burden of surveillance is acceptable.  相似文献   

The two components of the sciatic nerve become more distant from one another in their course down the lower limb. This may have clinical implications if a small volume of local anesthetic is used with a single injection technique. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind study, we compared two different injection sites, 20 cm and 30 cm distal to the greater trochanter, in terms of onset time and success rate of sciatic nerve blockade after a single injection of 20 mL of 1.5% mepivacaine. Fifty patients undergoing foot surgery were randomly allocated to receive a lateral sciatic nerve blockade using one of 2 levels: 20 cm distal to the greater trochanter (group proximal; n = 25) and 30 cm distal to the greater trochanter (group distal; n = 25). Twenty milliliters of 1.5% mepivacaine was injected after a flexion plantar response was obtained at <0.5 mA. Time required for onset of sensory and motor blockade of the foot was recorded. Success rate was defined as complete sensory and motor blockade in all sciatic nerve distributions associated with a pain-free surgery. Onset of complete sensory and motor blockade was faster in group proximal (12 +/- 7 min and 15 +/- 8 min, respectively) compared with group distal (19 +/- 9 min and 23 +/- 9 min; P < 0.05). Group proximal also had a more frequent success rate compared with group distal (88% versus 56%, respectively; P < 0.05). It is concluded that in lateral sciatic nerve blockade, a more proximal approach to the sciatic nerve predicts a shorter onset time and more frequent success than a more distal injection site when a single injection and a small volume of local anesthetic is used. IMPLICATIONS: In lateral sciatic nerve blockade, a more proximal approach to the sciatic nerve provides shorter onset times and more frequent success than a more distal injection site when a single injection of 20 mL of mepivacaine 1.5% is used.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a common trait worldwide and is responsible for a major expenditure of health-care dollars in the United States. Although the etiological factors responsible for the expression of this phenotype are complex, several experimental and clinical observations point to a major role of the kidney as responsible. Genetic studies of uncommon diseases, which express monogenetic inheritance, all have in common a dysregulation of sodium balance and volume expansion. Furthermore, epidemiological data suggest an increased incidence of hypertension in communities with high excretory rates of sodium. Experimental data also suggest that low birth weight is associated with an increase in the frequency of hypertension later in life and raises the possibility that intrauterine imprinting may contribute to the expression of the phenotype. Indeed, data suggesting up-regulation of the Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) and thiazide-sensitive transporters in low-birth-weight animals may provide the physiological basis for these observations. Finally, subtle gain of function mutations in one or more of these transporters may unmask defects in volume homeostasis with increasing salt intake.  相似文献   

Popliteal sciatic nerve block is a commonly used technique for surgery involving the foot and ankle. However, pain can be difficult to control as the local anesthetic block wears off. Therefore, we hypothesized that extending the block by using a continuous infusion of bupivacaine (0.25%) would provide improved pain management and might facilitate the recovery process after foot or ankle surgery. In this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, 24 consenting patients undergoing foot or ankle surgery with a standardized general anesthetic technique were studied. Before surgery, a popliteal sciatic nerve block was performed in all patients with an 18-gauge Tuohy epidural needle and a peripheral nerve stimulator. After injection of bupivacaine 0.25% 30 mL and placement of a 20-gauge catheter, patients were randomly assigned to receive either 0.9% saline (control) or bupivacaine 0.25% at a constant rate of 5 mL/h for up to 48 h after surgery. An 11-point verbal rating scale (0 = no pain to 10 = worst pain imaginable) was used to assess the severity of pain. Opioid analgesic use was recorded at specific time intervals after surgery. Follow-up evaluations were performed at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 1 week after surgery to assess pain scores, as well as patient satisfaction with their pain management and quality of recovery, by using a 100-point verbal rating scale (1 = highly dissatisfied to 100 = highly satisfied). In the bupivacaine group, there was a statistically significant reduction in the maximal pain scores (>50%) and in opioid use (>60%) during the postoperative period compared with the control group. Patient satisfaction with postoperative pain management (95 +/- 3 versus 77 +/- 13) and quality of recovery (96 +/- 7 versus 83 +/- 14) was significantly improved in the bupivacaine group (versus control). In addition, 40% of the patients in the bupivacaine group (versus none in the control group) were able to be discharged home on the day of surgery (P = 0.087). In conclusion, a continuous infusion of bupivacaine 0.25% decreased postoperative pain and the need for opioid analgesic rescue medication after orthopedic surgery involving the foot and ankle, leading to improved patient satisfaction and quality of recovery. IMPLICATIONS: A continuous infusion of bupivacaine 0.25% (versus saline) at the popliteal fossa by using a simple elastomeric pump is an effective method of decreasing postoperative pain, reducing the opioid analgesic requirement, and increasing patient satisfaction with pain management after orthopedic surgery involving the foot and ankle. More importantly, the use of the continuous sciatic nerve block in the popliteal fossa facilitated an earlier discharge after lower extremity surgery.  相似文献   

To determine what follow-up is needed for children with a family history of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) but who have had a normal clinical and ultrasound examination at 6 weeks of age. A retrospective review of medical and imaging records of all children with a family history of DDH referred to the hip-screening clinic over a 5-year period. An absolute acetabular index value of greater than 30 degrees or gross asymmetry in acetabular index values was used as an indication of occult acetabular dysplasia. One hundred and eighty-one children were identified as having had a normal ultrasound scan with a positive family history of DDH. Two (1.1%) children had acetabular dysplasia on their radiograph performed at 9-12 months of age. The dysplasia, however, resolved in both cases with simple observation and both children have now been discharged from further follow-up. We do not feel that it is necessary for children with a positive family history of DDH to have a radiograph of their pelvis at 1 year of age if they have had a normal clinical and ultrasound examination at 6 weeks of age and such children can safely be discharged from further follow-up at that time.  相似文献   

Background: The comparison of laparoscopic to open appendectomy has been reviewed in many retrospective and prospective studies. Some report shorter hospital stays, less postoperative pain, and earlier return to work while others fail to demonstrate such differences. We performed a prospective, randomized double-blinded trial to evaluate this ongoing debate. Methods: Fifty-two consecutive men presenting with signs and symptoms suggestive of acute appendicitis were randomized to undergo either laparoscopic appendectomy or open appendectomy. Length of operative times, hospital stay, lost work days, visual analog pain scores, and operative costs were compared. Results: Length of stay averaged 21.5 h for the laparoscopic group and was not statistically different when compared to the open group. Perceived postoperative pain on postoperative days 1 and 7 were not statistically different between the two groups. Mean time to return to work was 11 days, and there was no statistical difference between groups. Operative costs were >$600 greater for the laparoscopic approach. Conclusions: In this prospective randomized double-blinded trial, laparoscopic appendectomy appears to confer no significant advantage over open appendectomy for postoperative pain or lost work days. It does carry an increase in operating room costs and, contrary to other reports, hospital stay is not shortened. Further studies are needed to determine if specific populations, such as the obese or women, may benefit from a minimally invasive approach to appendicitis. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, or the United States Government  相似文献   

Purpose  Orthotopic neobladder reconstruction has become a standard form of urinary diversion in many centers for patients undergoing radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. There is still controversy about the best technique for construction of the neobladder, and especially whether it is necessary to include an antireflux mechanism. Methods  We designed a prospective randomized clinical trial comparing two forms of ileal neobladder: the Studer pouch and the T-pouch. The latter includes an extraserosal tunneled afferent limb which prevents reflux from the pouch to the kidneys. The primary endpoint of the study is renal function and anatomy at 3 years following surgery, with secondary endpoints including early and late postoperative complications, renal infections and need for secondary procedures. Results  To date we have randomized 462 patients over approximately 6 years, with a planned full enrollment of 550 patients. Ten percent of patients have been withdrawn because they did not undergo the planned orthotopic diversion due to a positive urethral margin on frozen section. We expect approximately 70% of patients to be alive and available for follow-up at 3 years, which will give us ample power to detect clinically meaningful differences in the outcome of these two diversions. Conclusion  This trial has been feasible and randomization has been acceptable to most patients. Long-term follow-up of the patients on this trial should be able to definitively answer the question of the importance of an antireflux mechanism in the orthotopic neobladders construction.  相似文献   



Periprostatic local anesthesia for transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy requires additional needle punctures and injection of local anesthetics into the periprostatic area. This study sought to determine the influence of periprostatic local anesthesia on the surgical difficulty of open radical prostatectomy (RP).

Patients and methods

A total of 241 consecutive patients who underwent TRUS-guided prostate needle biopsy were randomized to receive either periprostatic nerve block (Anesthesia group; n?=?120) or no anesthesia (Control group; n?=?121). After diagnosing localized prostate cancer, patients who underwent open RP without neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy were evaluated as to whether perioperative nerve block affected operative duration, estimated blood loss (EBL), positive margin rate or complications.


Twenty-one patients in the Anesthesia group and 19 patients in the Control group were investigated in the current study. In assessing the patients who underwent open RP with or without periprostatic nerve block, no significant differences in operative duration, EBL, positive margin rate or complications were seen between groups.


Periprostatic nerve block does not appear to affect perioperative outcomes after open RP.  相似文献   

AIM: With an aging population, atherosclerotic manifestations are steadily increasing. Beside the anatomical and pathophysiological preoperative risk-factors accompanying perioperative risk-factors like patient's age, length of operation, blood loss and skill of the surgeon, all need to be accounted for when assessing the risk of morbidity and mortality after vascular surgery. The demand for cost effectiveness may make a risk-score system useful. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to prospectively apply various scoring systems in order to estimate outcome in patients undergoing aortobifemoral surgery due to arterial occlusive disease at the aorto-iliac level. METHODS: A prospective non randomized study was carried out. The SPSS 9.0 statistical package for Windows and, for nominal data, chi-squared-tests were used to compare rates between groups. For continuous data analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. When appropriate, a multivariate analysis with binary-regression by Wald was used. Sensitivity and specificity was done using ROC-curves. P < 0.05 was considered significant. From May 1996 to June 2000, 107 patients were included in the study. Besides basic data, all postoperative complications were noted according to a specific definition. Four different risk-scoring systems were used: ASA-classification; the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE-II) system; the physiological and operative severity score for enumeration of mortality and morbidity (POSSUM) classification and, finally, the simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) classification. RESULTS: We found no significant correlation between risk-scores and outcome. None of the scoring systems used was able to predict mortality. The independent factors that influenced the postoperative complication rate were operating time, blood loss, intraoperative assisted ventilation time and age. The endpoint using the relative operating characteristic (ROC) curves analysis was either mortality or morbidity. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that none of the systems analyzed separately was useful for determining morbidity and mortality. We still lack a system, that can be used preoperatively in an individual case and the vascular surgeon still has to build up his own clinical judgement or to transfer a clinical judgement.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We performed a central review of pathology specimens from radical perineal and radical retropubic prostatectomies performed by a single surgeon. We determined whether differences exist in the 2 approaches in regard to the ability to obtain adequate surgical margins around the tumor and adequate extracapsular tissue around the prostate, and avoid inadvertent capsular incision. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The review included whole mount prostates from 60 patients who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy and 40 who underwent radical perineal prostatectomy. The pathologist (N. S. G.) was blinded to the surgical approach. All prostatectomies were consecutive and performed by the same surgeon (H. J. K.). To ensure consistency of the pathological measurements patients were excluded from analysis if they had undergone preoperative androgen ablation or a nerve sparing procedure, leaving 45 retropubic and 27 perineal prostatectomy specimens for further evaluation. Pertinent clinical parameters were assessed and a detailed pathological analysis of each specimen was performed. RESULTS: In the retropubic and perineal groups 78% of the tumors were organ confined (stage pT2) with extracapsular extension (stage pT3) in the majority of the remaining patients. There was no significant difference in the positive margin rate for the retropubic and perineal procedures (16% and 22%, p = 0.53) or for Gleason 6 and 7 tumors only in the 2 groups (10% and 17%, respectively, p = 0.47). The capsular incision rate was 4% in each group. The distance of the tumor from the posterolateral margins and the amount of extracapsular tissue excised were equivalent in each group. Subgroups of patients with a prostate of less than 50 gm. and containing only low grade, low stage neoplasms were also analyzed. Subgroup analysis showed no difference in any variable. CONCLUSIONS: Radical perineal prostatectomy is comparable to radical retropubic prostatectomy for obtaining adequate surgical margins, avoiding inadvertent capsular incisions and excising adequate extracapsular tissue around tumor foci. Additional patient accrual and prostate specific antigen followup would further help validate the similar efficacy of the 2 surgical approaches as treatment for prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Study objectiveShort-acting regional anesthetics have already been successfully used for peripheral nerve blocks in an ambulatory surgery setting. However, the impact on direct and indirect perioperative costs comparing 2 different short-acting local anesthetics has not been performed yet.DesignObservational, prospective, case-control, cost-minimization study.SettingOperating room, regional hospitalPatientsOne hundred adult American Society of Anesthesiologists status I-III patients scheduled for popliteal block after minor ambulatory foot surgery.InterventionsApplication of 30 mL chloroprocaine 3% or of 30 mL mepivacaine 1.5% for anesthesia.MeasurementsCost-minimization evaluation. Direct and indirect perioperative costs were calculated. Block success, onset time and block duration, patient satisfaction, and unplanned outpatient visits or readmissions after discharge were also assessed.Main resultsOnset time (sensory: 4.3 ± 2.4 vs 11.5 ± 3.2 minutes; motor: 7.1 ± 3.7 vs 18.4 ± 4.5 minutes) and block duration (sensory: 105 ± 26 vs 317 ± 46 minutes; motor: 91 ± 25 vs 216 ± 31 minutes) were significantly shorter (P < .001) when chloroprocaine 3% was used. This translated to P < .001, basically due to a faster discharge home 55 ± 1 vs 175 ± 2 minutes; P < .001) in favor of chloroprocaine 3%, without negatively affecting either block efficacy or patients satisfaction. There were no unplanned outpatient visits or readmissions and no complications in the follow-up at 6 weeks.ConclusionsWe conclude that the more expensive chloroprocaine 3% for ambulatory foot surgery can reduce total perioperative costs and reduce length of stay in outpatient patients. Moreover, the saved time and personal resources could be used for additional cases, further increasing the revenues of an ambulatory surgical center.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of injury to the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) with 2 different surgical approaches. METHODS: From 1998 to 2000, 289 consecutive patients undergoing thyroidectomy were randomly divided into 2 groups. In group A (137 patients [215 upper pole ligations]), the superior thyroid artery was ligated after identification of the EBSLN. In group B (152 patients [244 upper pole ligations]), the superior thyroid artery's branches were ligated separately close to the gland. In all patients, a phoniatric evaluation with videostrobolaryngoscopy and spectrographic examination was performed. RESULTS: The 2 groups were well matched regarding age, sex, thyroid pathological findings, and type of operation. In group A, the EBSLN was not clearly identified in 11.6% of cases. Alterations of EBSLN function were absent in both groups of patients, either postoperatively or 1 and 6 months after operation. Group B showed statistically significant shorter operative time compared with that for group A. CONCLUSIONS: Even if the EBSLN often crosses the superior thyroid pedicle, especially in large goiters, this study demonstrated that accurate distal ligation of the branches of the superior thyroid artery is a safe technique to prevent EBSLN injury.  相似文献   

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