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Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy are caused by defectsin the dystrophin gene, and are candidates for treatment bygene therapy. We have shown previously that overexpression ofa full-length dystrophin cDNA prevents the development of dystrophicsymptoms in mdx mice. We show here that this functional correctioncan be achieved by expressing the full-length muscle isoformat a lower level than is present in control animals. Gene therapyfor DMD may necessitate the use of truncated dystrophin mini-genesto accommodate the limited cloning capacity of current-generationviral delivery vectors. We have constructed both murine andhuman mini-genes deleted for exons 17–48, and have demonstratedthat expression of either mini-gene can almost completely preventthe development of dystrophic symptoms in transgenic mdx mice.These results suggest that viral-mediated expression of moderatelevels of a truncated dystrophin could be an effective treatmentfor DMD.  相似文献   

A subset of patients harboring mutations in the dystrophin gene suffer from X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy (XLCM), a familial heart disease that is not accompanied by any clinical signs of skeletal muscle myopathy. As the muscle (M) isoform of dystrophin is not expressed in these patients, the absence of skeletal muscle symptoms has been attributed to expression of the brain (B) and cerebellar Purkinje (CP) isoforms of dystrophin in skeletal, but not cardiac, muscles of XLCM patients. The compensatory mechanism of dystrophin B and CP promoter upregulation is not known but it has been suggested that the dystrophin muscle enhancer from intron 1, DME-1, may be important in this activity. Previous studies have shown that the presence of the DME-1 is essential for a significant increase in dystrophin B and CP promoter activity in skeletal muscle cells in culture. Here, we demonstrate that the mouse dystrophin CP promoter drives expression of a lacZ reporter gene specifically to the cerebellar Purkinje cell layer but not to skeletal or cardiac muscle of transgenic mice. However, if the mouse counterpart of DME-1 is present in the transgene construct, the dystrophin CP promoter is now activated in skeletal muscle, but not in cardiac muscle. Our findings provide in vivo evidence for the importance of the dystrophin muscle enhancer sequences in activating the dystrophin CP promoter in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, they provide support for the model in which muscle enhancers, like DME-1, activate the dystrophin B and CP promoters in skeletal muscle, but not in cardiac muscle, of XLCM patients.  相似文献   

Dystrophin gene transfer using helper-dependent adenoviruses (HDAd), which are deleted of all viral genes, is a promising option to treat muscles in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We investigated the benefits of this approach by injecting the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle of neonatal and juvenile (4-6-week-old) dystrophin-deficient (mdx) mice with a fully deleted HDAd (HDCBDysM). This vector encoded two full-length murine dystrophin cDNAs regulated by the powerful cytomegalovirus enhancer/beta-actin promoter. At 10 days post-injection of neonatal muscles, 712 fibers (42% of the total number of TA fibers) were dystrophin-positive (dys+), a value that did not decrease for 6 months (the study duration). In treated juveniles, maximal transduction occurred at 30 days post-injection (414 dys+ fibers, 24% of the total number of TA fibers), but decreased by 51% after 6 months. All studied aspects of the pathology were improved in neonatally treated muscles: the percentage of dys+ fibers with centrally localized myonuclei remained low, localization of the dystrophin associated protein complex was restored at the plasma membrane, muscle hypertrophy was reduced, and maximal force-generating capacity and resistance to contraction-induced injuries were increased. The same pathological aspects were improved in the treated juveniles, except for reduction of muscle hypertrophy and maximal force-generating capacity. We demonstrated a strong humoral response against murine dystrophin in both animal groups, but mild inflammatory response occurred only in the treated juveniles. HDCBDysM is thus one of the most promising and efficient vectors for treating DMD by gene therapy.  相似文献   

Dystrophin is a high molecular weight protein localized under the sarcolemma of normal extrafusal muscle fibers but absent in skeletal muscle of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients and mdx mice. Muscle spindles in the soleus of 32-week-old normal and age-matched mdx mice were examined by immunocytochemical methods to determine the localization of dystrophin in polar and equatorial regions of the intrafusal fibers. Spindles were serially sectioned in transverse and longitudinal planes, and were double-labelled with an antibody to dystrophin and with an antibody to a 200 kD neurofilament protein, which revealed their sensory innervation. By fluorescence microscopy, intrafusal fibers in the soleus of mdx mice were deficient in dystrophin throughout their lengths, whereas their sensory nerve terminals stained intensely with the nerve-specific antibody and appeared unaltered in dystrophy. In the normal soleus, intrafusal fibers displayed a regional variability in the distribution of dystrophin. Polar regions of bag and chain fibers exhibited a peripheral rim of sarcolemmal staining equivalent to that seen in the neighboring extrafusal fibers. Dystrophin labelling in equatorial regions of normal intrafusal fibers, however, showed dystrophin-deficient segments alternating in a spiral fashion with positive-staining domains along the sarcolemma. Double-labelling for dystrophin and neurofilament protein showed that these dystrophin-deficient sites were subjacent to the annulospiral sensory nerve wrappings terminating on the intrafusal fibers. These findings suggest that dystrophin is not an integral part of the subsynaptic sensory membrane in equatorial regions of normal intrafusal fibers and thus is not directly related to sensory signal transduction. The complete absence of this protein in mdx intrafusal fibers indicates that these fibers exhibit the same primary defect in muscular dystrophy as seen in the extrafusal fibers. However, because of their small diameters, capsular investment, and relatively low tension outputs, dystrophic intrafusal fibers may be less prone to the sarcolemmal membrane disruption that is characteristic of extrafusal fibers in this disorder. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by progressive muscle degeneration that results from the absence of dystrophin. Despite null mutations in the dystrophin gene, many DMD patients display a low percentage of dystrophin-positive fibers. These "revertant fibers" are also present in the dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse and are believed to result from alternative splicing or second mutation events that bypass the mutation and restore an open reading frame. However, it is unclear what role dystrophin and the dystrophic pathology might play in revertant fiber formation and accumulation. We have analyzed the role of dystrophin expression and the dystrophic pathology in this process by monitoring revertant fibers in transgenic mdx mice that express truncated dystrophins. We found that newborn transgenic mice displayed approximately the same number of revertant fibers as newborn mdx mice, indicating that expression of a functional dystrophin does not suppress the initiation of revertant fiber formation. Surprisingly, when the transgene encoded a functional dystrophin, revertant fibers were not detected in adult or old mdx mice. In contrast, adult transgenic mice expressing a non-functional dystrophin accumulated increasing numbers of revertant fibers, similar to mdx mice, suggesting that positive selection is required for the persistence of revertant fibers. Finally, we provide evidence that the loss of revertant dystrophin in transgenic mdx muscle fibers overexpressing a functional dystrophin results from displacement of the revertant protein by the transgene-encoded dystrophin.  相似文献   

Exon skipping is capable of correcting frameshift and nonsense mutations in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Phase 2 clinical trials in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have reported induction of dystrophin expression in muscle of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients by systemic administration of both phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMO) and 2'-O-methyl phosphorothioate. Peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino offers significantly higher efficiency than phosphorodiamidate morpholino, with the ability to induce near-normal levels of dystrophin, and restores function in both skeletal and cardiac muscle. We examined 1-year systemic efficacy of peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino targeting exon 23 in dystrophic mdx mice. The LD(50) of peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino was determined to be approximately 85 mg/kg. The half-life of dystrophin expression was approximately 2 months in skeletal muscle, but shorter in cardiac muscle. Biweekly injection of 6 mg/kg peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino produced >20% dystrophin expression in all skeletal muscles and ≤5% in cardiac muscle, with improvement in muscle function and pathology and reduction in levels of serum creatine kinase. Monthly injections of 30 mg/kg peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino restored dystrophin to >50% normal levels in skeletal muscle, and 15% in cardiac muscle. This was associated with greatly reduced serum creatine kinase levels, near-normal histology, and functional improvement of skeletal muscle. Our results demonstrate for the first time that regular 1-year administration of peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino can be safely applied to achieve significant therapeutic effects in an animal model.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy muscles undergo increased oxidative stress and altered calcium homeostasis, which contribute to myofiber loss by trigging both necrosis and apoptosis. Here, we asked whether treatment with free radical scavengers could improve the dystrophic pattern of mdx muscles. Five-week-old mdx mice were treated for 2 weeks with alpha-lipoic acid/l-carnitine. This treatment decreased the plasmatic creatine kinase level, the antioxidant enzyme activity, and lipid peroxidation products in mdx diaphragm. Free radical scavengers also modulated the phosphorylation/activity of some component of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades: p38 MAPK, the extracellular signal-related kinase, and the Jun kinase. beta-Dystroglycan (beta-DG), a multifunctional adaptor or scaffold capable of interacting with components of the extracellular signal-related kinase-MAP kinase cascade, was also affected after treatment. In the mdx muscles, beta-DG (43 kd) was cleaved by matrix metalloproteinases into a 30-kd form (beta-DG30). We show that the proinflammatory protein nuclear factor-kappaB activator decreased after the treatment, leading to a significant reduction of matrix metalloproteinase activity in the mdx diaphragm. Our data highlight the implication of oxidative stress and cell signaling defects in dystrophin-deficient muscle via the MAP kinase cascade-beta-DG interaction and nuclear factor-kappaB-mediated inflammation process.  相似文献   

DMD患者骨骼肌抗肌萎缩蛋白表达与临床病理改变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨抗肌萎缩蛋白(dystrophin)免疫组织化学检查的临床价值及与Duchenne型肌营养不良(DMD)临床病理改变之问的相关性。方法通过组织学观察和免疫组织化学方法,对36例DMD患者骨骼肌dystrophin的表达情况、临床表现和肌肉病理改变进行观察分析。结果发现25例年龄在4岁以上的患儿多有比较典型的DMD临床表现,而11例4岁以下患儿症状比较轻。肌肉病理显示15例早期改变,17例中期改变,4例晚期改变,病理改变的严重程度与年龄相关。免疫组化染色显示36例患者的肌肉标本均有严重的dystrophin缺失,其中9例完全缺失,10例部分肌纤维膜有微弱着色,17例极少数肌纤维膜清楚着色,dystrophin的表达分级与病理改变分期及年龄无明显相关。结论检查dystrophin在肌纤维膜上的表达对DMD具有特异性诊断价值,但临床病理改变的严重程度主要与年龄和病程有关。  相似文献   

Almost all of the thousands of pathogenic mutations which have been described in the dystrophin gene either reduce protein production or remove large regions of the protein. This has severely limited the use of mutational information for the functional dissection of the dystrophin protein and increases the value of rare subtle mutations. We report a 3-bp deletion which removes a single highly conserved residue (glutamic acid 3367) adjacent to the dystrophin ZZ domain. This results in a phenotype of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with substantial retention of a presumably functionally compromised dystrophin protein. Two missense mutations (both affecting nearby residues) have been previously reported to result in this unusual combination of severe phenotype and high protein level. We discuss the functional implications of this and other mutations in the light of the predicted structure of the region. The pathogenicity of E3367del serves to emphasise the functional importance of this region of the dystrophin protein.  相似文献   

Summary The free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the dystrophin-lacking smooth muscle from mdx mice was studied to gain new insights into the relation between dystrophin and cytoplasmic Ca2+ hoemostasis, which was reported to be impaired in the mdx skeletal muscle. We observed that [Ca2+]i, as measured with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2, was not elevated in resting smooth muscle of the vas deferens from mdx mice, in comparison with control C57 mice. Changes of the external Ca2+ concentration evoked similar changes of [Ca2+]i in mdx and control vas deferens. During contraction, cytosolic Ca2+ transients were identical, both in amplitude and in kinetics, whether or not dystrophin was present. Stretches evoked similar Ca2+ increases in muscles from both strains. Intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis appears to be unimpaired in mdx smooth muscle. Thus, the lack of dystrophin per se does not automatically induce a perturbation of Ca metabolism in muscle cells.  相似文献   

Astrocytic tumors are the most common intracranial neoplasms. Their prognoses correlate with a conventional morphological grading system that suffers from diagnostic subjectivity and hence, inter-observer inconsistency. A molecular marker that provides an objective reference for classification and prognostication of astrocytic tumors would be useful in diagnostic pathology. RhoA, a GTPase protein involved in cell migration and adhesion, has been shown to be upregulated in a variety of human cancers. Based on direct analysis of clinical materials, our study demonstrates increased expression of RhoA in high-grade astrocytomas. This observation may be relevant to astrocytoma biology and the development of potential therapeutics against high-grade astrocytomas. Of more immediate consequence, utilization of this marker may aid in the routine pathological grading (and hence prognostication) of astrocytomas.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is a highly organized tissue in which the extracellular matrix (ECM) is composed of highly-aligned cables of collagen with nanoscale feature sizes, and provides structural and functional support to muscle fibers. As such, the transplantation of disorganized tissues or the direct injection of cells into muscles for regenerative therapy often results in suboptimal functional improvement due to a failure to integrate with native tissue properly. Here, we present a simple method in which biodegradable, biomimetic substrates with precisely controlled nanotopography were fabricated using solvent-assisted capillary force lithography (CFL) and were able to induce the proper development and differentiation of primary mononucleated cells to form mature muscle patches. Cells cultured on these nanopatterned substrates were highly-aligned and elongated, and formed more mature myotubes as evidenced by up-regulated expression of the myogenic regulatory factors Myf5, MyoD and myogenin (MyoG). When transplanted into mdx mice models for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the proposed muscle patches led to the formation of a significantly greater number of dystrophin-positive muscle fibers, indicating that dystrophin replacement and myogenesis is achievable in vivo with this approach. These results demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing biomimetic substrates not only as platforms for studying the influences of the ECM on skeletal muscle function and maturation, but also to create transplantable muscle cell patches for the treatment of chronic and acute muscle diseases or injuries.  相似文献   

Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to muscle is a promising technology for gene therapy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). However, currently available recombinant adenovirus vectors have several limitations, including a limited cloning capacity of approximately 8.5 kb, and the induction of a host immune response that leads to transient gene expression of 3-4 weeks in immunocompetent animals. Gene therapy for DMD could benefit from the development of adenoviral vectors with an increased cloning capacity to accommodate a full-length (approximately 14 kb) dystrophin cDNA. This increased capacity should also accommodate gene regulatory elements to achieve expression of transduced genes in a tissue-specific manner. Additional vector modifications that eliminate adenoviral genes, expression of which is associated with development of a host immune response, might greatly increase long-term expression of virally delivered genes in vivo. We have constructed encapsidated adenovirus minichromosomes theoretically capable of delivering up to 35 kb of non-viral exogenous DNA. These minichromosomes are derived from bacterial plasmids containing two fused inverted adenovirus origins of replication embedded in a circular genome, the adenovirus packaging signals, a beta-galactosidase reporter gene and a full-length dystrophin cDNA regulated by a muscle-specific enhancer/promoter. The encapsidated minichromosomes are propagated in vitro by trans-complementation with a replication-defective (E1 + E3 deleted) helper virus. We show that the minichromosomes can be propagated to high titer (> 10(8)/ml) and purified on CsCl gradients due to their buoyancy difference relative to helper virus. These vectors are able to transduce myogenic cell cultures and express dystrophin in myotubes. These results suggest that encapsidated adenovirus minichromosomes may be useful for gene transfer to muscle and other tissues.   相似文献   



TRAIL protein may serve as an escape mechanism for cancer cells from the immune response. The aim of the study was to assess whether the presence of TRAIL protein correlates with unfavourable prognostic factors in breast carcinoma.

Material and methods

The study group was composed of breast cancer patients treated surgically in the Department of Surgical Oncology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland, from January to December 2003. Inclusion criteria for the study were fulfilled by 117 women. The immunohistochemical study of TRAIL protein expression was performed in 118 breast carcinomas diagnosed in the study group. TRAIL protein expression was correlated with other variables: tumour size, lymph node status, grade, histological type of carcinoma, oestrogen and progesterone receptor status, HER2 expression, presence of lymphovascular invasion and age of the patient.


Expression of TRAIL protein was present in 73% of breast carcinomas. The percentage of TRAIL-expressing breast carcinoma cells correlated with the nuclear grade (τ = 0.26, p < 0.05; Tau Kendall test). The intensity of TRAIL expression (intensity of staining) in breast carcinoma cells correlated with the nuclear grade (τ = 0.15, p < 0.05; Tau Kendall test). TRAIL expression in breast carcinoma did not correlate with other studied variables.


Our analysis revealed that expression of TRAIL protein in breast carcinoma cells correlates with nuclear grade of carcinoma.  相似文献   

胰岛素抵抗糖尿病KKAy小鼠肌肉和肝组织PTEN蛋白表达增强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察胰岛素抵抗KKAy小鼠胰岛素敏感组织肌肉及肝组织PTEN蛋白的表达,了解PTEN在胰岛素抵抗机制中的作用。方法实验分为对照组1(C57BL普通饲料喂养组),对照组2(C57BL高脂饲料喂养组),KKAy小鼠组。均尾静脉血测末梢血糖,连续两周随机血糖>16.7 mmol/L诊断为糖尿病,取等量股四头肌、肝组织进行Western blot检测。结果与对照组相比,KKAy组股四头肌、肝PTEN蛋白均明显增多(P<0.01)。结论PTEN可能是一种重要的负性调节因子,调节三磷酸肌醇激酶(PI3Ks)/蛋白激酶B(Akt)所介导的信号传导通路,在胰岛素抵抗的发生、发展中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

In the present study, the change in Gq protein level in bronchial smooth muscle of mice with antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) was determined. BALB/c mice were actively sensitized and repeatedly challenged with ovalbumin antigen to induce bronchial smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness. The contraction induced by 10 microM AlF4(-) (generated by 10 microM AlCl3 plus 10 mM NaF) of bronchial smooth muscles isolated from the antigen-challenged mice was significantly augmented as compared with that from the control animals. The G alpha q protein level determined by immunoblotting was also significantly increased in bronchial smooth muscles of the antigen-challenged group. Thus, an upregulation of G alpha q protein may be involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness, one of the causes of AHR in asthmatics.  相似文献   

Gene therapy holds great promise for curing Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most common fatal inherited childhood muscle disease. Success of DMD gene therapy depends upon functional improvement in both skeletal and cardiac muscle. Numerous gene transfer studies have been performed to correct skeletal muscle pathology, yet little is known about cardiomyopathy gene therapy. Since complete transduction of the entire heart is an impractical goal, it becomes critical to determine the minimal level of correction needed for successful DMD cardiomyopathy gene therapy. To address this question, we generated heterozygous mice that persistently expressed the full-length dystrophin gene in 50% of the cardiomyocytes of mdx mice, a model for DMD. We questioned whether dystrophin expression in half of the heart cells was sufficient to prevent stress-induced cardiomyopathy. Heart function of mdx mouse is normal in the absence of external stress. To determine the therapeutic effect, we challenged 3-month-old mice with beta-isoproterenol. Cardiomyocyte sarcolemma integrity was significantly impaired in mdx but not in heterozygous and C57Bl/10 mice. Importantly, in vivo closed-chest hemodynamic assays revealed normal left ventricular function in beta-isoproterenol-stimulated heterozygous mice. Since the expression profile in the heterozygous mice mimicked viral transduction, we conclude that gene therapy correction in 50% of the heart cells may be sufficient to treat cardiomyopathy in mdx mice. This finding may also apply to the gene therapy of other inherited cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

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