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Boron and its alloys have long been explored as potential fuel and increasingly replace pure aluminum powder in high-energy formulations. The ignition and burning properties of boron can be improved by making boron alloys. In this study, an Mg–Al–B alloy was synthesized from magnesium, aluminum and boron powders in a 1:1:4 molar ratio by preheating to 600 °C for 30 min, followed by high-temperature sintering in a tube furnace. The effects of sintering temperature (700–1000 °C) and holding time (0.5–10 h) on the phase composition of mixed powders were studied. After the samples were cooled to room temperature, they were ground into powder. The phase composition, micromorphology and the bonding forms of elements of the synthesized samples were studied using XRD, SEM and XPS. The results show that each element exists in the form of simple substance in the alloy. The influence of the sintering temperature on the synthesis reaction of Mg0.5Al0.5B2 is very important, but holding time has little effect on it. With the increase of sintering temperature, the content of the Mg0.5Al0.5B2 phase gradually increases, and the phase content of residual metal gradually decreases. The phase and morphology analyses show that the optimum sintering temperature is 1000 °C with a minimum holding time of 0.5 h. It is expected to be used in gunpowder, propellant, explosives and pyrotechnics with improved characteristics.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of Mg2Si formation on the microstructure and properties of an Al−Si alloy, the critical point of a hypereutectic Al−17Si−4Cu−Mg alloy was calculated by Pandat software. The calculation results of the equilibrium phase diagram show that the critical point for Mg2Si phase formation for the alloy was obtained when the Mg content was 2.2%. The contents of 0.5 wt.% Mg and 2.5 wt.% Mg were selected as the research object. The content of Mg increased from 0.5 wt.% to 2.5 wt.%, the eutectic Si in the matrix was reduced, and the Chinese character-like Mg2Si phase appeared in the microstructure. In the peak ageing state, in addition to θ″ and Q′ phases that were mainly precipitated, there was also needle-like β″ precipitation in the 2.5 wt.% Mg content alloy. Larger precipitates were found in 2.5 wt.% content alloys, mainly due to the promotion of the solid solution having the aggregation and segregation of more solute elements in the matrix. The tensile strength, elongation, and hardness of hypereutectic Al−17Si−4Cu−0.5Mg alloy under peak ageing were 331 MPa, 3.11%, and 152.1 HB, respectively. The tensile strength and the elongation decreased while the hardness increased with the 2.5 wt.% Mg content, which is due to the formation of hard and brittle Mg2Si and Al8FeMg3Si, which has a splitting effect on the matrix.  相似文献   

A method of forming an Mg/Al intermetallic compound coating enriched with Mg17Al12 and Mg2Al3 was developed by heat treatment of electrodeposition Al coatings on Mg alloy at 350 °C. The composition of the Mg/Al intermetallic compounds could be tuned by changing the thickness of the Zn immersion layer. The morphology and composition of the Mg/Al intermetallic compound coatings were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Nanomechanical properties were investigated via nano-hardness (nHV) and the elastic modulus (EIT), and the corrosion behavior was studied through hydrogen evolution and potentiodynamic (PD) polarization. The compact and uniform Al coating was electrodeposited on the Zn-immersed AZ91D substrate. After heat treatment, Mg2Al3 and Mg17Al12 phases formed, and as the thickness of the Zn layer increased from 0.2 to 1.8 μm, the ratio of Mg2Al3 and Mg17Al12 varied from 1:1 to 4:1. The nano-hardness increased to 2.4 ± 0.5 GPa and further improved to 3.5 ± 0.1 GPa. The Mg/Al intermetallic compound coating exhibited excellent corrosion resistance and had a prominent effect on the protection of the Mg alloy matrix. The control over the ratio of intermetallic compounds by varying the thickness of the Zn immersion layer can be an effective approach to achieve the optimal comprehensive performance. As the Zn immersion time was 4 min, the obtained intermetallic compounds had relatively excellent comprehensive properties.  相似文献   

A selective liquation process to extract Al from a coarse Al–Si alloy, produced by carbothermal reduction, was investigated on the laboratory scale. The products obtained by selective liquation–vacuum distillation were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. During the selective liquation process with the use of zinc as the solvent, the pure aluminum in the coarse Al–Si alloy dissolved in the zinc melt to form an α-solid solution with zinc, and most of the silicon and iron-rich phases and Al–Si–Fe intermetallics precipitated and grew into massive grains that entered into the slag and separated with the Zn–Al alloy melt. However, some fine silicon particles remained in the Zn–Al alloy. Thus, Al–Si alloys conforming to industrial application standards were obtained when the Zn–Al alloys were separated by a distillation process.  相似文献   

The new in situ fabrication process for Mg-Mg2Si composites composed of interpenetrating metal/intermetallic phases via powder metallurgy was characterized. To obtain the designed composite microstructure, variable nanosilicon ((n)Si) (i.e., 2, 4, and 6 vol.% (n)Si) concentrations were mixed with magnesium powders. The mixture was ordered using a sonic method. The powder mixture morphologies were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and heating and cooling-induced thermal effects were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Composite sinters were fabricated by hot-pressing the powders under a vacuum of 2.8 Pa. Shifts in the sintering temperature resulted in two observable microstructures: (1) the presence of Mg2Si and MgO intermetallic phases in α-Mg (580 °C); and (2) Mg2Si intermetallic phases in the α-Mg matrix enriched with bands of refined MgO (640 °C). Materials were characterized by light microscopy (LM) with quantitative metallography, X-ray diffraction (XRD), open porosity measurements, hardness testing, microhardness testing, and nanoindentation. The results revealed that (n)Si in applied sintering conditions ensured the formation of globular and very fine Mg2Si particles. The particles bonded with each other to form an intermetallic network. The volume fraction of this network increased with (n)Si concentration but was dependent on sintering temperature. Increasing sintering temperature intensified magnesium vaporization, affecting the composite formation mechanism and increasing the volume fraction of silicide.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of iron-rich Al–Si alloy is limited by the existence of plenty of the iron-rich phase (β-Al5FeSi), whose unfavorable morphology not only splits the matrix but also causes both stress concentration and interface mismatch with the Al matrix. The effect of the cooling rate on the tensile properties of Fe-rich Al–Si alloy was studied by the melt spinning method at different rotating speeds. At the traditional casting cooling rate of ~10 K/s, the size of the needle-like β-Al5FeSi phase is about 80 μm. In contrast, the size of the β-Al5FeSi phase is reduced to 500 nm and the morphology changes to a granular morphology with the high cooling rate of ~104 K/s. With the increase of the cooling rate, the morphology of the β-Al5FeSi phase is optimized, meanwhile the tensile properties of Fe-rich Al–Si alloy are greatly improved. The improved tensile properties of the Fe-rich Al-Si alloy is attributed to the combination of Fe-rich reinforced particles and the granular silicon phase provided by the high cooling rate of the melt spinning method.  相似文献   

The influence of AlFeSi and Mg2Si phases on corrosion behaviour of the cast 6061 aluminium alloy was investigated. Scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy (SKPFM), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and in situ observations by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) were used. It was found that Mg2Si phases were anodic relative to the matrix and dissolved preferentially without significantly affecting corrosion propagation. The AlFeSi phases’ influence on 6061 aluminium alloy local corrosion was greater than that of the Mg2Si phases. The corroded region width reached five times that of the AlFeSi phase, and the accelerating effect was terminated as the AlFeSi dissolved.  相似文献   

To meet aero-engine aluminum skirt requirements, an experiment was carried out using Al–Nb–B2O3–CuO as the reaction system and a 6063 aluminum alloy melt as the reaction medium for a contact reaction, and 6063 aluminum matrix composites containing in situ particles were prepared with the near-liquid-phase line-casting method after the reaction was completed. The effects of the reactant molar ratio and the preheating temperature on the in situ reaction process and products were explored in order to determine the influence of in situ-reaction-product features on the organization and the qualities of the composites. Thermodynamic calculations, DSC analysis, and experiments revealed that the reaction could continue when the molar ratio of the reactants of Al–Nb–B2O3–CuO was 6:1:1:1.5. A kinetic study revealed that the Al thermal reaction in the system produced Al2O3 and [B], and the [B] atoms interacted with Nb to generate NbB2. With increasing temperature, the interaction between the Nb and the AlB2 produced hexagonal NbB2 particles with an average longitudinal size of 1 μm and subspherical Al2O3 particles with an average longitudinal size of 0.2 μm. The microstructure of the composites was reasonably fine, with an estimated equiaxed crystal size of around 22 μm, a tensile strength of 170 MPa, a yield strength of 135 MPa, an elongation of 13.4%, and a fracture energy of 17.05 × 105 KJ/m3, with a content of 2.3 wt% complex-phase particles. When compared to the matrix alloy without addition, the NbB2 and Al2O3 particles produced by the in situ reaction had a significant refinement effect on the microstructure of the alloy, and the plasticity of the composite in the as-cast state was improved while maintaining higher strength and better overall mechanical properties, allowing for industrial mass production.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric generators are an excellent option for waste heat reuse. Materials for such devices have seen their thermoelectric properties improving constantly. The functioning of a generator, however, does not only depend on thermoelectric properties. Thermal and mechanical properties play a decisive role in the feasibility of any thermoelectric generator. To shed light on the properties exhibited by thermoelectric materials, we present the temperature dependent characterization of Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion for Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7. Comparing undoped to Bi-doped n-type and Li-doped p-type material, we investigated the influence of doping in the relevant temperature regime and found the influences to be minor, proving similar properties for n- and p-type. We found a Young’s modulus of 84 GPa for the p-type and 83 GPa for the n-type, similar to that of the undoped compound with 85 GPa. The thermal expansion coefficients of undoped, as well as n- and p-type were equally similar with values ranging from 16.5 to 17.5 × 10−6 1/K. A phase analysis was performed to further compare the two materials, finding a similar phase distribution and microstructure. Finally, using the gathered data, estimations on the possible thermally induced stresses under a temperature difference are provided to evaluate the relevance of knowing temperature dependent thermal and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the microstructure modification in Al–6Mg–5Si–0.15Ti alloy (in mass %) through the minor addition of Ca using Mg + Al2Ca master alloy and heat treatment to see their impact on mechanical properties. The microstructure of unmodified alloy (without Ca) consisted of primary Al, primary Mg2Si, binary eutectic Al–Mg2Si, ternary eutectic Al–Mg2Si–Si, and iron-bearing phases. The addition of 0.05 wt% Ca resulted in significant microstructure refinement. In addition to refinement, lamellar to fibrous-type modification of binary eutectic Al–Mg2Si phases was also achieved in Ca-added (modified) alloy. This modification was related to increasing Ca-based intermetallics/compounds in the modified alloy that acted as nucleation sites for binary eutectic Al–Mg2Si phases. The dendritic refinement with Ca addition was related to the fact that it improves the efficacy of Ti-based particles (TiAl3 and TiB2) in the melt to act as nucleation sites. In contrast, the occupation of oxide bifilms by Ca-based phases is expected to force the iron-bearing phases (as iron-bearing phases nucleate at oxide films) to solidify at lower temperatures, thus reducing their size. The as-cast microstructure of these alloys was further modified by subjecting them to solution treatment at 540 °C for 6 h, which broke the eutectic structure and redistributed Mg2Si and Si phases in Al-matrix. Subsequent aging treatment caused a dramatic increase in the tensile strength of these alloys, and tensile strength of 291 MPa (with El% of 0.45%) and 327 MPa (with El% of 0.76%) was achieved for the unmodified alloy and modified alloy, respectively. Higher tensile strength and elongation of the modified alloy than unmodified alloy was attributed to refined dendritic structure and modified second phases.  相似文献   

In this study, ceramic–metal composites in the Al2O3/Ti/Ni system were fabricated using the slip casting method. Two series of composites with 15 vol.% metal content and different solid phase contents were obtained and examined. A proper fabrication process allows obtaining composites enhanced by intermetallic phases. The microstructure of the base powders, slurries, and sintered composites was analyzed by scanning electron microscope. Analysis of the sedimentation tendency of slurries was carried out. The phase composition of the sintered samples was examined by X-ray diffraction analysis. A monotonic compression test was used to investigate the mechanical properties of the composites. A fractography investigation was also carried out. The research conducted revealed that the slip casting method allows the obtaining of composites enhanced by intermetallic phases (TiNi, Ni3Ti). The results show the correlation between solid-phase content, microstructure, and mechanical properties of the composites.  相似文献   

Three different Ti addition routes were used to prepare an Al–5Ti–B Master Alloy: the halide salt route, the Ti-sponge route, and the partial Ti-sponge route. In the halide salt route, the raw materials were Al + KBF4 + K2TiF6; K2TiF6 was completely replaced by pure titanium for the Ti-sponge route versus the halide salt route; in the partial Ti-sponge route, K2TiF6 was partially replaced by pure titanium. Here, 30% Ti-sponge or 60% Ti-sponge route means that 30% or 60% K2TiF6 was replaced by pure titanium, respectively. The above Ti addition routes have a significant influence on the growth pattern and morphological evolution of TiAl3 and TiB2, which greatly affect the refining performance of Al–Ti–B Master Alloy. When using the halide salt route, a streamlined “rich Ti, B area” exists in the aluminum melt, which is a complex compound of (Tix, Al1−x) By. The “rich Ti, B area” is essential for the nucleation and growth of TiAl3 and TiB2. Blocky TiAl3 was obtained and its average size was 4.7 μm based on the halide salt route. In the Ti-sponge route, the nucleation of TiAl3 mainly depends on the mutual diffusion of Al and Ti, and TiAlx forms around pure Ti particles, i.e., the so-called Ti–TiAlx mechanism. The average size of the blocky TiAl3 was 9.8 μm based on the Ti–TiAlx mechanism. For the partial Ti-sponge route, the “rich Ti, B area” gradually decreases with the increase in Ti powder’s contents, and large TiAl3 coexists with the small TiAl3. Compared with the Ti-sponge route, the halide salt route can form smaller TiAl3. In the Ti-sponge route, there is a small amount of “rich Ti, B area” due to the influence of the Ti–TiAlx mechanism, which does not meet the requirements of TiB2 growth. In the halide salt route, there is sufficient “rich Ti, B area”, which is conducive to the formation of TiB2. Both the crystal defects and the crowded growth environment caused by the “rich Ti, B area” are fundamental reasons for the fragility and the irregular shape of the TiB2. The refining effect of the Al–Ti–B Master Alloy prepared by the halide salt route is better than the Ti-sponge route. The refining effect of 30% Ti-sponge route is better than that of Ti-sponge route and worse than that of halide salt route.  相似文献   

The quantitative study of rare earth compounds is important for the improvement of existing magnesium alloy systems and the design of new magnesium alloys. In this paper, the effective separation of matrix and compound in Mg–Zn–Ce–Zr alloy was achieved by a low-temperature chemical phase separation technique. The mass fraction of the (Mg, Zn)12Ce compound was determined and the effect of the (Mg, Zn)12Ce phase content on the heat deformation organization and properties was investigated. The results show that the Mg–Zn–Ce compound in both the as-cast and the homogeneous alloys is (Mg, Zn)12Ce. (Mg, Zn)12Ce phase formation depends on the content and the ratio of Zn and Ce elements in the initial residual melt of the eutectic reaction. The Zn/Ce mass ratios below 2.5 give the highest compound contents for different Zn contents, 5.262 wt.% and 7.040 wt.%, respectively. The increase in the amount of the (Mg, Zn)12Ce phase can significantly reduce the critical conditions for dynamic recrystallization formation. Both the critical strain and the stress decrease with increasing rare earth content. The reduction of the critical conditions and the particle-promoted nucleation mechanism work together to increase the amount of dynamic recrystallization. In addition, it was found that alloys with 6 wt.% Zn elements tend to undergo a dynamic recrystallization softening mechanism, while alloys with 3 wt.% Zn elements tend to undergo a dynamic reversion softening mechanism.  相似文献   

Mg2Ni-type Mg2Ni1−xCox (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) alloys were fabricated by melt spinning technique. The structures of the as-spun alloys were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics of the alloys were measured by an automatically controlled Sieverts apparatus. The electrochemical hydrogen storage kinetics of the as-spun alloys was tested by an automatic galvanostatic system. The results show that the as-spun (x = 0.1) alloy exhibits a typical nanocrystalline structure, while the as-spun (x = 0.4) alloy displays a nanocrystalline and amorphous structure, confirming that the substitution of Co for Ni notably intensifies the glass forming ability of the Mg2Ni-type alloy. The melt spinning treatment notably improves the hydriding and dehydriding kinetics as well as the high rate discharge ability (HRD) of the alloys. With an increase in the spinning rate from 0 (as-cast is defined as spinning rate of 0 m/s) to 30 m/s, the hydrogen absorption saturation ratio (R5a) of the (x = 0.4) alloy increases from 77.1 to 93.5%, the hydrogen desorption ratio (R20d) from 54.5 to 70.2%, the hydrogen diffusion coefficient (D) from 0.75 × 10−11 to 3.88 × 10−11 cm2/s and the limiting current density IL from 150.9 to 887.4 mA/g.  相似文献   

The paper focused on an experimental study on the microstructural, mechanical, and wear characteristics of 15 wt.% alumina (Al2O3) particulates with an average particle size of 20 µm, reinforced in Al2014 alloy matrix composite as-cast and heat-treated samples. The metal matrix composite (MMC)samples were produced via a novel two-stage stir-casting technique. The fabricated composite samples were subjected to evaluate hardness, tensile strength, fatigue behavior and wear properties for both as cast and T6 heat-treated test samples. The Al2014 alloy and Al2014-15 wt.% Al2O3 MMCs were in solution for 1 h at a temperature of 525 °C, quenched instantly in cold water, and then artificially aged for 10 h at a temperature of 175 °C. SEM and X-ray diffraction analyses were used to investigate the microstructure and dispersion of the reinforced Al2O3 particles in the composite and the base alloy Al2014. The obtained results indicated that the hardness, tensile and fatigue strength and wear resistance increased when an amount of Al2O3 particles was added, compared to the as-cast Al2014 alloy and it was observed that after subjecting the same composite samples to heat treatment, there was further enhancement in the mechanical and wear properties in the Al2014 matrix alloy and Al2014-15 wt.% Al2O3 composite samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), high-temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD), and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) to investigate the Li2O–Al2O3–SiO2 glass crystallization process. At 943 K, lithium disilicate (Li2Si2O5) phase crystals began to precipitate in the Li2O–Al2O3–SiO2 glass with a crystal size of 50–70 nm. At the temperature of 1009 K, petalite (LiAlSi4O10) crystals began to precipitate in the vitreous phase, forming composite spherical crystals of LiAlSi4O10 and Li2Si2O5 with size in the range of 90–130 nm. Furthermore, the Kissinger method and KAS method of the JMAK model were used to calculate the crystallization activation energy and the Avrami index “n”. It was found that the precipitation mechanism of the two kinds of crystals is whole crystallization; accordingly, the selection of crystallization heat treatment system was guided to determine the nucleation and crystallization temperature.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the sintering process of Al2O3–SiO2–ZrO2 ceramics. The studied method was electroconsolidation with directly applied electric current. This method provides substantial improvements to the mechanical properties of the sintered samples compared to the traditional sintering in the air. The research covered elemental and phase analysis of the samples, which revealed phase transition of high-alumina solid solutions into mullite and corundum. Zirconia was represented mainly by tetragonal phase, but monoclinic phase was present, too. Electroconsolidation enabled samples to reach a density of 3.0 g/cm3 at 1300 °C, while the sample prepared by traditional sintering method obtained it only at 1700 °C. For the composite Al2O3—20 wt.% SiO2—10 wt.% ZrO2 fabricated by electroconsolidation, it was demonstrated that fracture toughness was higher by 20–30%, and hardness was higher by 15–20% compared to that of samples sintered traditionally. Similarly, the samples fabricated by electroconsolidation exhibited elastic modulus E higher by 15–20%. The hypothesis was proposed that the difference in mechanical and physical properties could be attributed to the peculiarities of phase formation processes during electroconsolidation.  相似文献   

Two kinds of Al2O3 ceramic samples with and without Al film deposited were designed respectively. The influences of temperature and high kinetic energy sputtering particles on the wettability and interface strength of Al/Al2O3 were studied by comparing the wetting behavior of molten aluminum on two samples. The results show that molten aluminum does not wet the Al2O3 sample without Al film deposited at 700 °C, the contact angle is 165°, and the interfacial shear strength is 28 MPa. With the increase of temperature, the contact angle decreases continuously, and the interface shear strength gradually increases. The fracture of the brazed joint is transferred from the interface to the brazing seam. In comparison, the sample deposited with Al film is wetted by molten aluminum at 700 °C, and the contact angle is only 12°. The interface shear strength is about 120 MPa and is less affected by temperature. The shear fracture of the joint occurs in the brazed seam of Al metal. Therefore, the high energy generated by either the temperature increase or the particle sputtering enable the Al atoms to overcome the energy barrier to form Al–O bonds with the O atoms on the Al2O3 ceramic surface, thereby improving the wettability of Al/Al2O3.  相似文献   

Secondary-cast aluminum alloys have increasing industrial applications. Their biggest deficiency is their impurity content, especially Fe, which has low solubility in Al and almost all the content creates intermetallic phases. This work examines the effect of higher Fe content on the microstructure and properties of A356.0 alloy. At the same time, no other possibility existed to affecting the brittleness of the formation of the β phases. The calculation of Fecrit, ratio of Mn/Fe, quantitative and computed tomography analysis of porosity and Fe plate-like phases, measurement of mechanical and fatigue properties, and fractography analysis were performed in this study. The results show that gravity die casting into a sand mold, and the non-usage of Mn addition or heat treatment, do not have a negative effect on increasing the size of the Fe-rich plate-like phases. The longest Fe-rich phases have limited the pore growth and ratios, but their higher thickness led to greater porosity formation. The mechanical and fatigue properties correlate with the Fecrit level and the highest were for the experimental alloy with 0.454 wt.% of Fe. The experimental results confirmed the fact that if the Fe plate-like phases have a length of up to 50 µm, the fatigue properties depend more on the size of porosity. If the length of the Fe needles is more than 50 µm, then the properties are mainly affected by the length of these Fe phases.  相似文献   

The effect of the Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase on the corrosion behavior of biodegradable Mg-4.0Zn-0.2Mn-xCa (ZM-xCa, x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 wt.%) alloys in Hank’s solution was investigated with respect to phase spacing, morphology, distribution and volume fraction. With the increase in Ca addition, the volume fraction of the Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase increased from 2.5% to 7.6%, while its spacing declined monotonically from 43 μm to 30 μm. The Volta potentials of secondary phases relative to the Mg matrix were measured by using scanning kelvin probe force microscopy (SKPFM). The results show that the Volta potential of the intragranular spherical Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase (+109 mV) was higher than that of the dendritic Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase (+80 mV). It is suggested that the Ca2Mg6Zn3 acted as a cathode to accelerate the corrosion process due to the micro-galvanic effect. The corrosion preferred to occur around the spherical Ca2Mg6Zn3 phase at the early stage and developed into the intragranular region. The corrosion rate increased slightly with increasing Ca content from 0.1 wt.% to 0.5 wt.% because of the enhanced micro-galvanic corrosion effect. The decrease in the phase spacing and sharp increase in the secondary phase content resulted in a dramatic increase in the corrosion rate of the ZM-1.0Ca alloy.  相似文献   

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