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BACKGROUND: Overweight, obestity, and lack of fitness in America is reported to be increasing at an accelerated pace. This national trend has serious health and economic ramifications not only for the general population but also directly for industry. Obesity in the workplace has resulted in increased expenses to industry: directly through increased medical costs and indirectly through decreased productivity. The intent of this study is to define changes in fitness and body fat percentage in a working population in an isogeographical area over the past decade. METHODS: Data accumulated during a routine post-offer testing program were divided into two groups composed of new industry hires tested from 1990 to 1992 and from 2000 to 2002. Body fat was measured with a standard skinfold. The body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) from year 1990 were compared to those from year 2000. Fitness was assessed through an individual's ability to perform a timed maximum number of sit-ups and squats. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the BMI between the year 1990 group and the year 2000 group (P = 0.132 for females and P = 0.110 for males). There was a significant increase in body fat percentage from the 1990 group to the 2000 group (P = 0.000 for females and P = 0.000 for males). A significant decrease in fitness was observed for both males and females during the 10-year interval of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Percent body fat appears to be a better indicator than BMI for utilization in industry for evaluation of obesity in the workplace. The differences in significance levels between BMI and percent body fat suggest that a decrease in leisure-time fitness activities could potentially contribute to the trend toward obesity. This study demonstrates that strength and/or fitness are important indicators that industry should monitor in order to improve the health and fitness of the workforce. Direct measurement of percent body fat and fitness indices are a more precise means than BMI for monitoring the workforce especially if employers are going to reward healthy behavior.  相似文献   

探讨大学生体质量指数(BMI)和身体素质间的关联性,为高校学生身体素质的提高提供参考.方法 对天津市49所大学(大专)1 834名大学生进行体质健康测试.选用Pearson偏相关系数探讨不同类别大学生BMI和身体素质间的关联.结果 男、女生超重和肥胖总体发生率分别为3.77%和0.77%,体重偏低发生率分别为8.07%和12.21%.男、女生身体素质总分和总体BMI值的Pearson偏相关系数分别为-0.27,-0.17(P值均<0.01).BMI正常组男生的身体素质总分和BMI的相关无统计学意义(P>0.05),BMI超重组和肥胖组中男生的身体素质总分和BMI呈现负相关.BMI偏轻组、正常组及超重组的女生中,身体素质总分和BMI间的偏相关均无统计学意义,肥胖组女生的BMI和身体素质总分呈负相关.男、女生超重组和肥胖组BMI与1 000 m/800 m成绩呈正相关,体重偏轻组与立定跳远成绩呈负相关;男生超重组与引体向上成绩、女生超重组及肥胖组与仰卧起坐成绩呈负相关(P值均<0.05).结论 超重和肥胖对耐力和肌肉耐力成绩的负影响明显,体重偏轻对下肢爆发力的正影响明显.  相似文献   

目的 探讨医学生体质指数(BMI)和大学生体质健康标准测试成绩之间的相关性。方法 根据《国家学生体质健康标准》中所确定的测试指标和方法,对3 997名医学生进行体质测试,指标包括身高、体重、肺活量、50 m跑、立定跳远、坐位体前屈、引体向上、仰卧起坐及左右眼视力;BMI与体质测试指标的相关性分析采用Pearson相关性检验。结果 医学生BMI均值为(21.79±1.84) kg/m2,87.57%的学生处于BMI正常范围内,超重肥胖学生比例为10.84%;BMI正常组男、女生肺活量体重指数[分别为(61.4±12.73)、(53.08±14.1) mL/kg]和男生立定跳远[(2.27±0.22) m]、座位体前屈[(11.24±7.04) cm]及引体向上[(6.36±4.16)个]成绩均明显高于超重肥胖组(P<0.05);BMI正常组男生视力水平[左眼(4.68±0.25)、右眼(4.68±0.27)]、女生视力水平[左眼(4.68±0.24)、右眼(4.67±0.27)]和女生立定跳远[(1.68±0.17) m]、座位体前屈[(13.12±6.76) cm]成绩均明显高于低体重组和超重肥胖组(P<0.01);BMI与女生50 m跑用时呈正相关(r=0.049,P<0.01),与男、女生立定跳远、坐位体前屈、引体向上、仰卧起坐成绩及左右眼视力呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论 BMI等级与医学生不良的体质健康有关联。  相似文献   

目的 采用WHO体脂率标准评价中国现行体质指数诊断超重和肥胖标准的准确性。方法 于2013年5-7月横断面调查河北省玉田县648名18~59岁中青年农村女性,采用标准方法测量人体学指标,生物电阻抗法测量体脂率(BF%);体质指数(BMI)参照《中国成人超重和肥胖预防控制指南》,体脂率参照WHO标准。结果 调查对象平均BMI为(24.74±3.97) kg/m2,平均体脂率为(28.54±7.04)%;依据体脂率(>35%)和BMI(≥28.0 kg/m2)标准,调查对象肥胖检出率分别为18.98%和20.06%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。以体脂率30%为超重标准,BMI 24 kg/m2的灵敏度和特异度分别为87.38和79.06%,诊断一致性(Kappa值)为0.66;以体脂率35%为肥胖标准,BMI 28 kg/m2的灵敏度和特异度分别为71.54和92.00%,Kappa值为0.62。BMI与体脂率呈二次曲线关系(R2=0.614,P<0.001)。结论 《中国成人超重和肥胖预防控制指南》推荐的超重和肥胖标准与WHO体脂率超重和肥胖标准的准确度和诊断一致性均较好。  相似文献   

【目的】了解广州市城区小学生体脂的分布情况,分析体脂百分比(percentage of body fat,PBF)和体质指数(body mass index,BMI)的关系,为制定适合我国儿童的肥胖诊断标准提供依据。【方法】抽取广州市2区全日制小学各1所,采用生物电阻抗法对1 036名6~11岁小学生进行体脂含量测定。【结果】广州市男女小学生在各年龄段BMI与PBF呈中、高度相关(r=0.65~0.75)。以PBF与BMI标准判断肥胖的一致性,得统计量Kappa系数K=0.67,表明两种标准所判定的儿童肥胖率具有较强的一致性。【结论】应用中国肥胖工作组提出的分年龄、性别判定儿童肥胖的BMI切点对于确定广州市6~11岁小学生体脂水平具有较好的特异性以及灵敏性。制定我国儿童肥胖的评价标准仍需更深入的研究。  相似文献   

男大学生VO2max与心功能适应指数及PWC170关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解男性大学生最大摄氧量(VO2max)、心功能适应指数和体力劳动能力(PWC170)情况,分析VO2max的变化及其与后两者的关系。方法对322名男性大学生运用二级阶梯负荷实验法测定心率变化,依据公式计算VO2max、心功能适应指数和PWC170值。结果322名男性大学生VO2max均值为(43.41±3.68)ml/(min·kg);心功能适应指数均值为(99.19±14.10);PWC170均值为(940.82±188.07)(kg·m)/min;按照VO2max的等级分组,发现随着VO2max的增高,心功能适应指数和PWC170也逐渐升高;VO2max<44 ml/(min·kg)组与VO2max≥44 ml/(min·kg)组心功能适应指数和PWC170的变化差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论男性大学生心功能适应指数和PWC170的变化与VO2max呈显著相关。即VO2max水平高者,心功能适应指数和PWC170的水平也高。提高大学生VO2max水平对增强学生体质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大学生健康体适能及与生命质量关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨大学生健康体适能、运动行为与生命质量的关系。方法采用问卷调查方法对河北地区高校956名大学生进行调查。结果 大学生生命质量各维度得分生理功能为(78.65±7.56)分,活力为(57.20±20.75)分,情感职能为(60.12±19.54)分,精神健康为(73.21±17.45)分,生理职能为(67.35±28.14)分,社会功能为(80.23±21.65)分,躯体疼痛为(67.58±20.86)分和总体健康(69.26±18.22)分;不同性别大学生健康体适能、运动行为、生命质量中各条目除了柔韧度、锻炼强度外,其他条目男女生差异明显(P<0.05或P<0.01);大学生生命质量各维度与不同健康体适能之间总体上除情感职能维度外,其他各维度之间均存在较强的相关关系(P<0.05);在与运动行为的关系上,生命质量与锻炼时间和次数存在较强的正相关关系(P<0.05或P<0.01),而部分维度却与锻炼强度存在负相关关系。结论 大学生运动行为既是生命质量的重要影响因素,又是提高生命质量的积极手段;应重视大学生的健康教育,激发大学生锻炼热情,改善健康体适能以提高生命质量水平。  相似文献   

体重指数与儿童青少年体能指数关联性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨体重指数(BMI)与儿童青少年体能指数(PFI)之间的关联.方法 以安徽省参加2010年全国学生体质健康调查的7~18岁汉族学生共8941人为研究对象.按性别、年龄分层后,将研究对象依据BMI百分位数分为5组:很低(BMI<P5)、较低(P5≤BMI<P15)、正常(P15≤BMI< P85)、较高(P85≤BMI<P95)、很高(BMI≥P95).对各体能测试成绩进行标准化,将其Z分相加算出PFI.用方差分析比较不同BMI组PFI的差异.用线性回归模型分析不同性别不同学龄段学生BMI与PFI的关联.结果 8941名学生中BMI很低、较低、正常、较高、很高组的PF1分别为-1.77、-0.91、0.32、-0.17、-0.54,呈倒“U”形分布;BMI正常组的PFI显著高于其他各组(P值均<0.05).回归分析显示PFI与BMI呈正相关,与BMI2呈负相关,表明PFI是BMI的二次函数,随着BMI的增高PFI呈现先上升后下降的抛物线变化趋势.结论 BMI与儿童青少年PFI呈现抛物线变化趋势.  相似文献   

目的 探讨体重指数(BMI)与儿童青少年体能指数(PFI)之间的关联.方法 以安徽省参加2010年全国学生体质健康调查的7~18岁汉族学生共8941人为研究对象.按性别、年龄分层后,将研究对象依据BMI百分位数分为5组:很低(BMI<P5)、较低(P5≤BMI<P15)、正常(P15≤BMI< P85)、较高(P85≤BMI<P95)、很高(BMI≥P95).对各体能测试成绩进行标准化,将其Z分相加算出PFI.用方差分析比较不同BMI组PFI的差异.用线性回归模型分析不同性别不同学龄段学生BMI与PFI的关联.结果 8941名学生中BMI很低、较低、正常、较高、很高组的PF1分别为-1.77、-0.91、0.32、-0.17、-0.54,呈倒“U”形分布;BMI正常组的PFI显著高于其他各组(P值均<0.05).回归分析显示PFI与BMI呈正相关,与BMI2呈负相关,表明PFI是BMI的二次函数,随着BMI的增高PFI呈现先上升后下降的抛物线变化趋势.结论 BMI与儿童青少年PFI呈现抛物线变化趋势.  相似文献   

Background: The prevalence of obesity in children has increased substantially in recent years and, paediatric obesity and poor fitness are risk factors for disease. The present study aimed to assess changes in body mass index (BMI), the prevalence of obesity and changes in aerobic endurance over time in 9–10‐year‐old schoolchildren. Methods: Participants were recruited by the SportsLinx project from primary schools across Liverpool. Height and weight data were used to calculate BMI. The prevalence of obesity and overweight were estimated using age‐ and sex‐specific cut‐off points. Performance on the 20‐m multi‐stage shuttle runs test (20 mMST) was used as a marker of aerobic endurance. Data were available for 13 418 (6572 boys, 6846 girls) 9–10‐year‐old children. Analysis of covariance was completed to assess year‐on‐year changes in BMI controlling for deprivation (IMD) and 20 mMST performance, and 20 mMST performance controlling for IMD and BMI. Results: No significant changes in BMI from baseline were observed (P > 0.05). Obesity prevalence reduced in girls (2005 = 10.3%, 2008 = 8.52% in 2008). The data for boys showed no reductions in prevalence (2005 = 6.77%, 2008 = 7.87%). The most recent cohort for boys and two most recent cohorts for girls had lower levels of aerobic endurance than baseline (2004–2005) (P ≤ 0.01). Conclusions: The data suggest a plateau in the yearly increases in BMI in 9–10 year olds independent of deprivation and fitness and a declining prevalence of obesity in girls. Levels of aerobic endurance have declined independent of BMI and deprivation. The current obesity interventions in place appear to be having some impact on BMI, but further investment is urged to promote fitness in children.  相似文献   

安徽省汉族女生月经初潮与体脂关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王君  张洪波  陶芳标  许娟 《中国公共卫生》2007,23(11):1319-1320
目的了解安徽省女生月经初潮及初潮前后体脂变化情况,为采取干预措施和健康教育提供理论依据。方法按照2005年全国学生体质调研要求,采用分层整群抽样方法,对安徽省南、中、北3个地区城乡9-18岁中小学女生3000人进行调查,并测量体质指数(BMI)、腹部皮脂厚度、上臂皮脂厚度和肩胛下皮脂厚度4项指标。结果城市女生半数月经初潮平均年龄为12.76岁,农村女生13.11岁,城乡最小月经初潮年龄均为10岁。体质指数、腹部皮脂厚度、上臂皮脂厚度和肩胛下皮脂厚度4项指标均值来潮组均大于未来潮组,差异有统计学意义,P〈0.01。结论月经初潮年龄与体脂因素关系密切;安徽省汉族学生月经初潮年龄呈现提前趋势,性教育应提前,加强青春期性教育尤为重要。  相似文献   

Background: Few studies have focused on the potential relationshipbetween parental educational level and cardiovascular risk factorsamong young male adults. The aim of this study was to investigatecardiovascular disease risk factors among young men and whetherbody mass index (BMI), serum lipids, physical fitness and smokinghabits were related to paternal and maternal education. Methods: In this cross-sectional study 750 18- to 26-year-oldmale recruits participated. Results: Linear regression analyses showed that the paternaleducation was inversely associated with BMI (P = 0.035) andthe concentration of total cholesterol (P = 0.003) and low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) (P = 0.014). Running performance was inverselyrelated to cigarette smoking (P = 0.022) and the concentrationof triacylglycerol (P = 0.001). BMI was positively related tothe concentration of LDL (P = 0.002), total cholesterol/high-densitylipoprotein (HDL) ratio (P < 0.001) and inversely relatedto the concentration of HDL (P < 0.001), running performance(P < 0.001) and muscular strength (P = 0.011). Recruits withlow BMI, both high and low fitness, had a significantly betterlipid profile than recruits with high BMI and low fitness (P 0.016). A lower concentration of triacylglycerol (P 0.001)and a higher concentration of HDL (P = 0.034) were further shownamong recruits with high BMI/high fit compared to recruits withhigh BMI/low fit. Conclusions: High paternal educational level was associatedwith a lower BMI and a better lipid profile among young adultmen. Furthermore, men with low BMI, both high and low fit, hada better lipid profile than those with high BMI/low fit. Menwith high BMI/high fit had a better lipid profile that thosewith high BMI/low fit.  相似文献   

目的 了解学龄前儿童体重指数(BMI)与体质健康指标的相关性,为提高学龄前儿童健康状况提供依据。方法 2020年9—10月对丽水市城区幼儿园进行分类,随机抽取25所幼儿园中3 484名3~6岁在园儿童进行体格测量,以及体质健康指标10 m往返跑、网球掷远、走平衡木、双脚连续跳、立定跳远、坐位体前屈6个项目监测,按照我国“2~6岁儿童BMI标准”进行BMI评价,按“国民体质测定标准手册(幼儿部分)”进行体质监测综合评定,用方差分析等方法,分析不同BMI与学龄前儿童体质健康指标的相关性。结果 3 484名儿童中,男童1 860名(53.39%),女童1 624名(46.61%),根据BMI评价,消瘦77人(2.21%),正常体重2 765人(79.36%),超重424人(12.17%),肥胖218人(6.26%),男女童BMI分布差异有统计学意义(χ2=77.356,P<0.001)。消瘦、正常体重、超重、肥胖这四组儿童的体质监测不合格率分别为38.96%、7.63%、13.44%、31.65%。不同BMI的四组儿童间比较,在体质监测的坐位体前屈、立定跳远、网球...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure whole-grain intake in college students and determine the association with body mass index (BMI). DESIGN: Cross-sectional convenience sample of college students enrolled in an introductory nutrition course. SETTING: Large state university. PARTICIPANTS: 159 college students, mean age: 19.9. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Intake of whole grains, refined grains, calories, and fiber from food records; BMI determined from height and weight measurements. ANALYSIS: Analysis of variance with linear contrasts; participants grouped by BMI category (P<.05). RESULTS: Average intake of cereal grains was 5.4 servings per day, of which whole-grain intake accounted for an average of 0.7 servings per day. Whole-grain intake was significantly higher in normal weight students than in overweight and obese students (based on BMI). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The low intake of whole grains in this population of college students indicates the need for interventions aiming to increase whole-grain intake to the recommended minimum of 3 servings per day. College students who are concerned about their body weight may be motivated to increase their intake of whole-grain foods; however, their intake of whole grains is likely to be influenced by the availability of these food items in campus dining halls and other locations around the college campus.  相似文献   

Background: Physical education (PE) can improve physical fitness; however, little research has evaluated PE's long‐term influence. The purpose is to determine PE's longitudinal effects on fitness in a group of adolescent girls and to determine whether body mass index (BMI) status influenced any potential effects. Methods: Participants were enrolled in daily PE throughout their ninth grade. Data were collected at baseline and at the end of 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. BMI (kg/m2) was classified into Centers for Disease Control and Prevention percentiles. Fitness was estimated from a 3‐stage step test (change in exercise heart rate (HR) indicated improved fitness) and analyzed using repeated measures general linear modeling with adjustments for baseline BMI, baseline age, ethnicity, intervention status, and moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity outside PE. Results: Complete data were available for 131 girls (61% of sample) who were predominantly African American, 13.8 ± 0.4 years, mean BMI 24.7 ± 6.1 kg/m2 at the ninth‐grade baseline. Overall, stage 1 HR (bpm) decreased from baseline to 9th grade (?5.5 ± 1.3, p < 0.0001), baseline to 10th grade (?7.2 ± 1.4, p < 0.0001), and baseline to 11th grade (?7.0 ± 1.5, p < 0.0001). Change differed by BMI status; fitness improvement was significant for normal and overweight, but not obese girls. After 2 years, change in stage 1 HR (bpm) was significantly different between BMI categories: normal‐weight girls versus obese girls (?10.0 ± 3.2, p = 0.002) and overweight girls versus obese girls (?9.3 ± 3.9, p = 0.02). Conclusion: Fitness differences by BMI exist after a PE program in adolescent girls: fitness improved and was maintained in normal‐weight and overweight girls, whereby obese girls had no improvement in fitness.  相似文献   

目的 观察老年人体质量指数、总体脂肪及分布与血脂异常的相关性.方法 连续定点抽取2013年10月至2014年3月在北京协和医院接受年度体检的395名健康老年人进行调查.采用多频生物电阻抗测定体质量、总体脂肪(TBF)、腹部脂肪(AF)、内脏脂肪(VF)、内脏脂肪面积(VFA)和腰臀围比值(WHR),并测定血清三酰甘油(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C).分析体质量指数(BMI)、TBF及分布与血脂异常的相关性.结果 老年男性肥胖(17.8%比9.6%,P=0.036)、超重(49.6%比30.4%,P=0.000)和血脂异常(67.0%比44.8%,P=0.000)发生率均显著高于女性.女性表现为TBF%显著增高(60.0%比41.1%,P=0.001).TC分别与TBF (P =0.020)、AF (P =0.018)、VF (P=0.015)和VFA (P =0.017)呈正相关;TG分别与BMI(P=0.000)、TBF(P=0.000)、WHR(P=0.000)、AF(P=0.000)、VF (P =0.000)和VFA (P=0.000)呈正相关;LDL-C分别与BMI (P =0.049)、TBF (P =0.005)、AF(P=0.004)、VF (P=0.003)和VFA (P=0.004)呈正相关,而HDL-C分别与BMI(P=0.000)、TBF(P=0.020)、WHR(P=0.000)、AF (P=0.021)、VF (P=0.024)和VFA (P=0.022)呈负相关.BMI、TBF、WHR、AF、VF和VFA预测血脂异常风险的受试者工作特征曲线均在参考线上方.超重和肥胖组TBF(P=0.000)、WHR(P=0.000)、AF (P=0.000)、VF (P=0.000)、VFA (P=0.000)、TG (P =0.000)和LDL-C(女性:P=0.021)均显著高于体质量正常组.结论 肥胖/超重和体脂总量超标及腰围增大,可增加老年人血脂异常的发生风险.  相似文献   

目的 明确中小学生体质量指数(BMI)与视力相关性。方法 应用SPSS软件对2017年苏州市中小学生体检结果进行统计分析,分析不同年龄的BMI指数均值及视力不良率,通过BMI指数与视力的相关性分析,观察其关联度。结果 BMI指数与左右眼视力皆呈负相关(右眼:r=-0.226,n=869 615,P<0.01;左眼: r=-0.218,n=869 610,P<0.01);小学生超重组及肥胖组视力不良率比BMI<17组显著高( P<0.01),6岁、7岁、15岁学生超重组及肥胖组视力不良率比BMI<17组显著高(P<0.01);8岁学生超重组视力不良率比BMI<17组显著高(P<0.01),而肥胖组视力不良率与BMI<17组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);13岁学生超重组及肥胖组视力不良率比BMI<17组显著低(P<0.01),10岁学生超重组视力不良率及12岁学生肥胖组视力不良率比BMI<17组显著低(P<0.01);其他年龄学生超重组及肥胖组的视力不良率与BMI<17组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 BMI指数与视力呈负相关,不同年龄超重及肥胖对视力不良率影响结果不一致,在BMI指数与视力不良率对照分析时必须排除年龄对结果的影响。  相似文献   

分析体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)、体脂百分比(body fat percentage,BF%)和腰臀比(waist-hip ratio,WHR)3种方法评价大学生肥胖的差异,为评价大学生健康状况和预防肥胖提供依据.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样法,应用直接测量法和生物电阻抗法对某大学1 263名在校大学生的BMI,BF%和WHR进行测量和分析.结果 BMI法、BF%法和WHR法的肥胖检出率分别为2.06%,24.31%和14.09%,BF%法高于WHR法和BMI法(x2=264.27,P<0.05).BMI法肥胖检出率男生(4.74%)高于女生(0.50%),而BF%法和WHR法女生则高于男生(x2值分别为75.69,215.99,27.73,P值均<0.05).一致性分析显示,BF%法与金标准BMI法的Kappa值为(0.11±0.02),WHR法与金标准BMI法的Kappa值为(0.17±0.04)(P值均<0.05).结论 BMI,BF%和WHR评价大学生肥胖的一致性较差,建议在实际应用中综合考虑,有效筛查和预防大学生肥胖.  相似文献   

Bae KK  Kim H  Cho SI 《Yebang Ŭihakhoe chi》2011,44(4):167-175


This study was designed to describe the trends in body mass index (BMI) during 6 years (2002 - 2008) and to identify associations between these trends and the amount of physical activity of South Korean career soldiers.


This study targeted the 40 993 (38 857 men and 2136 women) of the 58 657 career soldiers who had undergone four (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008) biennial medical examinations conducted by the National Health Insurance Corporation; 17 664 soldiers with missing data on height, weight, and physical activity were excluded. A linear mixed-regression model was used to categorize changes in BMI due to age versus those due to amount of physical activity.


Career soldiers experienced significant increases in BMI compared with baseline data gathered in 2002. The increases in each age group were as follows: men aged 20- 29: 1.16, men aged 30 - 39: 0.61, men aged 40 - 49: 0.05, women aged 20- 29: 0.35, women aged 30- 39: 0.30, women aged 40-49: 0.26, and women aged 50- 59: 0.21. However, men aged 50 or older showed significant decreases (as high as 0.5) in BMI compared with baseline data obtained in 2002. They also experienced significant decreases in BMI compared with those who reported no physical activity. The differences between baseline and final BMIs were: 0.02 for men exercising 1- 2 times per week, -0.07 for men exercising 3-4 times per week, -0.19 for men exercising 5-6 times per week, -0.21 for men exercising seven times per week, -0.05 for women exercising 1- 2 times per week, -0.19 for women exercising 3- 4 times per week, -0.30 for women exercising 5-6 times per week, and -0.30 for women exercising seven times per week.


Obesity in South Korean career soldiers increased markedly between 2002 and 2008, and our data showed that the amount of physical activity was inversely related to increases in BMI. Policies to prevent obesity are needed to reduce this trend.  相似文献   

陈琳  周波  王晓红  张卓 《中国校医》2020,34(6):409-412
目的 了解医学生在校期间体质量、体脂和体型的变化,为管理体质量促进健康提供科学依据。方法 跟踪100名医学生(男生44名,女生56名),分别于大学二年级和五年级下学期初,测量体质量、身高、腰围、体脂肪量、去脂量和体脂率。结果 3年间男生体质量、体质指数、腰围、体脂量、去脂量、体脂率分别增加4.46 kg、1.35 kg/m2、4.33 cm、2.48 kg、1.98 kg,2.57%, 而女生腰围增加0.78 cm,去脂量减少0.8 kg。男生79.5%体质量增加,平均增加5.9 kg;女生仅46.4%体质量增加,平均增加3.25 kg,女生41.1%体质量降低,平均降低2.73 kg。3年间男生体型构成比发生明显变化(P<0.05),中心型肥胖前期率和中心型肥胖率分别增加18.2%和4.5% 。腰围变化与体质量变化、体脂率变化呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。结论 医学生在校后期,男生体质量和中心型肥胖明显增加,是体质量管理的重点对象。  相似文献   

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