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Large interindividual variation in maximal heart rate (HRmax) may not be accounted for by age alone. In order to evaluate a novel method in the prediction of HRmax, this study examined the profile of HR variability (HRV) during exercise in 40–67 years old men (n = 74). R–R intervals were recorded during supine rest and during a graded exercise test by cycle ergometry until exhaustion. A third-degree polynomial function was fitted to the HRV data recorded during exercise to represent the HRV profile of each subject. The instantaneous beat-to-beat R–R interval variability (SD1), high (HF) and low frequency power decreased between all consecutive exercise intensities (P < 0.033). The relationship between HRmax and a variable illustrating the declining rate of HF (HRHF50%) was stronger (r = 0.50, P < 0.001) than between HRmax and age (r = −0.36, P < 0.01). The regression analysis showed that a more accurate estimation of HRmax was attained when HRV was used in the equation in addition to age: HRmax = 160.633–0.603(age) + 0.441(HRHF50%) (SEE = 9.8 bpm vs. 11.6 bpm in the equation based on age alone). The decline of HRV during incremental exercise seems to be useful for accurate estimation of maximal heart rate.  相似文献   

The whole-cell patch-clamp technique combined with rapid caffeine (CAF) applications was used to measure Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX) currents (I(NCX)). The rate of Ca2+ extrusion and the amount of Ca2+ extruded from the cell upon a rapid CAF exposure were obtained from I(NCX) and its time integral, respectively. This gave a maximal NCX rate (V(NCX)) of 151 amol pF(-1) s(-1) or 2.3 mM s(-1) and a half-maximal V(NCX) (K0.5) at a total cellular [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]tot) of 15.4 amol pF(-1). Using the same approach for the tail current induced by repolarization to -80 mV gave a K0.5 of 7.0 amol pF(-1) corresponding to 108 microM total or 2-4 microM free Ca2+. The relationship between [Ca2+]tot and V(NCX) was linear in the physiological range. Inhibition of the SR function with cyclopiazonic acid plus ryanodine reduced the slope significantly from 23.2+/-1.4 to 17.6+/-1.6 s(-1), while ryanodine alone had no effect. The relationship between [Ca2+]tot and V(NCX) was steeper at more negative membrane potentials, and with identical SR Ca2+ loads the maximal VNCX at -10 mV was reduced to 39.7+/-2.7% of the value at -90 mV. Long depolarizations caused SR Ca2+ loading through reverse-mode NCX. Between -30 and +10 mV reverse mode V(NCX)=Vm.0.047 amol pF(-1) s(-1) mV(-1)+2.51 amol pF(-1) s(-1), giving a reversal potential of -54 mV. In conclusion, the relationship between V(NCX) and [Ca2+]tot shows that the NCX is capable of removing a total Ca2+ transient of 60 microM at physiological heart rates, while reverse-mode NCX reloads the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) during depolarization. Furthermore, small alterations in the action potential configuration are predicted to change significantly the relative importance of the NCX in the regulation of cytosolic [Ca2+] and SR Ca2+ loading.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that wheelchair-seated passengers using special transportation services (STS) have been injured without being involved in a vehicle crash. In order to estimate incident rate and societal costs for these vehicle-related injuries, the focus needs to be adjusted towards a traveler/incident-oriented perspective. The aim of the project was to utilize such a perspective, related to travelers using STS in Sweden.In order to address the chosen perspective, a mixed method approach was used, involving quantitative as well as qualitative research techniques applied on four different sets of data: one hospital-based record, two sets of STS incident report databases, and interviews with wheelchair-seated STS passengers.The results showed that the injury incidence rate in STS is considerable, i.e. 10 per 100,000 trips. However, this high incidence rate is not due to road traffic collisions, but to non-collision injury incidents involving many elderly and frail passengers, who easily sustain traumas ranging from minor to moderate. The costs were estimated to be 23 million USD per annum or 14 USD per trip. Results suggest that future injury prevention measures should focus on safety in boarding and alighting procedures, as well as the continuing development of WTORS.  相似文献   

A single 3-min all-out cycling test can be used to estimate the power asymptote (critical power, CP) and the curvature constant (W') of the power-duration relationship for severe-intensity exercise. It was hypothesized that when exercise immediately preceding the 3-min all-out test was performed CP would systematically reduce the W' without affecting the CP. Seven physically active males completed 3-min all-out cycling tests in randomized order immediately preceded by: unloaded cycling (control); 6-min moderate; 6-min heavy; 2-min severe (S2); or 4-min severe (S4) intensity exercise. The CP was estimated from the mean power output over the final 30 s of the test and the W' was estimated as the power-time integral above end-test power. There were no significant differences in the CP between control (279 ± 62), moderate (275 ± 52), heavy (286 ± 66 W), S2 (274 ± 55), or S4 (273 ± 65 W). The W' was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in S2 (11.5 ± 2.5) and S4 (8.9 ± 2.2) than in control (16.3 ± 2.3), moderate (17.2 ± 2.4) and heavy (15.6 ± 2.3 kJ). These results support the notion that the W' is predictably depleted only at a power output >CP whereas the CP is independent of the mechanisms which reduce W'.  相似文献   


Objective and design

Oxygen tension and biomechanical signals are factors that regulate inflammatory mechanisms in chondrocytes. We examined whether low oxygen tension influenced the cells response to TNFα and dynamic compression.

Materials and methods

Chondrocyte/agarose constructs were treated with varying concentrations of TNFα (0.1–100 ng/ml) and cultured at 5 and 21 % oxygen tension for 48 h. In separate experiments, constructs were subjected to dynamic compression (15 %) and treated with TNFα (10 ng/ml) and/or L-NIO (1 mM) at 5 and 21 % oxygen tension using an ex vivo bioreactor for 48 h. Markers for catabolic activity (NO, PGE2) and tissue remodelling (GAG, MMPs) were quantified by biochemical assay. ADAMTS-5 and MMP-13 expression were examined by real-time qPCR. 2-way ANOVA and a post hoc Bonferroni-corrected t test were used to analyse data.


TNFα dose-dependently increased NO, PGE2 and MMP activity (all p < 0.001) and induced MMP-13 (p < 0.05) and ADAMTS-5 gene expression (pp < 0.01) with values greater at 5 % oxygen tension than 21 %. The induction of catabolic mediators by TNFα was reduced by dynamic compression and/or L-NIO (all p < 0.001), with a greater inhibition observed at 5% than 21 %. The stimulation of GAG synthesis by dynamic compression was greater at 21 % than 5 % oxygen tension and this response was reduced with TNFα or reversed with L-NIO.


The present findings revealed that TNFα increased production of NO, PGE2 and MMP activity at 5 % oxygen tension. The effects induced by TNFα were reduced by dynamic compression and/or the NOS inhibitor, linking both types of stimuli to reparative activities. Future therapeutics should develop oxygen-sensitive antagonists which are directed to interfering with the TNFα-induced pathways.

GAME(Wheels) is an interface between a portable roller system and a computer that enables a wheelchair user to play commercially available computer video games. The subject controls the game play with the propulsion of their wheelchair's wheels on the rollers. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether using the GAME(Wheels) System during wheelchair propulsion exercise can help increase the individual's physiological response and aid in the motivation to exercise. Fifteen subjects participated in this study. The subjects propelled their wheelchairs on a portable roller that was equipped with the GAME(Wheels) System. There were two exercise trials consisting of 2 min of warm-up, 16 min of exercise and 2 min of cool-down. Physiological data (ventilation rate, oxygen consumption, heart rate) were collected. A significant difference (P<0.05) was found between exercise with GAME(Wheels) versus without GAME(Wheels) for average ventilation rate and average oxygen consumption. The differences were found during time periods of transition from warm-up to exercise, and before and after the midpoint of exercise. Written questionnaires showed that 87% of the individuals tested reported the system would help them work out on a regular basis. Playing the video game helped these individuals to reach their exercise training zone faster and maintain it for the entire exercise trial.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between threshold points for heart rate ( ) and blood lactate (Th1a) as determined by two objective mathematical models. The models used were the mono-segmental exponential (EXP) model of Hughson et al. and the log-log (LOG) model of Beaver et al. Inter-correlations of these threshold points and correlations with performance were also studied. Seventeen elite runners (mean, SD = 27.5, 6.5 years; 1.73, 0.05 m; 63.8, 7.3 kg; and maximum oxygen consumption of 67.8, 3.7 ml · kg–1 · min–1) performed two maximal multistage running field tests on a 183.9-m indoor track with inclined turns. The initial speed of 9 km · h–1 (2.5 m · s–1) was increased by 0.5 km · h–1 (0.14 m · s–1) every lap for thef c test and by 1 km · h–1 (0.28 m · s–1) every 4 min for the la test. After fitting the la or thef c data to the two mathematical models, the threshold speed was assessed in the LOG model from the intersection of the two linear segments (LOG-1a; LOG-f c) and in the EXP model from a tangent point (TI-1a; TI-f c). Th1a and speeds computed with the two models were significantly different (P<0.001) and poorly correlated (LOG-1a vs LOG-f c:r=0.36, TI-1a vs TI-f c:r=0.13). In general, were less well correlated with performance than Th1a. With two different objective mathematical models, this study has shown significant differences and poor correlations between Th1a and . Thus thef c inflection point with Conconi's protocol is a poor indicator of the la breakpoint with a conventional multistage protocol and a weaker indicator of running performance.  相似文献   

Purpose and medical hypothesis: Rest is usually recommended in acute pericarditis, as it could help to lower heart rate (HR) and contribute to limit "mechanical inflammation". Whether HR on admission could be correlated and perhaps participate to inflammation has not been reported. Methods: Between March 2007 and February 2010, we conducted a retrospective study on all patients admitted to our center for acute pericarditis. Diagnosis criteria included two of the following ones: typical chest pain, friction rub, pericardial effusion on cardiac echography, or typical electrocardiogram (ECG) findings. Primary endpoint was biology: CRP on admission, on days 1, 2, 3, and especially peak. Results: We included 73 patients. Median age was 38years (interquartiles 28-51) and median hospitalization duration was 2.0days (1.5-3.0). Median heart rate was 88.0beats per minute (bpm) on admission (interquartiles 76.0-100.0) and 72.0 on discharge (65.0-80.0). Heart rate on admission was significantly correlated with CRP peak (p<0.001), independently of temperature on admission, hospitalization duration and age. Recurrences occurred within 1month in 32% of patients. Heart rate on hospital discharge was correlated with recurrence, independently of age. Conclusion: In acute pericarditis, heart rate on admission is independently correlated with CRP levels and heart rate on discharge seems to be independently correlated to recurrence. This could suggest a link between heart rate and pericardial inflammation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Ithadlongbeenbelievedthatthescatteringandabsorptionofnearinfrared throughhumantissuescanonlyofferthesurfaceinformationoftissues〔1〕,butJob-sis〔2〕foundthatinnerinformationofbraincouldbeacquiredwhennearinfraredare usedtoirradiatebrainin1977.Thistechnologyhasstimulatedresearcherstostudy theactivesofhumanbrainwithscatteringofnearinfraredlightandhasdifferent namesindifferenttimes,likenearinfraredspectrum(NIRS),diffusionoftomogra-phy(DOT)andnearinfraredimaging(NIRI).Recentde…  相似文献   

Reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) is a popular method for the synthesis of well-defined macromolecules, but its sensitivity to oxygen is a major limitation for many industrial applications. Recent research has focused on developing strategies to confer oxygen tolerance onto RAFT polymerization, eliminating the need for deoxygenation steps and allowing for simpler reaction conditions. This minireview highlights several promising approaches to achieve oxygen tolerance in RAFT polymerization, including enzyme-mediated, alkylborane-initiated, and photomediated methods. The potential applications of oxygen-tolerant RAFT polymerization are also discussed, demonstrating the promise for significant advances in large-scale industrial polymer synthesis.  相似文献   

Background: Work stress indicated by effort—reward imbalance is hypothesized to cause autonomic arousal, which, if prolonged or frequent, could contribute to cardiovascular pathology. However, only limited empirical evidence on this mechanism is available. Purpose: This study examined associations between effort-reward imbalance, heart rate (HR), and heart rate variability (HRV). Method: The participants were 457 women and 406 men (mean age 32.3 years) derived from the population-based Young Finns Study. Effort—reward imbalance was defined as the ratio between effort and reward, higher efforts compared to rewards indicating greater imbalance. Results: In age-adjusted regression models, higher effort-reward imbalance was associated with lower HRV, and lower reward was associated with higher HR among women. These associations were not attenuated after additional adjustments for demographic characteristics and coronary risk factors. No significant associations of effort—reward imbalance or its components with HR and HRV were found in men. Conclusion: Our finding of lower HRV and higher HR in young healthy women with high effort—reward imbalance and low rewards provides evidence of a potential mechanism that may link effort-reward imbalance to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD) in women.  相似文献   

Population ageing and increase in cancer incidence may lead to a decreased availability of red blood cell units. Thus, finding an alternative source of red blood cells is a highly relevant challenge. The possibility to reproduce in vitro the human erythropoiesis opens a new era, particularly since the improvement in the culture systems allows to produce erythrocytes from induced-Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs), or CD34+ Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs). iPSCs have the advantage of in vitro self-renewal, but lead to poor amplification and maturation defects (high persistence of nucleated erythroid precursors). Erythroid differentiation from HSC allows a far better amplification and adult-like hemoglobin synthesis. But the inability of these progenitors to self-renew in vitro remains a limit in their use as a source of stem cells. A major improvement would consist in immortalizing these erythroid progenitors so that they could expand indefinitively. Inducible transgenesis is the first way to achieve this goal. To date, the best immortalized-cell models involve strong oncogenes induction, such as c-Myc, Bcl-xL, and mostly E6/E7 HPV16 viral oncoproteins. However, the quality of terminal differentiation of erythroid progenitors generated by these oncogenes is not optimal yet and the long-term stability of such systems is unknown. Moreover, viral transgenesis and inducible expression of oncogenes raise important problems in term of safety, since the enucleation rate is not 100% and no nucleated cells having replicative capacities should be present in the final product.  相似文献   

The most efficient pedaling rate (lowest oxygen consumption) at a workload of 50–300 W has been reported to be in the range of 42–60 rpm. By contrast, most competitive cyclists prefer a pedaling rate of more than 90 rpm. The reason for this difference is still unknown. We assume that the high pedaling rate preferred by cyclists can be explained by the inherent properties of muscle fibers. To obtain statements which do not depend on muscles cross-section and length, we generalized Hills characteristic equations where muscle force and heat liberation are related to shortening velocity. A pedaling rate of f max yields to maximal efficiency, whereas the higher pedaling rate f Pmax leads to maximal power. The ratio f Pmax/f max between these two pedaling rates ranges from 1.7 to 2.4, and it depends on the muscles fiber-type composition. In sprints and competitions of very short duration, f Pmax is more advantageous because energy supply is not the predominant limiting factor. The price to be paid for the most powerful pedaling rate is lower efficiency and higher energy cost. In longer exercises, economy is more important and the optimal pedaling rate shifts toward f max. We conclude that the optimal pedaling rate, representing the fastest race performance, is not fixed but depends on race duration; it ranges between f max and f Pmax. Our results are not only of interest for competitive cyclists but also for investigations using cycle ergometers: maximum power might not be reached by using a pedaling rate near the most efficient one.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the equations.  相似文献   

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