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The writer had applied the theory of meridlians and collaterals to differentiation ofsyndrome,type classification,principle of treatment and selection of points.120 cases of blepharoptosis were treated with acupuncture therapy.The results showed that 90 cases were cured(75.0%),21 cases improve(17.5%)and 9 without effect(7.5%),with the total effective rate of 92.5%.  相似文献   

The author has treated 93 cases of female sterility with acupuncture. ln accordancewith clinical symptoms and signs, the disease was classified into f0ll0wing types: the stagnation of liv-er-Qi, disharmony of Qi and blood; deficiency 0f kidney-Yang, infertility of the retention of cold inthe uterus; the retention of phlegm-dampness, vascular obstruction of the uterine c0llaterals; andblood stasis, the stagnation of the uterine collaterals. According to the the0ry of Five Elements, theacupoints were selected to treat each type of syndrome. Of thern, 86 cases were effective, 7 cases in-effective. The effective rate was 92. 5 %.  相似文献   

Apartofpatientsaftergeneralsurgicalop-erationoccurgastrointestinaldysfunction,clini-cally,nausea,vomiting,sourregurgitation,anorexia,abdominaldistension,etc.,beingcommonlyseengastrointestinalresponses.Since1991,theauthorhastreated43in-patientsofgastrointestinaldysfunctionaftergeneralsurgicaloperationbyacupunctureplusauricular-plastertherapywithasatisfactoryresult,whichissum-marizedinthefollowing.GENERALDATAIntheseries,43casesallwerein-patientsofgeneralsurgicaloperation,amongthem2Ocaseswere…  相似文献   

233 cases of arthralgia-syndrome were randomly divided into five treatment groupswith double blind method:1)acupuncture pills cupping;2)acupoint medicinal injection;3)acupointmedicinal injection plus laser radiation;4)acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect,and 5)electroacupuncture(EA)plus cupping for observation of the therapeutic effect.The total effective ratewas 89.2%.No significant differences were found among the five groups in the total effective rate.But,the markedly effective rate was highest in the acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect group.And the therapeutic effect in patients with pain arthralgia and migratory arthralgia and shorter courseof disease was best.  相似文献   

Of 282 cases with pain treated by acupuncture at Xi points,207 cases were curedaccounting for 73.4%,among which 107 cases were cured after one treatment,36 cases after twosessions and 64 cases after over 3 sessions.75 cases improved.The total effective rate was100%.  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis(AS)is a systemic dis-ease marked by chronicinflammation of the sacro-iliacjoint and the spinal column.Its pathologic changesare inflammation of the attachment point of the mus-cle tendons and ligaments,rigidity,deformity andeven severe dysfunction of the spineinthelate stage.This disease is mostly seenin young and middle-agedpeople,possesses an obviousfamilial disposition andisclosely related to human leukocyte antigen(HLA)-B27.But its pathogenic causes remain unknown …  相似文献   

Sciaticaisaneuralgiaresultedfromvariousabnorma1stimulationorlesionofthepathwayofsciaticnerve.Inetiology,itcanbedividedintoprimaryandsecondarytypes.Theformerresultsmostlikelyfromwind-c01d,wind-dampness,0rinfection-inducedsciaticneuritisandthe1aterprobablyfr0mmechanicalpressure0radhesionoftissuesneartheneuralpathway.Inrecentyears,theauthor0fthepresentpaperadoptedacupunc-turetherapycombinedwithp0int-injectiontotreatsciaticaandachievedsatisfactoryresults.ItisrePOrtedasfollows:CLINICALMATERI…  相似文献   

From December of 1998 to August of 2002,the author treated 95 cases ofmultiple sclerosis with acupuncture.The observation has confirmed that acupuncture is a very effective method for treating this diseese,especially to sclerosis patients in the early stage;and furthermore it can slow down the development of the pathological conditions of the patients.Thus it is an important therapeutic method worthy of the choice by European and American clinical doctors.  相似文献   

Since1975,ourhospitalhasadoptedacupuncturetherapyt0treatcoronaryheartdis-easeandobserveditstherapeuticeffectbyem-ployingindexesofelectrocardiographicoscillo-scope,ultrasoundcardi0gram,rheoencepha-l0gram,nailf0ldmicrocirculationandbloodrhe-ol0gy-Weanalyzedresultsof30Ocasesofcoro-naryheartdiseaseandrealizedthatacupuncturecanfuncti0nnotonlyineffectivelyre1ievinganginapectoris,butalsoinloweringvasotoniaandbhaflowresistance,improvingperfor-manceoftheleftventricleandamelioratingbloodcirculationofthe…  相似文献   

Acupuncture at Baihui(GV 20)was employed in treating 32 cases of functionalenuresis.As a result,the curative rate reached 81.25%,but that in control group of 32 cases withoutneedling Baihui point was 56.25%.There was a significant difference in statistics(P<0.05).It indi- cates that Baihui can enhance the therapeutic effect of acupuncture on treating enuresis.  相似文献   

Asthmaisac0mmonrespiratorytractdis-ease.Itislingeringanddifficulttobecured.From1988to1999,theauthorofthepresentpaperadoptedacupunctureplusdrug-cakemoxi-bustiontotreat42cases0fasthmaandachievedsatisfactoryresults.HereistherePOrt.GENERALMATERIALSOfthe42casesofasthma,19weremaleand23fema1e,ranginginagefrom3to55years.Thedurationofdiseasewasmorethan1Oyearsin17casesandbelow10yearsin25cases.Allthepatientshadahistoryofrepeatedattackofasthma,manifestingasgaspingrespirati0n,coughandinabilityt0li…  相似文献   

We had treated 134 cases of sequelae of poliomyelitis with acupuncture and acu-point-injection from 1989 to 1991. The patients' ages ranged from 3 months to 2 years, and thecourses of disease were 3 days to 2 years. For most of cases, we had got a satisfactory effect after 3curative courses. The total effective rate was 91%. It indicates that the acupuncture plus acupoint-in-jection is a good method for treating the sequela of poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

The author punctured Kuangshang (the medial one third of the supraorbitalmargin ), Jieli (midway between the occipital condyle and apex helix) and Yintang ((EX-HN3 ) asmain points to treat optic atrophy in 164 eyes of 110 patients. The results showed that 12 eyes (7.3% ) were cured, 71 eyes (43. 3 % ) remarkably effective, 39 eyes (23. 8 % ) improved and 42 eyes(25. 6 % ) ineffective, with the total effective rate 74. 4 %.  相似文献   

In the present paper,89 cases of urine retention patients were treated with acupuncture therapy.Qugu(CV2) and Zhaohai(Kl 6) were punctured and stimulated with reinforcing or reducing needling method according to syndrome differentiation.Following treatment,of the 89 cases,69(77.5%)had remarkble improvement of their symptome,19(21.3%) experienced improvement and one had no apparent change,with the total effective rate being 98.8%.  相似文献   

Abdominalacupuncturetherapyisanewtherapyofmicro acupunctureseriesafterappear anceofear acupuncture ,scalpacupunctureandhandacupuncture .ItsacupointsdistributearoundShenque (CV 8)andfunctioninregulat ingdysfunctionofzang fuorgans.Itsprescrip tionsaremainlymad…  相似文献   

The author has treated 48 cases of psoriasis using long needle combined with cup-ping.of 48 cases,32 cases(67%)were cured,10(21%)markedly effective,6(12%)effective.Thetotal effective rate was 100%.  相似文献   

Apoplexyisoftenreferredtoacutecere-brovasculardiseasesinmodernmedicine.Atpre-sent,itisoneoffourseverediseasesthreateninghumanhealth-Itischaracterisedbyacuteonset,severesymptomsandhighdeathrate.Treatmentintimecanavoiddeath,butmostpatientshavesequelaesuchas…  相似文献   

76 patients of impotence were randomly divided into two groups.Of 28 cases inacupuncture group,18 were cured,5 effective and 5 ineffective.Of 48 cases in acupuncture plus acu-point-injection group,41 were cured,5 effective and 2 ineffective.The curative effect in the acupunc-ture plus acupoint-injeetion group was superior to that in the acupuncture group(P<0.01).  相似文献   

In comparison with the normal people group, values of blood CD_2~+ and CD_4~+ in pa-tients with mallgnant tumors treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy were significantly lower andthe ratio of CD_助~+ and CD_8~+ decreased obviously (all P<0.001); CD_8~+ had no apparent change (P>0.05). Following acupunctural treatment, values of CD_2~+,CD_4~+ and the ratio of CD_4~+ to CD_8~+ increasedobviously (all P<0.001); while those of the medicinal control group had no significant change aftertreatment(P>0. 05). Values of IgG, IgA and IgM in patients' serum presented an abnormal de-creasing or increasing tendency, and C_3 in minority of patients were raised. Results indicated thatthere was a biphasic regulatory effect of acupuncture on the disturbance of humoral immunity andcould correct the deviation of C_3 level; and its effect was better than or similar to that of the medicinecontrol group. It demonstrates that acupuncture can enhance and regulate. the immune function of pa-tients treated with radiotherapy a  相似文献   

Extensiveanxietyisachronicdiseaseandfewer patientswiththisdiseasereceivedtreatment;itoften bringsalotofagonytothepatientsandtheirfami lies.Inthepresentstudy,acupuncturecombined withinhalationofoxygen,namely“channeloxygen therapy”,wasusedtotreat60casesofextensiveanx iety,andagoodtherapeuticeffectwasachieved.Fol lowingisthereport.1GENERALDATA Allofthe60subjectswereinpatientsoftheau thor’sCenterforMentalHeathcollectedfromJan uary2004toDecember2004.Theyallconformedto the“CriteriaforDia…  相似文献   

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