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目的:分析我国18个少数民族学生1985年至2010年成年身高生长长期变化的特点、规律和趋势。方法:利用1985、1995、2000、2005和2010年全国学生体质调查资料,对蒙古族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族、朝鲜族、藏族、苗族、布依族、侗族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、傣族、傈僳族、佤族、纳西族、土族和羌族18个少数民族17岁学生身高进行了分析。结果:我国大部分少数民族男生的成年身高有很大幅度提高,2010年18个少数民族17岁男生平均身高均超过162 cm,回族、蒙古族、朝鲜族17岁男生平均身高均超过170 cm;身高每10年增速超过2 cm的民族分别是回族(2.64 cm/10年)和侗族男生(2.05 cm/10年),身高每10年增速超过1 cm的民族有朝鲜族(1.99 cm/10年)、藏族(1.90 cm/10年)、哈尼族(1.80 cm/10年)等12个少数民族。2010年,所调查的18个少数民族17岁女生平均身高均超过150 cm,有15个少数民族女生的成年身高出现不同程度的增长,身高每10年增速超过1 cm的民族分别是回族(1.56 cm/10年)和朝鲜族女生(1.29 cm/10年),身高增长幅度具有显著性的民族有回族(3.89 cm)、朝鲜族(3.23 cm)、侗族(2.35 cm)等9个少数民族(P<0.05)。结论:我国大部分少数民族学生出现了较为明显的生长长期趋势,但各民族男、女生成年身高增长幅度存在明显不平衡,要给予生长长期趋势增长缓慢的少数民族更高的关注度。同时,对成年身高增长较为迅速的少数民族亦要注意其生长长期趋势所带来的负面效应。 相似文献
FU Lian Guo SUN Li Li WU Shao Wei YANG Yi De LI Xiao Hui WANG Zheng He WU Lu WANG Fu Zhi MA Jun 《Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES》2016,29(12):849-857
Objective To explore the influence of secular trends in body height and weight on the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Chinese children and adolescents. Methods The data were obtained from five cross-sectional Chinese National Surveys on Students’ Constitution and Health. Overweight/obesity was defined as BMI-for-age Z-score of per the Wold Health Organization (WHO) reference values. Body height and weight for each sex and age were standardized to those reported in 1985 (standardized height: SHY; standardized weight: SWY) and for each sex and year at age 7 (standardized height: SHA; standardized weight: SWA) using the Z-score method. Results The prevalence of overweight/obesity in Chinese children was 20.2% among boys and 10.7%among girls in 2010 and increased continuously from 1985 to 2010. Among boys and girls of normal weight, SHY and SHA were significantly greater than SWY and SWA, respectively (P < 0.001). Among boys and girls with overweight/obesity, SHY was significantly lower than SWY (P < 0.001), and showed an obvious decreasing trend after age 12. SHA was lower than SWA among overweight boys aged 7-8 years and girls aged 7-9 years. SHY/SHW and SHA/SWA among normal-weight groups were greater than among overweight and obese groups (P < 0.001). Conclusion The continuous increase in the prevalence of overweight/obesity among Chinese children may be related to a rapid increase in body weight before age 9 and lack of secular increase in body height after age 12. 相似文献
中国儿童尿道下裂发生率的变化趋势 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
目的 探讨1987~2001年间我国围产儿尿道下裂发生率的变化趋势及其原因。方法 采用以医院为基础的监测方法收集资料。调查对象为孕28周至产后7d住院分娩的围产儿,包括活产、死胎和死产。结果 在3769464例男性围产儿中确诊尿道下裂1999例,平均发生率为5.30/10^4尿道下裂发生率存在逐年上升的趋势。城镇、农村、沿海和内地地区尿道下裂发生率上升趋势明显,而边远地区的发生率没有长期趋势。城镇的增加速度高于农村,沿海高于内地和边远地区。结论 中国围生儿尿道下裂发生率有上升趋势。 相似文献
天津市1981-2004年前列腺癌流行趋势分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 了解天津市区1981-2004年前列腺癌流行趋势和特点,为我国的前列腺癌防治工作提供参考依据.方法 全部前列腺癌发病资料来源于天津市肿瘤登记报告中心,应用SAS V9系统计算天津市1981-2004年的前列腺癌粗发病率、标化(1985年世界标准人口)发病率和年龄别发病率,应用Joinpoint 3.0软件对前列腺癌发病的时间趋势进行接点分析.结果 在1981-2004年间,天津市区累计报告前列腺癌新发病例1060例,2004年前列腺癌的标化发病率为2.84/10万,前列腺癌的标化发病率分3个阶段上升,年平均增长率4.02%;前列腺癌患者的年龄结构趋向于老龄化;65~74岁年龄组发病率年均上升4.63%,75岁及以上组发病率年均上升5.18%,高年龄组发病率增速较快.结论 天津市前列腺癌发病率虽然较低,但增长速度快,应加强前列腺癌的防治研究. 相似文献
Objective Research evidence shows a secular trend in Chinese physical growth in recent years.The aim of this study was to analyze and assess changes in stature of children and adolescents during the 25 years from 1985‐2010,using national data.Methods Data came from successive cycles of the Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health(CNSSCH).Subjects were 7‐ to 18‐year‐old children and adolescents.Results An overall positive secular trend occurred in urban China during 1985‐2010.The overall average rates of increment were 2.4 and 1.7 cm/decade for boys and girls,respectively.Total increases in adult stature for boys and girls were 2.6 and 1.7 cm,yielding rates of 1.0 and 0.7 cm/decade,respectively.Cities with different socioeconomic levels had different characteristic trends.Mean stature increases in big cities were larger than those in moderate and small cities,and boys and girls in moderate and small cities showed greater potential for growth in stature.Conclusion An overall positive secular growth trend was associated with socioeconomic progress and differed with area socioeconomic levels.School policies and strategies should be developed based on increased stature,and should continue narrowing the inequity between different socioeconomic populations. 相似文献
1995年九市城郊七岁以下儿童体格发育的调查 总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46
目的掌握中国儿童生长发育和营养状况的现状及变化趋势,并积累系统的历史性资料。方法采取随机整群抽样的方法。分城、郊、男、女22个年龄组,共调查哈尔滨、北京、西安、南京、上海、武汉、广州、福州、昆明9个市0~7岁健康儿童157362名。结果9市儿童的体重、身高和坐高值与1985年比有明显的增长;头围、胸围的变化不大;体重、身高的城郊差别进一步缩小,地区差别也有逐渐缩小的趋势,但仍为北、中部地区大于南部地区。结论9市城郊0~7岁儿童的生长水平和营养状况较10年前又有明显地提高,郊区儿童的10年增长速度赶上和超过了城区儿童。 相似文献
Objective: To explore the relationship between socioeconomic status from one side and physical growth and nutritional status from the other side, in infants versus adolescents in Egyptians. Methods: Three samples were investigated: a) A sample of 605 infants aged 6 months + 1 week (287 girls and 318 boys), b) A sample of 992 infants of age 4 - 24 months (465 girls and 527 boys), c) A sample of 1864 children and adolescents aged 6 -14 years of (744 girls and 1120 boys). All samples are from Big Cairo area of both urban and rural localities and of various socioeconomic strata. Body weight and length/ height had been measured and body mass index (BMI) had been calculated for every subject. Assessment of the impact of parental education level, locality and number of sibs, on growth and nutrition as indicated by BMI was attempted. Results: a) Breastfed infants (6 months + 1 week) grow bigger in low socioeconomic strata and in rural areas than artificially fed infants. The practice of breast feeding was more common and lasted longer in low socioeconomic stratum than in middle and high one. b) A significant positive association between body mass index of infants (4 - 24 months) and the socioeconomic status (particularly level of father education reflecting family income) was proved, c) The socioeconomic factors had insignificant influence on BMI of school children aged 6 -9 years, but it showed significant influence in the period 10 - 14 years. After the age of 9 years, children started the pubertal stage earlier and had higher BMI in the high socioeconomic strata as compared to those of low socioeconomic strata, d) In the low socioeconomic status, breast feeding compensates the deleterious influences of the environment on growth and physique of infants. Conclusion: children of educated parents have significantly low number of siblings" size in comparison to those of uneducated parents. Also children of educated parents are significantly more in number in urban a 相似文献
目的研究农村居民社会经济状况(socioeconomic status,SES)与高血压患病率的关系。方法通过对甘肃省榆中县1228名居民进行问卷调查和体检,收集高血压患病情况及文化程度、经济收入、职业的数据,分析SES(文化程度、经济收入、职业)与高血压之间的关系。结果调查人群高血压患病率为27.4%,男女性高血压患病率分别为27.1%和27.7%(P>0.05)。高血压患病率随年龄增加而增加(P<0.05)。社会经济状况与高血压患病相关,其中男性高SES组与低SES组相比,患高血压的比数比是2.36(95%CI:1.27~4.40);女性SES与高血压的关系与男性相反,随着SES增高,患高血压的危险降低,但是差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 SES与高血压的关系在农村男女性居民之中不同,男性SES与高血压患病率呈正相关,女性则未发现显著的关联。 相似文献
Dan-Dan Zhang Jian-Nan Liu Qing Ye Zi Chen Ling Wu Xue-Qing Peng Gan Lu Jin-Yi Zhou Ran Tao Zhen Ding Fei Xu Linfu Zhou 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》2021,134(13):1552
Background:Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common public health problem worldwide. Recent studies have reported that socioeconomic status (SES) is related to the incidence of COPD. This study aimed to investigate the association between SES and COPD among adults in Jiangsu province, China, and to determine the possible direct and indirect effects of SES on the morbidity of COPD.Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted among adults aged 40 years and above between May and December of 2015 in Jiangsu province, China. Participants were selected using a multistage sampling approach. COPD, the outcome variable, was diagnosed by physicians based on spirometry, respiratory symptoms, and risk factors. Education, occupation, and monthly family average income (FAI) were used to separately indicate SES as the explanatory variable. Mixed-effects logistic regression models were introduced to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for examining the SES-COPD relationship. A pathway analysis was conducted to further explore the pulmonary function impairment of patients with different SES.Results:The mean age of the 2421 participants was 56.63 ± 9.62 years. The prevalence of COPD was 11.8% (95% CI: 10.5%–13.1%) among the overall sample population. After adjustment for age, gender, residence, outdoor and indoor air pollution, body weight status, cigarette smoking, and potential study area-level clustering effects, educational attainment was negatively associated with COPD prevalence in men; white collars were at lower risk (OR: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.43–0.83) of experiencing COPD than blue collars; compared with those within the lower FAI subgroup, participants in the upper (OR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.49–0.97) tertiles were less likely to experience COPD. Such negative associations between all these three SES indicators and COPD were significant among men only. Education, FAI, and occupation had direct or indirect effects on pulmonary function including post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC), FEV1, FVC, and FEV1 percentage of predicted. Education, FAI, and occupation had indirect effects on pulmonary function indices of all participants mainly through smoking status, indoor air pollution, and outdoor air pollution. We also found that occupation could affect post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC through body mass index.Conclusions:Education, occupation, and FAI had an adverse relationship with COPD prevalence in Jiangsu province, China. SES has both direct and indirect associations with pulmonary function impairment. SES is of great significance for COPD morbidity. It is important that population-based COPD prevention strategies should be tailored for people with different SES. 相似文献
目的 了解慢性心衰(chronic heart failure,CHF)患者的自我管理及社会经济影响。 方法 2019年9月至2023年5月采用方便抽样方法调查分析云南省1762名18~89岁CHF患者出院1个月后的自我管理情况。运用主成分分析方法构建综合性社会经济地位,运用二分类Logistic 回归分析方法探讨CHF患者自我管理的社会经济影响。 结果 CHF患者的运动管理、监测症状/体重、遵医嘱用药、低钠饮食、控制液体或水摄入及定期随访的比例分别是29.2%、37.7%、80.9%、58.0%、3.3%和45.5%;不同性别患者的运动管理和低钠饮食的比例不同(P < 0.05);与年龄较小的患者相比,年龄较大的患者遵医嘱用药、监测症状/体重及低钠饮食的比例更高(P < 0.05);而受教育程度及收入越高的患者,遵医嘱用药、运动管理、监测症状/体重及定期随访的比例也较高(P < 0.01);非务农的患者在遵医嘱用药、运动管理、监测症状/体重及定期随访的比例高于务农患者(P < 0.01)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,遵医嘱服药、监测症状/体重、运动管理和定期随访都是社会经济地位越高,自我管理越好(P < 0.05)。 结论 云南省CHF患者的自我管理水平总体较低,且存在社会经济影响,改善CHF患者的自我管理水平,应重点关注低社会经济地位患者。 相似文献
ObjectiveTo analyze the change in Body Mass Index (BMI) distribution among Chinese children and adolescents for the development of more effective intervention for childhood obesity.MethodsData on the national students' constitution and health survey between 1985 and 2010 was used for this study. Subjects were students aged 7-18 randomly selected from 30 provinces in China. BMI for-age curves were developed by LMS method, and the trend of BMI distribution was determined by comparing the upper BMI percentiles and analyzing the skew shift of distribution between 1985 and 2010.ResultsAn overall positive swift trend of BMI between 1985 and 2010 was observed among the Chinese school-age children and adolescents. The average median of the BMI increased from 16.8 and 17.0 kg/m2 to 18.2 and 17.9 kg/m2 in 25 years, with increments 0.56 and 0.36 kg/m2 per decade for males and females, respectively. The more obvious increments were found at the high BMI. The total increments of BMI in this period were 4.03 and 2.20 kg/m2 at the 85th, 6.14 and 3.57 kg/m2 at the 95th, and 6.99 and 4.27 kg/m2 at the 97th percentiles, for males and females, respectively.ConclusionObvious increments were observed at high BMI of the Chinese children and adolescents. More effective interventions should be taken for control and prevention of obesity and its health consequence for these subgroups. It is necessary to establish a risk-complex system consisting of the identification of BMI scope, the screen of the disease risk factors and the assessment of excessive adiposity. 相似文献
儿童期社会经济地位与中老年健康的关系研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
儿童期社会经济地位是指儿童期的社会阶层和父母教育程度的认知,近年来研究表明其与中老年健康相关,不良的儿童期社会经济地位可能导致中老年出现严重的健康问题,其是从整个生命周期的角度探讨中老年健康的影响因素。生命历程健康发展理论、路径模型及变动模型将儿童期社会经济地位与中老年健康进行关联。儿童期社会经济地位影响中老年健康的发生机制包括环境因素和医疗卫生服务的可及性等。本文应用生命历程健康发展理论、路径模型及变动模型阐述儿童期社会经济地位与中老年健康的关系及其发生机制。 相似文献
It has been hypothesized that during the last several decades human sperm count has declined because of prenatal exposure to environmental chemicals. We examined the relation between semen.quality and birth year among 8608 men born from 1922 to 1971 and who from 1968 to t992 consulted 4 Danish medical centers because of barren marriage, Data were obtained from medical records and by a postal questionnaire to a subset of the population. The sperm concentration was significantly declining with increasing year of birth in 2 of the 4 centers, but this association disappeared when confounders were adjusted for. Within the subset of men born during 1955--1970 comprising 36% of the entire poputatlon we revealed a decrease of the average sperm concentration by 1.6 millionlml (95% CI: 0.7-2.5) per one advancing year of birth. This finding was consistent across all the 4 centers and robust to adjustment for effects of calendar period, season and duration of sexual abstinence. Effects of age were accounted for by restriction of the sample to men between 20 and 45 years. The findings are compatible with environmental impact in the prenatal period after 1955 but are far from unequivocal evidence that the sperm count in the general male Danish population has changed during the past decades. 相似文献
目的 探讨中国儿童超重流行现状及与家庭社会经济特征的关系。方法 利用1991~2009年中国健康与营养调查数据,以7~17岁儿童为研究对象,分别采用中国学龄儿童青少年超重和肥胖标准以及国际肥胖工作组标准衡量儿童超重,应用多重线性回归模型和logistic回归模型讨论家庭社会经济特征与儿童超重的相关关系。结果 1991~2009年间,家庭人均收入与儿童超重率均增长了3倍。多重线性回归结果提示收入可促进体质量指数(BMI)增长。Logistic回归结果提示,高收入家庭的儿童更容易发生超重,其次为中等收入家庭的儿童,低收入家庭儿童发生超重的危险性为高收入家庭的0.490(95%可信区间:0.266,0.904)。结论 家庭收入是儿童超重的危险因素,采取家庭干预措施将有助于预防和控制儿童超重。 相似文献
1985~2005年中国7~18岁学生身高、体重变化趋势分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:分析我国儿童、青少年20年间身高和体重的变化趋势及其特点。 方法:选择1985、1995和2005年的全国学生体质与健康调研数据,以身高和体重为指标,应用LMS方法绘制我国7~18岁学生身高、体重的第5、第50、第95百分位曲线,并进行比较。 结果:1985~1995年,7~18岁城市男生、乡村男生、城市女生、乡村女生第50百分位身高平均增幅分别为3.1、3.5、2.2和2.8 cm,体重平均增幅分别为3.2、1.9、2.0和1.3 kg;1995~2005年,7~18岁城市男生、乡村男生、城市女生、乡村女生第50百分位身高平均增幅分别为2.0、2.3、1.3和1.7 cm,体重平均增幅分别为3.1、1.9、1.7和1.2 kg。20年间, 7~18岁儿童、青少年生长增长的主要表现为:(1)各年龄组学生身高和体重都有明显增长;(2)身高和体重的第95百分位增长的幅度>第50百分位增长的幅度>第5百分位增长的幅度;(3)乡村学生身高和体重增长的平均幅度大于城市学生;(4)成年身高增长的幅度小于各年龄组身高增长的平均幅度;(5)1995~2005年身高增长的平均幅度明显小于1985~1995年,但1995~2005年成年身高增长的幅度大于1985~1995年。 结论:我国儿童、青少年的生长发育水平呈快速生长趋势,发育较好的儿童、青少年身高、体重增长的幅度更大。 相似文献
目的:分析1985—2019年我国18个少数民族17岁学生身高生长长期变化趋势。方法:提取7次中国学生体质与健康调研报告(除1991年)中蒙古族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族、朝鲜族、藏族、苗族、布依族、侗族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、傣族、傈僳族、佤族、纳西族、土族、羌族等18个少数民族学生身高均值进行研究。结果:34年间各少数民族男生17岁身高均值显著增长(P <0.05)。2019年18个少数民族17岁男学生中,回族男生身高均值最高(173.09 cm),苗族男生身高均值最低(162.66 cm),每10年身高增长>1 cm的民族有侗族(1.96 cm/10年)、白族(1.96 cm/10年)、土家族(1.95 cm/10年)、羌族(1.80 cm/10年)、回族(1.80 cm/10年)、蒙古族(1.79 cm/10年)、土族(1.72 cm/10年)、维吾尔族(1.63 cm/10年)、藏族(1.61 cm/10年)、布依族(1.55 cm/10年)、纳西族(1.52 cm/10年)、傣族(1.35 cm/10年)、傈僳族(1.29 cm/10年)、哈尼族(1.25 cm/1... 相似文献