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了解北京市中小学生的午餐用餐、供餐现况,为改善学生营养状况提供参考.方法 采用普查法,对北京市范围内的全部中小学校(含职业高中)进行问卷调查,由校医完成问卷.结果 北京市中小学生的午餐用餐方式分为外送餐、托管食堂、学校自办食堂、回家吃(包括带饭和小饭桌)4种,学生选择比例分别为26.22%,16.28%,24.27%,33.24%.外送餐、托管食堂、自办食堂从出餐到用餐的中位时间间隔分别为110,30,20 min.食谱由供餐公司和学校制定,没有统一标准,平均价格分别为8.83,8.67,7.70元.除北京市政府对农村与乡镇地区每名住宿生提供每月160元的伙食补助外,学生和学校基本不享有其他任何补贴.结论 学校应根据自身情况,选择最合适的学生就餐方式,配备营养师,合理搭配食谱,同时强化课堂营养教育,帮助学生形成正确的饮食习惯.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中小学校自供营养餐的营养质量,为改善学生营养午餐提供依据。方法在对北京市东城区6所自供餐学校提供的营养食谱分析的基础上,对东城区自供餐的1所中学、1所小学采用记账法进行为期1周的膳食调查,并通过现场观察法调查用餐学生的剩饭情况;同时采用典型抽样的方式抽取东城区、海淀区10所自供餐学校的中小学生3 761名进行问卷调查,评价学校供餐的感官质量。结果学校自供营养餐中铁、锌、B族维生素供应量达到标准,能量、蛋白质严重超标,钙供给量不足;学生对午餐色、香、味满意度分别为42.1%,42.6%和42.4%,形的满意度最差(25.1%);总体剩饭率为29.8%。结论学校自供餐营养质量、感官质量均有待进一步提高,学校营养教育有待加强,学生饮食行为有待改善。  相似文献   

了解西城区学生营养餐用餐现状以及改进需求,为政府制定营养干预策略,防控学生超重肥胖和营养不良提供科学依据.方法 在北京市西城区143所中小学校中开展学生午餐用餐、供餐情况调查;在3所学校600名学生和568名家长中开展学生午餐满意度及其营养相关知识态度行为调查.结果 分别有53.5%,43.5%学生午餐就餐方式为外送餐、食堂,其平均用时分别为2.1,0.8h.在学生剩饭菜种类中,素菜剩饭比例最高,其次为主食剩饭.分别有20.1%,26.7%学生认为午餐口味、荤素搭配比较好或者非常好.女生吃完午餐比例低于男生.53.2%家长希望由学校食堂提供午餐.结论 外送餐用时较长,学校食堂缺少营养师,均要进一步改进;学生、教师、家长均需要增强营养知识培训,在教师监督和家长指导帮助下,培养学生良好饮食习惯.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市崇文区学生的午餐现状以及满意度,为政府制定改善和干预策略提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,对崇文区的37所学校开展学生午餐现状调查,同时抽取3所学校的学生(511名)和家长(504名)进行满意度调查。结果 62.16%的学校为外送营养餐,从出餐到食用平均用(1.89±0.62)h;在学生剩菜种类中,以素菜(81.08%)和主食(35.14%)为主;女生吃完午餐的比例低于男生;18所学校食堂中,44.44%的学校有营养师。23.29%的学生认为午餐好吃;11.31%的家长综合考虑对孩子的午餐表示满意。分别有49.01%和34.72%的家长认为午餐一般和表示不满意。结论学生午餐以营养餐外送和学校食堂供应为主,学生和家长对午餐满意度不高,学校应加大对供餐单位的督导,以改进饭菜质量;应加强对学生、老师和家长营养知识的培训,在老师和家长的共同监督指导下,使学生养成良好的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

北京市东城区学生营养午餐供餐单位带量食谱配制状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解东城区学生营养餐供餐单位周带量食谱状况和营养师配备情况,为提高学生营养餐质量提供依据。方法自行设计调查问卷,对北京市东城区全部自办食堂、承包食堂和送餐公司共58家供餐单位营养师、营养分析软件配备情况、周带量食谱进行调查。结果 58家供餐单位学生营养午餐周带量食谱配制率为67.24%,承包食堂最低(50.00%);所有带量食谱均未做到全部基本营养素达标,5种及以上基本营养素达标率仅占28.21%;钙、维生素C、核黄素均达标率为7.69%;供餐单位有资质的营养师(27.59%)和营养分析软件(56.90%)配备率低,且存在外聘兼职营养师现象。结论学生营养午餐周带量食谱配制状况不尽人意,营养餐食谱营养素未做到科学合理均衡,应提高对学生营养餐工作重要性的认识,加强常态管理和监督。  相似文献   

了解昌平区中小学生午餐用餐现况,为制定相关改善策略和营养干预提供依据.方法 采用普查的方式,对昌平区辖区全部117所中小学校午餐用餐情况进行问卷调查,内容包括中小学校午餐供应方式、用餐人数、菜品种类、送餐及自供餐食堂管理等.结果 117所中小学校中,仅36所学校设置食堂,3所学校外送学生午餐,食堂和外送餐用餐学生20 459人,有29 914人回家用餐;自办食堂的10所学校,每年向食堂投入(3~26)万元,其中用于午餐原材料购置的费用为(1~7)万元;58.33%的学校(21/36)有专人负责学生午餐食谱和菜品搭配,但仅13.89% (5/36)的食堂有营养师;16.67%(6/36)的食堂菜谱考虑考试等特殊时段的供餐,38.89% (14/36)的食堂菜谱有过考虑学生生长发育阶段,69.44%(25/36)食堂菜谱考虑季节变化,86.11% (31/36)的食堂食谱定期更换;47.22% (17/36)的学校午餐采用统一标准发放,83.33%(30/36)的学校明确规定教师要监督学生用餐;外送午餐有1~4个菜品,托管食堂午餐有1~8个菜品,自办食堂有2~14个菜品;17家统一标准发放午餐的食堂,对不够吃的学生均采取加餐的方式提供额外饭菜;32所学校存在剩饭剩菜现象,报告率主食>素菜>半荤半素>荤菜;区教委对辖区户籍的1 877名住宿中小学生实行餐补.结论 昌平区中小学校食堂明显不足,午餐营养质量与感官质量均有待进一步提高,学校营养教育有待加强,学生饮食行为有待改善.  相似文献   

了解中国城市中小学供餐情况及学生满意度,为加强学校供餐管理和改善午餐质量提供依据.方法 采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,从北京、上海、哈尔滨、石家庄、广州、长沙、蚌埠、平湖等8个城市的67所中小学中,随机抽取小学二年级、小学五年级、初中二年级学生共15 170名进行调查.结果 在学校就餐的学生有13 297名,占87.7%.调查学校共67所,采用自办食堂、托管食堂、送餐企业供餐的学校分别有26,14,27所,分别占38.8%,20.9%,40.3%;其中21所学校的午餐提供纯牛奶或酸奶,占31.3%.学生对学校午餐整体上非常满意、比较满意、一般、比较不满意、非常不满意的比例分别为40.8%,28.1%,20.1%,7.3%,3.6%;其中初二学生满意率(56.9%)低于小二和小五学生(77.1%,73.5%),自办食堂供餐学生的满意率(73.8%)高于托管食堂和送餐企业供餐的学生(60.5%,66.2%).学生对学校午餐各项因素的满意率顺位从高到低分别为就餐环境(75.3%)、饭菜份量(71.6%)、饭菜卫生(71.1%)、食物搭配(65.4%)、饭菜外观(60.5%)、饭菜口味(55.9%).结论 学生对学校午餐的满意率尚可,饭菜口味是学生不满意的主要因素.应鼓励学校自办食堂为学生提供午餐,在满足学生正常营养需求的前提下,改善饭菜口味.  相似文献   

北京市中小学生营养午餐实施现状的调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了了解北京市学生营养午餐实施现状及存在问题 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年 2~ 3月 ,使用问卷调查法及膳食调查对北京市已经批准的 38家营养餐定点生产企业及接受企业送餐的 6所中小学校进行学生营养午餐实施现状调查。结果表现 ,城区中小学生食用营养餐生产企业供应的营养餐占在校生总数的 12 88% ;供餐企业以中小企业居多 ;部分营养素未达到《营养午餐供给量标准》要求 ;87 3%的学生对营养午餐感觉一般或不喜欢 ,剩饭现象严重。因此 ,必须在推广营养餐的同时加强对企业的管理 ,对学生的营养知识教育及饮食习惯培养。  相似文献   

目的针对北京市门头沟区学生午餐方式及食堂供餐现状进行分析,为相关部门提出合理化建议。方法选取北京市门头沟区全部学校进行学生午餐就餐方式及学校食堂供餐情况进行问卷调查。结果门头沟区中小学生午餐就餐方式,41%学校食堂用餐,33%吃外送营养餐,26%回家用餐;学校食堂19所均已取得餐饮服务许可证,食堂量化分级均在B级以上,仅6所城镇地区学校食堂有营养师,仅1所食堂按年级分别为学生制作午餐食谱。结论食品卫生状况得到了保证,但由于学校缺乏营养师,仅32%的学生食堂能提供营养餐,仅1所学校食堂按年级分别制作学生午餐食谱。因此,相关部门加大资金投入,有条件聘请营养师,同时加强营养知识宣传,使学生认识健康膳食、均衡营养对身体健康的重要性,使学生自觉养成合理膳食的饮食行为和良好的生活习惯。  相似文献   

北京市东城区学生营养餐存在问题及原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解北京市东城区学生的营养餐认知及对不同供餐单位的满意度,为促进营养餐质量的不断提高提供参考。方法随机选取北京市东城区7所中小学各年级在校就餐的学生2 782名,自行设计调查问卷,由保健所人员组织学生统一在班上填写。结果学生营养餐的知晓率较低,其中小学生的知晓率高于中学生。中小学生对营养餐的满意度较低(14.87%),其中对送餐公司营养餐的不满意率明显高于校办食堂。学生午餐剩饭菜情况十分普遍,饭菜不好吃是主要原因。结论学生缺乏营养餐知识是推进营养餐进程中存在的重要问题之一。应加强对营养餐制作单位的管理,不断提高饭菜质量,并采取必要的干预措施,保证学生每天摄入足够均衡的营养素,以促进学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中小学校自供营养餐的管理现状,为学生营养餐的健康持续发展提供依据。方法采用典型抽样方法抽取北京市东城区和海淀区10所自供营养午餐学校的管理人员10名、中小学生3 761名、家长3 529名,于2007年4月2-6日进行营养午餐管理及态度行为调查。结果学校自供营养餐管理者从事营养餐管理工作年限较长,但均毕业于非营养相关专业;10所学校食堂只有5所学校有营养师,规模小的学校食堂中营养师及高级别厨师严重缺乏;学校对营养餐进行了大量的宣传,但在提高营养知识、改善饮食行为上效果不佳,学生剩饭率仍接近30%。结论学校自供餐是学生营养餐工作的重要组成部分,应进一步加强管理,强化人员培训,提高营养质量,加强学生营养教育工作及健康饮食习惯的培养。  相似文献   

In April 2004 Hull City Council introduced free healthy school meals for all primary and special schools in an attempt to reduce health inequalities. This pilot study aimed to compare nutritional intake between those children consuming a free healthy school meal and those consuming a packed lunch brought from home. The study compared two schools from different socio‐economic areas and considered the impact of lunch on total daily food and nutrient intakes in these children. Fieldwork was undertaken over five consecutive days in each school. Seven hundred and thirty‐five lunches were weighed and photographed before and after consumption to assess actual food intake vs. wastage. One hundred and forty‐seven children aged 8‐to‐11‐years participated from two primary schools. Five‐day food diaries were completed by a small number of participants (n = 20) receiving school meals (n = 10) and packed lunches (n = 10) from the two schools selected. While the lunches provided at the two schools met the majority of the nutritional guidelines for school meals, children ate only a small amount, often leaving the potatoes and vegetables behind; therefore, their intakes were below recommended levels. Children from both schools who opted for packed lunch consumed significantly more energy, fat, sugar and sodium but with this more micronutrients than children who had a free healthy school meal. Statistical differences (P < 0.01) were found between the two schools, with children from the less affluent school consuming less food from the school meal and therefore obtaining a lower nutrient intake from lunch than children from the more affluent school. Findings from a small number of food diaries suggest that the differences in intakes between those having a school meal and those having a packed lunch were compensated for by other food consumed during the day, such that daily nutrient intakes were not significantly different. This study suggests that many children may not be consuming sufficient amounts of the food provided in schools. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that the provision of school meals that conform to the School Food Trust guidelines will be of nutritional benefit to all children concerned. Bearing this in mind, more needs to be done to provide menus that are both healthy and enjoyable for children, so that they will want to consume the foods provided. Parents also need more advice regarding how they can provide their children with a healthy packed lunch, possibly via the introduction of a government‐led packed lunch policy, particularly in schools from areas of lower socio‐economic status. Although there was only a small sample of food diaries in this study, the findings suggest that socio‐economic demographics may exert more of an influence on the total daily nutrient intake of children than the type of lunch consumed.  相似文献   

Following concerns about the nutritional content of school lunches and the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in the UK, changes to the standards of school meals were made. From September 2008, all primary schools in England were required, by law, to be fully compliant with the new food-based standards (FBS) and nutrient-based standards (NBS) for school lunches. The aim of the present survey was to evaluate the introduction of the NBS for school lunches on the nutritional profile of food and drink items provided by schools and chosen by pupils at lunchtime. A nationally representative sample of 6696 pupils from 136 primary schools in England aged 3-12 years and having school lunches was recruited. Data were collected on lunchtime food and drink provision at each school and on pupil food and drink choices at lunchtime. Caterers also provided planned menus, recipes and other cooking information. Compliance with both the FBS and NBS was then assessed. Results show that even when the FBS was met, many schools did not provide a school lunch that met the NBS as well. The average school lunch eaten was significantly lower in fat, saturated fat and Na in schools that met both the FBS and NBS for school lunches compared with schools that met only the FBS. Change in school lunch policy has contributed to improvements in pupils' choices and the nutritional profile of foods selected at lunchtime.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of compulsory competitive tendering for school meals, little research has been undertaken on the role of local education authorities (LEAs) in the delivery of nutritionally healthy school meals. This study attempted to redress this for Wales by reviewing the role of contract specifications in promoting healthy eating in schools. In the Spring of 1993, eight LEAs completed a postal questionnaire and telephone interview and seven LEAs provided copies of their contract specifications relating to healthy eating. The seven LEAs were found to have healthy eating policies and nutritional specifications as part of their school meals contracts. Three types of requirements outlining contractor's obligations with respect to healthy eating were found: these referred to nutritional guidelines, healthy eating policies and food preparation guidelines. Although all the contracts stated the need to comply with nutritional guidelines, only three LEAs monitored the nutritional content of their menus. Hence, it is recommended that the nutritional content of school meals should be monitored both at the menu planning as well as the delivery stages. In addition, it is suggested that new contracts should refer to the 1991 dietary reference values rather than the older guidelines.  相似文献   

中小学领导对学生营养午餐的认识和需求   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的了解中小学领导对学生营养午餐的认识以及学校开展营养午餐存在的问题和困难,为我国学校营养午餐的实施和推广提供科学依据。方法利用深度访谈的方法,对北京、上海等9个城市的33名中小学主管领导进行访谈。结果学校主管领导普遍认识到学生营养问题的重要性,一些校长认为应将营养午餐纳入素质教育之中,但也有少数校长对学生营养午餐持消极态度。学校在开展营养午餐时遇到一些问题和困难,需要社会各方面支持和帮助。结论学校主管领导应加强营养知识的学习,提高对营养午餐的了解。教育、卫生等行政部门应组织相关人员认真总结现有经验,加强对营养餐的系统研究,使学生营养午餐的开展得到科学的指导。  相似文献   

To improve the dietary offering in schools, the French authorities published recommendations on nutrition in 1999, which were then revised in 2007. The aim of the present study was to assess the nutritional offering in secondary school meals and the extent to which the recommendations promote balanced nutritional offerings. In 2005, a national survey was conducted on a representative sample of secondary schools, either administrated by the Ministry of Education (ES) or the Ministry of Agriculture (AS). Information on school-catering organisation and twenty consecutive meals was collected from each of the 707 secondary schools surveyed. Nutritional composition was estimated according to the French food composition database. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to investigate the impact of food-group frequency guidelines (FFG) on nutritional offering. It was found that 15 and 26?% of ES and AS schools, respectively, had high compliance with the FFG, at lunch. Macronutrient content was unbalanced in ES school lunches in which 42·8?% lipids, 21·5?% proteins and 35·7?% carbohydrates contributed to the energy. Nevertheless, proper offerings in Fe, Ca and vitamin C content were observed. In addition, a lower offering in lipids and a higher offering in proteins, Ca, vitamin C and Fe were found when the FFG were applied (P?相似文献   

A survey on school lunches has been carried out in primary and secondary schools in the Rhone Alpes area to assess if dietary guidelines of June 25th 2001 French regulation are well applied or not and to try to identify the difficulties encountered.The results of the surveys which have been mailed to school administrators and the analysis of meals composition show that these guidelines are little applied in secondary schools and in primary schools of small towns, while big cities are able to propose better balanced lunches.In secondary schools, lunch time very often takes less than 30 minutes, and there are too many “à la carte” menus which are not favourable especially considering the low level of nutritional information given to pupils.In all school settings, the following points can be considered as well-controlled: the availability of bread, no soft drinks during lunch and a good frequency of raw fruits and vegetables. Weak points to be improved concern too many high fat protein foods and a lack of fish and of high calcium level dairy products.  相似文献   

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