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本文报导了环卫工人作业环境中有害物的污染水平。结果指出,每个居民区的垃圾成分是不同的。每个居民区空气中的可吸入尘浓度、丁酸浓度(臭味物质)和细菌数分别高于对照组(P<0.01)。在工人操作地点,还存在着30种产生臭味的物质,这些物质都提示环卫工人的作业环境存在着严重的污染。  相似文献   

目的 分析东莞市塘厦镇中型垃圾回收站冬季细菌污染情况。 方法 以东莞市塘厦镇数量居多的中型垃圾回收站为研究对象,以细菌总数、大肠菌群、沙门氏菌的检测为卫生学指标,采用多阶段随机抽样选取研究站点;以入选站点全体工人为研究人群,检测工人手掌、清洁工具和运输车辆的手掌握持部件表面污染程度,同时检验站内空气及垃圾渗漏液,分析受污染情况。 结果 3家中型垃圾回收站纳入研究范围,对站内物体表面、环卫作业人员手部、回收站空气检测均未发现大肠菌群和沙门氏菌。对站内物体表面检测,电动车垃圾桶检出细菌总数最多为5 cfu/cm2;环卫作业人员手部洗手后细菌总数最高值为9 cfu/cm2,而未洗手前检出细菌总数为250 cfu/cm2。对3个垃圾站点站内值班房、垃圾压缩机、站内工具存放间空气进行检查,发现3个站点中垃圾压缩机中细菌总数污染最严重,A站点15 cfu/cm2,B站点17 cfu/cm2,C站点13 cfu/cm2。垃圾渗漏液细菌总数均高达1 000 cfu/mL。且检出大肠菌群、沙门氏菌及霉菌。 结论 冬季环卫作业细菌污染防护重点应在环卫工人手部,并对垃圾渗漏液进行及时处理,降低感染风险。  相似文献   

周淑玉  刘东 《卫生研究》1989,18(5):18-19
本文检验了垃圾清理工人鼻粘膜含菌分布,与对照人群比较,其中细菌总数相差不显著;溶血菌的检出率环卫工人高于对照人群,相差非常显著;并从环卫工人鼻粘膜分离出了致病的肺炎双球菌和大量存在于外环境中的蜡样芽孢杆菌。表明环卫作业环境对环卫工人的健康带来一定的影响。  相似文献   

环卫工人每日都接触垃圾粉尘、噪声、机动车尾气等有害因素。为了解作业环境中粉尘、噪声的污染情况,我们于1991年3月对大理市环卫站工人劳动现场进行了调查。测定方法监测垃圾粉尘用上海宏伟仪器厂生产的Fc-A-Ⅳ型粉尘采样器滤膜称量法。粉尘分散度用滤膜法;游离SiO_2 用焦磷酸重量法;噪声测定用国产NO10型精密声级计。  相似文献   

目的了解某特殊军事作业环境空气微生物污染状况,为保护作业官兵健康、制定防治策略提供科学依据。方法选择细菌总数、溶血性链球菌、霉菌和酵母菌4项微生物指标进行检测,采用Anderson采样法采样,经选择性培养基培养后对所生长的菌落予以计数。结果细菌总数在5 a的检测中呈现出不稳定的趋势,其中第3天下降明显;溶血性链球菌数呈现增加的趋势,在人员进驻的第4天、第5天的平均值已超过标准;酵母菌数也呈现增加的趋势,最高为398 cfu/m~3;霉菌数随进驻时间延长而减少,进驻第1天最高,为813 cfu/m~3。在人员活动较多且位于环境中间部位的B采样点微生物污染较严重,5 d中细菌总数和溶血性链球菌数都高于其他3个监测点,细菌总数最高达312 cfu/m~3,溶血性链球菌数最高达26 cfu/m~3,超过标准近3倍;其次为厕所中的D点,整体看A点霉菌污染较其它监测点严重。结论坑道内溶血性链球菌数和酵母菌数随着人员的进驻而增加,霉菌数则减少,人员居住较多的B采样点和厕所中的D采样点空气中细菌总数和溶血性链球菌均较高,加强作业场所的清洁式通风或在人员活动频繁的地域加装空气消毒设施可减少空气中的微生物污染。  相似文献   

目的 调查环卫工人职业危害的特点及其健康状况,以找出有害因素种类、程度,预防高危因素。 方法 以2011年在江门市职业病防治所体检的市环卫站一线清扫工人为接触组,以市直多家企业的行政、后勤人员为对照组,调查环卫工人作业环境的有害因素,统计分析两组员工常规检查、心电图、胸部X线、肝胆B超等项目检查资料。 结果 江门市空气污染物检测值低于浓度限值,空气质量良好,但环卫工人长期暴露于室外空气污染物和垃圾粉尘环境中。接触组员工的翼状胬肉、血压偏高、心律失常检出率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=27.84、19.94、7.32,P<0.01),结膜结石、双下鼻甲水肿、咽滤泡、运动系统畸形、皮肤异常、肺部炎症和陈旧性肺结核、不完全性右束支传导阻滞检出率也高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3.70、4.96、4.80、5.09、4.66、5.09、5.25,P<0.05或0.01)。 结论 室外作业环境职业病危害因素复杂,环卫工人有相对特异的发病谱和发病率,只有将危害因素控制在较低水平内,才能有效降低职业病危害因素对机体的影响。  相似文献   

医院空气与物体表面的清洁程度直接关系医院感染的高低。我们在医院环境微生物检测中发现空气细菌菌落数常有超标现象,为了解医院环境中空气的细菌污染程度,我们于1999~2002年对200次空气检测标本采用37℃,24h和48h培养,实验结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 调查地下战备医院内环境真菌污染状况及空气真菌毒素,为采取预防措施提供依据。方法 用撞击法监测空气细菌总数及真菌数;用棉拭子法监测物体表面真菌数;根据真菌菌落形态特征及生长结构进行菌种鉴定;对黄曲霉菌用ELISA法检测黄曲霉毒素B1。结果 空气细菌总数平均3195cfu/m^3,真菌数平均18046cfu/m^3;木床架及床垫表面真菌数分别为27840cfu/cm^2及104960cfu/cm^2。45株黄曲霉菌中有6株产生黄曲霉毒素B1,占13.3%。结论地下战备医院空气真菌污染严重,细菌总数高于人防工程地下医院卫生标准,真菌污染源主要为内部大量腐殖质存在,并逐步飘散扩大污染范围。这些真菌不但能侵入机体造成真菌感染,而且有的能产生毒素,其毒素可随空气中悬浮颗粒通过呼吸道吸入,沉积于肺泡,或经皮肤吸收进入体内而影响健康。  相似文献   

接触污水淤泥尘埃或喷雾污水,可以引起发热,发冷、眼睛发炎、腹泻等急性症状,并伴有免疫球蛋白总量稍许增加,尿内纤维蛋白原降解产物量增加。有人认为这些症状与空气中存在大量革兰氏阴性细菌及其内毒素(脂多糖)有关。作者于1978年1月对实验性堆肥场进行调查。该场肥料来自生活垃圾拌以附近污水处理厂淤泥。经碾碎、混匀由输送机传送带转运到场外贮存约6个月。作者测定了该场不同工作地点空气中的革兰氏阴性细菌;对11名操作工人以填表法进行讯问。调查结果:空气中革兰氏阴性杆菌菌落数(c.f.u.),以碾碎机出口,输送带装料处A.B两点的菌落数最高,分别为25,000~500,000 c.f.u/m~3,>28,000 c.f.u/m~3,>15,000 c.f.u/m~3,其他地点较低,碾碎机室内地面1.000 c.f.u/m~3,压淤泥处330 c.f.u/m~3,饮水处理  相似文献   

环卫工人的健康状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文调查了环卫工人的健康状况,发现环卫工人的手和工作服受到细菌的严重污染,环卫工人的鼻咽部含有大量致病菌,慢性疾病的患病率较高,中年龄组工人死亡率明显高于对照组居民。最后提出加强个人卫生是提高健康水平的可行措施之一。  相似文献   

Awka has been the site of increased human activities since it became a state capital in 1991. Because refuse dumps have hitherto been a disregarded environmental menace in Nigeria, the authors sought to find out how much of the current environmental metal pollutant load comes from refuse dumps. They investigated the metal contamination of the refuse dumps in Awka. The authors collected four soil samples (from the surface and from depths of 0.45 m, 0.90 m, and 1.35 m) from 5 dumpsites digested with nitric acid and perchloric acid, and they analyzed iron, sodium, arsenic, lead, magnesium, potassium, cobalt, zinc, nickel, copper, chromium, and cadmium by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Sites A and C showed the highest levels of arsenic (2300 mg/kg) and lead (2467 mg/kg), respectively. Site D had highest level of both iron (72,200 mg/kg) and sodium (3561 mg/kg), whereas Site E had the lowest level of lead (572 mg/kg). The metal levels exceed the limits set forth by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This study suggests that the refuse dumps in Awka may increase the level of environmental heavy metals in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Awka has been the site of increased human activities since it became a state capital in 1991. Because refuse dumps have hitherto been a disregarded environmental menace in Nigeria, the authors sought to find out how much of the current environmental metal pollutant load comes from refuse dumps. They investigated the metal contamination of the refuse dumps in Awka. The authors collected four soil samples (from the surface and from depths of 0.45 m, 0.90 m, and 1.35 m) from 5 dumpsites digested with nitric acid and perchloric acid, and they analyzed iron, sodium, arsenic, lead, magnesium, potassium, cobalt, zinc, nickel, copper, chromium, and cadmium by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Sites A and C showed the highest levels of arsenic (2300 mg/kg) and lead (2467 mg/kg), respectively. Site D had highest level of both iron (72,200 mg/kg) and sodium (3561 mg/kg), whereas Site E had the lowest level of lead (572 mg/kg). The metal levels exceed the limits set forth by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This study suggests that the refuse dumps in Awka may increase the level of environmental heavy metals in Nigeria.  相似文献   



The present study was aimed at evaluating microbiological contamination of air in Ciechocinek and Inowroc?aw — Polish lowland spa towns. Additionally, the impact of open-air inhalatoria on the quality of air was evaluated.

Material and Methods

Air samples were collected seasonally in the urban areas, in the recreation areas and in the vicinity of inhalatoria in both towns using impaction. The numbers of mesophilic bacteria, staphylococci, hemolytic bacteria and actinomycetes were determined on media according to the Polish Standard PN-86/Z-04111/02. The number of moulds was determined on media according to the Polish Standard PN-86/Z-04111/03.


While the highest numbers of microorganisms were noted at the sites located in the urban areas, the lowest numbers were noted in the vicinity of the open-air inhalatoria. In all the investigated air samples the values of bioaerosol concentrations were below the recommended TLVs (≤ 5000 CFU×m?3 for both bacteria and fungi in outdoor environments). Location of the sampling site was invariably a decisive factor in determining the number of microorganisms in the air.


The aerosol which is formed in the open-air inhalatoria has a positive influence on microbiological air quality. Owing to a unique microclimate and low air contamination, Ciechocinek and Inowroc?aw comply with all necessary requirements set for health resorts specializing in treating upper respiratory tract infections.  相似文献   

生物垃圾加工厂供料厅空气微生物菌群的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]为了减少环境污染与公害,对生物垃圾加工厂供料厅的空气细菌菌群及其含量进行研究。[方法]使用ANDERSEN-空气微生物收集器和KS-92(Impinger)喷冲器对上述地点在5个日期两个采样点收集了157个空气样品,在3个测量日期采集生物垃圾样品102个。[结果]空气中需氧菌总数浮动于4.62×103~9.55×105CFU/m 3之间;厌氧菌为3.07×103~2.14×104CFU/m 3,其中魏氏梭菌含量 为1.1~197 CFU/m 3,气悬状态的魏氏梭菌以孢子形式存在。[结论]空气微生物气溶胶的含量与菌源距离呈反比,空气中菌群和含量能作为生物垃圾污染与质量的指示。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to show the influence of air conditioning control for microbial contamination of air inside the operating theatres equipped with correctly working air-conditioning system. This work was based on the results of bacteria and fungi concentration in hospital air obtained since 2001. Assays of microbial air purity conducted on atmospheric air in parallel with indoor air demonstrated that air filters applied in air-conditioning systems worked correctly in every case. To show the problem of fluctuation of bacteria concentration more precisely, every sequences of single results from successive measure series were examined independently.  相似文献   

目的 了解校园空气中微生物分布及其变化规律。方法 采用空气沉降法,分别于春、夏、秋、冬四个季节对贵州大学校园8个不同功能区,共30个监测点进行了细菌含量的监测。结果 ⑴在室内监测点中,教学区空气质量全部合格,图书馆的空气质量是最佳的;女生宿舍、食堂的空气微生物含量相对较高。室外监测点中林荫道的空气质量在不同季节大部分时间均处于清洁水平,而主干道空气质量全年均处于污染水平。⑵校园各功能区中,室内空气微生物浓度明显低于室外,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。⑶校园各功能区不同季节空气细菌和真菌浓度变化特征存在差异。各季节不同功能区空气中细菌浓度无显著差异;而各季节空气中真菌浓度差异显著,真菌浓度在秋季最高,冬季最低。结论 在人流量大的、空间相对密闭、植被稀少的场所空气中的微生物污染较严重,相反在人流量小、通风好、植被茂密的场所微生物污染少,空气质量较好。  相似文献   

During operations for total joint replacement done in operating rooms with conventional ventilation the mean air contamination varied considerably among the 15 hospitals studied. The range was from 51 to as many as 539 bacteria-carrying particles per cubic metre. When the data from all the hospitals were grouped according to the mean level of bacterial airborne contamination, including operations done in control and in ultraclean air, there was a good correlation between the air contamination and the joint sepsis rate. There was also a correlation between the mean values of air contamination and the numbers of bacteria isolated from wound wash-out samples; but the apparent efficiency of the sampling method varied a great deal among the hospitals carrying out this procedure. From this data it would seem that by far the largest proportion of bacteria found in the wound after the prosthesis had been inserted reached it by the airborne route. With the mean air contamination found in the control series, 164 bacteria-carrying particles per cubic metre, this proportion was as much as 95 per cent. The risk of joint sepsis varied widely among the 19 hospitals. The differences between the highest and lowest being probably as much as 20-fold. However, the effect of an ultraclean air environment was asimilar at all hospitals.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was the estimation of microbial contamination of the air in "small gastronomy point". The study included three places, which have been separated on the ground of their function: 1. area of subsidiaries, 2. area of distribution (sale and serving meal), 3. area of consumption. The total numbers of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and moulds were determined by sedimentation method. Taxonomy units of fungal aerosol were also estimated. The samples of air were collected in 16 investigation points in the morning (8-8.30) and in the afternoon (14-14.30). Four series of measurements were carried out and in general 128 of air samples were tested. The results showed that numbers of bacteria, yeasts and moulds were variable and received respectively 30-3397, 0-254 and 0-138 cfu x m(-3). Microbial contamination of air changed depending on area character (the highest average count of bacteria occurred in the air of consumption area and fungi in subsidiaries area), time of a day (contamination of the air increased in the afternoon) and determination date. Only in single samples the numbers of bacteria and fungi were higher than recommended level. Pigmentary bacteria had high participation in total count of bacteria and filamentous fungi were represented mostly by Penicillium sp. and Cladosporium sp.  相似文献   

目的通过51条不同类型坑道空气微生物监测,为坑道安全保障提供依据。方法用撞击法和沉降法监测空气细菌总数、真菌数、链球菌及厌氧菌数。结果1.空气细菌总数及链球菌数基本正常。2.半密闭型坑道空气真菌数最高,通道及房间中位数分别为5950cfu/m^3及9500cfu/m^3。3.密闭型坑道通道空气厌氧菌数分别是半密闭型及通风型通道的4.2倍及3.8倍。结论坑道空气中含有大量真菌及厌氧菌,对进驻人员健康有一定威胁。  相似文献   

The numbers of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and moulds were obtained by sedimentation method. The investigation included six areas, which have been separated on the ground of their function: 1. washing and peeling of potatoes and vegetables, 2. initial treatment of raw materials, 3. washing up of kitchen utensils, 4. cooking of meals, 5. serving of meals, 6. dining room. The samples of air were collected in 32 investigation points in the morning (8-8(30)) and in the afternoon (15-15(30)). Twelve series of measurements were carried out and in general 768 of air samples were tested. The results show that numbers of bacteria, moulds and yeasts were variable and received respectively 75-4550, 0-4565 and 0-290 cfu/m3. Analysis of variance proved that differences between mean number of microorganisms in the air were significant in dependence on the kind of place, time of a day and series of measurements. In the morning the highest microbiological contamination characterized the air of "washing and peeling" area. In the afternoon the number of all groups of microorganisms in the air of 1 and 2 areas was reduced. In the other places the amount of bacteria and yeasts increased, but mean number of moulds was reduced. Respectively 3% and almost 20% of air tested samples not answered for bacteria and fungi numbers recommended to kitchen areas. Filamentous fungi were represented mainly by Cladosporium sp. and Penicillium sp.  相似文献   

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