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枢椎解剖学测量及临床意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者对180例干燥枢椎骨标本进行了测量,重点测量了齿状突的后倾角和长度及宽度,椎板和棘突之高度及厚度,关节面外倾角和矢状径及横径,关节突高度,横突孔测量,并近似推测枢椎水平的横突孔(管)之椎动脉外倾角和后倾角等多组解剖学数据,并进行统计学处理.文内还就枢椎齿状突测量之临床意义以及椎动脉管外倾角和后倾角在诊断临床椎动脉疾患中的参考价值进行了讨论.  相似文献   

目的通过标本测量,研究以下关节突中心点为入钉点,枢椎椎弓根螺钉的进钉方法及要点。方法50枚人尸体骨干骨标本,以下关节突中心点A为进针点,在枢椎腹侧测量椎弓根的内倾角α;在椎弓背侧,选择上关节突内缘C点为标志点,测量AC连线的冠状面内倾角β,探讨α与β的相关性。结果枢椎腹侧测量的椎弓根冠状面内倾角为43°±4°(左侧),45°±5°(右侧),均值44°±6°;枢椎背侧测量的下关节突中心点A与上关节面内缘点C的连线内倾角β为39°±5°(左侧),37°±6°(右侧),均值38°±7°;α,β差值平均为5°±2°。结论①椎椎弓根部的解剖特点决定了其椎弓根螺钉的进入方向必须非常精确,否则很容易穿出椎弓根内外壁,造成椎动脉或脊髓的损伤;②枢椎下关节中心点与上关节面内缘点的连线对于确定合理的钉道方向具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

寰枢椎腹侧手术相关解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:评价寰枢椎腹侧手术内固定物置入时的相对危险性,为相关器械的设计和改进提供解剖学参考。方法:对37对寰枢椎干骨标本20条线性参数和8个角度参数进行测量,观察寰枢椎腹侧的形态结构。结果:寰椎上下关节面的轴截面是前内至后外方向并逐渐外向扭转的倒工字型曲面,其下1/3分位线恰位于骨质中央,纵长为(18.66±1.92)m m。枢椎侧块外2/3因椎动脉压痕形成空洞,使枢椎上外侧关节面下方骨质由前内向后外逐渐变薄,最薄处仅(1.67±0.65)m m。结论:寰枢椎腹侧手术时,在寰椎上下关节轴截面下1/3分位线置钉和沿枢椎体前唇至齿突基底后缘连线置钉能够获得最大界面把持力,而且安全性最高;寰枢椎外侧关节间融合时枢椎上关节面摩除的骨质厚度不能超过1.5m m,否则有损伤椎动脉的危险。  相似文献   

Objective To provide the anatomic and radiographic data, verify the clinical application of trans-lamina screws and evaluate the efficacy of our radiographic methods. Methods The anatomic and radiographic measurements of C2 vertebra were conducted on cadavers and living subjects. A total of 96 human adult cadavers and 112 volunteers without upper cervical abnormality were studied in this project. The minimal height (H1), thickness (T), length (L1) of C2 lamina, height of the root of lamina (H2), distance from the entry point to the lateral rim of lamina (L2) and to the lateral rim of lateral mass (L3) were bilaterally measured using calipers. The spino-laminar angles (angle A) were also included. All measurements were taken at the thinnest part of the lamina in the axial and coronal planes. Results The data of males were significantly higher than that of females (EM>P /EM><0.05) except angle A. There was no significant difference in the values of bilateral lamina between group A and group B (EM>P/EM> >0.05).The thickness of the vertebral lamina was less than 6mm in 45% of the specimens. The length of the lamina in all specimens was less than 2.5cm, while only 5% of the specimens had a >3cm distance from the entry point to the rim of lamina. The length from the entry point to the lateral rim of lateral mass ranged from 2.5cm to 4.6cm,with the length longer than 4cm was seen in 4% specimens. BR>Conclusion The preoperative radiographic evaluation is very important to determine the suitable size of screws. The radiographic measurement method we used is simple, accurate and reliable for preoperative measu  相似文献   

目的:探究寰枢椎侧块关节面解剖形态的影像学参数,为临床寰枢椎侧块关节间融合器的设计提供支持。方法:回顾性研究。选取2019年1月—2020年6月在宁波市第六医院行颈椎CT检查的100名成人健康体检者的影像资料,其中男57人、女43人,年龄26~61(40.9±6.4)岁。受检者均行C 1~C 7...  相似文献   

枢械解剖学测量及临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱海波  寇庚 《解剖学杂志》1997,20(4):305-309
作者对180例于燥区椎骨标本进行了测量,重点测量了齿状突的后倾角和长度及宽度,椎板和棘突之高 度及厚度,关节面外倾角和矢状径及横径,关节突高度。横突孔测量,并近似推测量枢椎水平的横突孔之椎动脉外倾角和后倾角等多组解剖学数据,并进行统计学处理,文内就枢状突测量之临床意义以及诼椎动脉管外倾角和后倾角在诊断临床推动脉疾患者中的参考价值进行了讨论。  相似文献   

寰椎椎弓和枢椎椎板的应用解剖   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:为颈后路寰枢椎钛缆固定术和相关器械设计提供解剖学依据。方法:在100例中国成人干燥标本上,观察寰椎后弓和枢椎椎板的形态学特点并进行解剖学测量。结果:(1)寰椎后弓较纤弱,上面与椎管不平行,从后上方向内下方倾斜;(2)枢椎椎板较粗大,上窄下宽,内面基本平行椎管,内面下缘多形成一骨嵴。结论:(1)寰椎后弓和枢椎椎板穿绕钛缆时宜自上向下操作,为方便操作,可以咬除部分枢椎椎板上缘;(2)设计枢椎椎板穿绕钛缆的引导器械时需考虑到其内面的骨嵴。  相似文献   

寰枢椎的临床解剖及其不稳的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
寰枢椎的临床解剖及其不稳的研究进展孙俊①②综述徐达传①朱青安①审校寰枢椎在整个脊柱中结构最为复杂和特殊,寰椎无椎体,两者间无椎间盘,关节和韧带是其主要连结结构,对维持寰枢椎稳定有重要作用。任何原因所致的寰枢椎和韧带损伤,均可引起寰枢椎不稳,若处理不及...  相似文献   

寰枢椎的解剖学测量及其临床意义   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
目的 :为寰枢椎区病损机制和手术治疗提供解剖学依据。方法 :在 15 0例中国成年人干燥寰枢椎标本上 ,对具有临床意义的数据进行解剖学测量。结果 :寰椎上关节面内倾角、下关节面外倾角及侧块内倾角两侧不对称分别占 19.3 %、10 .7%和 7.3 % ;椎动脉沟处形成沟环者占 16 .0 % ;所有横突孔的前后径和横径均大于 4mm ;后弓内侧半距仅为外侧半距的 1/2。枢椎椎弓根内倾角变异较大 (-3 .5°~2 1.5°) ;齿突腰部宽度小于 9mm者占 71.2 % ,齿突后倾角的变异较大 (0°~ 2 2°) ;2 7.5 %的椎动脉在经过枢椎侧块下方时会形成一动脉压迹沟 ,致使侧块外端和椎弓根变薄。结论 :①寰枢椎的解剖学形态与其生物力学性质及损伤机制密切相关 ;②手术时寰椎前弓向外显露不宜超过 2 0mm ,后弓切除向外不宜超过 10mm ,经寰枢外侧关节融合或内固定术应选择在关节的内侧 2 /3 ;③大部分中国人不适宜于两枚齿突螺钉内固定术 ;④ 2 7.5 %的中国人不适宜于经椎弓根螺钉固定术 ,枢椎椎弓根变异较大 ,手术前应作CT检测。  相似文献   

寰枢椎的临床应用解剖学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
寰枢椎作为枕颈移行部,形态结构复杂,功能特殊。因其邻近颈髓、椎动脉和颈神经等重要结构,此区的畸形与病损常导致严重的临床后果。又因其部位深在及生物力学性质独特,其病损的诊断和治疗相对复杂和棘手,一直是脊柱外科的难点之一。本文拟就与临床床有关的寰枢椎的解剖形态结构作一文献综述。  相似文献   

上颈椎侧方入路的应用解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为上颈椎侧方入路提供应用解剖学基础。方法:(1)在30例(60侧)成人头颈标本上观察该入路相关的解剖结构。(2)对50例寰、枢椎干燥骨标本的侧方结构进行测量。结果:(1)副神经在乳突下方(3.89±0.56)cm进入胸锁乳突肌。(2)C_(1~3)前支的长度分别为(2.19±0.17)cm、(2.23±0.59)cm、(2.05±0.60)cm;根角度分别为(25.8±6.9)°、(32.1±6.3)°、(40.9±4.4)°。(3)椎动脉在上、中、下三点的牵开距离为(2.14±0.35)、(3.53±0.46)、(2.47±0.38)cm。(4)寰枢椎侧方骨质切除的最大宽度为2.5~3.0cm。结论:上颈椎侧方入路可一次性切除寰枢椎侧方病灶。从解剖学角度观察分析,侧方入路是安全可行的。  相似文献   

下颈椎观测对颈椎前路手术的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为下颈椎前方入路提供应用解剖学基础。方法测量广东地区出土成人干燥下颈椎(C3~C7)标本40套。测量项目包括椎体的前高、中高、后高、上矢径、中矢径、下矢径、上横径、中横径、下横径以及钩突间距。结果下颈椎椎体上横径平均为19.2mm,中横径21.1mm,下横径22.2mm;椎体上矢径平均为15.3mm,中矢径14.9mm,下矢径16.1mm。结论本文的测量数据为改进下颈椎前路手术及减少手术并发症提供了解剖学依据。  相似文献   

Internal anal sphincter: an anatomic study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anatomy of the internal anal sphincter and surrounding structures was investigated in 24 cadavers using a surgical microscope (6-25 x magnification). An understanding of the anatomy of the internal anal sphincter is helpful in avoiding complications during surgical procedures in the anorectal region. The external anal sphincter was composed of three ellipsoid rings of skeletal muscle (subcutaneous, superficial, and deep) that encircle the anal canal; in contrast, we found that the internal anal sphincter was composed of flat rings of smooth muscle bundles stacked one on top of the other, like the slats of a Venetian blind. In each anal canal, the average number of ring-like slats observed was 26.33 +/- 2.93 (range = 20-30) and each was covered by its own fascia. The smooth muscle fibers and fascia coalesced at three equidistant points around the anal canal to form three columns that extended distally into the lumen and differed in form from the other anal columns. When viewed from an anterior position, the columns were located anteriorly at the observer's right (5 o'clock position), posteriorly at the right (1 o'clock position), and laterally at the left (9 o'clock position). This heretofore unreported anatomy of the internal anal sphincter may play an important role in closing off the lumen of the anal canal and maintaining bowel continence.  相似文献   

新型上颈椎前路钩状钛板的研制及应用解剖学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过解剖测量C1~3获得形态学参数为研制上颈椎前路钩状钛板提供解剖学依据.方法:采用40套正常成人干燥寰枢椎骨标本及50例正常成人颈椎侧位X线片测量C1~3的相关参数,并进行统计学分析,据此设计上颈椎前路钩状钛板,并在3具成人尸体标本上模拟钩状钛板置入并植骨术.结果:寰椎前弓宽度(AW)为(20.06±1.16)mm、前弓高度(AH)(10.61±1.04)him、前弓厚度(AT)(4.09±0.66)mnl;齿突横径(DW)(9.80±0.83)mm、齿突前后径(DD)(10.13±0.63)mm;寰枢椎体前缘高(VAH)(22.03±1.99)nHn、前缘横径(TD)(16.80±1.26)mm、前后径(AP)(16.14±1.06)mm;寰枢椎前缘总高度(AAOH)(37.44±3.2)mm、C2/3椎间盘前缘高(C2/3IVDHA)(4.55±0.64)mm、C3椎体前缘高(C3BHA)(13.31±1.39)mm.前路钩状钛板由一对钩形钛板和配套螺钉构成,其中钛板分为C1~2和C1~3两种型号.结论:颈椎前路钩状钛板的设计在形态学上具有可行性,各部件参数有一定的选取范围,其能在颈前侧咽后入路下安装,既能够避免进口咽入路的并发症又能重建寰枢关节的稳定性,具有牢靠安全、操作简便的特点.  相似文献   

胸腰椎横突形态学对比研究及其临床意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:对比研究胸、腰椎横突形态,并探讨其临床意义.方法:测量45具胸、腰椎干燥骨标本T1~L5节段(T11-T12除外)横突长度、厚度、高度、上仰角、及后仰角,对数据进行统计分析,对比胸椎横突与腰椎横突形态的具体差异.结果:胸椎横突与腰椎横突间各项测量参数除个别节段外差异均有显著意义(P<0.05),胸椎横突长度长于腰椎(L3及L5除外),厚度厚于腰椎(L5除外),高度高于腰椎(L5除外),后仰角大于腰椎.结论:胸腰椎横突形态明显不同,胸椎横突可做内固定之用,腰椎横突宜做定位标志,从胸椎横突至椎体螺钉固定是可能的.  相似文献   

The meniscofemoral ligaments (MFLs) run from the medial femoral condyle to the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus and consist of anterior MFL (aMFL) and/or posterior MFL (pMFL) components according to whether it passes anterior or posterior to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence and morphologic features of the MFLs in Koreans and formulate an anatomic classification system of MFLs to aid the detailed interpretation of medical imaging or biomechanical data. One hundred knees from 52 cadavers were studied. Eighty-seven knees had pMFLs, whereas an aMFL was only found in one knee from a male cadaver. The pMFLs and PCLs were longer in males than in females (P < 0.05). The most common type of MFL was the high crossing of a typical pMFL against the PCL in both genders. Regarding other types, the incidence of absent pMFLs was higher in males than in females and the oblique bundle of the PCL was easily confused with the pMFL in several cases in both genders. These results provide the basis for the classification system of the MFL and will contribute to better outcomes for evaluating the MFL and PCL when using medical imaging such as arthro-CT scan or MRI through a better understanding of the anatomy of the MFL and PCL.  相似文献   

胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点为椎弓根进钉点的应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点与椎弓根的解剖关系,为胸椎椎弓根穿钉提供一种新的定位方法。方法:选取45具成人干燥骨标本(男25具,女20具),测量胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点至相应椎弓根上缘、下缘、中轴线垂直距离,至内缘、外缘、中轴线水平距离,最适内倾角度、最适尾倾角度、最大内倾角度、最大尾倾角度。据测量结果设置穿钉参数,在5具尸体上模拟穿钉,CT评价螺钉位置。结果:各组长度、角度之性差比较无显著统计学意义(P>0.05)。胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点在椎弓根上缘、下缘、内缘、外缘所成框内,与椎弓根中轴线接近;最适内倾角度T1 ̄T3为25°,T4 ̄T10为15°,最适尾倾角度10°,据此参数在5具尸体上模拟穿钉均获成功。结论:胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点作胸椎椎弓根穿钉定位点,具有准确、可靠、简单实用等优点,是一良好的解剖定位标志。  相似文献   

Gender differences in glenoid anatomy have not been well studied in the current literature. Previous literature demonstrates a mismatch between glenoid anatomy and glenoid implants for shoulder replacements. This may have clinical implications in that glenoid loosening after shoulder arthroplasty has been cited as a frequent cause of poor performance of shoulder implants, and perhaps the most common indication for revision. The purpose of this study was to determine any gender differences in the size and overall shape of the glenoid. Eleven measurements were taken of 363 human scapular bone specimens (equal proportions of females to males and blacks to whites). Glenoid height and width, glenoid notch location, and depth were measured for each specimen using calipers. In addition, the authors developed a classification system to describe anterior glenoid notch morphology. There was a significant difference between female and male specimens for each dimension measured (P < 0.05). Height to width ratios were also significantly different comparing men to women (P < 0.05). These differences resulted in a rounder male glenoid and more oval female glenoid. Our results showed that 80.4% of females had an anterior glenoid notch compared to only 57.6% of males. There was a significant difference between female and male specimens in the location of the anterior glenoid notch: 36.7% from the top of the glenoid in female specimens, and 28.9% in males (P < 0.0001). The clear difference between male and female glenoid anatomy may be important in various shoulder surgeries.  相似文献   

颈椎椎间盘与相应椎管及内容物关系的影像解剖学研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 :建立正常椎间盘与相应椎管及内容物相互关系的解剖数据。方法 :选用 43例尸体颈椎进行CT、MRI扫描 ,自蛛网膜下腔注入铸型造影剂后制作横断层标本并行X线轴位摄影。结果 :第 4至 7颈椎的椎管矢径与椎间盘矢径之比分别为 82 .42± 10 .10、80 .44± 9.0 7、81.83± 7.0 4% ,硬膜囊矢径与椎间盘矢径之比分别为 6 2 .6 6± 8.12、5 3 .46± 2 4.3 4、70 .5 8± 11.3 1% ,硬膜囊矢径与椎管矢径之比分别为76 .47± 11.5 6、79.10± 9.3 9、77.85± 6 .84% ,椎管面积与椎间盘面积之比分别为 96 .12± 10 .3 0、80 .87±10 .96、72 .73± 10 .40 % ,标本的解剖学与影像学各测量结果经统计学处理无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :本文从实验材料到方法接近于临床对活体的测量结果 ,所测数据可作为青年人颈椎正常解剖数据标准  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present anatomic macroscopic aspects and the relationship between the duodenum and the posterior abdominal wall. The authors describe anatomic types of peritoneal duodenal fossae and stress some points of surgical importance. Twenty-four cadavers, fixed in formalin, were dissected. Ten peritoneal fossae were given prominence and the authors show the anatomical structures topographically, from a superficial plane to a deep viscerae level. There is usually a complete fusion of the duodenal loop with the posterior parietal peritoneum except the duodenojejunal flexure. The study reveals three right retroduodenal fossae, three left retroduodenal fossae, two inferior duodenal fossae, one left paraduodenal fossa and one superior duodenal fossa. These peritoneal recesses mostly result from an incomplete adhesion of the Treitz’s fascia. This work provides some explanation of paraduodenal hernias that represent a rare case of intestinal obstruction. Two cases of these internal hernias are illustrated and their pathophysiology and embryologic basis are discussed.  相似文献   

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