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In order to increase the number of practical and discussion classes offered to students in the traditional-curriculum scenario, while decreasing the lecture-based ones and to create an online community to share knowledge on surgery, we developed and assessed the first online course for undergraduate medical students on experimental surgery at the Federal University of Sao Paulo-UNIFESP, Brazil. The purposes of the present study are: describe and discuss the process and the lessons learned involved in developing an undergraduate web-based course and analyze the students' attitude towards this educational environment. A group of medical students was taught online during 5 weeks on the theory of experimental surgery through video quizzes, required readings, collaborative activities using discussion board and asynchronous communication. The students' knowledge gain, their web session variables and the results of the course evaluation were used to support our study. The students have significantly improved their knowledge on experimental surgery after the course. Among factors in the online course that could possibly have contributed to this gain, the interactive activities (video quizzes), key element in our online material, seemed to be promising for candidates. The evaluation results demonstrated high levels of course functionality, effectiveness of its online content and acceptance among medical students. This study indicated that a web-based course for undergraduate students may be successfully developed and implemented in medical settings and the students seem to be quite supportive. We encourage undergraduate medical learning strategies involving the Web.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Lifelong, self-directed learning (SDL) has been identified as an important ability for medical graduates. To evaluate the effect of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine's revised undergraduate medical curriculum on students' SDL, a cross-sectional study was conducted. METHOD: A questionnaire package was mailed to 280 randomly selected students, 70 from each of the four years of the curriculum. The package contained the two most widely recognized, extensively used, and validated instruments of SDL (Guglielmino's 58-item Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale and Oddi's 24-item Continuous Learning Inventory) and Ryan's two-part Self-Assessment Questionnaire. An identification number and sociodemographic questions were included with the questionnaires. Data analysis was completed using chi-square for differences of proportions, analysis of variance for differences between means, and linear regression for trends. RESULTS: A total of 250 (89.3%) complete questionnaire packages were returned. No significant trend in SDL was evident by curriculum year, and similar SDL levels were observed for women and men. However, a significant positive trend in SDL was found with the highest level of premedical education achieved (undergraduate only, masters, or doctoral). Further, students' perceptions concerning the importance of SDL decreased according to year in the curriculum. CONCLUSION: This study found no evidence that students' self-reported SDL is positively influenced by the current undergraduate medical curriculum at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the correlation between global ratings and criterion-based checklist scores, and inter-rater reliability of global ratings and criterion-based checklist scores, in a performance assessment using an anesthesia simulator. METHOD: All final-year medical students at the University of Toronto were invited to work through a 15-minute faculty-facilitated scenario using an anesthesia simulator. Students' performances were videotaped and analyzed by two faculty using a 25-point criterion-based checklist and a five-point global rating of competency (1 = clear failure, 5 = superior performance). Correlations between global ratings and checklist scores, as well as specific performance competencies (knowledge, technical skills, and judgment), were determined. Checklist and global scores were converted to percentages; means of the two marks were compared. Mean reliability of a single rater for both checklist and global ratings was determined. RESULTS: The correlation between checklist and global ratings was.74. Mean ratings of both checklist and global scores were low (58.67, SD = 14.96, and 57.08, SD = 24.27, respectively); these differences were not statistically significant. For a single rater, the mean reliability score across rater pairs for checklist scores was.77 (range.58-.93). Mean reliability score across rater pairs for global ratings was.62 (.40-.77). Global ratings correlated more highly with technical skills and judgment (r =.51 and r =.53, respectively) than with knowledge. (r =.24) CONCLUSION: Inter-rater reliability was higher for checklist scores than for global ratings; however, global ratings demonstrated acceptable inter-rater reliability and may be useful for competency assessment in performance assessments using simulators.  相似文献   

Even if painted in black and white, there is no doubt that the assumptions for the application of traditional approaches for user requirements specification are more or less unfulfilled. This indicates a need for evolutionary system development combined with constructive assessment throughout the life-cycle of an IT-based solution. A methodology for constructive technology assessment is presented, which 1) covers the entire system life-cycle; 2) has users from the application domain of the future system, or their representatives, as the target users of the assessment methodology; 3) enables constructive assessment during the development of an IT-based solution; 4) is applicable independently of the system development approach; and 5) provides users of the IT-based solution with information enabling them to decide whether or not to take the system into real-life clinical usage.  相似文献   

Malignant salivary gland tumors represent a challenge for pathologists due to their low frequency and morphologic overlap. In recent years machine learning techniques have been applied to the field of pathology to improve diagnostic performance. In the present work, we fitted a machine learning algorithm to approach the diagnosis of malignant salivary gland tumors. Twelve morphologic variables were scored across 115 samples representing the most commonly encountered malignant salivary gland tumors. The sample was randomly split into a discovery and validation set. A recursive partitioning algorithm was used to systematically screen and organize candidate variables into a classification tree using the discovery set. A cross-validation strategy was used to tune the algorithm hyperparameters. Inter-observer concordance was calculated by independent evaluation of 26 randomly selected cases. The five-tiered tree built, required the evaluation of 6 morphological variables. Basaloid appearance, presence of mucous cells, necrosis, cribriform pattern, clear cells and keratinization were selected by the algorithm to build the tree. This diagnostic tool correctly classified 89.9% and 84.6% of the samples in the discovery and validation sets respectively. Misclassification pattern was consistent between both sets. Misclassified tumors belonged to one of three histologic types: epithelial-myoepithelial, polymorphous and mucoepidermoid carcinomas. Other histotypes demonstrated perfect recall in both the discovery and validation sets. Overall inter-observer concordance was good, with median kappa scores between the expert evaluator and training pathologists being 0.81. Overall, our classification tool developed using a recursive partitioning algorithm can effectively guide the morphological approach to malignant salivary gland tumors.  相似文献   

Positive effects of a clinical performance assessment program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since 1986, there has been a clinical performance assessment program for fourth-year students at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Students interact with several standardized patients (SPs) and complete other tasks such as interpretation of electrocardiograms and interpretation of X-rays. Scores are generated both by checklists and rating forms completed by the SPs and by paperwork completed by the students at the end of each encounter. Since 1986, students have been asked how frequently they have been observed by faculty and residents as they interacted with actual patients; the students report that such observations have markedly increased. Since 1989, there has been increased feedback to students by the attending faculty during and following clinical rotations. Although it is difficult to claim cause and effect, it is clear that since the inception of this exercise, the faculty have made a conscious effort to improve students' clinical skills by providing increased observation and feedback.  相似文献   

The need to detect and process sensory cues varies in different behavioral contexts. Plasticity in sensory coding can be achieved by the context-specific release of neuromodulators in restricted brain areas. The context of aversion triggers the release of dopamine in the insect brain, yet the effects of dopamine on sensory coding are unknown. In this study, we characterize the morphology of dopaminergic neurons that innervate each of the antennal lobes (ALs; the first synaptic neuropils of the olfactory system) of the moth Manduca sexta and demonstrate with electrophysiology that dopamine enhances odor-evoked responses of the majority of AL neurons while reducing the responses of a small minority. Because dopamine release in higher brain areas mediates aversive learning we developed a naturalistic, ecologically inspired aversive learning paradigm in which an innately appetitive host plant floral odor is paired with a mimic of the aversive nectar of herbivorized host plants. This pairing resulted in a decrease in feeding behavior that was blocked when dopamine receptor antagonists were injected directly into the ALs. These results suggest that a transient dopaminergic enhancement of sensory output from the AL contributes to the formation of aversive memories. We propose a model of olfactory modulation in which specific contexts trigger the release of different neuromodulators in the AL to increase olfactory output to downstream areas of processing.  相似文献   

The continuous expansion of immunocompromised patient populations at-risk for developing life-threatening opportunistic fungal infections in recent decades has helped develop a deeper understanding of antifungal host defenses, which has provided the foundation for eventually devising immune-based targeted interventions in the clinic. This review outlines how genetic variation in certain immune pathway-related genes may contribute to the observed clinical variability in the risk of acquisition and/or severity of fungal infections and how immunogenetic-based patient stratification may enable the eventual development of personalized strategies for antifungal prophylaxis and/or vaccination. Moreover, this review synthesizes the emerging cytokine-based, cell-based, and other immunotherapeutic strategies that have shown promise as adjunctive therapies for boosting or modulating tissue-specific antifungal immune responses in the context of opportunistic fungal infections.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The objective of this work was to assess problem-based learning (PBL) as a method for teaching information and communication technology in medical informatics (MI) courses. A study was conducted in the Schools of Medicine of Rennes and Rouen (France) with third-year medical students. METHODS: The "PBL-in-MI" sessions included a first tutorial group meeting, then personal work, followed by a second tutorial group meeting. A problem that simulated practice and was focused on information technology was discussed. In Rouen, the students were familiar with PBL, and they enrolled on a voluntary basis, while in Rennes, the students were first-ever participants in PBL courses, and the program was mandatory. One hundred and seventy-seven students participated in the PBL-in-MI sessions and were given a questionnaire in order to evaluate qualitatively the sessions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The response rate was 92.1%. The overall opinion of the students was good. 69.8% responded positively to the program. In Rouen, where the students participated in PBL-in-MI sessions on a voluntary basis, the students were significantly more enthusiastic about PBL-in-MI. Moreover, attitudes and opinions of students are plausibly related to differences in previous PBL skills. The fact that the na?ve group had two tutors, one trained and one na?ve as the students, has been investigated. Teacher naivety was an explanatory factor for the differences between Rennes and Rouen.  相似文献   



As the overall evidence for the effectiveness of teaching of evidence based medicine (EBM) is not strong, and the impact of cultural and societal influences on teaching method is poorly understood, we undertook a randomised-controlled trial to test the effectiveness and learning satisfaction with two different EBM teaching methods (usual teaching vs. problem based learning (PBL)) for undergraduate medical students.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether a form of implicit memory that has been unambiguously dissociated from conscious awareness--learning of spatial context on the contextual cuing task introduced by M. M. Chun and Y. Jiang (1998)--is mature in childhood as predicted by an evolutionary view of cognition. School-aged children did not show reliable learning relative to adults who performed the same version of the task or another version that slowed responses to match those of children. Thus, unreliable learning in childhood was mediated by immature implicit representations of spatial context rather than by slower baseline response speed. The present finding is inconsistent with the prediction of the evolutionary view of cognition but consistent with incomplete maturation of medial temporal lobes known to mediate contextual learning.  相似文献   

骨科临床路径在临床实习及手术教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨科临床实习及手术教学是培养学员临床实践能力的重要阶段,是临床医学本科教学必不可缺的过程。骨科临床实习教学具有其特殊性,主要表现在:骨科各种疾病部位复杂、学科分科精细、骨科病情繁杂、学员接触的病种不一。因此,怎样形成系统的教学方法,形成标准教学流程,建立科学有效的教学方法是一个值得继续研究的课题。当今世界循证医学的兴起[1],临床路径的发展,给骨科临床实习及手术教学带来了新的机遇,为此我们引入临床路径理念,期望建立起骨科临床实习教学的一种新方法。  相似文献   

Problem-based learning: an assessment of its feasibility and cost   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As our knowledge of human biology becomes more complex and the medical school applicant pool declines, there is ample reason to consider an alternative to the conventional medical curriculum. Many authorities feel that a format incorporating problem-based learning (PBL) would be more appropriate and effective. The problem-based medical curriculum is one in which facts and principles are learned in the context of a clinical problem. Problem-based medical education began as a revision of the McMaster University medical curriculum in 1969 and was instituted in the United States as a problem-based experimental track at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in 1979. The first completely integrated, totally problem-based, McMaster-type, medical curriculum in the United States began operation in 1982 with the establishment of Mercer University School of Medicine. Many years of experience at these three institutions have shown that the problem-based curriculum works well. Several medical schools throughout the world are either practicing PBL or investigating the feasibility of adopting it. A comparison of the costs (in faculty time) of problem-based and conventional pathology programs suggests that the PBL curriculum is quite feasible for schools with a class size of 60 or less and may be so for many schools and programs with classes of less than 100.  相似文献   

The process of costing clinical biochemistry tests as a component of the commissioning of a unit management budgeting system based on an International Computers Limited (ICL) minicomputer system was examined. Methods of apportioning consumable and labour costs under direct and indirect cost headings and as test and request charges were investigated, and in this currently operational system it was found that 38% of consumable costs and 57% of labour costs were not a direct component of the routine analysis function. Means of assigning test costs to a given request source and the incorporation of such charges into clinical budget statements were looked at. A reduction in laboratory workload did not produce a comparable reduction in laboratory costs. For a theoretical reduction in workload of 20% only a 3.8% laboratory saving in recoverable costs could be expected.  相似文献   



Large scale models of interprofessional learning (IPL) where outcomes are assessed are rare within health professional curricula. To date, there is sparse research describing robust assessment strategies to support such activities. We describe the development of an IPL assessment task based on peer rating of a student generated video evidencing collaborative interprofessional practice. We provide content validation evidence of an assessment rubric in the context of large scale IPL.


Two established approaches to scale development in an educational setting were combined. A literature review was undertaken to develop a conceptual model of the relevant domains and issues pertaining to assessment of student generated videos within IPL. Starting with a prototype rubric developed from the literature, a series of staff and student workshops were undertaken to integrate expert opinion and user perspectives. Participants assessed five-minute videos produced in a prior pilot IPL activity. Outcomes from each workshop informed the next version of the rubric until agreement was reached on anchoring statements and criteria. At this point the rubric was declared fit to be used in the upcoming mandatory large scale IPL activity.


The assessment rubric consisted of four domains: patient issues, interprofessional negotiation; interprofessional management plan in action; and effective use of video medium to engage audience. The first three domains reflected topic content relevant to the underlying construct of interprofessional collaborative practice. The fourth domain was consistent with the broader video assessment literature calling for greater emphasis on creativity in education.


We have provided evidence for the content validity of a video-based peer assessment task portraying interprofessional collaborative practice in the context of large-scale IPL activities for healthcare professional students. Further research is needed to establish the reliability of such a scale.

PURPOSE: In 1994, the medical school at the University of Manchester introduced a new integrated course that uses problem-based learning (PBL) throughout the clinical clerkships as the major approach for delivery of the core curriculum. This study explored how students linked PBL and clinical experiences. METHOD: All third- and fourth-year students were asked to respond to an open-ended question on the end-of-module course evaluation. Their responses were analyzed and grouped into themes. The authors also conducted three focus groups of third-year students and a further three focus groups of fourth-year students to explore how students viewed the links between PBL and clinical experiences. The discussions were taped and subsequently analyzed by the researchers independently. RESULTS: The authors found that the students used clinical experience as a means of elaborating their knowledge either at the time of encountering an appropriate patient (outside the group) or by bringing their experiences back to the PBL group for discussion (inside the group). Major facilitators of elaboration were the match between the clinical clerkship and the content of the PBL case, the role of the tutor, and the self-directedness of the student. A theoretical model of how students linked PBL with their clinical experience was derived based on a cognitive psychological approach to learning. CONCLUSIONS: The model will be of benefit as the authors try to improve the course for those students who were unable to use their clinical experiences to achieve the goals of their PBL discussions.  相似文献   

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