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As technological advances in the field of diagnostic imaging progress rapidly, there is increasing confusion as to how to utilize these resources efficiently in the evaluation of the child with acute abdominal pain. The history and physical examination become extremely important to help guide the subsequent imaging protocol. Plain films have limited value. Sonographic technology is particularly well suited to the child for the initial imaging investigation because the sonographic examination can demonstrate excellent sensitivity and specificity for some disease entities. Computed tomography is a useful adjunctive imaging modality, while magnetic resonance imaging for abdominal pain is still in its infancy. Nuclear medicine isotope studies will not be addressed in this review.  相似文献   

Appendicitis can usually be diagnosed on completion of a history and physical examination (abdominal pain, vomiting, right lower quadrant tenderness and guarding), although laboratory evaluation with a urinalysis and white blood cell count can be of assistance. In the few cases where doubt remains, plain films of the chest and abdomen can be helpful. Whether and when further imaging is indicated remains controversial. We reviewed reports of studies published since 2003 in which the sensitivity and specificity of CT and sonography for diagnosing appendicitis were determined. Sonography had an average sensitivity of 87.1% and an average specificity of 89.2% in the nine studies reported during that period. The average sensitivity of CT was 90.8% in 11 studies during that period, and there was an average specificity of 94.2% in 10 studies. We also looked at data from 299 patients who underwent appendectomies at our hospital. Of the appendices removed, only 10.7% did not have appendicitis. In many cases, CT or US imaging data were available in the form of reports or images or both from outside institutions. CT and US images were also available from our institution when the diagnosis was in question. This is how patients present in the real world—with studies that might not be the best, might not have been indicated, and might not have images available for another interpretation. Among patients operated on with neither CT nor US images, 10.9% did not have appendicitis. Among those in whom US imaging had been performed, 11.1% were negative for appendicitis, and among those in whom CT had been performed, 9.7% were negative. Although these studies were necessary because they were performed in patients whose diagnosis was the most difficult, it is in every patient’s best interest to have a thorough examination by a surgeon prior to having a CT scan.  相似文献   

920 children below the age of 12 years were admitted with complaints of pain in the right lower abdomen and a suspected diagnosis of acute appendicitis. In 720 patients, clinical diagnosis was made and immediate operation was performed. In 644 of them (89.5%) an intraabdominal lesion was found but in 76 (10.5%) no disease was encountered. Rest 200 patients were observed in the ward and progression was noted at regular intervals. Eight of these patients did not improve while on observation and they were operated. Five others did not have acute appendicitis but in them definite medical diagnosis was made. However in remaining 187 observed patients abdominal signs gradually resolved and needed no surgery but no definite diagnosis also could be made. They appeared to have non-specific abdominal pain. The conclusion of the study was that inhospital observation of patients with right lower quadrant abdominal pain and questionable appendicitis upto three days was a safe way to reduce the rate of negative appendicectomies and unnecessary surgical exploration.  相似文献   

小儿急诊治疗时常伴有外伤或疼痛.在急诊诊治期间,可能有必要进行某些疼痛或令人不适的诊疗操作.临床上需要急诊科医生为小儿提供安全、有效的镇痛和镇静.为此,我们对国外已发表的相关研究结果做一综述,主要包括以下几个方面:确保在急诊时小儿不会经受长时间或额外的疼痛;使用综合评估工具评估疼痛以分诊患儿;选择适当的药物、剂量和途径,在首次疼痛处理时即提供有效镇痛;尽可能选择无痛苦的方式给药(经鼻、调味糖浆)等;经常再次评估疼痛分数以确保有效镇痛,并留有足够时间来等待药物起效,同时使用非药理和药理的模式镇痛;避免"常规"进行一些不必要的致痛的侵入性操作;使用表面麻醉、局部麻醉和区域麻醉连同适当的安全程序镇静,以避免疼痛加剧.  相似文献   

Acute appendicitis is the most common condition presenting with right lower quadrant pain requiring acute surgical intervention in childhood. The clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis is often not straightforward and can be challenging. Approximately one-third of children with the condition have atypical clinical findings and are initially managed non-operatively. Complications usually result from perforation and include abscess formation, peritonitis, sepsis, bowel obstruction and death. Cross-sectional imaging with sonography and computed tomography (CT) have proven useful for the evaluation of suspected acute appendicitis in children. The principal advantages of sonography are its lower cost, lack of ionizing radiation, and ability to precisely delineate gynecologic disease. The principal advantages of CT are its operator independency with resultant higher diagnostic accuracy, enhanced delineation of disease extent in perforated appendicitis, and improved patient outcomes including decreased negative laparotomy and perforation rates.  相似文献   

Acute appendicitis is one of the most common indications for abdominal surgery in pediatrics with peak incidence in the second decade of life. Acute appendicitis in the first years of life is an uncommon event. The clinical presentation is often varied and the diagnosis may be overshadowed by other medical conditions.Gastroenteritis is the most common misdiagnosis, with a history of diarrhea present in 33% to 41% of patients. Pain is the most common presenting symptom in children less than 5 years old, followed by vomiting, fever, anorexia and diarrhea. The most common physical sign is focal tenderness(61% of the patients) followed by guarding(55%), diffuse tenderness(39%), rebound(32%), and mass(6%). Neonatal appendicitis is a very rare disease with high mortality; presenting symptoms are nonspecific with abdominal distension representing the main clinical presentation. The younger the patient, the earlier perforation occurs: 70% of patients less than 3 years develop a perforation within 48 h of onset of symptoms. A timely diagnosis reduces the risk of complications. We highlight the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical signs and laboratory clues of appendicitis in young children and suggest an algorithm for early diagnosis.  相似文献   

Acute abdominal pain is a frequent and potentially serious episodic complaint. Evaluation of the child with acute abdominal pain is always challenging, even for the experienced nurse practitioner. Some of the difficulties include obtaining accurate historical information and the subleties of abdominal examination. However, approaching the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain from a developmental perspective may assist the nurse practitioner in coming to a more timely and accurate diagnosis. Pertinent historical data and techniques of examination are reviewed. Age-specific causes of acute abdominal pain and their clinical manifestations are presented.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of children with abdominal pain in a pediatric emergency department, 371 children were identified during four seasonally diverse months. Half of the children were two to six years old, 32% were seven to 11 years old, and 19% were 12 to 16 years old. Forty-eight different diagnoses were made, but 10 diagnoses were given to 83% of the patients. We found an increased frequency of respiratory illnesses (12%) as compared to other studies. Appendicitis was the only surgical problem that occurred in more than one percent of the children. The diagnoses were classified as medical (64.4%), surgical (6.5%), and nonspecific (29.1%). chi 2 and multinomial logit analysis revealed that guarding and abdominal tenderness were the two symptoms which were most strongly associated with a surgical diagnosis. The goal of this work is to assist the busy emergency clinician with the difficult task of making expeditious and accurate diagnoses for children with abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Fjord Christensen M. Motilin in children with recurrent abdominal pain: a controlled study. Aeta Pædiatr 1994;83:542–4. Stockholm. ISSN 0803–5253
The aim of this study was to compare serum motilin levels in children with and without recurrent abdominal pain, based on the assumption that recurrent abdominal pain in children is a gut motility disorder. In this controlled study, 19 children between 6 and 15 years or age with recurrent non-organic abdominal pain and 20 control children between 6 and 15 years of age without abdominal pain or other functional somatic complaints were evaluated. No slatistical significant difference was found in serum motilin levels between children with and without abdominal pain. Median difference between the groups was II pmol/1 (95% confidence limits of median difference -9 to +33). This investigation could not support the assumption that motilin might be a pathogenic factor in children with recurrent abdominal pain. It is suggested, however, that future research should compare serum motilin levels during and between attacks of pain.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of uncomplicated acute appendicitis is often straightforward, allowing timely appendicectomy without the need for expensive tests or imaging. Repeated clinical examination by an experienced surgeon has traditionally been the key to making the diagnosis in both straightforward and difficult cases. Nonetheless, all surgeons will remove some normal appendices. Sometimes it can be particularly difficult to make the diagnosis, especially in the child under 5 years of age, in teenage girls, in young women and in the elderly. When difficult to make, the diagnosis may be significantly delayed and since the pathology is progressive, the patient may suffer potentially avoidable complications. This paper looks at two potential roles for imaging. Firstly, can imaging, applied selectively, help make the difficult diagnosis less difficult and so reduce delays and morbidity? Secondly, could imaging all patients with suspected appendicitis reduce the number of normal appendices removed from children who seem to have all the signs and symptoms of straightforward uncomplicated acute appendicitis but who actually have presumed self-resolving non-appendiceal pathology? The answer to these questions may depend on three factors that are not entirely independent: a surgical unit’s current audited negative appendicectomy rate, population base/case mix and the expertise of the examining surgeon. Individual surgeons and some surgical units, by policy, use modern imaging techniques with quite different frequencies that may be appropriate depending on these three factors. This article argues that a careful history and repeated clinical examination is the key to making the diagnosis, with imaging, primarily ultrasonography, being used in patients with a palpable mass or in those having had 48 h of hospital observation without progress. In Europe, imaging has played a limited role in the investigation of the child with suspected appendicitis with the diagnosis relying on repeated examination by an experienced clinician. Ongoing changes in surgical training in the UK may affect the acquisition of clinical expertise that is crucial to this clinical management. High-quality surgical training and surgical audit are needed to monitor the delivery of care and to ensure that the care pathway being used is appropriate for the local resources and population.  相似文献   

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