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The U.S. Naval Service is anticipating transition from the nearly exclusive use of JP-5 jet fuel to predominant use of JP-8, consistent with the primary utilization by the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and the militaries of most NATO countries. To compare the relative risk of repeated exposure to JP-5 versus JP-8 vapor, groups of 32 male Sprague-Dawley rats each were exposed for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk for 6 wk (180 h) to JP-8 jet fuel vapor (1,000 +/- 10% mg/m3), IP-5 vapor (1,200 +/- 10% mg/m3), or room air control conditions. Following a 65-d rest period, rats completed 10 tests selected from the Neurobehavioral Toxicity Assessment Battery (NTAB) to evaluate changes in performance capacity. Repeated exposure to JP-5 resulted in significant effects on only one test, forelimb grip strength (FGS), while exposure to JP-8 vapor resulted in a significant difference versus controls on appetitive reinforcer approach sensitization (ARAS). Rats were further evaluated for concentrations of major neurotransmitters and metabolites in five brain regions and in the blood serum. Levels of dopamine, the dopamine metabolite dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and the serotonin metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) were significantly modulated in various brain regions, as measured 85+ d postexposure. Similarly, serum levels of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were differentially modulated following JP-8 or JP-5 exposure. Results are compared to previously published research evaluating the neurotoxicity of repeated exposure to other hydrocarbon fuels and solvents.  相似文献   

Occupational and environmental exposures to jet fuel recently have become a source of public and regulatory concern. This study investigates the cutaneous toxicity of three fuels used in both civilian and military aircraft. Pigs, an accepted animal model for human skin, were exposed to low-dose (25 microl or 7.96 microl cm(-2)) or high-dose (335 microl or 67 microl cm(-2)) Jet A, JP-8 and JP-8 + 100 under occluded (Hill Top) chamber or cotton fabric) and non-occluded conditions for 5 h, 24 h and 5 days. To mimic occupational exposure, fuel-soaked fabric (high dose) was used. Erythema, edema, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and epidermal thickness were quantified. High-dose fabric occluded sites had slight erythema at 5 h with increased erythema at 5 days. No erythema was noted in any of the occluded (Hill Top) or non-occluded sites at any of the time points. Morphological assessments depicted slight intracellular epidermal edema at all time points. An increase in change in TEWL (DeltaTEWL) was observed at the 5-h and 24-h fabric and Hill Top occluded treatments and a decrease at the 5-day fabric and Hill Top occluded sites. In all 5-day JP-8 + 100 fabric sites, intracorneal microabscesses filled with inflammatory cells were observed. Epidermal thickening was significant (P < 0.05) in all three jet fuels at the high-dose fabric sites, with JP-8 + 100 being the thickest. The epidermal rete peg depth increased significantly (P < 0.05) at 24 h and 5 days with Jet A, JP-8, and JP-8 + 100 in the fabric sites. No significant differences were noted in the 5-day non-occluded fabric and Hill Top occluded and non-occluded sites. Jet fuel JP-8 + 100 tended to have the greatest proliferative response. In conclusion, the high-dose fabric-soaked exposure at 5 days to Jet A, JP-8 and JP-8 + 100 fuels caused the greatest increase in cutaneous erythema, edema, epidermal thickness and rete peg depth compared with high-dose non-occluded or low-dose exposure under Hill Top occluded and non-occluded conditions.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding systemic changes in mammals associated with exposures to petroleum/hydrocarbon fuels. In this study, systemic toxicity of JP-8 jet fuel was observed in a rat inhalation model at different JP-8 fuel vapor concentrations (250, 500, or 1000?mg/m3, for 91 days). Gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry sequencing identified the α-2 microglobulin protein to be elevated in rat kidney in a JP-8 dose-dependent manner. Western blot analysis of kidney and lung tissue extracts revealed JP-8 dependent elevation of inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). Tissue changes were observed histologically (hematoxylin and eosin staining) in liver, kidney, lung, bone marrow, and heart, and more prevalently at medium or high JP-8 vapor phase exposures (500–1000?mg/m3) than at low vapor phase exposure (250?mg/m3) or non-JP-8 controls. JP-8 fuel-induced liver alterations included dilated sinusoids, cytoplasmic clumping, and fat cell deposition. Changes to the kidneys included reduced numbers of nuclei, and cytoplasmic dumping in the lumen of proximal convoluted tubules. JP-8 dependent lung alterations were edema and dilated alveolar capillaries, which allowed clumping of red blood cells (RBCs). Changes in the bone marrow in response to JP-8 included reduction of fat cells and fat globules, and cellular proliferation (RBCs, white blood cells-WBCs, and megakaryocytes). Heart tissue from JP-8 exposed animals contained increased numbers of inflammatory and fibroblast cells, as well as myofibril scarring. cDNA array analysis of heart tissue revealed a JP-8 dependent increase in atrial natriuretic peptide precursor mRNA and a decrease in voltage-gated potassium (K+) ion channel mRNA.  相似文献   

The disposition of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) in male and female Fischer 344 rats following single or repeated inhalation exposures was evaluated. Animals were administered a single 6-h nose-only exposure to 7 or 160 ppm 14C-D5 or fourteen 6-h nose-only exposures to unlabeled D5 followed on day 15 by a 6-h exposure to 14C-D5. Subgroups of exposed animals were used to evaluate body burden, distribution, elimination, and deposition on the fur. Retention of radioactivity following single and repeated exposures was relatively low (approximately 1-2% of inhaled D5). Radioactivity and parent D5 were widely distributed to tissues of both male and female rats, with the maximum concentration of radioactivity observed in most tissues by 3 h postexposure. Fat was a depot for D5, with elimination occurring much slower than observed for plasma and other tissues. In all groups, the primary route for elimination of radioactivity was through expired air. Analyses for parent D5 indicated that essentially all the radioactivity in the expired volatiles was unchanged D5. Repeated exposure gave rise to higher levels of parent D5 in the lung and fat of both sexes and in female liver relative to the single exposure. In fat, immediately after sacrifice approximately 50% of the radioactivity was attributed to parent. Five polar metabolites of D5 were identified in urine, with no parent D5 detected. Radiochromatograms demonstrated two peaks in feces. One corresponded to the retention time for D5. The second has been putatively identified as hydroxylated D5.  相似文献   

The in vitro cytotoxicity and electrophysiological toxicity of Jet Propulsion-8 (JP-8 jet fuel) on four cell types: H4IIE liver cell line, NIH Swiss 3T3 cell line, neuroblastoma x glioma NG108-15 cells, and embryonic hippocampal neurons were investigated. H4IIE cells exposed to Jet A (a commercial fuel) and JP-8 demonstrated identical toxicity with an IC50 of 12.6 +/- 0.4 micrograms/ml for the two fuels. Comparison of H4IIE and NIH/3T3 toxicity to JP-8 revealed that NIH/3T3 cells were more sensitive to JP-8 than H4IIE cells, with an IC50 8.5 +/- 0.1 micrograms/ml. JP-8 exposure for the hippocampal neurons proved to be highly toxic (IC50 of < 2 micrograms/ml), while in contrast, the NG108-15 cells were much less sensitive. Electrophysiological examination of NG108-15 cells showed that administration of JP-8 at 1 microgram/ml did not alter significantly any of the electrophysiological properties. However, exposure to JP-8 at 10 micrograms/ml during a current stimulus of +46 pA decreased the amplitude of the action potential to 83 +/- 7% (n = 4), the rate of rise, dV/dtMAX to 50 +/- 8% (n = 4), and the spiking rate to 25 +/- 11% (n = 4) of the corresponding control levels. These results demonstrate JP-8 induced cytotoxic varies among cell types. The possible mechanisms underlying these observations are presented.  相似文献   

Groups of 16 Sprague-Dawley rats each were exposed by whole-body inhalation methods to JP-8 jet fuel at the highest vapor concentration without formation of aerosol (1,000 +/- 10% mg/m3); to 50% of this concentration (500 +/- 10% mg/m3); or to treated room air (70 +/- 81 L/min) for 6 h/d, 5 d/wk, for 6 wk (180 h). Although two subjects died of apparent kidney complications during the study, no other change in the health status of exposed rats was observed, including rate of weight gain. Following a 65-d period of rest, rats were evaluated for their capacity to learn and perform a series of operant tasks. These tasks ranged in difficulty from learning of a simple food-reinforced lever pressing response, to learning a task in which subjects were required to emit up to four-response chains of pressing three different levers (e.g., press levers C, R, L, then C). It was shown that repeated exposure to 1,000 mg/m3 JP-8 vapor induced significant deficits in acquisition or performance of moderately difficult or difficult tasks, but not simple learning tasks, as compared to those animals exposed to 500 mg/m3. Learning/performance of complex tasks by the 500-mg/m3 exposure group generally exceeded the performance of control animals, while learning by the 1,000-mg/m3 group was nearly always inferior to controls, indicating possible "neurobehavioral" hormesis. These findings appear consistent with some previously reported data for operant performance following acute exposure to certain hydrocarbon constituents of JP-8 (i.e., toluene, xylenes). There has, however, been little previously published research demonstrating long-term learning effects for repeated hydrocarbon fuel exposures. Examination of regional brain tissues from vapor-exposed rats indicated significant changes in levels of dopamine in the cerebral cortex and DOPAC in the brainstem, measured as long as 180 d postexposure, as compared to controls.  相似文献   

The kinetics of propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME) and its demethylated metabolite, propylene glycol (PGLY), were investigated with the aim of describing concentration- and treatment-related changes in absorption and clearance. Groups of Fischer 344 rats received either 1 or 10 daily 6-hr inhalation exposures to PGME. Single exposures were performed using both nose-only (300, 750, 1500, and 3000 ppm) and whole-body (300 and 3000 ppm) inhalation techniques, whereas multiple exposures (300 and 3000 ppm) were confined to the whole-body procedure. PGME blood levels failed to plateau during a 6-hr inhalation exposure, indicating that absorption was limited by respiration. The clearance of PGME from the blood could be described as a pseudo-zero-order process following each exposure concentration and treatment regimen examined. PGLY blood levels indicated that the demethylation of PGME to PGLY was saturated at exposure concentrations exceeding 1500 ppm. PGME blood levels were higher in male than in female rats receiving a single 3000 ppm exposure. Unlike the results from a single exposure, PGME elimination was essentially complete 24 hr after the last of 10 consecutive 3000 ppm exposures. The changes in PGME elimination following multiple 3000 ppm exposures were associated with higher in vitro levels of cytochrome P-450 and mixed-function oxidase activity. Multiple exposures to 300 ppm did not affect PGME elimination or in vitro microsomal metabolism.  相似文献   

Metabolism of benzene is thought to be necessary to produce the toxic effects, including carcinogenicity, associated with benzene exposure. To extrapolate from the results of rodent studies to potential health risks in man, one must know how benzene metabolism is affected by species, dose, dose rate, and repeated versus single exposures. The purpose of our studies was to determine the effect of repeated inhalation exposures on the metabolism of [14C]benzene by rodents. Benzene metabolism was assessed by characterizing and quantitating urinary metabolites, and by quantitating 14C bound to hemoglobin and micronuclei induction. F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice were exposed, nose-only, to 600 ppm benzene or to air (control) for 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 3 weeks. On the last day, both benzene-pretreated and control animals were exposed to 600 ppm, 14C-labeled benzene for 6 hr. Individual benzene metabolites in urine collected for 24 hr after the exposure were analyzed. There was a significant decrease in the respiratory rate of mice (but not rats) pretreated with benzene which resulted in lower levels of urinary [14C]benzene metabolites. The analyses indicated that the only effects of benzene pretreatment on the metabolite profile in rat or mouse urine were a slight shift from glucuronidation to sulfation in mice and a shift from sulfation to glucuronidation in rats. Benzene pretreatment also had no effect, in either species, on formation of [14C]benzene-derived hemoglobin adducts. Mice and rats had similar levels of hemoglobin adduct binding, despite the higher metabolism of benzene by mice. This indicates that hemoglobin adduct formation occurs with higher efficiency in rats. After 1 week of exposure to 600 ppm benzene, the frequency of micronucleated, polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) in mice was significantly increased. Exposure to the same level of benzene for an additional 2 weeks did not further increase the frequency of micronuclei in PCEs. These results indicate that repeated exposures to benzene, such as might be encountered by humans as a result of occupational or environmental exposures, are not likely to change or increase benzene metabolism.  相似文献   

Sera from monkeys repeatedly exposed by inhalation to bacterial enzymes, to a detergent, or to various enzyme-detergent mixtures were examined for the presence of enzyme-specific IgE and precipitating antibodies. In addition, lung sections were examined by immunofluorescence for deposits of immunoglobulins, complement, and fibrinogen. No clear-cut evidence was obtained for the presence of enzyme-specific IgE. However, precipitating antibodies were found in each group of monkeys exposed to either the enzyme alone or to the various enzyme-detergent mixtures. The precipitin responses were found to be dependent upon the dose of enzyme employed for inhalation exposure and to be potentiated by the presence of detergent in the inhalation mixtures. Results of immunofluorescent studies suggested that the presence of precipitating antibodies in the sera of the monkeys was not correlated with pulmonary pathological changes.  相似文献   

Dermal absorption of JP-8 jet fuel can lead to skin irritation within hours after exposure. This study detected the formation of oxidative species and low-molecular-weight DNA in rat skin as potential indicators of JP-8-induced skin injury. At 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 h after the beginning of a 1-h exposure, skin samples were removed and analyzed for oxidative species formation and low-molecular-weight DNA analysis. At 1, 2 and 4 h, mean oxidative species levels increased significantly (P < 0.05) above unexposed samples. Significantly higher (P < 0.05) low-molecular-weight DNA values were observed at 4 and 6 h compared with unexposed controls. These results demonstrate significant increases in oxidative species and low-molecular-weight DNA levels in the skin following dermal exposure to JP-8. These responses may serve as indicators of skin injury following exposure to JP-8 jet fuel and other volatile chemicals or mixtures.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that complex mixtures containing particulate matter (PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) produce systemic immunotoxicity in animal models following inhalation exposures. While we and others have shown that emissions associated with hardwood smoke (HWS), cigarette smoke and diesel exhaust can suppress the immune systems of animals in vitro and in vivo, there have been few immune function studies on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (HPBMC) following exposure of humans to HWS. Our work shows that T cells are an important targets of PM and PAH immunotoxicity. These studies were conducted on HPBMC from 14 human volunteers receiving four 2?h nightly exposures to clean air or HWS at a concentration of 500?ug/m3. We measured anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulated T-cell proliferation and HPBMC cytokine production in cell supernatants, including interleukin 1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8), TH1 cytokines γIFN and IL-2, TH2 cytokine IL-4, Th17 cytokine interleukin 17A (IL-17A) and interleukin 10 (IL-10). We analyzed results using analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-tests and Pearson correlation. Results showed that there was significant variation in the amount of T-cell proliferation observed following polyclonal activation with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 antibodies in both the air and HWS-exposed groups. There was not a significant effect of HWS on T-cell proliferation. However, we did find a strong relationship between the presence of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, but not IL-8) and the amount of T-cell proliferation seen in individual donors, demonstrating that brief exposures of humans to HWS can produce changes in systemic immunity that is associated with proinflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Ten- and 12-h workdays are relatively common in the chemical and other non-labor intensive industries both in the United States and Europe. Based on pharmacokinetic principles, persons who work 10–12 h shifts and are exposed to chemicals with a terminal half-life between 5 and 200 h will absorb a larger quantity of the toxicant or have higher peak blood levels than persons who work 8-h shifts. To evaluate the effects of exposure duration and repeated exposure on the elimination of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), rats were repeatedly exposed to 100 ppm 14CCl4 for either 8 or 11.5 h/day. Pharmacokinetic equations which describe the plasma concentration and pulmonary elimination during and following single and repeated inhalation exposures were developed. These equations are based on a diffusional type of input function and a linear systems analysis approach. They can be used to make predictions of the cumulation of toxicant following repeated exposure, the relative change in the plasma level following multiple exposures, and the steady-state plasma level based only on the elimination of the chemical in the breath. The pharmacokinetic analysis indicated that rats repeatedly exposed to 100 ppm CCl4 for 11.5 h/day for 4 days per week, or 8 h/day for 5 days per week, will not have increasing plasma levels. The analysis also predicted no significant difference in the peak plasma concentration of CCl4 between the 8 and 11.5 h/day schedules following either 1 or 2 weeks of exposure. Due to rapid pulmonary elimination by the rat, the steady state plasma level of CCl4 was reached after only three consecutive exposures for both schedules. The alpha and beta half-lives (x±SE) of pulmonary elimination for the 8 h/day group were 84±9 min and 400±32 min, respectively. The half-lives for the 11.5 h group were 91±6 min and 496±32 min, indicating that the beta phase half-life was significantly longer than that of the 8-h group. This observation, coupled with the tissue distribution data (Paustenbach et al. 1986), suggests that during the longer exposure period a greater fraction of CCl4 is placed in the poorly perfused tissues like fat, thus altering the time-course of elimination in the breath. A general formula for adjusting TLVs for unusually long work schedules is also developed and presented.  相似文献   

Wang S  Young RS  Sun NN  Witten ML 《Toxicology》2002,170(3):211-219
Exposure of Chinese hamster V79 cells to extracts of airborne pollutants induced formation of multipolar or incomplete mitotic spindles. To find out whether overexpression of the HSP70 chaperone protein could protect spindles against airborne toxins we constructed V79 cells stably transfected with an expression vector containing rat heat-inducible hsp70.1 gene under the control of a constitutive CMV promoter. When cells were incubated with extracts of airborne pollutants (5–20 μg/ml) no protective effect of the HSP70 protein against mitotic spindle damage was observed. Moreover, at 20 μg/ml of extracts of airborne toxins the frequency of mitotic malformations was even higher in HSP70-overexpressing cells than in control ones. Extracts of airborne pollutants of 50 μg/ml blocked the formation of mitotic figures both in control and HSP70-overexpressing cells and led to destruction of cell nuclei. However, the HSP70-overproducing cells exhibited higher survival rates when exposed to heat shock and airborne toxins than the control ones, as determined by MTT assay. This suggests that HSP70 overexpression—a frequent feature of cancer cells—should be considered as a factor facilitating survival of cells with damaged mitotic spindles and aberrantly segregated chromosomes.  相似文献   

The effect of the psychomotor stimulant, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, “Ecstasy”), upon integrated cerebral function was measured in rats using the quantitative [14C]deoxyglucose autoradiographic technique. Animals were injected with MDMA (20 mg/kg sc) twice daily for 4 days. Fourteen days after the final administration, [3H]-paroxetine binding to 5HT uptake sites was reduced by 89% in membranes prepared from tissue samples of frontal cortex. In the same rats [3H]-paroxetine binding autoradiography revealed heterogeneity in the regional distribution of 5-HT uptake site depletion within neocortex (0–92%) and hippocampus (30–95%). Despite these profound reductions in 5-HT uptake sites no significant alterations were found in glucose utilisation in any area of neocortex examined. However, significant increases in glucose use were found in subregions of the hippocampus, most notably within the pyramidal cell layer of CA2 and CA3 (25–35%). This study provides direct evidence that the loss of 5-HT innervation caused by exposure to MDMA results in lasting functional changes in hippocampus.  相似文献   

Organic chemicals such as jet fuels and solvents can cause skin irritation after dermal exposure. The molecular responses to these chemicals resulting in acute irritation are not understood well enough to establish safe exposure limits. Male F-344 rats were dermally exposed to JP-8 jet fuel for 1 h using Hill Top Chambers. Whole skin samples were collected at 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 h after the beginning of the exposures, homogenized, and analyzed for interleukin (IL)-1alpha and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) protein and nitrite levels. IL-1alpha levels (determined by ELISA) ranged from approximately 11 to 34% above the 0-h samples over the observed time period. At 1 and 2 h, significantly higher (p < 0.05) levels of IL-1alpha were detected when compared to the 0-h samples. Western blot analysis revealed significantly higher (p < 0.05) levels of iNOS at 4 and 6 h compared to 0-h samples. Increases in IL-1alpha and iNOS expression were also observed in the skin immunohistochemically. Nitrite concentrations in skin samples were measured to estimate nitric oxide production. Although nitrite concentrations in the skin increased approximately 6-27% above the 0-h samples over the observed time period, no significant changes in nitrite levels were detected. Pathological changes in the skin following JP-8 exposure were evaluated histologically. Increased numbers of granulocytes were observed infiltrating the skin at 2 h and were more prominent by 6 h. These data show that a 1-h exposure to JP-8 results in a local inflammatory response, which can be detected by changes in molecular and histological parameters.  相似文献   

A study of workers exposed to jet fuel propellant 8 (JP-8) was conducted at U.S. Air Force bases and included the evaluation of three biomarkers of exposure: S-benzylmercapturic acid (BMA), S-phenylmercapturic acid (PMA), and (2-methoxyethoxy)acetic acid (MEAA). Postshift urine specimens were collected from various personnel categorized as high (n = 98), moderate (n = 38) and low (n = 61) JP-8 exposure based on work activities. BMA and PMA urinary levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), and MEAA urinary levels were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The numbers of samples determined as positive for the presence of the BMA biomarker (above the test method's limit of detection [LOD = 0.5 ng/ml]) were 96 (98.0%), 37 (97.4%), and 58 (95.1%) for the high, moderate, and low (control) exposure workgroup categories, respectively. The numbers of samples determined as positive for the presence of the PMA biomarker (LOD = 0.5 ng/ml) were 33 (33.7%), 9 (23.7%), and 12 (19.7%) for the high, moderate, and low exposure categories. The numbers of samples determined as positive for the presence of the MEAA biomarker (LOD = 0.1 μ g/ml) were 92 (93.4%), 13 (34.2%), and 2 (3.3%) for the high, moderate, and low exposure categories. Statistical analysis of the mean levels of the analytes demonstrated MEAA to be the most accurate or appropriate biomarker for JP-8 exposure using urinary concentrations either adjusted or not adjusted for creatinine; mean levels of BMA and PMA were not statistically significant between workgroup categories after adjusting for creatinine.  相似文献   

JP-8 has been associated with toxicity in animal models and humans. There is a great potential for human exposure to JP-8. Quantitation of percutaneous absorption of JP-8 is necessary for assessment of health hazards involved in its occupational exposure. In this study, we selected three aliphatic (dodecane, tridecane, and tetradecane) and two aromatic (naphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene) chemicals, which are major components of JP-8. We investigated the changes in skin lipid and protein biophysics, and macroscopic barrier perturbation from dermal exposure of the above five chemicals. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was employed to investigate the biophysical changes in stratum corneum (SC) lipid and protein. FTIR results showed that all of the above five components of JP-8 significantly (P<0.05) extracted SC lipid and protein. Macroscopic barrier perturbation was determined by measuring the rate of transepidermal water loss (TEWL). All of the five JP-8 components studied, caused significant (P<0.05) increase in TEWL in comparison to control. We quantified the amount of chemicals absorbed assuming 0.25 m(2) body surface area exposed for 8 h. Our findings suggest that tridecane exhibits greater permeability through skin among aliphatic and naphthalene among aromatic JP-8 components. Amount of chemicals absorbed suggests that tridecane, naphthalene and its methyl derivatives should be monitored for their possible systemic toxicity.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is an alkylating agent that is carcinogenic to the respiratory tract of rodents. DNA adducts, cell proliferation, and histopathology were assessed in rats to better understand the molecular dosimetry and tissue dynamics associated with repeated inhalation exposure to DMS. For DNA methylation, rats were exposed to DMS vapor 6 h/day for up to 10 days to 0.0, 0.1, 0.7 and 1.5 ppm. N7-Methylguanine and N3-methyladenine were detected in neutral thermal hydrolysates of DNA isolated from respiratory tract tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using fluorescence and ultraviolet (UV) detection. DNA methylation was greatest in DNA isolated from nasal respiratory mucosa, less in olfactory, and little was found in lung. N7-Methylguanine levels in respiratory mucosa approached steady-state levels by day 5, and N7-methylguanine persistence following exposure for 5 consecutive days was also determined. Loss of N7-methylguanine from respiratory and olfactory mucosa appeared to follow first-order kinetics. N3-Methyladenine levels were at or below detection limits in all samples. The effect of DMS on histopathology and cell proliferation in the nasal epithelium was also investigated. Rats were exposed nose-only for 2 wk to DMS vapor at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.7, or 1.5 ppm. Inhalation exposure to DMS induced degenerative and inflammatory changes in nasal epithelium at >or=0.7 ppm. Cell proliferation evaluations showed a trend towards an increased response at 1.5 ppm. These experiments demonstrate that DMS can induce cytotoxic and proliferative effects and is a potent methylating agent of the nasal mucosa in vivo. These experiments will provide data for the development of dosimetry models useful for risk extrapolation.  相似文献   

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