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患者,男,34岁,既往无输血史,因车祸"右膝关节脱位、右髌骨骨折"急诊入院。入院时血常规:RBC2.1×1012/L,Hb69g/L,PLT102×109/L。手术备血时ABO血型鉴定正反不符,抗体筛选阴性,正定型为"O"型,反定型与标准A、B、O型红细胞均发生不同程度凝集,与自身红细胞不凝集,进一步检  相似文献   

正确的ABO血型鉴定,是临床安全输血的关键。临床上某些疾病如再障、实体瘤、白血病等可以造成ABO抗原减弱或缺乏,影响血型的准确鉴定。现将1例再障患者血型抗原减弱的病例报告如下。1资料与方法1.1资料患者,女,72岁,无近期输血史,在本院住院治疗,诊断为再生障碍性贫血。因病情需要申请输血,在ABO血型鉴定时发现正反定型不符。故进一步检查鉴定其血型。1.2血型血清学检查1.2.1试剂与方法抗-A、抗-B(长春博德);抗-AB、抗-H,抗人球蛋白试剂(上海生物技术有限公司);ABO试剂细胞本室自制;筛选细胞(上海血液中心)。1.2.2 ABO血型鉴定正反…  相似文献   

目的:通过调查分析36例患者ABO血型定型困难的影响因素,找寻解决临床疑难交叉配血不合的最佳方法,确保临床输血安全。方法:通过正反定型试验、红细胞吸收放散试验,分别检测患者红细胞上有无A、B、H抗原,运用唾液ABH血型物质的测定方法检测患者唾液中有无ABH血型物质。运用抗体筛选试验,查找患者ABO血型定型困难的原因。结果:36例ABO血型定型困难患者血清中存在IgM自身冷凝集素22例、不规则同种免疫性抗体及IgM冷凝集素1例、不规则抗体3例、IgM加IgG自身免疫性抗体3例、低温抗B抗体1例、弱抗-A和(或)弱抗-B抗体6例。结论:ABO血型定型的影响因素很多,患者血清中存在IgM自身冷凝集素、ABO血型系统以外的不规则同种免疫性抗体、(IgM加IgG)自身免疫性抗体以及患者自身年龄、病因易造成抗原或抗体减弱等因素均可导致ABO血型定型困难,影响临床输血治疗。  相似文献   

例1,女,56岁,汉族,因全子宫切除术备血。术前ABO血型正反定型不符,正定型为O型,反定型为A型,经进一步检测为Ax亚型。例2,女,18岁,汉族,因白血病入院,需输血治疗,输血前常规ABO正反定型,正定型为O型,反定型为A型,经进一步检测为白血病导致A抗原减  相似文献   

ABO血型的正确判定是保证临床安全输血的基础,血清学方法鉴定ABO血型会受到患者血清或细胞方面的影响,造成血型鉴定困难,其中自身抗体的存在引起血型的疑难鉴定常常给临床输血工作者造成困扰。为此,我们对1例温自身抗体患者引起的疑难血型鉴定的解决方法进行了探索,现报告如下。  相似文献   

患者,女,36岁,临床诊断:甲状腺肿瘤,术前备血400ml,常规鉴定血型时发现正反血型不一致,造成定型困难,遂进行血清学检查,现报道如下。  相似文献   

在临床实际工作中,MN血型系统不规则抗-M抗体和抗-Mur抗体干扰ABO血型定型困难或交叉配血不合的现象较为常见.分析2018-2019年间中心检验科及各级医院临床科室送检43例由MN血型系统不规则抗体导致ABO血型定型困难或疑难交叉配血的样本检测结果,现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

Rh血型是目前临床上除ABO血型之外常用的输血血型〔1,2〕,对于指导临床上输血和进一步提高新生儿溶血病的实验室诊断及维护母婴健康,都具有非常重要的临床作用。调查〔3,4〕显示,Rh阳性血型在中国大多数人群中高达99%以上,而Rh阴性血型相对罕见。因此建立一个相对稳定的Rh阴性血型库具有非常重要的临床意义。本研究旨在探讨RhD阴性血型抗原分析应用于临床输血的安全性。  相似文献   

Although differential expression of ABO antigens on platelets is related to recipients’ platelet recovery and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia in ABO-incompatible transfusion and pregnancy, the expression of ABO antigens on platelets in normal and variant ABO blood group individuals is rarely reported. Here, we analyzed the expression of ABO antigens on platelets in a cohort of 515 individuals with normal and variant ABO. The variants were also genotyped for ABO and/or FUT1 loci to distinguish inherited or acquired ABO variants. The results showed that ABO antigens expression on individual platelets was relatively stable during the storage period in vitro. The frequency of low-, moderate-, and high-expression phenotype in normal individual was 59.6%, 35.5%, and 4.9%, respectively. The platelets from para-Bombay and most inherited ABO subgroups express very low levels of ABO antigens, but the acquired ABO variants and the B3 subgroup express normal or abnormally high levels of ABO antigens on platelets. The data extend the information of antigens expression on platelets, which may help to improve the strategy of platelets transfusion.  相似文献   

In view of a persistently high prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriage in our obstetric population, we examined the association between HBsAg carriage with maternal ABO and rhesus (Rh) blood group phenotypes determined at routine antenatal screening. In a retrospective study, the antenatal screening results of women booked for confinement between 1998 and 2011 in our hospital were examined for the relationship between HBsAg carriage with the ABO and rhesus blood groups, taking into account also the effects of advanced maternal age (≥35 years) and parity status (nulliparous or multiparous), and year of birth before or following the availability of the hepatitis B vaccine (1984). HBsAg carriage was found in 9.9%, 9.6%, 9.1% and 10.2% (= 0.037) for group‐A (= 20 581 or 26.1%), ‐B (= 20 744 or 26.4%), ‐AB (= 5138 or 6.5%) and ‐O (= 32 242 or 41.0%) among the 78 705 women in the study cohort. Rhesus negativity was found in 0.6%, and HBsAg carriage was 12.3% and 9.8%, respectively, for the Rh‐negative and Rh‐positive women (= 0.071). Carriage rate between group‐O and non‐O was influenced by nulliparity, age ≥35 years and Rh‐positive status. Regression analysis indicated that group‐B (= 0.044, aOR = 1.062, 95% CI 1.002–1.127) and group‐AB (= 0.016, aOR = 1.134, 95% CI 1.024–1.256) were associated with HBsAg carriage. Blood groups‐B and ‐AB are associated with increased hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in our population, and further studies are warranted to elucidate the implications of this on the sequelae of HBV infection.  相似文献   

目的:通过对河北省血液中心献血者ABO血型正反定型不符的回顾性分析,了解ABO血型正反不符引起的报废血状况,探索对ABO血型正反不符献血者血液的处理对策。方法:对河北省血液中心检验科送检的ABO血型正反定型不符的献血者样本进行ABO血型鉴定,不规则抗体筛查等试验,记录结果,以查找AB0血型正反定型不符的原因。结果:在241例ABO正反不符的样本中,ABO亚型69例,占标本总数的28.63%;假凝集(冷凝集)27例,占标本总数的11.20%;抗体筛查阳性48例,占标本总数的19.92%;抗体减弱或缺失78例,占标本总数的32.37%;正常血型19例,占标本总数的7.88%。结论:引起ABO正反不符的原因主要是ABO亚型,血样中存在假凝集或冷凝集,ABO以外抗体影响,抗A或抗B抗体弱4种情况。对于这些ABO正反不符的献血者血液如何处理国家没有统一的标准,一般将血液报废,献血者淘汰。其中,部分血液能否经过处理后用于临床,希望与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨输血前开展A2/A2B 亚型和 Rh 弱 D 血型检测的临床意义。方法:通过对2009年1-12月献血者中初筛Rh(D)阴性324人次、A型15123人次、AB型6049人次为基数,计算A2/A2B亚型和Rh弱D血型的检出比率;χ2检验比较2008年与2009年A型和AB型输血患者溶血性输血反应发生率、无效输血发生率。结果:本地区Rh(D)阴性中Rh弱D比率为11.11%;A2亚型比率为2.06%;A2B亚型比率为2.13%;2008-2009年A型、AB型溶血性输血反应的发生率分别由0.098%、0.136%降为0.037%、0.039%;无效输血的发生率分别由12.37%、17.35%降为7.67%、8.04%。结论:输血前开展A2/A2B亚型检测,为患者提供更相合的血液,可以大幅度降低临床溶血性输血反应发生率,降低临床无效输血发生率,确保患者输血安全,提高临床输血效果;Rh弱D血型检测可以更好地指导临床稀有血型患者的输血安全,节约宝贵的血液资源。  相似文献   

30例临床疑难配血原因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析总结临床输血中遇到的疑难配血病例,使临床输血更加的科学、安全、有效。方法:回顾性分析本院2007年9月—2009年10月共30例疑难配血病例。结果:在30例疑难配血病例中,不规则抗体阳性11例(包括10位患者以及1位献血员),自身抗体阳性8例(包括高效价冷凝集素5例),ABO亚型3例,ABO血型抗原减弱5例,肝素影响2例,ABO非同型骨髓移植患者1例。结论:受血者输血前血型的正确鉴定、不规则抗体的筛查、正确的交叉配血试验是为患者选择合适血液进行有效输注的保证,是降低或避免溶血性输血反应的发生、保证临床输血安全的重要前提。  相似文献   

In general, the recipient''s ABO blood type changes to the donor''s ABO blood type after ABO-incompatible allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). However, we experienced a 26-year-old male with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) who underwent ABO-incompatible HSCT twice and persistently showed his original blood type even after demonstrating complete donor-type chimerism. Based on the results of various examinations, we considered that the antigen of the recipient''s original blood type persistently synthesized in the recipient''s non-hematopoietic organs was secreted and adsorbed on the surface of donor-derived RBCs. We should therefore perform detailed examinations to determine the precise blood type after ABO-incompatible HSCT.  相似文献   

目的:调查天津地区某教学医院职工的血型分布特征,建立血型档案,为日后职工安全供输血提供理论依据。方法:通过应用血清学正反定型、ABO基因分型试验等方法检测该院1 287位职工的ABO血型、使用单克隆IgM抗D血清鉴定Rh(D)血型。结果:ABO血型中A型占28.7%,B型占31.5%,O型占28.6%,AB型占11.2%,血型分布特征为BAOAB。Rh(D)阴性血型11人,阴性率0.85%。3例ABO正反定型不符,其中2例基因分型检测鉴定结果为B(A)型;另外1例为B型,NN,有抗M抗体存在。结论:根据本研究,建立健全了职工血型档案,了解了该院职工的血型分布特征,明确检测ABO正反定型的重要性,防止亚型及有意义不规则抗体对血型鉴定的影响,确保ABO、Rh血型定型结果的准确。  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 探讨Rh抗原分型及血型不规则抗体筛检在精准输血中的应用效果。方法 选择2019年1月1日至2021年9月30日在青龙满族自治县医院住院且需临床输血治疗的患者200例,年龄12~71(48.43±1.45)岁。以2019年1月1日至2020年8月31日未实施Rh(D、C、c、E和e)5种血型抗原检测的100例输血病例作为对照组;以2020年9月1日至2021年9月30日经Rh血型抗原检测行相容性配血的100例输血病例作为试验组。在血制品入库前,应用抗人球蛋白卡式法对标本进行ABO血型和Rh(D、C、c、E和e)5种血型抗原及不规则抗体进行检测,并将结果录入输血信息管理系统。在使用时,应用输血信息管理系统为试验组受血者自动匹配ABO血型和Rh(D、C、c、E和e)5种血型抗原相合的血袋,采用盐水法及抗人球蛋白卡式法进行交叉配血试验,实现临床精准化输血。结果 对照组检出不规则抗体11例(11.00%),试验组检出2例(2.00%),比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.664,P=0.010)。试验组中未发生输血不良反应病例。对照组中发生输血不良反应1例,系患者产生了血型不规则抗-E抗体,经疑难配血、输注相合性血液4 U后,患者血红蛋白浓度升至预期水平,康复出院。与对照组相比,试验组疑难配血用时、住院时间更短,输注去白悬浮红细胞量更少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 开展Rh血型抗原检测有助于实现临床精准化输血,有效避免不规则抗体的产生,减少临床输血不良反应,提高临床输血治疗的安全性,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

This case report describes the transplantation of a kidney from an A1B donor to a recipient who was blood group A2B. The donor/recipient pair were ABO mismatched but compatible. In the majority of cases, A1 antibodies fail to react at 37 degrees C and are of no clinical significance. However, hemolytic transfusion reactions due to A1 antibodies active at 37 degrees C have been reported but are extremely rare. When the opportunity for transplantation arose for this patient, who had received multiple blood transfusions because of dialysis, the question of safety concerning the subject of transplanting across ABO sub-grouping mismatches was presented. Inquiries regarding this matter proved fruitless and the transplant was performed mainly due to the lack of preformed anti-A, antibodies in the recipient at the time of transplant. It was hoped that the A2B recipient would fail to make an anti-A1 antibody due to antigen exposure or if it did, would not pose a hazard to the allograft. Therefore we present our experience with a patient who was successfully transplanted across an ABO incompatible sub-grouping, A1B allograft to an A2B recipient.  相似文献   

Background: ABO blood type is an invariant factor. There is a link between ABO blood type and some malignancies, such as gastric, pancreatic, and skin cancer. The role of ABO blood type in the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains controversial. We performed a meta-analysis to explore the relationship between ABO blood type and risk of HCC.

Methods: Literature search was conducted among the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated.

Results: Seven papers were included. They included 92,847 healthy subjects, 5,463 patients with hepatitis, 294 cirrhotic patients, and 3,322 HCC patients. The proportion of blood type O was significantly lower in HCC patients than healthy subjects (OR = 0.76, 95%CI = 0.66–0.87, P < 0.0001) without any significant heterogeneity (P = 0.55, I2 = 0%). The proportions of blood types A, B, and AB were not significantly different between HCC patients and healthy subjects. The proportion of ABO blood type was not significantly different between patients with HCC and those with hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Conclusion: HCC patients might have a lower proportion of blood type O than healthy subjects. Among the patients with chronic liver diseases, ABO blood type might not be associated with the risk of HCC.  相似文献   

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