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The objective of this study was to determine percutaneous absorption of lead compounds, including lead sulfate, lead oxide, lead powder, and lead stearate. The lead content on the skin surface of 10 lead-battery workers was measured by the method of skin stripping, and urinary lead content of rats was measured with epicutaneous application of four lead compounds: lead sulfate, lead oxide, lead powder, and lead stearate. There were significant amounts of lead on the 9th and 10th skin strippings of the dorsal hand and the back of lead workers. The amount of lead on the dorsal hand was significantly correlated with the amount in the blood (n = 10, r 2 = 0.66, p < 0.05, linear regression). In rats, after lead compounds were applied for 12 days, total lead amount in urine significantly increased to 146.0 +/- 6.4 ng (SD) for lead stearate, 123.1 +/- 7.2 ng for lead sulfate, 115.9 +/- 5.3 ng for lead oxide, 47.8 +/- 6.9 ng for lead powder, and 10.3 ng for the control, which indicated significant skin absorption. It was concluded that significant amounts of inorganic lead compounds can be absorbed through the skin, and skin protection in lead-working or any contaminated environment should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Skin-compatible hand cleansing is crucial for the prevention of occupational dermatitis. In this article we give an overview of skin-cleansing products and their ingredients and investigate whether solvents or abrasives could be avoided in cleansers for severely soiled skin. METHODS: Comparison of skin compatibility, cleansing power and effectiveness of different formulations of skin cleansers was performed via Duhring chamber tests [visual score, trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL)] and standard hand-wash tests. RESULTS: The results show that, dependent on the grade of contamination, a range of skin cleansers that allow adequate skin cleansing, is necessary. Solvents could be avoided, by the use of powerful cleansing systems based on tenside/oil mixtures. Only for special contaminations may solvents be useful. Powerful cleansing activity could be performed without abrasives. CONCLUSIONS: The worker must be able to choose the skin cleanser that is adequate for the contamination that is present. Therefore, information and education of the workers are crucial for skin-compatible skin cleansing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Eighty-one percent of all hourly paid men who had been employed for more than six months in a factory making lead acid batteries and plastics completed a modified Cornell medical index health questionnaire. Blood lead and erythrocyte protoporphyrin (EPP) were also measured. The questions were grouped into symptom categories as follows: all physical, all psychological, “potentially lead induced,” pulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, skin, nervous system, genitourinary, and fatigue. For each symptom category the pooled percentages of men whose symptom scores were above the common median of the three blood lead groups 10-, 40-, and 60 and over μg/100 ml (0·48-, 1·93-, and 2·90 and over μmol/l) within age/smoking subgroups were calculated. In every symptom category the percentages in the two lower blood lead groups differed little, but the percentages were consistently higher in men with blood concentration of 60 μg/100 ml (2·90 μmol/l) and over. Differences between a combined 10-59 μg/100 ml (0·48-2·85 μmol/l) blood lead group and the 60 and over μg/100 ml (≥2·90 μmol/l) group were statistically significant at the 0·01 level for “potentially lead induced” symptoms and at the 0·05 level for skin and psychological symptoms. Broadly similar results were obtained with four log10 EPP groups 0·6-, 1·5-, 1·7-, and ≥2·0, but differences did not reach statistical significance. There was no obvious explanation as to why symptoms that are not found in classic lead poisoning should be increased almost as much as those that are. It was thought that these results could be biased due to the men's knowledge of the symptoms associated with lead exposure, but the possibility that they may be partly due to lead absorption cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The retention (the proportion of ingested or administered lead found in the carcass at slaughter) of lead in the carcass and tissues of rats given 203Pb intraperitoneally or by mouth was measured over a period of a few days at 3-month intervals for 9 months from weaning. Total carcass retention of 203Pb administered intraperitoneally reached a minimum at 6 months of age, but the retention of 203Pb in blood, liver, and kidney changed little with time. When 203Pb was given by mouth, the fraction of the dose absorbed and the fraction retained in the carcass reached a minimum at 6 months, but the recovery in the tissues continued to decrease up to the end of the experiment. The addition of 20 mg of lead/kg of diet had no consistent effect on the metabolism of 203Pb.  相似文献   

The presence of atrazine in agricultural sites has been linked to the decline in amphibian populations. The efforts of the scientific community generally are directed toward investigating the long-term effect of atrazine on complex functions (reproduction or respiration), but in the present study, we investigated the short-term effect on the short-circuit current (I(sc)), a quantitative measure of the ion transport operated by frog (Rana esculenta) skin. Treatment with 5 microM atrazine (1.08 mg/L) does not affect the transepithelial outfluxes of [14C]mannitol or [14C]urea; therefore, atrazine does not damage the barrier properties of frog skin. Atrazine causes a dose-dependent increase in the short-circuit current, with a minimum of 4.64 +/- 0.76 microA/cm2 (11.05% +/- 1.22%) and a maximum of 12.7 +/- 0.7 microA/cm2 (35% +/- 2.4%) measured at 10 nM and 5 microM, respectively. An increase in Isc also is caused by 5 microM ametryne, prometryn, simazine, terbuthylazine, or terbutryn (other atrazine derivatives). In particular, atrazine increases the transepithelial 22Na+ influx without affecting the outflux. Finally, stimulation of Isc by atrazine is suppressed by SQ 22536, H89, U73122, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, and W7 (blockers of adenylate cyclase, protein kinase A, phospholipase C, intracellular Ca2+ increase, and calmodulin, respectively), whereas indomethacin and calphostin C (inhibitors of cyclooxygenase and protein kinase C, respectively) have no effect.  相似文献   

The effect of two different fibers on lead (Pb) absorption was investigated during two 3-day balance-study periods (day 15th to 17th and 30th to 32nd) of a 32-day feeding course in young rats. Young rats were fed for 32 days diets containing Pb (200 mg/kg diet), with or without the addition of 10% cellulose or glucomannan. The following results were obtained: 1) The total fecal Pb content was significantly increased (p less than 0.05) in the Pb + cellulose group than in the Pb alone group during both balance-study periods. However, there was no significant difference between the Pb alone group and the Pb + glucomannan group. 2) Lead retention was significantly lower (p less than 0.05) in the Pb + cellulose group than in the Pb alone group during both balance-study periods. However, there was no significant difference observed between the Pb alone group and the Pb + glucomannan group. 3) Rats fed on the Pb + glucomannan diet had a significantly heavier (p less than 0.05) cecum and large intestine than rats fed on the other two diets. 4) The concentration of Pb in the cecum was significantly lower (p less than 0.05) in the Pb + cellulose group than in the other two groups. These results indicate that cellulose supplementation reduced the retention of Pb, while glucomannan supplementation had no significant effect on the retention of Pb.  相似文献   

Long-term effect of increased lead absorption on intelligence of children.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors examined the reversibility of cognitive impairment caused by a mild increase in lead absorption among children. The results of our initial study revealed that air and soil outside a lead-recycling plant in Taiwan were seriously contaminated by lead, which was associated with lowered intelligence quotients of 32 children who attended a nearby kindergarten (i.e., kindergarten A). Thirty-five children-who were comparable with respect to age, sex, birth order, sibling number, and parental education level-from another kindergarten (i.e., kindergarten B) located 5 km from the plant were enrolled as the reference group. Following the initial study, kindergarten A school children moved 2 km from the lead-recycling plant. Twenty-eight children in each group were followed successfully 2.5 y later. Blood lead, intelligence quotient, and intelligence quotient-related factors were reassessed. The results showed that the average blood lead level of the exposed pupils dropped 6.9 microg/dl (standard deviation [SD] = 3.9 microg/dl) (p < .001), and the average intelligence quotient increased 11.7 points (SD = 13.2) (p < .01), compared with the results of the initial study. The average blood lead level of the reference group decreased by 1.7 microg/dl (SD = .1.3) (p < .001), whereas the average intelligence quotient increased by 4.2 points (SD = 13.8) (p = .115). There was a significant difference in intelligence quotients between the two groups during the initial study, but the difference subsequently disappeared during the follow up. The authors concluded that intelligence quotient impairment, caused by a mild subclinical elevation of blood lead (i.e., likely no more than 30 microg/dl) for a period of 1-3 y in 3- to 5-y-olds, is at least partially reversible.  相似文献   

Baboons were exposed to dust clouds of Ph3O4 of different size distribution but of the same total gravimetric concentration. Blood samples were taken immediately after each exposure of 4 hours and the total blood lead was determined. The exposure to the lead-bearing dust was stopped after four weeks, but the blood sampling continued for another six weeks. Graphs are presented comparing the patterns of lead absorption obtained with different sized lead particles. The coarser lead particles resulted in a higher blood lead concentration than the finer.  相似文献   

One group of rabbits were injected intraperitoneally with diethyllead dichloride (7.7 mg Pb/kg) and another group of rabbits were likewise injected with an equivalent lead dose of lead acetate. These rabbits were followed up for changes in the lead amounts excreted daily in the urine and feces from 24 h through 7 d after the injection, respectively. In the group of rabbits injected with diethyllead dichloride (one of 3 rabbits died during the observation), an amount of lead equivalent to about 25% of the injected dose was excreted in the urine during the first 24 h after the injection. Also, an amount of lead equivalent to about 28% of the injected lead was excreted in the feces during the first 3 d, and the total lead excretion during the 7 d after the injection corresponded to about 60% of the injected dose of diethyllead. One day after dosing, the total lead in the urine was made up of about 92% diethyllead, about 7% inorganic lead and about 1% triethyllead. One day after dosing, the total lead in the feces consisted of about 63% inorganic lead, about 28% diethyllead and about 9% triethyllead. Three days after dosing, the total lead in feces comprised about 98% inorganic lead, about 1% diethyllead and about 1% triethyllead. In the group of 3 rabbits injected with lead acetate, the total lead amount excreted in both the urine and feces during the 7 d after the injection corresponded to only about 9% of the injected dose of lead acetate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Waldron, H. A. (1971).Brit. J. industr. Med.,28, 195-199. Correlation between some parameters of lead absorption and lead intoxication. Use has been made of data collected over a number of years from workers exposed to a lead hazard in a motor-car factory. The correlations between various parameters of lead absorption and lead intoxication were computed, including blood and urine lead concentrations, urinary coproporphyrin, ALA and PBG concentrations, and haemoglobin concentration. In all, 15 correlation coefficients were calculated, of which only six showed a statistically significant result (i.e., P<0·05). These six were blood lead and urine lead (r = 0·38, P<0·001), urine lead and coproporphyrin (r = 0·42, P<0·001), urine lead and ALA (r = 0·43, P<0·001), coproporphyrin and ALA (r = 0·75, P<0·001), ALA and PBG (r = 0·49, P<0·001), and urine lead and PBG (r = 0·19, P<0·05).  相似文献   

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