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林传捷  林康 《医疗装备》2004,17(12):7-8
本文源自医院影像科室整合的实际方案,采用三层交换解决科室间不同网段设备的互连,实现了多台洗片机的共享。  相似文献   

医院计算机局域网是一个综合业务局域网,工作需要把整个网络系统划分成若干个子网,各子网之间还有信息传递,同时还应考虑数据安全问题。这些要求医院网络设备应该选择使用第三层交换技术的交换机。本文介绍了我院从实际工作出发设计并建设的计算机局域网。  相似文献   

在现有网络资源基础上利用三层交换技术,将不同IP地址的大型医疗设备主机连入同一局域网,实现了放疗科与医学影像科的医学图像互传、共享,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

我院先后购置了5台不同型号进口自动洗片机。在使用过程中,出现了不少次故障,现报告其中3例。1故障现象一柯达M7B-E自动洗片机在使用中,发现胶片密度越来越低,更新显影液后,仍无多大的好转。故障分析与排除:首先排除是药水质量问题,打开洗片机,用温度计测量显影液的温度为摄氏1  相似文献   

我院 1997年 4月引进KODAKM35X -OMAT自动洗片机 ,配以KODAKEKTASCAN 112 0激光照相机 ;选用同一生产厂家推荐配套设备 ,数据接口规范 ,整机兼容性好 ,自运行以来性能稳定。近期由于维护不良 ,连续发生三例故障。现综合三例故障表现、检测分析及处理结果分述如下。故障表现 :(1)激光照相机频繁发现卡片信号“Filmjam 14proc” ,提示卡片发生于洗片机侧 ,打印被终止 ;(2 )照片烘干加热器不工作 ,导致湿片 ;(3)检测过片器磁传动装置失灵 ,显、定影液频繁补充且与照片打印不同步 ,循环泵工作失控。检测分析…  相似文献   

X—OMAT 1000是日本柯达公司生产的一种全自动的洗片机,是本部放射科的唯一的一台洗片机,使用2年以来出现过好几次故障,下面就该机的3例故障现象及检修过程叙述如下,供同行参考。  相似文献   

区域卫生信息交换与共享作为区域卫生信息化建设中的重要一环,采用SOA体系架构和ESB企业服务总线的方式进行建设。本文通过对鄂州市公立医院改革试点信息化项目的介绍,对区域卫生信息交换与共享的优势、特点和技术实现等方面进行探讨,并对鄂州市区域卫生信息交换和共享的实际应用及建成后的效果进行说明。  相似文献   

基于SOA架构的区域医疗机构信息交换与共享平台的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:对区域医疗机构间信息资源交换与共享进行研究与探讨,提出基于SOA架构的信息交换与共享平台解决方案。方法:从医疗机构间信息交换的现状入手,通过对业务模型的分析,设计出交换与共享平台的技术架构。结果:设计出了基于前置交换系统的SOA数据交换解决方案,采用中心交换系统和可定制的前置交换系统,实现了与现有医疗卫生业务系统的松耦合对接。结论:建立区域医疗机构信息交换与共享平台是解决医疗机构之间信息共享与业务协同的有效途径,对促进医疗卫生信息资源开发利用、降低信息采集成本、推动公共医疗卫生服务体系建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

故障一:胶片无法烘干。故障分析及检修:烘干电路是由开关K2、熔断丝F2、75℃超温保护开关S3、烘干电机M2、烘干加热丝构成,烘干电机和烘干加热丝为并联。当按下开关K2时,洗片机循环系统、传动系统和烘干系统共同开始工作。解决单纯无法烘干的问题只需检查烘干电路中的元件和连接线是否正常即可。  相似文献   

多层结构是二层客户/服务器结构的发展,代表着应用程序的发展方向。本文比较了二层客户/服务器结构与三层结构的优缺点,并用三层结构技术设计并实现了一个医疗综合信息查询系统。  相似文献   

目的 利用GSP分析仪检测新生儿先天性肾上腺皮质增生症(CAH)筛查的指标——血17羟孕酮(17-OHP),分析GSP性能,并比较GSP与AutoDELFIA 1235检测方法的一致性,评估GSP分析仪及检测方法应用于新生儿CAH筛查的可行性。方法 1)检测GSP 17-OHP测定试剂盒3305-0010自带质控品和美国疾病预防与控制中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)发放的17-OHP室间质评标本,通过计算不精密度、正确度和线性评估GSP筛查CAH的性能;2)收集用AutoDELFIA 1235检测出的可疑阳性样本108例及未检测的新筛样本2 180例,分别用GSP和AutoDELFIA 1235进行检测,分析两种方法的一致性,并比对GSP与临床诊断的一致性;3)通过百分位法统计分析确定初始的切值(cut off值)。结果 1)GSP检测17-OHP的批内和批间精密度分别为3.35%~5.35% 和 3.07%~6.21%;正确度、线性符合要求;2)GSP和AutoDELFIA 1235筛查CAH的阳性、阴性和总的一致性分别为59.7%、99.8%和97.7%,GSP检测CAH的敏感性和特异性分别为100%、96.93%;(3)GSP筛查CAH时17-OHP的初始cut off值设为12.0 nmol/L。结论 1)GSP分析仪的性能满足实验室要求,可应用于新生儿CAH的筛查。2)GSP检测17-OHP与AutoDELFIA 1235相比,其检测方法的特异性更高,检测值更低,GSP应用于CAH筛查需要根据统计结果重新设定新的cut off值。  相似文献   

自动频率控制系统(简称AFC系统)是医用电子直线加速器中微波功率源输出的微波频率的控制系统,其性能的优劣直接影响到微波频率的准确性和稳定性,从而影响加速器输出射线的物理指标,是一直受关注的关键部件之一。本文阐述了江苏海明医疗器械有限公司HM-J-16-Ⅰ型医用电子直线加速器AFC系统的工作原理和设计方法。  相似文献   

目的建立水体中20种多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyls,PCBs)的稳定性同位素内标-全自动固相膜萃取-气相色谱质谱联用测定法,并应用于实际水样的测定。方法采集福州瓶装矿泉水(地下水)、自来水(生活饮用水管道末梢水),闽侯大学城内河水(地表水)和溪源宫溪水(生活水源水)等水样,气相色谱质谱联用(gas chromatography-mass spectrometer,GC-MS)分析本底值,用含13C12稳定性同位素的PCBs定量内标(surrogate solution,SS)定量。各水样20、40和80 ng/L3个浓度加标(n=7),计算SS回收率进行前处理质控,计算PCBs回收率和相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation,RSD)以验证方法,并将此法用于闽江流域上游支流至下游入海口共17个横断面江水的测定。结果方法检出限(method detection limits,MDL)为1.9~6.6 ng/L,水样回收率为70.9%~127%,RSD为0.5%~13%,定量内标SS的回收率为40%~90%。实际水样均未检出PCBs。结论本方法采用全自动固相萃取膜技术,比传统手工固相萃取柱法节省试剂,自动化程度高,同时运用稳定性同位素内标,结合GC-MS技术,结果更准确可靠,可运用于实际水样PCBs的测定。  相似文献   

柘江 《医疗装备》2008,21(5):1-4
自动频率控制系统(简称AFC系统)是医用电子直线加速器中微波功率源输出的微波频率的控制系统,其性能的优劣直接影响到微波频率的准确性和稳定性,从而影响加速器输出射线的物理指标,是一直受关注的关键部件之一。本文阐述了江苏海明医疗器械有限公司HM-J-16-I型医用电子直线加速器AFC系统的工作原理和设计方法。  相似文献   

BackgroundNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging chronic liver disease. However, the underlying mechanisms remained poorly understood. Neuregulin (NRG) family participate in energy metabolism, and might be related to NAFLD.MethodsL02 cells were exposed to oleic acid to establish a cellular model of NAFLD. We analyzed the NAFLD cells with NRG1 and subsequent ErbB3 siRNA treatment. Cellular total lipid was stained by Oil Red O, while triglyceride content and inflammation markers were measured by enzymatic kits. The expressions of down-stream molecules were evaluated by western blot.ResultsIn vitro, NRG1 could alleviate the steatosis of NAFLD, and inhibit the expression of IL-6 and TNF-α. The downregulation of ErbB3 aggravated steatosis, improved the levels of triglyceride, IL-6 and TNF-α in NRG1-treated NAFLD. Moreover, NRG1 treatment up-regulated ErbB3 phosphorylation, and increased the expression of PI3K and phosphorylation-AKT. When NRG1-treated NAFLD cells were transfected with ErbB3 siRNA, the expressions of ErbB3, p-ErbB3, p-AKT and PI3K were all reduced.ConclusionNRG1 might play a protective role in the pathogenesis of NAFLD through ErbB3 phosphorylation to modulate the activation of PI3K-AKT pathway. The findings will expand the understanding of the mechanisms of NAFLD, and provide potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that vaccination with rAls3p-N protein of Candida albicans, formulated with alum adjuvant (also designated as NDV-3) protects immunocompetent mice from, lethal disseminated candidiasis and mucosal oropharyngeal candidiasis. NDV-3 vaccine was recently, tested in a Phase 1 clinical trial and found to be safe, well-tolerated, and induced robust humoral and, cellular immune responses with increased interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-17 secretion. In preparation for a Phase 2 clinical trial against vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), we evaluated NDV-3, efficacy in a murine VVC model. Here, NDV-3 induced a strong immune response characterized by high, anti-rAls3p-N serum IgG and vaginal IgA titers. Furthermore, moderate doses of the vaccine (a range of 1–30 μg given subcutaneously [SQ] or 0.3–10 μg given intramuscularly [IM]) elicited a 10–1000 fold, decrease in vaginal fungal burden vs. control (mice injected with alum adjuvant alone) in both inbred, and outbred mice infected with different clinical C. albicans isolates. Additionally, NDV-3 required both, T and B lymphocytes for efficacy in reducing C. albicans tissue burden, which is followed by a reduction, in neutrophil influx to the affected site. Finally, anti-rAls3p-N antibodies enhanced the ex vivo killing, of C. albicans by neutrophils primed with IFN-gamma. These data indicate that NDV-3 protects mice, from VVC by a mechanism that involves the concerted priming of both humoral and adaptive immune, responses.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy can lead to congestive heart failure and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In recent years, it has been essential to find the treatment and prevention of cardiac hypertrophy. Betulinic acid (BA), the main active ingredient in many natural products, is known to have various physiological effects. However, as the potential effect of BA on cardiac hypertrophy and consequent renal dysfunction is unknown, we investigated the effect of BA on isoprenaline (ISO)-induced cardiac hypertrophy and related signaling. ISO was known to induce left ventricular hypertrophy by stimulating the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR). ISO was injected into Sprague Dawley rats (SD rats) by intraperitoneal injection once a day for 28 days to induce cardiac hypertrophy. From the 14th day onwards, the BA (10 or 30 mg/kg/day) and propranolol (10 mg/kg/day) were administered orally. The study was conducted in a total of 5 groups, as follows: C, control; Is, ISO (10 mg/kg/day); Pr, positive-control, ISO + propranolol (10 mg/kg/day); Bl, ISO + BA (10 mg/kg/day); Bh, ISO + BA (30 mg/kg/day). As a result, the total cardiac tissue and left ventricular tissue weights of the ISO group increased compared to the control group and were significantly reduced by BA treatment. In addition, as a result of echocardiography, the effect of BA on improving cardiac function, deteriorated by ISO, was confirmed. Cardiac hypertrophy biomarkers such as β-MHC, ANP, BNP, LDH, and CK-MB, which were increased by ISO, were significantly decreased by BA treatment. Also, the cardiac function improvement effect of BA was confirmed to improve cardiac function by inhibiting calcineurin/NFATc3 signaling. Renal dysfunction is a typical complication caused by cardiac hypertrophy. Therefore, the study of renal function indicators, creatinine clearance (Ccr) and osmolality (BUN) was aggravated by ISO treatment but was significantly restored by BA treatment. Therefore, it is thought that BA in cardiac hypertrophy can be used as valuable data to develop as a functional material effective in improving cardiac-renal dysfunction.  相似文献   

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