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We propose two information theoretic similarity measures that allow to incorporate tissue class information in non-rigid image registration. The first measure assumes that tissue class probabilities have been assigned to each of the images to be registered by prior segmentation of both of them. One image is then non-rigidly deformed to match the other such that the fuzzy overlap of corresponding voxel object labels becomes similar to the ideal case whereby the tissue probability maps of both images are identical. Image similarity is assessed during registration by the divergence between the ideal and actual joint class probability distributions of both images. A second registration measure is proposed that applies in case a segmentation is available for only one of the images, for instance an atlas image that is to be matched to a study image to guide the segmentation thereof. Intensities in one image are matched to the fuzzy class labels in the other image by minimizing the conditional entropy of the intensities in the first image given the class labels in the second image. We derive analytic expressions for the gradient of each measure with respect to individual voxel displacements to derive a force field that drives the registration process, which is regularized by a viscous fluid model. The performance of the class-based measures is evaluated in the context of non-rigid inter-subject registration and atlas-based segmentation of MR brain images and compared with maximization of mutual information using only intensity information. Our results demonstrate that incorporation of class information in the registration measure significantly improves the overlap between corresponding tissue classes after non-rigid matching. The methods proposed here open new perspectives for integrating segmentation and registration in a single process, whereby the output of one is used to guide the other.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing values in the General Nursing Council for England and Wales between the days before the National Health Service and the time when the minimum educational level for entrants to student nurse training was reinstituted in 1962. It discusses why the entry level was set at two ordinary levels of the General Certificate of Education, lower than the standard before the 1939 World War. The paper ends by arguing that the GNC became an agent of the government for the recruitment of nurses and the deskilling of nursing.  相似文献   

In the last decade, convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) have been a major focus of research in medical image analysis. However, the performances of ConvNets may be limited by a lack of explicit consideration of the long-range spatial relationships in an image. Recently, Vision Transformer architectures have been proposed to address the shortcomings of ConvNets and have produced state-of-the-art performances in many medical imaging applications. Transformers may be a strong candidate for image registration because their substantially larger receptive field enables a more precise comprehension of the spatial correspondence between moving and fixed images. Here, we present TransMorph, a hybrid Transformer-ConvNet model for volumetric medical image registration. This paper also presents diffeomorphic and Bayesian variants of TransMorph: the diffeomorphic variants ensure the topology-preserving deformations, and the Bayesian variant produces a well-calibrated registration uncertainty estimate. We extensively validated the proposed models using 3D medical images from three applications: inter-patient and atlas-to-patient brain MRI registration and phantom-to-CT registration. The proposed models are evaluated in comparison to a variety of existing registration methods and Transformer architectures. Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that the proposed Transformer-based model leads to a substantial performance improvement over the baseline methods, confirming the effectiveness of Transformers for medical image registration.  相似文献   

In the past few years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been proven powerful in extracting image features crucial for medical image registration. However, challenging applications and recent advances in computer vision suggest that CNNs are limited in their ability to understand the spatial correspondence between features, which is at the core of image registration. The issue is further exaggerated when it comes to multi-modal image registration, where the appearances of input images can differ significantly. This paper presents a novel cross-modal attention mechanism for correlating features extracted from the multi-modal input images and mapping such correlation to image registration transformation. To efficiently train the developed network, a contrastive learning-based pre-training method is also proposed to aid the network in extracting high-level features across the input modalities for the following cross-modal attention learning. We validated the proposed method on transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) to magnetic resonance (MR) registration, a clinically important procedure that benefits prostate cancer biopsy. Our experimental results demonstrate that for MR-TRUS registration, a deep neural network embedded with the cross-modal attention block outperforms other advanced CNN-based networks with ten times its size. We also incorporated visualization techniques to improve the interpretability of our network, which helps bring insights into the deep learning based image registration methods. The source code of our work is available at https://github.com/DIAL-RPI/Attention-Reg.  相似文献   

To make up for the lack of concern on the spatial information in the conventional mutual information based image registration framework, this paper designs a novel spatial feature field, namely the maximum distance-gradient (MDG) vector field, for registration tasks. It encodes both the local edge information and globally defined spatial information related to the intensity difference, the distance, and the direction of a voxel to a MDG source point. A novel similarity measure is proposed as the combination of the multi-dimensional mutual information and an angle measure on the MDG vector field. This measure integrates both the magnitude and orientation information of the MDG vector field into the image registration process.Experimental results on clinical 3D CT and T1-weighted MR image volumes show that, as compared with the conventional mutual information based method and two of its adaptations incorporating spatial information, the proposed method can give longer capture ranges at different image resolutions. This leads to more robust registrations. Around 2000 randomized rigid registration experiments demonstrate that our method consistently gives much higher success rates than the aforementioned three related methods. Moreover, it is shown that the registration accuracy of our method is high.  相似文献   

Image registration aims to find geometric transformations that align images. Most algorithmic and deep learning-based methods solve the registration problem by minimizing a loss function, consisting of a similarity metric comparing the aligned images, and a regularization term ensuring smoothness of the transformation. Existing similarity metrics like Euclidean Distance or Normalized Cross-Correlation focus on aligning pixel intensity values or correlations, giving difficulties with low intensity contrast, noise, and ambiguous matching. We propose a semantic similarity metric for image registration, focusing on aligning image areas based on semantic correspondence instead. Our approach learns dataset-specific features that drive the optimization of a learning-based registration model. We train both an unsupervised approach extracting features with an auto-encoder, and a semi-supervised approach using supplemental segmentation data. We validate the semantic similarity metric using both deep-learning-based and algorithmic image registration methods. Compared to existing methods across four different image modalities and applications, the method achieves consistently high registration accuracy and smooth transformation fields.  相似文献   

Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI) is a technique for estimating quantitative tissue properties, such as the T1 and T2 relaxation times, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and various perfusion measures. This estimation is achieved by acquiring multiple images with different acquisition parameters (or at multiple time points after injection of a contrast agent) and by fitting a qMRI signal model to the image intensities. Image registration is often necessary to compensate for misalignments due to subject motion and/or geometric distortions caused by the acquisition. However, large differences in image appearance make accurate image registration challenging. In this work, we propose a groupwise image registration method for compensating misalignment in qMRI. The groupwise formulation of the method eliminates the requirement of choosing a reference image, thus avoiding a registration bias. The method minimizes a cost function that is based on principal component analysis (PCA), exploiting the fact that intensity changes in qMRI can be described by a low-dimensional signal model, but not requiring knowledge on the specific acquisition model. The method was evaluated on 4D CT data of the lungs, and both real and synthetic images of five different qMRI applications: T1 mapping in a porcine heart, combined T1 and T2 mapping in carotid arteries, ADC mapping in the abdomen, diffusion tensor mapping in the brain, and dynamic contrast-enhanced mapping in the abdomen. Each application is based on a different acquisition model. The method is compared to a mutual information-based pairwise registration method and four other state-of-the-art groupwise registration methods. Registration accuracy is evaluated in terms of the precision of the estimated qMRI parameters, overlap of segmented structures, distance between corresponding landmarks, and smoothness of the deformation. In all qMRI applications the proposed method performed better than or equally well as competing methods, while avoiding the need to choose a reference image. It is also shown that the results of the conventional pairwise approach do depend on the choice of this reference image. We therefore conclude that our groupwise registration method with a similarity measure based on PCA is the preferred technique for compensating misalignments in qMRI.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mass preserving image registration algorithm for lung CT images. To account for the local change in lung tissue intensity during the breathing cycle, a tissue appearance model based on the principle of preservation of total lung mass is proposed. This model is incorporated into a standard image registration framework with a composition of a global affine and several free-form B-Spline transformations with increasing grid resolution. The proposed mass preserving registration method is compared to registration using the sum of squared intensity differences as a similarity function on four groups of data: 44 pairs of longitudinal inspiratory chest CT scans with small difference in lung volume; 44 pairs of longitudinal inspiratory chest CT scans with large difference in lung volume; 16 pairs of expiratory and inspiratory CT scans; and 5 pairs of images extracted at end exhale and end inhale phases of 4D-CT images. Registration errors, measured as the average distance between vessel tree centerlines in the matched images, are significantly lower for the proposed mass preserving image registration method in the second, third and fourth group, while there is no statistically significant difference between the two methods in the first group. Target registration error, assessed via a set of manually annotated landmarks in the last group, was significantly smaller for the proposed registration method.  相似文献   

A prototype of a news-based forecasting model was developed as an aid to policymaking in nursing and to assist in setting priorities for promoting an effective image of nursing. Newspaper articles about nursing were analyzed each month from 1978 to 1981. A model, constructed to show the effects of key nursing tissues on the image of nursing, was estimated using Ridge Regression to determine the direction and magnitude of the effect that each of the key issues had on the image of nursing. It was determined that newspaper articles that show nurses in clinical settings and articles that show nurses as playing a major role are the most important factors in projecting a positive image of nursing. The model was used to construct forecasts for the image of nursing from 1982 to 1984. The image of nursing was forecasted to improve over this period, primarily because of a projected increase in the number of articles that show nurses in this positive image.  相似文献   

Wu G  Jia H  Wang Q  Shen D 《NeuroImage》2011,56(4):1968-1981
Groupwise registration has become more and more popular due to its attractiveness for unbiased analysis of population data. One of the most popular approaches for groupwise registration is to iteratively calculate the group mean image and then register all subject images towards the latest estimated group mean image. However, its performance might be undermined by the fuzzy mean image estimated in the very beginning of groupwise registration procedure, because all subject images are far from being well-aligned at that moment. In this paper, we first point out the significance of always keeping the group mean image sharp and clear throughout the entire groupwise registration procedure, which is intuitively important but has not been explored in the literature yet. To achieve this, we resort to developing the robust mean-image estimator by the adaptive weighting strategy, where the weights are adaptive across not only the individual subject images but also all spatial locations in the image domain. On the other hand, we notice that some subjects might have large anatomical variations from the group mean image, which challenges most of the state-of-the-art registration algorithms. To ensure good registration results in each iteration, we explore the manifold of subject images and build a minimal spanning tree (MST) with the group mean image as the root of the MST. Therefore, each subject image is only registered to its parent node often with similar shapes, and its overall transformation to the group mean image space is obtained by concatenating all deformations along the paths connecting itself to the root of the MST (the group mean image). As a result, all the subjects will be well aligned to the group mean image adaptively. Our method has been evaluated in both real and simulated datasets. In all experiments, our method outperforms the conventional algorithm which generally produces a fuzzy group mean image throughout the entire groupwise registration.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2014,18(3):449-459
We introduce a boosting algorithm to improve on existing methods for deformable image registration (DIR). The proposed DIRBoost algorithm is inspired by the theory on hypothesis boosting, well known in the field of machine learning. DIRBoost utilizes a method for automatic registration error detection to obtain estimates of local registration quality. All areas detected as erroneously registered are subjected to boosting, i.e. undergo iterative registrations by employing boosting masks on both the fixed and moving image. We validated the DIRBoost algorithm on three different DIR methods (ANTS gSyn, NiftyReg, and DROP) on three independent reference datasets of pulmonary image scan pairs. DIRBoost reduced registration errors significantly and consistently on all reference datasets for each DIR algorithm, yielding an improvement of the registration accuracy by 5–34% depending on the dataset and the registration algorithm employed.  相似文献   

We propose a selective method of measurement for computing image similarities based on characteristic structure extraction and demonstrate its application to flexible endoscope navigation, in particular to a bronchoscope navigation system. Camera motion tracking is a fundamental function required for image-guided treatment or therapy systems. In recent years, an ultra-tiny electromagnetic sensor commercially became available, and many image-guided treatment or therapy systems use this sensor for tracking the camera position and orientation. However, due to space limitations, it is difficult to equip the tip of a bronchoscope with such a position sensor, especially in the case of ultra-thin bronchoscopes. Therefore, continuous image registration between real and virtual bronchoscopic images becomes an efficient tool for tracking the bronchoscope. Usually, image registration is done by calculating the image similarity between real and virtual bronchoscopic images. Since global schemes to measure image similarity, such as mutual information, squared gray-level difference, or cross correlation, average differences in intensity values over an entire region, they fail at tracking of scenes where less characteristic structures can be observed. The proposed method divides an entire image into a set of small subblocks and only selects those in which characteristic shapes are observed. Then image similarity is calculated within the selected subblocks. Selection is done by calculating feature values within each subblock. We applied our proposed method to eight pairs of chest X-ray CT images and bronchoscopic video images. The experimental results revealed that bronchoscope tracking using the proposed method could track up to 1600 consecutive bronchoscopic images (about 50 s) without external position sensors. Tracking performance was greatly improved in comparison with a standard method utilizing squared gray-level differences of the entire images.  相似文献   

Faculty seek to teach nursing students how to link clinical and theoretical knowledge with the intent of improving patient outcomes. The author discusses an innovative 9-week concept mapping activity as a pedagogical approach to teach nursing theory in a graduate theory course. Weekly concept map building increased student engagement and fostered theoretical thinking. Unexpectedly, this activity also benefited students through group work and its ability to enhance theory-practice knowledge.  相似文献   

Registration of vascular structures is crucial for preoperative planning, intraoperative navigation, and follow-up assessment. Typical applications include, but are not limited to, Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation and monitoring of tumor vasculature or aneurysm growth. In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, a large number of various registration algorithms has been developed. With this review paper we provide a comprehensive overview over the plethora of existing techniques with a particular focus on the suitable classification criteria such as the involved modalities of the employed optimization methods. However, we wish to go beyond a static literature review which is naturally doomed to be outdated after a certain period of time due to the research progress. We augment this review paper with an extendable and interactive database in order to obtain a living review whose currency goes beyond the one of a printed paper. All papers in this database are labeled with one or multiple tags according to 13 carefully defined categories. The classification of all entries can then be visualized as one or multiple trees which are presented via a web-based interactive app (http://livingreview.in.tum.de) allowing the user to choose a unique perspective for literature review. In addition, the user can search the underlying database for specific tags or publications related to vessel registration. Many applications of this framework are conceivable, including the use for getting a general overview on the topic or the utilization by physicians for deciding about the best-suited algorithm for a specific application.  相似文献   

Image registration is a fundamental task in medical image analysis. Recently, many deep learning based image registration methods have been extensively investigated due to their comparable performance with the state-of-the-art classical approaches despite the ultra-fast computational time. However, the existing deep learning methods still have limitations in the preservation of original topology during the deformation with registration vector fields. To address this issues, here we present a cycle-consistent deformable image registration, dubbed CycleMorph. The cycle consistency enhances image registration performance by providing an implicit regularization to preserve topology during the deformation. The proposed method is so flexible that it can be applied for both 2D and 3D registration problems for various applications, and can be easily extended to multi-scale implementation to deal with the memory issues in large volume registration. Experimental results on various datasets from medical and non-medical applications demonstrate that the proposed method provides effective and accurate registration on diverse image pairs within a few seconds. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations on deformation fields also verify the effectiveness of the cycle consistency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Image registration is typically formulated as an optimization process, which aims to find the optimal transformation parameters of a given transformation model by minimizing a cost function. Local minima may exist in the optimization landscape, which could hamper the optimization process. To eliminate local minima, smoothing the cost function would be desirable. In this paper, we investigate the use of a randomized smoothing (RS) technique for stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization, to effectively smooth the cost function. In this approach, Gaussian noise is added to the transformation parameters prior to computing the cost function gradient in each iteration of the SGD optimizer. The approach is suitable for both rigid and nonrigid registrations. Experiments on synthetic images, cell images, public CT lung data, and public MR brain data demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel RS technique in terms of registration accuracy and robustness.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2014,18(6):914-926
Correlative microscopy is a methodology combining the functionality of light microscopy with the high resolution of electron microscopy and other microscopy technologies for the same biological specimen. In this paper, we propose an image registration method for correlative microscopy, which is challenging due to the distinct appearance of biological structures when imaged with different modalities. Our method is based on image analogies and allows to transform images of a given modality into the appearance-space of another modality. Hence, the registration between two different types of microscopy images can be transformed to a mono-modality image registration. We use a sparse representation model to obtain image analogies. The method makes use of corresponding image training patches of two different imaging modalities to learn a dictionary capturing appearance relations. We test our approach on backscattered electron (BSE) scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/confocal and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)/confocal images. We perform rigid, affine, and deformable registration via B-splines and show improvements over direct registration using both mutual information and sum of squared differences similarity measures to account for differences in image appearance.  相似文献   

Purpose  To measure and compare the clinical localization and registration errors in image-guided neurosurgery, with the purpose of revising current assumptions. Materials and methods  Twelve patients who underwent brain surgeries with a navigation system were randomly selected. A neurosurgeon localized and correlated the landmarks on preoperative MRI images and on the intraoperative physical anatomy with a tracked pointer. In the laboratory, we generated 612 scenarios in which one landmark pair was defined as the target and the remaining ones were used to compute the registration transformation. Four errors were measured: (1) fiducial localization error (FLE); (2) target registration error (TRE); (3) fiducial registration error (FRE); (4) Fitzpatrick’s target registration error estimation (F-TRE). We compared the different errors and computed their correlation. Results  The image and physical FLE ranges were 0.5–2.0 and 1.6–3.0 mm, respectively. The measured TRE, FRE and F-TRE were 4.1 ±  1.6, 3.9 ± 1.2, and 3.7 ±  2.2 mm, respectively. Low correlations of 0.19 and 0.37 were observed between the FRE and TRE and between the F-TRE and the TRE, respectively. The differences of the FRE and F-TRE from the TRE were 1.3 ±  1.0 mm (max = 5.5 mm) and 1.3 ±  1.2 mm (max = 7.3 mm), respectively. Conclusion  Contrary to common belief, the FLE presents significant variations. Moreover, both the FRE and the F-TRE are poor indicators of the TRE in image-to-patient registration.  相似文献   

Multi-modal deformable registration is important for many medical image analysis tasks such as atlas alignment, image fusion, and distortion correction. Whereas a conventional method would register images with different modalities using modality independent features or information theoretic metrics such as mutual information, this paper presents a new framework that addresses the problem using a two-channel registration algorithm capable of using mono-modal similarity measures such as sum of squared differences or cross-correlation. To make it possible to use these same-modality measures, image synthesis is used to create proxy images for the opposite modality as well as intensity-normalized images from each of the two available images. The new deformable registration framework was evaluated by performing intra-subject deformation recovery, intra-subject boundary alignment, and inter-subject label transfer experiments using multi-contrast magnetic resonance brain imaging data. Three different multi-channel registration algorithms were evaluated, revealing that the framework is robust to the multi-channel deformable registration algorithm that is used. With a single exception, all results demonstrated improvements when compared against single channel registrations using the same algorithm with mutual information.  相似文献   

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