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儿童牙科畏惧症调查分析;高氟区公众对氟牙症社会心理影响的评价;北京海淀区幼儿园儿童牙周健康状况调查;饮食、口腔卫生习惯、父母口腔卫生知识与乳牙龋齿的关系;老年患者口腔健康生命质量的相关因素分析  相似文献   

目的:调查成都市1~3岁低龄儿童的龋患情况及家庭口腔卫生行为习惯。方法:选取成都市5所幼儿园1~3岁儿童共计1000名作为研究对象,对其进行口腔卫生检查,根据是否患龋分为病例组与对照组。向2组儿童发放调查问卷,了解其口腔卫生习惯相关情况,对比、分析调查结果。采用SPSS 20.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:共有331名儿童患龋,患龋率为33.10%。病例组与对照组儿童在性别、低体重儿、胎龄、病史、父母最高学历、主要抚养人方面相比,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);2组在年龄分布、喂养方式、家庭年收入方面比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。除家长使用牙线和家长刷牙频率2项外,2组儿童的其他家庭口腔卫生行为(定期检查牙、儿童吃甜食频率、儿童睡前进食频率、家长吃甜食频率)相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,年龄、家庭年收入、含奶瓶睡觉、定期检查乳牙、儿童吃甜食频率、儿童睡前进食频率均是低龄儿童患龋的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:成都市低龄儿童的龋患率较高,低龄儿童患龋与家庭口腔卫生行为有显著相关性,是低龄儿童患龋的因素之一。建立良好的家庭口腔卫生行为习惯,有助于降低低龄儿童龋齿的发生风险。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童乳牙龋相关因素的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价学龄前儿童的唾液变形链球菌、唾液流速和缓冲力、口腔卫生状况、饮食和口腔卫生习惯、母亲文化程度和职业等因素在乳牙龋发生中的意义.方法 采用病例对照研究方法,对1018名4岁和5岁儿童进行龋齿检查,其中dmft≥6的204人构成高龋组,dmft=0的237人为无龋组.测定两组儿童唾液变形链球菌水平、唾液流速和缓冲力、软垢指数,并由儿童母亲回答统一问卷.结果 共有417名儿童纳入结果的统计中.Logistic回归分析结果显示,唾液变形链球菌(OR=3.019)、软垢指数(OR=2.263)、每天吃甜食次数(OR=1.729)、每天喝甜饮料次数(OR=1.496)、奶瓶内容物含糖(OR=2.255)等因素有意义.结论 唾液变形链球菌水平高、口腔卫生差、高频率摄入甜食、奶瓶喂养时内容物含糖是乳牙龋的重要危险因素.  相似文献   

目的:了解城市社区婴幼儿奶瓶龋与喂养方式、口腔卫生行为以及父母口腔卫生知识的相关性,为今后婴幼儿防龋工作提供科学依据。方法:选择上虞市百官街道社区卫生院2009年4月份接受预防接种的6、9、12、18个月的婴幼儿共300名,进行奶瓶龋检查。对300名父母进行问卷调查,内容包括婴幼儿基本资料、喂养方式、喂养后口腔卫生行为及父母口腔卫生知识等。分析300名婴幼儿奶瓶龋与其父母调查内容的相关性。采用SPSS14.0软件包对数据进行χ2检验。结果:母乳喂养和人工喂养与奶瓶龋的发生无明显关系,含奶瓶或乳头睡觉习惯与奶瓶龋的发生有明显关系。婴幼儿喂食后父母实施口腔卫生行为的奶瓶龋发生率明显低于无口腔卫生行为组,有显著性差异。婴幼儿喂食后再喂少量白开水的父母比例明显高于用手指套湿纱布清洗口腔的父母比例。56.7%的家长不知道奶瓶龋的危害。结论:婴幼儿喂养方式、口腔卫生行为及父母的口腔卫生知识与奶瓶龋的发生有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

目的:了解东西湖区5岁儿童的基本口腔健康行为及其家长的儿童口腔卫生知识水平,为东西湖区儿童口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持。方法:按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案设计的5岁儿童家长问卷,对东西湖区8所幼儿园529名5岁儿童家长进行问卷调查,了解儿童饮食行为,口腔卫生行为、利用口腔医疗行为,家长口腔保健知识知晓情况。结果:30%的儿童经常有睡前进食甜食的习惯。5%的儿童在3岁前开始刷牙,每日刷牙2次者仅占10%。有5%的儿童使用含氟牙膏刷牙。在过去1年中,90%的儿童没看过牙医。结论:东西湖区5岁儿童口腔健康行为低于全国平均水平,儿童口腔健康行为尚不完善,有必要加强父母的口腔健康教育,建立正确的儿童口腔健康行为。  相似文献   

上海市某卫校学生口腔卫生习惯与患龋状况的调查分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 建立17~19岁学生龋齿发病基线资料,探讨龋病与口腔卫生习惯等相关性。方法 采用WHO标准检查1027名女学生牙齿,以DMFT评价龋状况,同时对学生进行口腔卫生习惯问卷调查。结果 学生患龋率为54%,DMFT为1.3;龋病与每日刷牙次数、每次刷牙所用时间及牙齿软垢指数没有显著相关性,而与经常使用含氟牙膏有显著相关性(P<0.05);有睡前吃零食习惯和经常喝碳酸饮料者在患龋人群中的比例明显高于非龋人群(P<0.01);刷牙时出血者在有龋人群中的比例低于无龋人群(P<0.01);认为定期检查无所谓及治疗时疼痛者在有龋人群中的比例高于无龋人群;认为无必要定期检查及牙病能够忍受者在无龋人群中的比例高于有龋人群(P<0.01);评价自身牙齿健康者在无龋人群中的比例高于有龋者;对自身牙齿不满意者在有龋人群中的比例高于无龋者(P<0.01)。结论 加强学生口腔卫生观念、改变不良生活习惯和口腔卫生习惯,有益于降低龋齿发病率。  相似文献   

目的:了解大连开发区3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病状况及影响因素.方法:采用多阶段、整群随机抽样方法,抽取15所幼儿园里全部3岁儿童进行口腔健康检查和儿童家长的问卷调查.参照世界卫生组织推荐龋病诊断标准,问卷内容包括儿童的基本信息、口腔卫生习惯、饮食习惯,家长的口腔健康知识及口腔健康态度以及社会经济因素.使用SPSS 16.0对数据进行统计分析,计算乳牙龋患病率和龋均.采用卡方检验,独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析以及Logistic回归分析比较组间差异及龋病的影响因素.结果:共有1220名3岁儿童完成口腔健康检查,其中964名儿童家长(79.8%)完成问卷调查.3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病率为62.8%,龋均3.40,龋面均7.34,男女间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).Logistic回归分析显示儿童摄入甜食和含糖饮料的频率(P<0.05),父母的最高学历水平(P<0.05)与儿童是否患龋相关.结论:大连开发区3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病状况较严重,患龋与进食含糖食物和饮料的频率及家长的教育水平有相关性.  相似文献   

目的 探讨3~6岁孤独症儿童乳牙患龋状况及其相关因素,以期为孤独症儿童的龋病防治提供参考.方法 采用整群抽样的方法抽取哈尔滨市3个城区3~6岁孤独症儿童进行问卷调查和口腔检查,问卷调查包括一般人口学特征、饮食习惯、口腔保健意识和行为等方面内容,问卷由儿童家长填写,专人发放与回收;口腔检查采用儿童龋补牙数作为评价儿童乳牙龋病的指标.对检查结果进行统计学分析.结果 共调查孤独症儿童93例(男81例,女12例),患龋率为59%( 55/93),龋均为3.245.随年龄增长,儿童患龋率增加.分析结果显示:母亲龋齿、每天喝甜饮料量、吃甜食频率、睡前吃零食是孤独症儿童龋齿的危险因素;饭后漱口、谁给孩子刷牙、每日刷牙次数、父母文化程度是孤独症儿童龋齿的保护因素.结论 遗传因素、不良饮食习惯及口腔卫生习惯对龋病的发生发展有一定影响,孤独症儿童乳牙龋病及口腔卫生状况的改善有待于家长及医护人员的配合和努力.  相似文献   

龋齿是严重影响人类健康的口腔疾病,数十年来世界各国由于重视口腔卫生保健及氟化物的广泛应用,防龋收到显著效果。儿童自乳牙萌出后即可能患龋,随年龄增长龋患逐渐加重。幼儿龋患与其口腔卫生状况、饮食习惯及氟化物使用情况密切相关,而这些均受家长行  相似文献   

家庭口腔卫生行为与儿童龋齿危险因素的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对儿童的家庭口腔卫生行为变量与龋齿危险因素变量进行相关性研究,初步解释家庭口腔卫生行为对龋齿危险因素的影响机制,以便于确定今后龋齿预测模型中行为学变量的构成以及对口腔卫生行为进行针对性的指导.方法:通过问卷调查,获得样本的各行为学变量并据其分值对样本进行分组;测定各实验室指标并作一定的变量转换;使用SPSS12.0软件包中的独立样本t检验、多因素回归方程建立、相关及回归分析等统计学方法,探讨行为学变量与龋齿危险因素变量之间的关系.结果:①家庭口腔卫生行为与儿童的龋齿危险因素间存在显著相关性.②不同的家庭口腔卫生行为对龋齿危险因素影响的侧重点不尽相同.③儿童口腔卫生行为的获得除家长途径外,尚存在其他可能.结论:除熟知的龋齿危险因素外,在建立龋病预测模型时,应考虑加入各家庭口腔卫生行为变量.  相似文献   

A dental health survey was conducted in the Arussi province in Ethiopia. The survey comprised 1,700 persons between 6 and 54 years of age in five age groups from four regions of the province. Findings concerning periodontal disease and oral hygiene are reported in the present paper. The onset of periodontal disease was early, with 60% of the children in the 6-7 year group having gingivitis. In general, periodontal disease was found in a majority of the surveyed population (83%). Severe periodontal destruction was, however, unusual before the age of 30, but at the age of 45-54 years 52% of the sample exhibited pocket formation. The level of periodontal disease in Ethiopia was judged as low to moderate. A close relationship was observed between oral cleanliness and periodontal condition. A possible favorable influence of the diet and traditional oral cleaning methods is conceivable.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between oral hygiene behaviours and general hygiene behaviours among Iranian adolescents living in Mashhad. A representative stratified random sample of 1,054 Iranian adolescents, in the sixth grade of school, answered a 37-item questionnaire on socio-demographic characteristics, frequency of toothbrushing behaviours, frequency of taking showers, and frequency of changing underwear, as measures of general hygiene behaviours. Binary logistic-regression analysis was employed to test the association between toothbrushing behaviours and general hygiene behaviours. The results showed that toothbrushing frequency was significantly associated with the frequency of taking showers (odds ratio: 2.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.86, 3.09) and the frequency of changing underwear (odds ratio: 2.14; 95% confidence interval: 1.65, 2.78). These associations were significant for girls and boys when tested separately and remained significant after adjusting for gender and father's education level. Girls were significantly more likely than boys to practice oral hygiene and general hygiene behaviours. In conclusion, there was a positive association between general hygiene and oral hygiene behaviours among Iranian adolescents. This association has important applications for planning health and hygiene-promoting programmes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT – An epidemiologic survey of dental caries, gingivitis and oral hygiene was conducted on 875 schoolchildren aged 6–15 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. Findings arc reported in detail for the African children, and in brief for the Asian children. Among the African children, DMF teeth averaged from 0.6–2.7, and def teeth from 0.0–1.9. A significantly higher proportion of the first permanent molars was carious among the 6 to 9-year-old than among the 10 to 14-year-old Africans, which is interpreted as a sign of the rapid increase in caries prevalence occurring during these years. Among the Asian children, dental caries was more prevalent and advanced. Generalized, mild gingivitis and moderate amounts of soft debris were found uniformly throughout all groups. The need for dental health education is stressed, and the case for longitudinal socio-epidemiologic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe self-reported oral health, oral hygiene habits, and frequency of visits to a dentist among pregnant women in Kuwait. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study with an anonymous structured questionnaire was distributed among 650 pregnant women during May-June 2003, when they were admitted to the maternity ward at the largest government maternity hospital in Kuwait City. The response rate was 93% (n=603). RESULTS: Every fourth respondent was in her first pregnancy, while 36% already had three or more children. Every fifth woman felt that her oral health was poor, and one-third of the women believed that they had periodontal problems currently. About two-thirds of the women were brushing more than once a day and almost all (94%) at least once a day. Over the previous 6 months, 40% had experienced dental pain. Half of the women had visited a dentist during pregnancy, mostly for dental pain. Most of the women had received no instructions concerning oral health care during their pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of the pregnant women in this study had oral health problems; however, half of the women had not seen a dentist during their pregnancy.  相似文献   

宜昌市弱势儿童龋病及口腔卫生状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解宜昌市聋哑学校8—12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童患龋情况及口腔卫生状况。方法:随机抽取聋哑学校98名8—12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童进行口腔卫生状况、龋病调查,参照全国第2次口腔流行病学调查方案调查。结果:宜昌市聋哑学校8—12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童乳牙患龋率66.33%,龋均3.01,充填率为0,恒牙患龋率67.35%,龋均1.49,充填率5.48%。结论:盲、弱、聋哑儿童患龋率均高,充填率极低,口腔卫生状况差,牙龈炎流行,提请社会对于这一弱势群体的口腔健康状况给予更多关爱。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relationship between the oral hygiene practices of dentate elderly people living in residential homes, their requests for assistance and their oral health status. METHODS: 164 people (81.2+/-7.4 years) participated in an interview and oral examination, and provided a stimulated saliva sample. RESULTS: The mean number of coronal decayed surfaces (CDS) was 2.4+/-5.9, stimulated salivary levels (log(10)cfu/ml) of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and yeasts were 1.6+/-2.1, 3.0+/-2.2, 2.1+/-1.7, respectively, and 53% had root decayed surfaces (RDS). Plaque (PI) and gingival (GI) Indices were 2.3+/-0.7 and 1.6+/-0.4 and denture debris scores (DDS) were high. 31% of the population cleaned their mouths twice daily without requesting help and they had significantly fewer yeasts, RDS, restorations on root surfaces, lower PI, GI (P<0.005) and DDS (P<0.0001) than the 69% who cleaned less often. 50% of those who cleaned less frequently requested assistance with oral hygiene but only 5% said that their carers supported them. Those residents who requested help had significantly higher levels of yeasts, lactobacilli (P<0.001), retained roots, DDS, RDS (P<0.005), PI and GI (P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The elderly residents' perceived need for assistance with oral hygiene was related directly to oral hygiene status and to clinical indicators of mucosal and dental diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of oral hygiene programs was studied in 248 children from five schoolclasses in Asella, Ethiopia. All children received professional toothcleaning after an initial clinical examination, and were again examined after a trial period of 3 months. The classes were assigned to the following procedures: one class received information and instruction in the use of the toothbrush, and a second class in the use of the mefaka, a wooden chewing stick traditionally used for oral cleaning. The children were advised to clean their teeth daily. Two other classes received similar information and instruction with regard to the toothbrush and the mefaka. Oral cleaning was then performed daily under direction and supervision, in one class with the toothbrush and in the other class with the mefaka. The fifth class was used as control. Instruction only was found to have no effect on the amount of oral deposits. Supervised oral cleaning, on the other hand, improved the oral hygiene of the schoolchildren significantly. The mefaka was found to be as effective as the toothbrush in removing oral deposits. It was concluded that the mefaka should be recommended for use in preventive dental programs in Ethiopia since it is effective, inexpensive, and familiar to the population.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the possibility of using sulcus temperature measurements as an early indicator for the beginning of gingival inflammation. Sulcus temperature distributions over the arches appeared to obey a quadratic polynomial. With a test group of 10 volunteers, all dental students, small changes in temperature were measured after subjects refrained from all oral hygiene: A slight but significant tendency for the frontal temperature to increase after 14 days of no oral hygiene was, however, present. The quality of a quadratic polynomial fit of the temperature distributions over the arches decreased significantly, already after 3 d of non-oral hygiene. This indicates that the coefficient of quadratic correlation for the temperature distributions over the arches is a measure for the oral hygiene of patients and for changes in the physiology of gingival tissues. Furthermore, as its decrease was concurrent with an increase in plaque and gingival indices, it might serve as an early indicator for the beginning of gingival inflammation. However, further development work is needed in order to make this approach useful as a clinical tool.  相似文献   

Abstract – The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the relationship between the oral hygiene at the bridge pontic and the inflammatory changes in the adjacent mucosa. The study consisted of three 4-wk periods with different hygienic measures: 1) no oral hygiene around and beneath the pontic, 2) thorough hygiene using toothbrush and toothpicks and 3) thorough hygiene using a toothbrush and dental floss every day. The amount of accumulated bacterial deposits on the pontic and the inflammation in the pontic area were estimated using quantitative microbiologic tests, and clinical and histologic examinations. When dental floss had been used the mucosa was healthy while it showed mild or moderate inflammation after the other experimental periods. There was a high correlation between the amount of mucosal exudate and the inflammation in the mucosa as measured by a modified Gingival Index, Daily use of dental floss resulted in a significantly lower number of microorganisms per mm2 compared with the other hygienic measures, Histologic sections of the biopsies showed changes in form of parakeratosis with thinning or loss of stratum corneum. The investigations have demonstrated that insufficient oral hygiene is an important factor in the development of inEammatory changes in the oral mucosa beneath bridge pontics. Regular use of dental floss ought to be a, part of the oral hygiene regimen in patients wearing fixed bridges.  相似文献   

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