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目的探讨影响杭州市儿童接种b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus influenzae Type b,Hib)多糖结合疫苗(Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine)(Hib疫苗)的因素,提出促进儿童接种Hib疫苗的策略。方法采用多级抽样方法,对杭州市4个区(县)458名儿童家长开展接种Hib疫苗影响因素的问卷调查。结果 458名儿童Hib疫苗接种率为55.68%。将是否接种Hib疫苗进行单因素分析,户籍为常住儿童[比值比(Odds Ratio,OR)=0.634,95%可信区间(Confidence Interval,CI):0.437~0.918,P=0.016]、参加医疗保险(OR=0.580,95%CI:0.393~0.856,P=0.006)、母亲文化程度高(OR=0.631,95%CI:0.435~0.915,P=0.015)、家庭人均年收入高(OR=0.484,95%CI:0.305~0.768,P=0.002)、收到接种Hib疫苗的告知(OR=0.196,95%CI:0.156~0.244,P0.001)、知晓Hib可引起多种疾病(OR=0.055,95%CI:0.031~0.097,P0.001)、知晓Hib疫苗(OR=0.031,95%CI:0.018~0.052,P0.001)是接种Hib疫苗的促进因素,而Hib疫苗价格高(OR=1.980,95%CI:1.311~2.994,P=0.001)是接种Hib疫苗的阻碍因素。在单因素分析的基础上,进行非条件逻辑斯谛回归分析,户籍为常住儿童(OR=0.512,95%CI:0.3~0.876,P=0.015)、收到接种Hib疫苗告知(OR=0.218,95%CI:0.094~0.505,P0.001)是接种Hib疫苗的促进因素,而Hib疫苗价格高(OR=1.403,95%CI:1.116~1.894,P=0.036)是接种Hib疫苗的阻碍因素。结论影响杭州市儿童接种Hib疫苗的因素主要有户籍、家长是否收到接种Hib疫苗的告知、Hib疫苗的价格等。  相似文献   

综述亚洲b型流行性感冒(流感)嗜血杆菌(Hib)疾病和疫苗推广使用情况。流感嗜血杆菌是全世界儿童发病和死亡的主要原因之一,Hib常引起儿童严重感染。Hib结合疫苗的问世,大大减少了发达国家Hib疾病的发病率。尽管认识到Hib疾病的重要性,亚洲绝大多数国家仍未考虑使用这一疫苗,主要原因:亚洲国家Hib疾病负担不清楚和疫苗的价格。亚洲国家如何对待Hib疫苗问题:已知有高发病率的国家和地区应考虑使用;已经着手使用的国家应及时评价其免疫效果;疾病负担不清楚的国家与地区应与政府和专门机构积极合作,进一步开展相关研究。Hib疫苗使用应该提到决策机构的议事日程上来。  相似文献   

患儿5月龄,男性。2008年5月接种第3剂b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌结合疫苗(Haemophihis Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine,Hib:兰州生物制品研究所生产,每瓶0.5ml,含纯化Hib荚膜多糖≥10mg),按常规消毒,上臂三角肌肌内注射0.5ml。约10min后,婴儿面部出现痒感,烦燥,呼吸急促,T37℃,P100/min,R28/min,BP压70/40mmHg(10mmHg=1.33Kpa),急性病容。  相似文献   

目的评价社区儿童接种b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌[Haemophilus Influenzae(Hi)Type b,Hib]结合疫苗的免疫效果。方法采用前瞻性队列研究方法分为疫苗接种组与非疫苗接种(对照)组,用细菌培养法、巢式聚合酶链反应检测两组儿童Hi携带状况,分析Hi携带率及下呼吸道疾病罹患率。结果两组儿童Hib携带率均较低;对照组未定型Hi阳性率显著高于接种组,以2~3岁尤为明显;各年龄组中对照组儿童支气管炎罹患率均显著高于接种组,Hib结合疫苗对儿童支气管炎发病的保护效果>90%;对照组中Hi培养阳性者气管炎发病显著高于Hi培养阴性者。结论儿童支气管炎的发病与Hi携带率高有关,接种Hib疫苗后导致Hi携带率下降以及支气管炎发病减少。  相似文献   

为了解黑龙江省婴幼儿b型流行性感冒 (流感 )嗜血杆菌 (Hib)的感染状况 ,对哈尔滨、大庆、齐齐哈尔、佳木斯、鸡西、牡丹江6个市的 0~ 48月龄婴幼儿共 3 0 0份血清 ,用放射免疫方法进行了流感嗜血杆菌多糖 (Hib -PRP)抗体水平的监测。结果显示 :该人群抗体阳性率平均为 42 0 0 % ,其中男性为 3 6 94% ,女性为 47 5 5 % ;Hib -PRP抗体几何平均滴度 (GMT)为 0 18μg/ml。Hib-PRP抗体的年龄别分布是 :出生后抗体稍高 ,4~ 6月龄降至最低 ,8月龄后抗体阳性率和GMT随年龄增长而逐渐增高。按城市分 ,Hib -PRP抗体阳性率和GMT最高的是哈尔滨 ,其次为大庆、鸡西、牡丹江 ,最低的是齐齐哈尔、佳木斯。按采样地可分为医院组、城镇组和农村组 ,婴幼儿Hib -PRP抗体水平以医院组的明显高于城镇组 ,城镇组明显高于农村组。  相似文献   

盐城市健康儿童b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌带菌率调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解盐城市儿童b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌(Hib)带菌率状况。方法用PCR法检测900份不同年龄组健康儿童咽拭子标本。结果盐城市14岁以下健康儿童Hib总带菌率为55.44%,男女性别间无明显差异,春季带菌率比冬季高,人员流动性大的地区带菌率较高,带菌率随年龄的变化是:1~3月龄最低,4~6月龄上升到56.00%,7~12月龄逐步下降,1岁以后随年龄增长而逐步增高,10~14岁年龄组最高。结论盐城市儿童Hib带菌率较高,存在相关疾病流行的可能性。  相似文献   

1调查情况1.1死婴背景男,2011年11月9日出生,足月顺产,体重3.5千克(kg),新生儿Apgar评分9.0分。婴儿既往无患病史,接种前精神状态良好,无过敏史,家庭成员无遗传病史和传染病史。婴儿此前曾接种过乙型肝炎疫苗、卡介苗、口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗,未出现过不良反应。1.2死亡经过生前于2012年2月10日9:00在预防接种门诊接种1剂b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌结合疫苗(Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine,Hib),留置观察30min无异常回家。  相似文献   

推广b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌疫苗免疫接种的可行性调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对苏州市两个街道 2 5 45名 1~ 5周岁儿童接种b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌 (Hib)疫苗的情况和未接种原因作了调查。在2 5 45中人接种了 1398人 ,接种率 5 4 93 %。年龄越小 ,接种率越高 (χ2 =175 ,P<0 0 1)。干部、外来人员、个体户、工人、经济收入较低家庭及家长低学历家庭的儿童接种率较高 (P <0 0 1)。全身反应和局部反应分别为 1 0 7%和 1 5 0 % ,表明该疫苗是安全的。人们对Hib危害的认识、医务人员的宣传及疫苗的价格是影响Hib疫苗推广的重要因素  相似文献   

目的 了解江苏省部分地区儿童抗b型流行性感冒(流感)嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖(Hib-PRP)自然抗体水平.方法 用酶联免疫吸附试验检测1 429份不同年龄组健康儿童血清的抗Hib多糖抗体.结果 抗Hib多糖抗体总阳性率为61.86%,抗体水平随年龄的变化是新生儿脐带血抗体水平高,1~3月龄下降,4~6月龄降至最低,随后抗体水平随年龄的增长而逐渐增高.结论 江苏省部分地区儿童抗Hib多糖抗体水平较高,6月龄抗体水平最低,为Hib疾病的高危人群.  相似文献   

由于就诊、实验室诊断等因素,亚洲地区b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌(Hib)疾病报告发病率较低,但利用疫苗探针法研究发现,亚洲Hib疾病发病率很高.而且其它迹象表明,亚洲地区Hib疾病发病率不低.该文就疫苗探针法的应用、优缺点做一简要介绍,以飨读者.  相似文献   

  目的  评价接种不同剂次b型流感嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus influenzae type b, Hib)结合疫苗对儿童住院肺炎的保护效果(vaccine effectiveness, VE)。  方法  采用回顾性队列研究设计,以2018年出生并在苏州大学附属儿童医院住院的苏州地区常住儿童为研究对象,分别通过苏州大学附属儿童医院卫生信息系统和苏州市疾病预防控制中心疫苗登记数据库收集研究对象在2019年6月30日之前因肺炎住院的相关医疗信息以及Hib疫苗接种信息,比较不同剂次Hib疫苗接种组和未接种组的住院肺炎发生率,计算Hib疫苗保护效果。  结果  2018年1月1日-2019年6月30日苏州地区儿童Hib疫苗的首剂接种率为18.8%(10 080/53 753);住院肺炎发生率随接种剂次的增加而降低(χ2=-4.31, P < 0.001),其中1剂次Hib疫苗未显示保护效果,2剂次Hib疫苗已显示出保护趋势,但差异无统计学意义,接种3剂次及以上Hib疫苗的儿童住院肺炎发生率低于未接种组(RR=0.72, 95% CI: 0.59~0.89, P<0.001),且可预防的住院肺炎发生率为1 514.8/105人年,保护效果为28%(95% CI: 11%~41%)。  结论  苏州地区3剂次及以上Hib疫苗接种可降低儿童因肺炎住院的发生率,建议推广儿童Hib疫苗接种工作,提高Hib疫苗覆盖率。  相似文献   

Prior to possible introduction of large-scale vaccination programmes, an estimation and comparison of naturally acquired immunity against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was carried out in two populations of age-stratified infants and children (from birth to 14 years old) in Burkina-Faso (West Africa) (n = 206) and France (n = 206). Hib capsular polysaccharide antibodies were detected by an ELISA method. The difference in the percentages of minimum protective levels for the two populations were not significant (0.15 g/ml) for newborns (0–1 month) but became significant as early as 2 to 3 months of age (p < 0.01) when lower levels were found among infants from Burkina-Faso. Subsequently, the percentages in both countries remained low until 11 months of age and showed no significant differences. For children between 12 and 35 months, the results 0.15 g/ml were significantly higher in France (p 0.05). From 36 months, the percentage of minimum seropositivity increased in Burkina-Faso, so that the difference was no longer significant. In each country, the percentage of children with the minimum protective level varied significantly (p les; 0.05) according to age (0–47 months). None of the children from Burkina-Faso or France had antibody levels > 1.0 g/ml before one year of age. Thereafter, only 9.51% of French children in the 12- to 17-month age stratum and 19.2% over 4 years of age had antibody levels > 1.0 g/ml. There were no non-detectable results for children over 4 years of age, and the means for natural detectable Hib CP antibodies were > 0.15 g/ml for both populations. Hib invasive infections depend on climate, socioeconomic status and ethnic and genetic factors. In Burkina-Faso, the large number of infants and children under 4 years of age susceptible to Hib infections suggests that large scale vaccination programmes are needed soon after birth. However, it would first be necessary to evaluate such factors as the frequency of Hib diseases in this population.  相似文献   

To estimate the incidence of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) invasive disease in Italian infants we performed a prospective study in a cohort of newborns enrolled for a randomized trial on safety and efficacy of three pertussis vaccines and followed for onset of serious disease or pertussis. The overall cumulative incidence observed in 15,601 children was 51.3/100,000 for all invasive Hib infections and 38.4/100,000 for Hib meningitis, over 27 months of observation. The incidence density of all invasive Hib diseases was 28.7/100,000 person-years, while meningitis occurred with an incidence of 21.5/100,000 person-years. Among the eight cases detected, six were meningitis, one sepsis, and one cellulitis. The child with sepsis died. The incidence and epidemiology of invasive Hib disease in Italy are comparable to those reported from other European countries. Cost-benefit analyses are needed for planning Italian vaccination policy.  相似文献   

目的 评价b型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(Hib)流行病学保护效果.方法 电子检索National Centerfor Biotechnology Information(NCBI,美国国家医学图书馆数据库)和Cochrane协作网图书馆等数据库,将有关接种Hib流行病学保护效果的研究纳入分析.使用RevMan5.1软件进行统计分析.结果 共纳入7篇文献,均为随机对照试验.Hib 对流感嗜血杆菌侵袭性疾病(Hib-D)保护效果(vE)为88%(95%CI:80% ~93%),对流感嗜血杆菌脑膜炎(HIB-M)的VE为84%(95%CI:74%~93%).结论 接种Hib可以降低因Hib感染所致侵袭性疾病和脑膜炎的发病率,具有良好的保护效果.  相似文献   

中国b型流感嗜血杆菌研究历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
流感嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus influenzae,Hi),尤其是b型(Hib)是引起儿童细菌性感染的主要病原体之一.过去的60年中,很多国家已广泛开展了对Hib各方面的研究,1980年代开始研制Hib疫苗进行预防相关疾病.1996年WHO将Hib蛋白结合疫苗引入各国扩大的计划免疫,至2004年9月,全球有94个国家(包括美洲、欧洲大部和澳洲)将这种疫苗纳入国家计划免疫,另有15个国家在全球疫苗与免疫联盟(GAVI)资助下使用这种疫苗,占全球所有国家和地区使用的一半.而我国尚未列入其中,原因之一是对Hib感染性疾病的认识还不够充分和深入.回顾我国有关Hib研究的整个历程,查询自40年代起至今中国学者关于Hib在国内外杂志发表的文章,现将主要内容总结如下.  相似文献   

Braikat M  Barkia A  El Mdaghri N  Rainey JJ  Cohen AL  Teleb N 《Vaccine》2012,30(15):2594-2599


Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is a leading cause of bacterial meningitis and pneumonia and can be prevented by Hib vaccine. We conducted a vaccine impact evaluation to support continued use of Hib vaccine in Morocco following introduction in 2007.


Bacterial meningitis surveillance data from 2004 to 2009 were obtained from 11 sentinel hospitals located in eight provinces and one prefecture in Morocco to examine Hi meningitis reporting for cases aged <5 years. We defined the years of 2004–2006 as the pre-vaccine period and 2008–2009 as the post-vaccine period and compared the mean annual number of confirmed Hi meningitis cases for these time periods using a Chi-square test. We calculated the minimum incidence of Hi meningitis during the evaluation period in Grand Casa Prefecture, where the catchment population could be estimated.


From 2004 to 2009, 1844 suspected meningitis case-patients aged <5 years were reported; 354 (19.2%) were confirmed with bacterial meningitis, including 105 (29.7%) Hi cases. The mean annual number of confirmed Hi meningitis cases decreased by 75%, from 24 in the pre-vaccine period to 6 during the post-vaccine period (p < 0.001). Assuming Hi cases with unknown age were <5 years of age, the estimated minimum incidence of confirmed Hi meningitis in Grand Casa Prefecture decreased by 93%, from 15 cases per 100,000 children in the pre-vaccine period to 1 case per 100,000 children in the post-vaccine period.


Hib vaccine introduction likely significantly reduced the occurrence of Hi meningitis among children aged <5 years at the 11 sentinel hospitals included in this evaluation in Morocco, suggesting that continued use of Hib vaccine in Morocco would be beneficial.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) still causes a substantial number of deaths among children in developing countries, despite the availability of effective conjugate vaccines. A major obstacle in developing a Hib vaccine has been limited awareness about the impact of Hib disease. A tool was developed to estimate the national rates of Hib meningitis and pneumonia by assessing retrospective local data over 7 to 10 days. Data from 11 countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia were studied and showed rates of Hib meningitis from >50 cases per 100,000 children >5 years in Ghana and Uganda to <15 per 100,000 in Iran, Jordan, and Uzbekistan. Results were affected by the quality of available data. The Hib rapid assessment tool can be useful to countries that desire a timely assessment of Hib disease rates.  相似文献   

To inform World Health Organization recommendations regarding use of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines in national immunization programs, a multi-country evaluation of trends in Hib meningitis incidence and prevalence of nasopharyngeal Hib carriage was conducted in four South American countries using either a primary, three-dose immunization schedule without a booster dose or with a booster dose in the second year of life. Surveillance data suggest that high coverage of Hib conjugate vaccine sustained low incidence of Hib meningitis and low prevalence of Hib carriage whether or not a booster dose was used.  相似文献   

流感嗜血杆菌(Hi)是常见的条件致病菌,可引起脑膜炎、肺炎、中耳炎、败血症和会厌炎等疾病,其中,b型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)和不可分型流感嗜血杆菌(NTHi)所致感染最为常见.疫苗接种是预防其感染最有效的手段.本文简述了Hib疫苗的发展、应用及NTHi候选疫苗的研究现状,为疾病的防治和疫苗的研发提供参考.  相似文献   

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