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Aim: To investigate the prevalence of reported food allergy and its association with atopic diseases and asthma severity among Jewish and Arab adolescents. Subjects and methods: The self‐report questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) was administered to adolescents aged 13–14 years from randomly selected junior high schools in Israel. Questions regarding food allergy were added. Results: A total of 11 171 questionnaires were available for analysis. Food allergy was reported by 3.6% of participants: 1.9% milk, 0.6% egg, 0.6% peanut and 0.4% sesame. On multivariate analysis, food allergy was strongly associated with current asthma (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.8–3.3), atopic eczema (OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 2.4–4.3) and allergic rhinitis (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.8–3.1). Arabs were significantly more allergic to peanut (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.5–4.1), egg (OR, 3.5; 95% CI, 2.1–5.9) and sesame (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.2–4.5) than Jews, and less allergic to milk (OR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4–0.9). Asthmatic subjects with food allergy had significantly more parameters of severe asthma than those without food allergy (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of allergy to specific foods differs between Jews and Arabs. Asthmatic adolescents with food allergy report more severe asthma than those without food allergy.  相似文献   

迄今为止尚无特异的诊断工具或诊断标识物用于儿童哮喘的检测.但是大量的研究表明,特应性疾病和阳性家族史是哮喘的重要危险因素.通过对儿童哮喘和特应性疾病及其阳性家族史之间关系的了解,可能会使儿童哮喘的早期诊断、正确管理和预防措施得到改善.  相似文献   

In atopic individuals, inhalants may lead to a variety of clinical syndromes such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, urticaria and atopic dermatitis. Nasal filters consisting of a stainless steel wire gauze (33 μ pores) have proved useful in providing relief in these individuals.  相似文献   

Although hypersensitivity to foods is often linked to exacerbations of symptoms of respiratory allergy, no such information is available regarding the foods traditionally considered to play a probable etiological role in respiratory allergy in India, which are in fact quite different from the ones implicated in the West. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether the practice of withholding certain common foods by parents and practitioners of indigenous systems of medicine (i.e. Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine) in children suffering from respiratory allergy had any scientific basis or explanation as judged by modern techniques of investigation. Skin prick tests were performed on 64 children with symptoms pertaining to respiratory allergy (32 each in study and control group) using crude antigenic food extracts. Oral food challenges were administered to children to confirm or rule out allergenicity of food (s) incriminated on the basis of the clinical history and/or a positive skin test. Parental history of food restriction alone, in absence of positive skin prick test was of little value in predicting a positive response to the food challenges (1 challenge positive out of 77 based on food restriction: 1.29%). Only 27.02% and 18.75% of positive skin tests were found to be clinically significant in study and control groups respectively. Traditionally, food beliefs were upheld in only 12.5% children for immediate onset clinical reactions (with 5.31% of the foods restricted in their diet) and 9.37% children for delayed onset clinical reactions (with 3.19% of the foods restricted in their diet). The present study shows that even though food restriction is a common practice in patients with respiratory allergy in India, objective documentation of Type I reactions due to these foods cannot be obtained in a majority of such children.  相似文献   

目的比较3~14岁哮喘和变应性鼻炎患儿吸入性致敏原分布特征的异同。方法2004-10—2005-10,北京儿童医院对527例哮喘和620例变应性鼻炎患儿进行吸入性致敏原皮肤点刺试验(skin prick test,SPT),分析比较检出阳性的致敏原在两组病例中的分布特征。结果哮喘和变应性鼻炎患儿SPT阳性检出率分别为77·8%和78·9%(χ2=0·823,P>0·05)。户尘螨、粉尘螨、交链孢霉、猫上皮、艾蒿是两种疾病主要致敏原。哮喘患儿户尘螨、粉尘螨、混合霉菌的阳性率分别为64·6%、59·8%、8·8%,均高于变应性鼻炎患儿(49·5%、47·9%、3·9%,均P<0·05)。变应性鼻炎患儿杂草花粉和艾蒿的阳性率分别为25·6%、26·0%,均高于哮喘患儿(19·3%、19·3%,均P<0·05)。40·2%的哮喘和46·2%的变应性鼻炎为单致敏原阳性。尘螨霉菌混合致敏及尘螨宠物混合致敏在哮喘和变应性鼻炎中最为常见。结论尘螨、霉菌、夏秋季花粉和宠物是3~14岁哮喘和变应性鼻炎患儿主要吸入性致敏原,两病具有相似的致敏原分布特征,但尘螨及霉菌过敏多见于哮喘,夏秋季花粉过敏多见于变应性鼻炎。  相似文献   

Type 1 allergy against natural rubber latex is an increasing problem in health care workers and children with spina bifida or urogenital malformations. The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of latex IgE antibodies and cross-reacting fruit antibodies in patients with spina bifida compared with atopic and non-atopic controls. Risk factors for sensitization should be determined. Sera of 148 patients with spina bifida and 98 controls (44 with atopy) were screened for IgE antibodies against latex, banana and kiwi by fluorescence enzyme immunoassay (CAP system). Atopies, allergic symptoms after latex contacts and the number of operations were compiled by a questionnaire. Patients with spina bifida developed latex IgE antibodies (≥0.7 kU/l) more frequently (40.5%) than atopic children (11.4%) or healthy controls (1.9%). All 18 symptomatic patients belonged to the spina bifida group and had high values of latex antibodies. The risk for developing latex antibodies increases with the number of operations. There was no difference in the history of atopic diseases and in a screening test of IgE antibodies against inhalative allergens between latex sensitized and not sensitized children with spina bifida. Antibodies against banana were more frequent in the latex sensitized children with spina bifida. (18.3% vs 3.4%, P = 0.002). Conclusion The high prevalence of latex antibodies in children with spina bifida justifies a primary prophylaxis by avoiding latex contacts, especially during anaesthesia and surgery, a correlation between the number of operations and the development of latex antibodies exists. Received: 30 March 1996 and in revised form: 19 March 1997 / Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

In this article we review the pathophysiology of food allergy, which affects 4% of US children and 2% of adults, and is increasing in prevalence. Most food allergens share certain specific physicochemical characteristics that allow them to resist digestion, thus enhancing allergenicity. During allergic sensitization, these allergens are encountered by specialized dendritic cell populations in the gut, which leads to T-cell priming and the production of allergen-specific IgE production by B cells. Tissue-resident mast cells then bind IgE, and allergic reactions are elicited when mast cells are reexposed to allergen. Adjacent IgE molecules bound to the surface of the mast cell become cross-linked, causing mast cell degranulation and release of powerful vasoactive compounds that cause allergic symptoms.  相似文献   

儿童过敏性疾病患病率日益增高,不容忽视.儿童过敏性疾病存在特应性进程的假说早在1985年即得到证实,具体是指婴儿或儿童早期出现的某种过敏反应症状常预示未来其他过敏性疾病的发生,众多纵向流行病学研究支持这一假说,其中以来自欧洲和北美的研究居多,亦有研究对此假说提出质疑.儿童过敏进程受诸多因素影响,如早年喘息、性别、父母过敏史等.该文就相关研究展开综述,以对高危患儿的识别和及时干预提供线索.  相似文献   

目的评价白三烯受体拮抗剂在治疗儿童支气管哮喘(哮喘)与变应性鼻炎(AR)的临床效果。方法选择2005年10月至2006年4月在我院儿科门诊诊断为哮喘并AR的患儿100例,随机分3组:口服孟鲁司特组(1组,吸入布地奈德都保加口服孟鲁司特5 mg,每晚1次);鼻内吸入激素组(2组,吸入布地奈德都保加鼻内吸入布地奈德鼻喷剂64μg,每日1次);对照组(仅吸入布地奈德都保)。观察期为6个月,每隔4周随访,记录患儿的临床症状评分;在治疗前及治疗后第8、24周检查肺功能,记录1秒钟用力呼气量占正常预计值的百分比(FEV1%)、鼻内分泌物嗜酸性细胞数、速效β2受体激动剂使用次数、所用药物分值以及哮喘急性发作次数及无症状天数。结果与治疗前比较,1组和2组明显降低了哮喘日间、夜间症状评分与鼻炎症状评分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。1组在哮喘日间、夜间症状评分与鼻炎症状评分、速效β2受体激动剂使用次数、所用药物分值与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而与2组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。但1组在改善FEV1%、增加无症状天数及减少哮喘急性发作的次数均优于2组(P<0.05、P<0.001、P<0.0...  相似文献   

Food allergy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allergic disease is a major contributor to illnesses and mortality worldwide. Food hypersensitivity is often the first phenomenon in the allergic march that includes gastroenteropathy, eczema, asthma and hay fever. Recent evidence indicates that prevention of food hypersensitivity in early life is associated with reduction in the incidence of eczema and asthma in later childhood. Strategies for prevention include exclusive breast feeding, restriction of mother’s diet during lactation, hydrolyzed formula, delayed introduction of allergenic solid foods and reduced exposure to house dust mites and tobacco smoke. This is a highly cost-beneficial and cost-effective approach.  相似文献   

Aim of the studyThe purpose of the study was to determine the aeroallergen sensitisation patterns of children aged 5 years and younger with asthma (AS) and/or allergic rhinitis (AR) in Istanbul, Turkey.MethodsThis cross-sectional observational study was conducted between January and December 2018 in the outpatient clinic of a hospital department of pediatric allergy. Patients, who had regular outpatient controls, full clinical and laboratory records, positive skin prick test results, and were willing to participate in the study, were included.ResultsIn total, 148 children aged 5 years or younger who had positive skin prick test results were included in the study. The male/female ratio and the mean age at onset of symptoms were 87/61 and 2.13 ± 1.33 (0.4–4.5) years, respectively. Of the 148 patients, 63 (42.6%) had AS, 11 (7.4%) AR, and 74 (50.0%) had both AS and AR. The age of the patients, age at symptom onset, male/female ratio, number of allergen sensitivities, total IgE levels, total eosinophil levels, and skin prick test results for aeroallergens did not differ between the patients with AS, AR, and AS + AR. House dust mite (HDM) was the most common aeroallergen in patients, while the cockroach was the least common aeroallergen. The severity of asthma and control levels were not found to be associated with aeroallergen sensitisation in children.ConclusionOne out of every four atopic children aged 5 years or younger is sensitised to aeroallergens. The most common sensitisation is to house dust mites. Weed aeroallergen may be related to severity of asthma in children aged 5 years or younger in Istanbul. We speculate that HDM and weed allergens could be used in the diagnostic or treatment strategies for the management of asthmatic children aged 5 years or younger.  相似文献   

??Abstract?? Food allergy is usually the first step of the allergy march. Clinically?? less attention is paid to the related diseases. This paper mainly discussed the children with food allergy and its influence on related diseases?? such as eczema?? urticaria?? allergic rhinitis and asthma?? so that we could establish the systematic and comprehensive diagnosis and take comprehensive intervention measures.  相似文献   

Allergic rhinitis is estimated to affect 10%-20% of pediatric population and it is caused by the IgE-sensitization to environmental allergens, most importantly grass pollens and house dust mites. Allergic rhinitis can influence patient’s daily activity severely and may precede the development of asthma, especially if it is not diagnosed and treated correctly. In addition to subcutaneous immunotherapy, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) represents the only treatment being potentially able to cure allergic respiratory diseases, by modulating the immune system activity. This review clearly summarizes and analyzes the available randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials, which aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and the safety of grass pollen and house dust mite SLIT for the specific treatment of pediatric allergic rhinitis. Our analysis demonstrates the good evidence supporting the efficacy of SLIT for allergic rhinitis to grass pollens in children, whereas trials regarding pediatric allergic rhinitis to house dust mites present lower quality, although several studies supported its usefulness.  相似文献   

儿童变应性鼻炎和支气管哮喘常在同一个体共存,两者交互影响疾病进程及疾病严重程度。国内外研究显示给予变应性鼻炎合并哮喘患儿糖皮质激素、口服白三烯受体拮抗剂和皮下/舌下过敏原特异性免疫治疗,可协同治疗两种疾病。由于变应性鼻炎和哮喘均为慢性呼吸道疾病,需要长期随访并阶梯性调整用药,因而患儿及照护者的自主评估有助于疾病的协同管理,慢性疾病管理工具对疾病的协同管理亦是不可或缺的。重视儿童变应性鼻炎和哮喘协同治疗和管理,对提高治疗依从性,改善生活质量,减轻疾病负担有重要意义。  相似文献   

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