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流感病毒比大部分其它病毒都难对付。对一种类型流感病毒有效的疫苗对另一种类型没有防御作用。的确,A型病毒特性的变异如此之快,以至于一种极其有效的疫苗因其变异可能失去它的价值。这就要求迅速发现流感暴发,这样才能在暴发后,迅速制备有效的疫苗。开始这样的预告系统是世界卫生组织要做的头等大事之一。  相似文献   

流行性感冒病毒(influenza virus)简称流感病毒,可引起急性呼吸道传染病——流行性感冒(简称流感)。流感病毒易变异,可引起流感暴发,流行,每年都有人因流感引发的相关疾病死亡,给人类生命财产和社会经济发展带来灾难性的打击。怀柔区作为国家流感监测点,在单位领导的支持和各位专家的指导下,于2005年底建立了流感实验室,并成为北京市流感监测网络实验室,  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚州南部小镇欧申赛德的一个狗舍最近有64只狗出现流感症状。研究人员对其中两只狗进行了抽检,结果显示,它们感染了H3N8型流感病毒。H3N8型狗流感病毒是由一种马流感病毒变异来的,但狗身上出现这种病毒十分少见。目前看来,狗流感对人不具传染性,但不排除狗流感病毒发生变异的可能。现在还没有针对狗流感的疫苗,因此人们最好远离“感冒犬”,养犬者应保持勤洗手的习惯。  相似文献   

一.流行性感冒为何引起世界范围的大流行? 流行性感冒病毒是引起流行性感冒(简称流感)的主要病原体,它属RNA病毒的粘病毒属,流感病毒根据核蛋白的抗原不同,可分为甲、乙、丙三型,病毒的表面抗原包括凝血素和神经氨酸酶,极不稳定,常发生变异.流感的流行与病毒变异有关,以甲型病毒变异最为突出。现知甲型流感病毒由八个或八个以上RNA节段所组成,每一个节段为决定一种结构或功能蛋白质基因组,而这些节段可以自由组合,这就造成甲型流感病毒之所以容易发生突变的原因,也是甲型流感病毒亚型划分的主要依据.甲型流感病毒从1933年被分离出来后,至今已有数次大的变异和小的  相似文献   

目的 对2013年江西省宜春市甲型H1N1流感病毒HA基因序列及其编码的氨基酸序列进行分子进化分析,为防控甲型H1N1流感大流行和常规监测提供科学根据。方法 随机选择11株2013年宜春市疾病预防控制中心流感监测实验室分离到的甲型H1N1流感病毒毒株,提取病毒RNA,One-step RT-PCR扩增HA基因并双向测序。以世界卫生组织疫苗推荐株A/California/07/2009(H1N1)(GenBank:CY121680)和几株国内外近几年分离的流感甲型H1N1毒株的HA基因为参考序列,采用DNAStar 7.0和Mega 5.0软件对HA基因及其编码的氨基酸序列进行比对,绘制分子进化树,进行HA变异分析。结果 2013年宜春市11株所测甲型H1N1流感病毒与疫苗推荐株亲缘性较近,进一步参考几株国内外近几年分离到的流感甲型H1N1毒株,HA没有发生较大变异;其HA基因序列二硫键、糖基化位点未发生变异;尽管有7株毒株同时在抗原决定簇区A区和受体结合位点130环或其附近发生单个位点氨基酸替换变异,但未形成流行病学变异新种。结论 目前的甲型H1N1流感疫苗仍对人群有保护作用,而抗原决定簇和受体结合位点的变异提示仍需要密切关注甲型H1N1流感的再次流行。  相似文献   

正流感病毒是一种可以发生持续变异和重组,且极易对流感病毒药物产生耐药性的,具有高度频繁变异的病毒。季节性流感病毒,以及不时出现的跨种间传播、可感染人的禽/猪流感病毒给人们造成了严重的健康和生命威胁。近些年,为了应对各种亚型流感的流行、暴发和病毒抗原变异,可中和多型/亚型流感病毒的广谱中和抗体成为研究的焦点。  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒抗原性易发生变异,曾多次引起全球性的大爆发,2009年全世界范围内流行的甲型H1N1流感病毒就是一种新的甲型流感病毒变异株.人群对甲型H1N1流感病毒普遍易感,尤其是妊娠期女性,易感程度是非妊娠人群的2~4倍,同时妊娠期女性也是较易成为重症病例的高危人群.本文着重针对妊娠期甲型H1N1流感患者的免疫状态进行讨论.  相似文献   

<正>流感是至今尚无法完全加以控制的1种重要的病毒性急性呼吸道传染病,同时也是国际上第1个实现全球监测的传染病。流感的抗原变异是决定流感流行的重要因素之一,及时分离出变异毒株,特别是有代表意义的毒株,可预测流感的发生和流行,为制备流感疫苗和诊断用品提供毒株。分离流感病毒常用的方法有鸡胚培养法和细胞培养法,两种方法各有优点。本试验试图通过改变培养条件,探索流感病毒在MDCK细胞中培养的适宜条件,以提高分离率。  相似文献   

目的 分析2004年流感流行季节北京地区流感样病患儿患者分离的低滴度甲3型流感病毒血凝素(HA1)基因的特性。方法用2004年流感流行季节分离的22株低滴度甲3型流感病毒提取病毒RNA,经RT.PCR扩增得到HA1区基因片段。用生物信息软件分析HA1区基因特性。结果扩增的血凝素HA1区基因均为987bp。22株HA1氨基酸序列与当年的疫苗参考株比较,发现氨基酸变异,变异位点在3个抗原决定簇(A、B、D)和受体结合部位的位点,提示本流行季节的流感病毒变异较大,与世界卫生组织推荐2005年疫苗参考株比较,与南半球参考株有2个抗原决定簇(A、D)的氨基酸存在不同,与北半球参考株无明显差异。还发现1株变异,在高保守受体结合部位的底部98位氨基酸也发生了变异。结论2004年冬季流感流行株的变异倾向值得密切关注。  相似文献   

目的 分析2003-2014年宁波市乙型流行性感冒(流感)病毒血凝素(HA)和神经氨酸酶(NA)的分子流行病学特征。方法 采集宁波市2003-2014年哨点监测医院的流感样病例标本进行流感病毒分离鉴定,选取不同时期的乙型流感毒株进行HA和NA基因序列测定,采用生物信息学软件分析变异和进化。结果 宁波市乙型流感病毒Victoria和Yamagata两大普系流行株的HA及NA基因在2003-2014年间每年均有不同程度的氨基酸序列变异,其中最明显的为2005年与2009年的Victoria系毒株及2007年与2010年的Yamagata毒株变异。每当HA基因序列发生明显变异时NA基因也同时出现明显的变异,而且有时NA基因的变异比HA基因更明显。同时发现2013-2014年流行的乙型流感病毒为Yamagata系HA与Victoria系NA的重配株。结论 乙型流感两大谱系流行株的HA基因发生变异时NA基因也会出现变异,甚至较HA基因更快。2013-2014年宁波市乙型流感高发的流行株为Yamagata系HA与Victoria系NA基因的重配株。  相似文献   

A promising approach to protect susceptible individuals against severe diseases is the inoculation of plasmids. Such DNA vaccines against influenza virus infections were quite efficient in different animal models; but still this procedure is not in clinical use until today. The present study reports the generation and characterization of bicistronic plasmids which enables the expression of influenza A virus gene sequences together with immunostimulatory cytokines demonstrating that among these cytokines especially interleukin-2 (IL-2) was efficient to prevent a lethal influenza virus infection in mice.  相似文献   

The history of influenza pandemics was reviewed and clinical manifestations of pneumonia associated with influenza virus infections are described and several typical cases are presented. Several types of pneumonia associated with the influenza virus infection have been reported: 1) influenza complicated by secondary bacterial pneumonia, 2) primary influenza virus pneumonia, 3) combined influenza virus and bacterial pneumonia. Secondary bacterial pneumonia often produces a syndrome that is clinically distinguishable from that of primary viral pneumonia. In primary influenza virus pneumonia, chest roentgenography revealed bilateral infiltrations but no consolidation. Histologically, diffuse alveolar damage and hemorrhagic bronchiolitis were frequently observed in primary influenza virus pneumonia, in which case the prognosis was the worst. Although rare, the possibility of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia associated with influenza virus infection should be recognized. H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, or S. aureus were frequently associated with influenza viral infection, and treatment against these bacteria should be considered.  相似文献   

Clinical features of pneumonia associated with influenza virus infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The history of influenza pandemics was reviewed and clinical manifestations of pneumonia associated with influenza virus infections are described. Several types of pneumonia associated with the influenza virus infection have been reported: 1) influenza complicated by secondary bacterial pneumonia, 2) primary influenza virus pneumonia, 3) combined influenza virus and bacterial pneumonia. Secondary bacterial pneumonia often produces a syndrome that is clinically distinguishable from that of primary viral pneumonia. In primary influenza virus pneumonia, chest roentgenography revealed bilateral infiltrations but no consolidation. Histologically, diffuse alveolar damage and hemorrhagic bronchiolitis were frequently observed in primary influenza virus pneumonia, in which case the prognosis was the worst. Although rare, the possibility of bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia associated with influenza virus infection should be recognized. H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, or S. aureus were frequently associated with influenza viral infection, and treatment against these bacteria should be considered.  相似文献   

Inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Viruses may be a cause of chronic inflammation, and both influenza virus and CMV have been associated with cardiovascular diseases. IL-6, a proinflammatory cytokine with antiviral effects, has a pivotal role in the immune response, and under pathologic conditions, prohemostatic effects of IL-6 could lead to pathologic thrombosis and vascular plaque instability. To investigate this role of IL-6, we measured the production of IL-6 by human endothelial cells after infection with influenza virus and CMV. After infection with influenza virus or CMV, IL-6 release into the medium increased (1756.5+/-156.9 pg/mL vs 284.4+/-55.3 pg/mL; P < .001) for influenza-Infected compared with uninfected cells after 36 hours' incubation. Ultracentrifuged influenza virus supernatants, heat-inactivated virus, and purified hemagglutinin were not able to elicit IL-6 synthesis by human endothelial cells. These findings show that CMV and influenza virus are capable of modulating the in vitro production of IL-6, a cytokine involved in vascular inflammation, by human endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Complications from influenza have been documented in the literature, but this patient case represents a rare and potentially deadly result in an otherwise healthy adult. Providers in the emergency department should be vigilant when assessing patients with influenza symptoms and monitoring those that don't always present with common symptoms and complaints. This patient's cerebral edema and tonsillar herniation was life-threatening and was caused from the influenza B virus.  相似文献   

All age groups in a population become ill with fever, respiratory tract involvement and systemic symptoms by influenza A virus. An understanding of the differences in the clinical features of influenza between children and adults may be helpful for the diagnosis and the treatment of influenza in children. This paper summarizes the clinical features and the disease burden of influenza in children, the currently available rapid diagnosis kits for influenza A and B virus, the treatment of influenza A and B infections by anti-influenza medications(amantadine and zanamivir), the prophylaxis of influenza A and B infections by anti-influenza medications and vaccines, and the prognosis.  相似文献   

2002~2004年云南省流感监测结果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的监测流感流行趋势,了解监测点正常人群流感的抗体水平。方法用鸡胚和MDCK细胞分离病毒,用血凝抑制试验半加敏法鉴定分离毒株和测定血清抗体。结果3年来云南省人群中流行的是A3型和B型流感毒株,正常人群对所有流感流行株抗体的总阳性率在15.33%~99.33%之间。结论不同型别的毒株表现出交替占优势的特征,人群流感抗体水平的消长与优势株的型别一致。  相似文献   

张瑶  舒跃龙  王大燕 《疾病监测》2017,32(2):153-156
B型流感病毒为季节性流感病毒的一种,每年在人群中呈不同程度的流行。B型流感病毒与A型流感病毒在基因结构和编码蛋白等方面存在差异,主要引起局部暴发和流行,并倾向于感染特定人群,因此除典型的感染症状外还易引起并发症。在一些流行季节,B型流感病毒造成的疾病负担甚至超过A型流感病毒。应加强B型流感病毒的监测和相关研究工作,为B型流感疫苗的推荐和新型药物的研发提供更多的科学依据。  相似文献   

I divided the history of influenza virus research into four groups according to the development of analysis methods. Since isolation of human influenza virus in 1933, many works have been done. However, under the limitation of analysis method, progress in knowledge about influenza virus was very slow and many questions remained until the molecular biological methods were developed. After 1975, by using molecular biological methods, influenza virus research progressed rapidly. Especially, by the application of PCR method, followed by capillary autosequencer, the research of influenza virus genome developed rapidly. Now, we can handle the influenza virus by manipulation of cloned cDNAs by reverse genetics.  相似文献   

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