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目的 鼻是人体容貌特征之一,也是美容外科学重要的基础研究课题,作者对新疆察布查尔县锡伯族鼻部进行形态学观察,确定鼻的正常形态特点,有利于临床诊断,对鼻的缺损修复和研究人体特征具有重要意义,对美容整形手术提供比较客观依据。方法 依据吴汝康等及邵象清人体测量方法进行观察测量。结果 对新疆察布查尔县城镇居民进行鼻的形态学观察,得出新疆锡伯族鼻部正常形态特点。结论 新疆锡伯族鼻部特点:鼻根中等高度,鼻梁形状直形,鼻头上翘,鼻基部向前,鼻翼高度中等,鼻指数中等型。  相似文献   

汉族青年鼻底亚单位的测量及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究汉族青年鼻底形态学特点,为鼻的美容整形提供形态学基础。方法观察165名19~30岁的汉族青年外鼻形态,采用人体测量学方法对鼻底及亚单位的鼻小叶宽、鼻宽、鼻深和尖下小叶高4项指标进行测量,并计算鼻底相关指数。结果鼻小叶宽:男(21.81±2.36)mm,女(20.49±2.00)mm;鼻宽:男(40.19±3.19)mm,女(36.03±2.77)mm;鼻深:男(19.58±2.32)mm,女(18.26±2.24)mm;尖下小叶高:男(7.86±2.13)mm,女(7.14±2.03)mm。结论通过对汉族青年鼻底及亚单位的测量及对鼻底相关指数计算,初步了解了其形态特点,为鼻美学评价和美容整形手术设计提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

新疆少数民族青年体型及体质特征的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的 研究新疆锡伯族、哈萨克族、柯尔克孜族、塔吉克族、蒙古族及塔塔尔族青年的体质特征。方法 采用邵象清的“人体测量手册”的方法,对与体型有关的身高、胸围等14项指标进行测量,并用相关指数描述6个民族青年体态概貌和身体的丰满程度。结果 新疆6个民族身高较高,锡伯族最高,依次为塔塔尔族、哈萨克族、蒙古族、柯尔克孜族和塔吉克族;腿型大部分为中腿型;体型属中等型,塔塔尔族青年体型相对较粗壮;依骨盆宽指数,6个民族女性骨盆均宽于男性;依胸围指数,6个民族体质较粗壮。结论 新疆6个民族青年的体质特征存在差异,可为体育选材、运动锻炼、营养学、人类学、法医学提供参考资料。  相似文献   

上海地区成人鼻面部的观察和测量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:收集上海地区汉族成年人的外鼻特征和鼻面部数据,为鼻整形手术和颌面部赝复学提供依据,并丰富人体测量学数据库。方法:采用人体测量方法。对190名上海地区健康汉族成年人的外鼻进行观察与测量。结果:获得所有被测者的面宽、面长、鼻高、鼻长、鼻宽、鼻深、鼻根高、鼻根宽、内眦间距、鼻孔宽和鼻孔高数据,同时获得各种外鼻形态、以及鼻尖、鼻翼和鼻侧面形态分类并获得鼻面比例。结论:上海地区汉族成年人的外鼻形态多为理想鼻型。鼻侧面形态多为直型,鼻尖中等,鼻翼高度适中,男女鼻指数都为中鼻型。  相似文献   

新疆塔塔尔族青年体型,躯干,四肢主要体质特征调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 作者对新疆奇县塔塔尔乡塔塔尔族成人进行了体质人类学调查,从中抽出18~25岁青年108人(男54人,女54人),确定其体质特征及发育状况,为体育选才、临床、机器制造、服装设计、国防工业、卫生保健提供参考资料。方法 采用Martin及吴汝康等人体测量方法,对其躯干、四肢部30佘项测量数据及主要体征的数据作比较分析。结果 得出了新疆塔塔尔族青年的身高、体型、腿型及指距身高指数、腿长指数等。结论 新疆塔尔族青年身高中等偏高型,腿长以中腿型为主,指距身高指数值较大,体型属中等型,男性属长躯干型,依胸围指数较粗壮。  相似文献   

新疆和田民乐县尼雅遗址墓葬出土颅骨种族人类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对新疆和田民乐县尼雅遗址墓葬出土颅骨的种族人类学特征进行系统性研究,为种族的断定,历史、文化及人类学等方面的研究提供一参考资料。方法:依据吴汝康等及邵象清人体测量方法进行观察测量。结果:新疆和田民乐县尼雅遗址墓葬出土颅骨的特点是:颅形卵圆形、长颅、正颅、狭颅,眶口前倾、中眶型,梨状孔下缘锐,狭鼻型,面部较突出,颧上颌角较小,犬齿窝深,鼻前棘中等。结论:其特征显示出具有欧罗巴人种的大部分特征,  相似文献   

目的 探讨中鼻甲连续冠状位断面解剖特点,结合薄层CT扫描及3D数字重建,为自后向前的鼻窦手术提供结构解剖学基础。方法 4具(8侧)成人尸头标本,行鼻窦螺旋CT扫描获取图像后,行连续冠状位断面解剖,并对相应层面的CT图像进行结构标注,观察中鼻甲3部分的形态学特点及与CT影像的对应关系;通过薄层鼻窦CT进行3D立体数字重建中鼻甲。结果 连续冠状位断面解剖自后向前观察中鼻甲各部分形态特点为,中鼻甲水平部内侧游离端为球状并以板状结构附着于鼻腔外侧壁;板状结构向前分为前后骨板,前为筛泡基板,后为中鼻甲基板,斜行向前向上附着于脑板;在筛泡基板与中鼻甲基板之间为前组筛窦;中鼻甲垂直部自中鼻甲水平部以矢状位向上呈扇形附着于额鼻嵴及脑板;以冠状位断面解剖中鼻甲3部分典型形态标注鼻窦CT图像;完成了中鼻甲形态数字三维重建。结论 从冠状位断面形态观察,可以归纳出自后至前中鼻甲形态变化规律,为自后向前的手术径路提供解剖学依据。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔族唇纹特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为新疆维吾尔族唇纹的个人识别和唇的体质特征提供形态学资料。方法:用捺印法观测了新疆维吾尔族513人的唇型特征和唇的形态学测量。结果:统计分析了六种唇纹型的出现率依次为Ⅱ型,Ⅰ型,Ⅰ型,Ⅲ型,Ⅴ型,Ⅵ型,结论:新疆维吾尔族上唇形态特点构成本民族的体质特征。  相似文献   

有关骨性鼻部的形态和鼻骨各径线的测量资料,目前国内所见报导不多,为了积累国人体质的有关资料,本文对400例颅骨的鼻部形态作了进一步的观察,对颅骨鼻部和鼻骨各径线进行了测量。  相似文献   

正人体解剖学、组织学、病理学等医学基础学科均属于医学形态学范畴。形态学研究人体形态结构与功能的关系,在基础医学教育中占有重要地位,是学好其他医学课程的基础[1]。传统的医学形态学实验教学内容重在对人体组织和器官形态结构进行肉眼或显微观察,实验室建设也主要依据此  相似文献   

李咏兰  廉伟 《解剖学报》2016,47(4):544-550
目的 探讨额济纳土尔扈特人的体质特征。 方法 遵循《人体测量方法》,于2015年9月在额济纳旗达来呼布镇测量了土尔扈特人196例(男84例,女112例)体质数据。 结果 额济纳土尔扈特人多具上眼睑皱褶,有蒙古褶略低于50%,眼裂高度、鼻根高度、鼻翼高多为中等型,眼裂倾斜度多为眼外角高于眼内角,直鼻背,颧骨体发达,唇薄,眼褐。额济纳土尔扈特人男为高身材,女为超中等身材。主成分分析结果表明,与中国北方13个族群相比,额济纳土尔扈特男性身材高大,躯干宽阔,面的宽度大,头较长且宽,鼻较高且宽。土尔扈特女性鼻高、形态面高的高度中等,鼻很宽,口裂窄、唇薄。内蒙古额济纳土尔扈特人与新疆巴州土尔扈特人体质存在较明显的不同。土尔扈特人男性身体质量指数(BMI)均值已经达到肥胖的下限,女性BMI均值已经接近超重的上限。 结论 土尔扈特人具有蒙古人种北亚类型的体质特征,在中国北亚类型族群中土尔扈特人较为肥胖。  相似文献   

目的 观测单侧完全性唇裂Millard术后1、3、6年患儿鼻唇部结构,为术后继发鼻唇畸形分类提供参考数据及后期手术矫正方法和手术时间选择提供参照。方法 回顾分析2009年1月—2013年12月蚌埠医学院第一附属医院整形烧伤科和口腔科单侧完全性唇裂Millard法术后1、3及6年患儿鼻唇部结构测量的资料,患儿手术时年龄均为6个月,分别列为术后1年组(12例)、3年组(13例)、6年组(12例);并对应选取1.5、3.5和6.5岁同年龄段颌面部无先天性畸形、无手术史的儿童作对照,分别列为正常1.5岁组(13名)、3.5岁组(12例)、6.5岁组(15名)。各组性别不限。以Farkas头面部测量内容为基础,选择11个测量标记点,15个观察项目(11个线性观察项目,4个角度观察项目)进行测量。结果 与正常1.5岁组比较,术后1年组患儿的鼻小柱宽度、鼻翼基底宽、鼻宽、唇高、唇宽四项、鼻唇角、鼻尖角、患侧鼻翼厚度,以及患侧和健侧的鼻孔宽、鼻孔高、鼻翼长、鼻翼外侧角、鼻前角测量值差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);与正常3.5岁组比较,术后3年组患儿的鼻小柱宽度、鼻翼基底宽、鼻宽、唇宽四项、鼻唇角、鼻尖角和健侧的鼻翼外侧角、鼻前角、鼻孔高,以及患侧和健侧的鼻孔宽、鼻翼长测量值差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);与正常6.5岁组比较,术后6年组患儿的健侧鼻孔宽、唇宽四项、鼻唇角、鼻尖角,以及患侧和健侧的鼻孔高、鼻翼厚度、鼻翼外侧角、鼻前角测量值差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。结论 单侧完全性唇裂患儿Millard法术后随年龄增长,患儿鼻唇部结构与正常儿童的差异整体趋势逐渐减小,说明唇裂术后鼻唇畸形有自行矫正的趋势;为减少术后出现畸形,健侧鼻孔宽、高和唇宽四项在行Millard法唇裂修复术时应提前给予预防。鼻唇角、鼻尖角、健侧鼻翼外侧角、健侧鼻前角可适时根据畸形程度给予矫正。  相似文献   

Airflow dynamics are recognized as being important to the functioning of the human nose in conditioning and filtering inspired air, yet these dynamics are poorly understood. Despite considerable research on airflow dynamics by otolaryngologists, respiratory physiologists, and toxicologists, major disagreements remain about the nature of airflow in the human nose. Specifically, there is little consensus about the character of nasal airflow regimes (laminar or turbulent) and about the major pathways of airflow through the internal chamber. Additionally, a number of features in the human nose have been argued to enhance airflow turbulence, thus increasing the exposure of moving air to the nasal mucosa and facilitating heat and moisture exchange in cold and/or dry climates. These features include: an inferior orientation of the nares; a nasal sill that is high relative to the floor of the internal nasal chamber; a nasal valve that is small in cross-sectional area relative to that of the internal chamber; and large, projecting conchae. The claim that these features affect airflow dynamics has never been tested. To clarify the nature of human nasal airflow and to test these claims of functional significance to nasal variation, we studied airflow across physiological flow rates using water and dye flowing through anatomically accurate acrylic models of human nasal air passageways (with adjustment of water flow rates to maintain dynamic similarity). The models were derived from direct casting of the nasal passageways of 10 Caucasian ("leptorrhine") cadavers (six male, four female). Measures of naris angle, nasal sill height, nasal valve area relative to internal chamber cross-sectional area, and relative projection of the inferior and middle turbinates were taken directly on the resulting casts. The relationships between aspects of nasal morphology and turbulent air flow were evaluated by examining the flow regimes (laminar, semiturbulent, or turbulent) at varying flow rates, with the expectation that the greater the development of the proposed turbulence-enhancing features the slower the flow rate at which flow would shift from one regime to another. Flow characteristics (both flow regimes and principal pathways) were highly variable within our sample. The relative projection of the inferior turbinate was the only variable that significantly affected the flow rate at which flow became turbulent. However, more projecting turbinates appear to laminate flow rather than to induce turbulence. Nostril orientation was moderately correlated with flow dynamics (with more inferiorly directed nares producing turbulence at slower flow rates), but this correlation was not statistically significant. Relative nasal valve area and nasal sill height were unrelated to turbulence in our models.  相似文献   

外鼻的测量及其临床意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:为临床整形外科学、美学、美容学做鼻整形术提供解剖学依据。方法:用游标卡尺、三角板、量角器,对338名成人外鼻和83具成人尸体外鼻进行了测量,结果得出了外鼻的高度、长度、宽度、深度、厚度、角度和坡长等多组解剖学数据。结论:鼻论:鼻背骨性宽是外鼻宽大畸形畸形的主要基础,做上颌骨额突截骨术可以取得外鼻挺拔秀美的效果,使求美者不美添美,美上加美。  相似文献   

目的为提高内镜下泪囊鼻腔吻合术的有效率和减少并发症提供解剖学基础。方法 15具(30侧)头颈部标本经双侧颈总动脉灌注红色乳胶,在国产手术显微镜下进行解剖,1具保留骨骼的头颈部血管铸型标本。结果①外鼻的动脉:分布到外鼻的动脉非常丰富,主要有鼻背动脉、鼻外侧动脉、鼻翼动脉、鼻翼下缘动脉及上唇动脉的分支等,且在鼻端处它们之间形成非常丰富的吻合;②鼻中隔动脉:鼻中隔血供属多源性,主要来自鼻后中隔动脉上支、下支,筛前?筛后动脉,筛前、筛后动脉主要分布于鼻中隔上部;③鼻腔外侧壁的动脉:蝶腭动脉大多(90%)在蝶腭孔处已分为鼻后外侧动脉和鼻后中隔动脉,鼻后外侧动脉发出下鼻甲动脉和中鼻甲动脉;下鼻甲动脉沿途分支分布于下鼻甲及下鼻道,且有分支与中鼻甲动脉吻合。结论本文结果对鼻内镜下泪囊鼻腔吻合术具有参考价值。  相似文献   

We report a study of 55 subjects with Smith-Magenis syndrome, aged 9 months to 35 years. Each person has been evaluated with an assessment of "gestalt" and detailed facial measurement, using previously published methodology, with compilation of Z score pattern profiles. The facial phenotype of SMS is quite distinctive, even in the young child. The overall face shape is broad and square. The brows are heavy, with excessive lateral extension of the eyebrows. The eyes slant upwards and appear close set and deep set. The nose has a depressed root and, in the young child, a scooped bridge. With time, the bridge becomes more ski jump shaped. The height of the nose is markedly reduced while the nasal base is broad and the tip of the nose is full. The shape of the mouth and upper lip are most distinctive. The mouth is wide with full upper and lower lips. The central portion of the upper lip is fleshy and everted with bulky philtral pillars, producing a tented appearance that, in profile, is striking. With age, mandibular growth is greater than average and exceeds that of the maxilla. This leads to increased jaw width and protrusion and marked midface hypoplasia. Craniofacial pattern analysis supports these subjective impressions. After mid-childhood, mandibular dimensions consistently exceed their maxillary counterparts. Craniofacial widths are greater than corresponding depths and heights. Nasal height is reduced while nasal width is increased. There is mild brachycephaly. The most marked age related changes are increased width of the nose and lower face (mandibular width) with reduction in nasal height and midfacial depth.  相似文献   

李咏兰  刘璐 《解剖学报》2019,50(1):98-106
目的 探讨中国蒙古族头面部体质人类学特征以及蒙古族各个族群头面部体质指标值的差异。 方法 对蒙古族17个族群的12项头面部测量指标(头长、头宽、面宽、额最小宽、形态面高、鼻高、鼻宽、眼内角间宽、容貌耳长、唇高、口宽、耳上头高)的均值进行聚类分析与主成分分析。 结果 东北三省的杜尔伯特部、郭尔罗斯部、阜新蒙古族、喀左县蒙古族的头宽、面宽、鼻宽值较小,口宽、额最小宽值小,两眼之间的距离近。北方汉族与科尔沁部头面部特征最为接近。巴尔虎部、鄂尔多斯部和青海和硕特部的头宽、面宽、鼻宽值大,而口宽、额最小宽值小,两眼之间的距离较近。布里亚特部、额济纳土尔扈特部、赤峰蒙古族、东北汉族、锡林郭勒蒙古族的共同特点是头、面、鼻较宽或中等,口宽、额最小宽值大,两眼之间的距离大。新疆察哈尔部和土尔扈特部的头宽、面宽、鼻宽值小,而口宽、额最小宽值中等,两眼之间的距离中等。云南蒙古族头面部特征与北方各个蒙古族族群差距较大。 结论 按照头面部特征可以将蒙古族分为3个大组。主成分分析表明,头面部和五官的宽度指标是区分蒙古族各个族群头面部形态特征的主要依据。北方汉族与蒙古族头面部特征有一定的共性。总体上来说,蒙古族面高、鼻高、形态面高均值与东亚类型均值接近,而不是与北亚类型接近。  相似文献   

The infraorbital nerve (ION) supplies the skin and mucous membranes of the middle portion of the face. This nerve is vulnerable to injury during surgical procedures of mid-face. Severe pain and loss of sense are noted in patients whose infraorbital nerve is either entirely or partially lost after these surgeries. We investigated the distribution area and topography of the ION, about which little is currently known, by dissecting 43 hemifaces of Korean cadavers. The ION produced four main branches, the inferior palpebral, internal nasal, external nasal, and superior labial branches. The inferior palpebral branch was generally bifurcated, giving off a medial and a lateral branch (58.1%). The internal nasal branch ran superior to the depressor septi muscle, along the ala of the nose. It supplied the skin of the philtrum and gave off a terminal branch that supplied the nasal septum and the vestibule of the nose. The external nasal branch was distributed diversely supplying areas between the root and the ala of the nose. The superior labial branch was the largest branch of the ION produced the most subbranches. These subbranches were divided into the medial and lateral branches depending upon the area that they supplied.  相似文献   

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