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Mack MJ 《Surgical endoscopy》2006,20(Z2):S488-S492
Cardiac surgery has been the last of the surgical specialties to embrace the principles of minimal invasiveness. The complexity and invasiveness of the procedures have presented both a problem and an opportunity to make the procedures less invasive. Beginning with initial attempts at coronary artery bypass surgery through limited access with and without robotics, a number of other cardiac procedures currently are being performed by minimally invasive approaches. These include mitral valve repair, transapical aortic valve implant, limited access, and totally endoscopic pulmonary vein isolation for the treatment of atrial fibrillation and the treatment of aortic aneurysmal disease by thoracic endografting. The experience with less invasive surgery in other specialties has served as cross-fertilization for minimally invasive cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

Surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation with mitral valve operations has been often performed in patients who have chronic atrial fibrillation associated with mitral valve disease. We describe a case of the combined operation through a small incision. A 49-year-old woman presented with a 1-month history of left hemiplegia. Echocardiography confirmed mitral stenosis and electrocardiogram revealed atrial fibrillation. The duration of the atrial fibrillation before admission was 12 years. Mitral commissurotomy, removal of clots, and surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation was performed through an 8-cm right parasternal incision. The right femoral artery and vein were used for cannulation. Another cannula was inserted into the superior vena cava. The extended use of cryoablation was carried out instead of atriotomy or reanastomosis. The patient was extubated for 5 hours after the operation. Atrial fibrillation was converted to a sinus rhythm. On the basis of our experience, this procedure seemed promising.  相似文献   

There is no operation as complex, yet as fundamentally unchanged over time, as conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). This remarkable achievement is attributed to the operation's adaptability to a wide variety of clinical settings; its reproducibility, although performed by surgeons all across the world; and its proved track record for safety and effectiveness. A monumental effort, however, is currently under way to redefine CABG. This paradigm shift has received a groundswell of support as advances in minimally invasive surgery in other areas, such as arthroscopy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and thoracoscopy, combined with an increasing focus on cost containment, have forever changed the milieu of the cardiac surgeon. This review examines the clinical and research issues surrounding minimally invasive CABG from the vantage point of a surgeon-scientist working in the field.  相似文献   

Minimally invasive heart surgery encompasses a variety of techniques, each with its own objective (minimal incisions, absence of cardiopulmonary bypass and cost reduction). Postoperative care after such procedures are simpler, with early extubation and shortened hospital stays. A period of close observation in a postoperative intensive care recovery ward is still required.  相似文献   

在这里,对于微创外科,我使用了外科的“进化”而非外科的革命。生物进化是从低级到高级,从简单到复杂的渐进过程而不是“革命性”的改变;社会进化亦是从简单到复杂的结构。  相似文献   

Minimally invasive surgery has become increasingly popular, utilizing smaller incisions in an effort to reduce morbidity associated with traditional approaches. Traditional correction of adult degenerative scoliosis is associated with significant risks and prolonged recovery. Surgeons should be cognizant of patient selection factors, approaches, risks, and outcomes of minimally invasive procedures, because they can be effective and desirable for the patient. Minimally invasive spinal deformity correction and hybrid constructs are viable alternatives to traditional open surgery.  相似文献   

Live kidney donation is assuming an increasingly prominent role in kidney transplantation programs. The traditional operative approach has been through an incision in the upper quadrant of the abdomen or in the loin, with the attendant potential postoperative complications associated with a large surgical wound. These problems may act as disincentives to prospective donors. The introduction of laparoscopic donor surgery in 1995 heralded a new era offering reduced post-operative pain and improved cosmetic result. It is hoped that these benefits may counter some disincentives and thereby increase donation rates. Three minimal-access approaches and their advantages and disadvantages are described: classical laparoscopic, hand-assisted laparoscopic, and retroperitoneoscopic surgery. Published reports indicate extensive experience with the first 2 of these approaches and less experience with the latter. All 3 approaches present technical, physiological, and anatomical challenges in the context of retrieving an organ that is fit for transplantation. For minimal-access surgery to be accepted as the procedure of choice for live kidney donors, it must be demonstrated that morbidity is not transferred from donor to recipient when these techniques are used. Some concerns about these procedures are addressed. High-level evidence in the form of randomized controlled trials is generally lacking, but experiences of surgeons and patients suggest that, with appropriate modifications, these techniques are safe for both donors and allografts and also benefit donors' recovery.  相似文献   

Fundoplication is commonly performed in children suffering from complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Recently laparoscopic fundoplication has become a standard of care for GERD in children. Published reports show that 2.3 to 14 per cent of children require reoperation after failed fundoplication. The purpose of this study is to show the feasibility of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques to treat children after failed fundoplication. A retrospective chart review was performed for all patients who underwent laparoscopic redo fundoplication at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston from July 1998 to July 2000. The patients' records were reviewed for age, diagnosis, type and time of initial operation, type and time of redo operation, operative time for redo operation, and complications. Seventeen children (age 3 months to 18 years) had operations for failed fundoplication attempted using MIS techniques. Six of these children were referred after their initial operation performed elsewhere. Nine (53%) were neurologically impaired. Ten (59%) have respiratory complications of GERD. The initial procedures were as follows: One open Nissen fundoplication, two open Thal fundoplications, 13 laparoscopic Nissen fundoplications, and one laparoscopic Toupet fundoplication. The reoperative procedures performed were revision of fundoplication and hiatal hernia repair (13) or hiatal hernia repair only (four). Two patients had concurrent gastric emptying procedures. One procedure was converted to open for technical reasons. One patient developed a pelvic abscess secondary to leakage around the gastrostomy tube. One child had erosion into the esophagus of a Dacron patch that was used to close a large hiatal defect. Thirteen patients began feeding by the first postoperative day. We conclude that MIS techniques can be applied to reoperative surgery for the treatment of GERD with an acceptable complication rate in this difficult group of patients. Reoperative patients appear to have the same benefits from MIS as patients undergoing their initial procedure.  相似文献   

Recent surgical advances leading to good operative results have contributed to the trend to useminimally invasive approaches, even in cardiac surgery. Smaller incisions are clearly more cosmetically acceptable to patients. When using a minimally invasive approach, it is most important to maintain surgical quality without jeopardizing patients. A good operative visual field leads to good surgical results. In the parasternal approach, we use a retractor to harvest an internal thoracic artery in coronary artery bypass surgery. Retracting the sternum upward allows for a good surgical view and permits the use of an arch cannula rather than femoral cannulation. When reoperating for aortic valve repair, the j-sternotomy approach requires less adhesiolysis compared with the traditional full sternotomy. No special technique is necessary to perform aortic valve surgery using the j-sternotomy approach. However, meticulous attention must be paid to avoiding left ventricular air embolisms to prevent postoperative stroke or neurocognitive deficits, especially when utilizing a minimally invasive approach. Transesophageal echo is useful not only for monitoring cardiac function but also for monitoring the persence of air in the left ventricle and atrium. This paper compare as the degree of invasion of minimally invasive cardiac surgery and the traditional full sternotomy. No differences were found in the occurrence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome between patients undergoing minimally invasive cardiac surgery and the traditional technique. Therefore it is concluded that minimally invasive surgery for patients with aortic valve disease may become the standard approach in the near future.  相似文献   

Background Minimally invasive approaches in cardiac surgery have been introduced in an attempt to limit post operative pain, allow prompt recovery, and reduce the cosmetic impact of the scar. We describe a surgical technique of limited skin incision with complete median sternotomy. Patients & Methods A comparative study was performed using two groups of 35 patients each in which a minimally invasive incision (Group I) was compared to a routine incision (Group II). Surgical procedures included atrial septal defect closure, mitral, aortic and tricuspid valve surgery. Results Incision length ranged from 6.9cm to 7.5cm (mean 7.1±0.2cm) in Group I and from 16.5cm to 21cm (mean 19.4 ±1.2cm) in Group II (Group I vs Group II, p<0.01). The operating time, cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic cross clamp time were not significantly different in both the groups. Similarly, post-operative drainage was also not significantly different. The mean hospital stay of patients in Group I was 5.7±1.0 days operative mortality or morbidity. Conclusion This technique provides full, safe and easy access to all cardiac structures with acceptable cosmetic results. No special instruments are required.  相似文献   

Low precision of transanal techniques, their limited area of application and high rate of complications of extensive surgical techniques led to the development of an endoscopic surgical system. Its main indication is the removal of broad based adenomas and early rectal cancers. Further indications are palliative excisions of advanced cancers. From July 1983 till December 1990 the endoscopic system has been employed on 233 patients. The total sum of operations raised to 251 cases due to recurrences and new tumour formations. The overall crude 5 year survival with merely local removal of rectal cancer was 67% for early rectal carcinoma patients and 75% for patients with pT2 carcinomas. Early postoperative complications consisted of 5 intraperitoneal perforations, 4 recto-vaginal fistulas and 4 haemorrhages (complication rate 5.2%). There were 2 postoperative deaths due to cardiopulmonary failure (clinical lethality 0.8%). The overall recurrence rate of adenomas was 4.9%. In accordance with the selection criterias of other authors, our selection criteria for curative local excisions of rectal cancers enclose tumour diameter less than 4 cm, pT1 carcinomas, low grade malignancy and tumour free margins of locally excised specimen.  相似文献   

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery by the port-access method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, minimally invasive surgery has come to be an important theory in cardiac surgery, the goal of which is shortening of hospital stay, earlier recovery of employment, and cosmetics. In this paper, we will describe our experience with port-access cardiac surgery conducted under the support of our new technology. This study assesses the quality of cardiac surgery performed by the port-access method. The author developed a direct endoaortic clamp balloon (Yozu balloon). This balloon is a triple-lumen balloon catheter of 3.6 mm in outer diameter and 40 cm in full length. The balloon is inserted directly into the ascending aorta. Injection of cardioplegic solution and aortic vent can be conducted. Also, we introduce a modified Cosgrove flex clamp to apply in small-incision surgery, aiming at a less invasive procedure. The modified point is that the original, united Cosgrove flex clamp can be divided into the handle part equipped with a ratchet, and the bellows part equipped with a clamp jaw. By this modification, it became possible to apply the Cosgrove flex clamp transthoracically; that is, it became possible to conduct aortic clamping safely and securely through this small port of 8 mm in diameter. Port-access cardiac surgery is one of the developing and promising methods of cardiac operation. In view of future technological progress, we can expect the gradual but wide popularization of this method.  相似文献   

This review examines the historical and current status of minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) in Japan, based on reports that have been published in English. Although enthusiasm for MICS in Japan increased during the 1990s, it waned during the early 2000s because of various limitations. However, the introduction of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, aortic valve replacement, atrial septal defect closure, and coronary artery bypass has led to the resurgence of MICS in Japan during recent years. Academic societies and a national registry system will play an important role in ensuring that this new wave of MICS is implemented safely and effectively. Off-the-job training and team building are also key factors for implementing a successful MICS program.  相似文献   

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