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BACKGROUND/AIMS: A decreased intra-hepatic nitric oxide (NO) production participates on the pathogenesis of portal hypertension in cirrhosis. We tested the hemodynamic effects of a liver-specific NO donor (NCX-1000) derived from ursodeoxycholic acid in portal hypertensive cirrhotic rats. METHODS: After a 14-day treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid or NCX-1000 by gavage, ascitic cirrhotic rats (CCl4-induced) were used in two studies: (1) in vivo mean arterial pressure (MAP), portal pressure (PP) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) blood flow measurements before and during progressive blood volume expansion (blood infusion); and (2) in situ liver perfusion to obtain dose/response curves to methoxamine (alpha1-adrenergic agonist) and flow/pressure curves. RESULTS: Basal heart rate, MAP, and PP were similar in both groups. During blood infusion, similar MAP and SMA flow increases were observed in both groups; however, PP increase observed in control rats was blunted in NCX-1000 treated rats (P=0.015). In liver perfusions, flow/pressure curves were similar in both groups; however, NCX-1000-treated livers showed a lower response to methoxamine (P=0.016). cGMP concentration in NCX-1000-treated livers was higher (P=0.015) than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with a liver-specific NO donor improves the portal system adaptability to portal blood flow increase and ameliorates the intra-hepatic response to methoxamine in cirrhotic rats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different strategies of blood volume restitution in the outcome of portal hypertension-related bleeding in anesthetized cirrhotic rats. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage was induced by sectioning a first order branch of the ileocolic vein in 38 cirrhotic rats (common bile duct ligation and occlusion). The subsequent hypovolemic shock was treated with no transfusion (n = 17), moderate transfusion (50% of expected blood loss, 5 mL, n = 11), and total transfusion (100% of expected blood loss, 10 mL, n = 10). At the end of the blood transfusion period (minute 15), mean arterial pressure (MAP) partially recovered in rats receiving moderate transfusion or no transfusion but decreased in the 10-mL transfusion group ( downward arrow 12 +/- 43%, P < .05 vs. no transfusion and 5 mL transfusion). After transfusion, groups given no or 5 mL transfusion remained hemodynamically stable. However, rats receiving 10 mL transfusion continued to deteriorate with persistent bleeding and progressive fall in MAP ( downward arrow 65 +/- 12%; P < .05 vs. no transfusion and 5 mL transfusion). Collected blood loss was significantly greater in the 10-mL group (20.0 +/- 1.5 g) than in groups given 5 mL (15.9 +/- 2.8 g; P < .05) or no transfusion (13.2 +/- 2.1 g; P < .05 vs. 10 mL and 5 mL transfusion). Survival in the no transfusion group was 47%. Rats given 5-mL transfusion had 64% survival. The worst survival was observed in the 10-mL transfusion group (0% survival; P < .05). We concluded that a transfusion policy aimed at completely replacing blood loss worsens the magnitude of bleeding and mortality from portal hypertensive-related bleeding in cirrhotic rats. On the contrary, moderate blood transfusion allowed hemodynamic stabilization and increased survival.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of metoclopramide on transmural oesophageal variceal pressure and portal blood flow in cirrhotic patients. Sixteen cirrhotics were randomly assigned to metoclopramide (10 mg i.v.) or saline. Metoclopramide significantly decreased transmural variceal pressure (15.7% decrease, p less than 0.05 vs. basal value). In order to evaluate if the metoclopramide-induced drop in transmural variceal pressure was due to an effect on portal haemodynamics, we also measured, by means of real time and pulsed Doppler ultrasonography, portal vein diameter, mean velocity of portal flow, and portal venous flow. No significant change was observed before and after metoclopramide. In conclusion, metoclopramide, which increases lower oesophageal sphincter pressure, significantly decreases transmural variceal pressure in cirrhotic patients. However, it does not have any effect on portal haemodynamics.  相似文献   

Gastric mucosal blood flow and acid secretion in portal hypertensive rats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this study was to examine gastric mucosal blood flow, measured by hydrogen gas clearance, and acid secretion in portal hypertensive rats. Chronic portal hypertension was induced by a two-stage complete portal vein occlusion procedure. Basal gastric mucosal blood flow was significantly higher in portal hypertensive rats than in sham-operated rats, but there was no difference in basal acid output. In response to administration of pentagastrin, there was the expected rise in both acid secretion and blood flow in sham-operated rats, but in portal hypertensive rats there was a significantly lower increase in acid output and no change in blood flow. In portal hypertensive rats pretreated with indomethacin to inhibit endogenous prostaglandin generation, both basal blood flow and acid secretion--and their response to pentagastrin administration--were the same as in non-indomethacin-treated sham-operated rats. We conclude that in portal hypertensive rats there is an increased gastric mucosal blood flow and an impaired acid output response to pentagastrin stimulation, and these changes appear to be mediated by an increase in endogenous prostaglandin.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate whether the presence of blood within the intestinal lumen after variceal bleeding would lead to reactive intestinal hyperemia, which in turn could result in the worsening of portal hemodynamics, and thus bleeding recurrence. Two models of portal hypertensive Wistar rats were used: 32 CCl4-cirrhotics with a low index of portal-systemic shunting and 32 that had been previously subjected to portal vein stenosis, with a high index of portal-systemic shunting; 32 Wistar rats served as controls. The rats were divided into four groups, each comprising 8 cirrhotics, 8 portal vein stenosis rats, and 8 controls. Intestinal microcirculation and portal blood flow were assessed by laser-Doppler and transit-time ultrasonic flow probes, respectively, before and 60 min after the injection of 2 ml of blood (groups 1 and 2) or an equal volume of NaCl 0.9% (placebo; groups 3 and 4) into the intestinal lumen. Octreotide (0.2 μg/100 g body weight [BW]) (groups 1 and 3) or NaCl 0.9% (groups 2 and 4) was then given subcutaneously, and 30 min later the final measurements were performed. The presence of blood within the intestinal lumen resulted in an increase in intestinal microcirculation in rats in all groups, while portal blood flow was increased in portal vein stenosis rats and controls, and decreased in cirrhotics. The presence of NaCl 0.9% had no effect. Octreotide, but not NaCl 0.9%, led to a decrease in both intestinal microcirculation and portal blood flow. The findings of this study suggest that intestinal hyperemia induced by digestion of blood in the enteric lumen increases or decreases portal blood flow, the result being strongly related to the portal hypertension model used. Since the main difference between the models was the extent of portal-systemic shunting, this may suggest a relationship between portal blood flow and portal-systemic shunting. This relationship could explain why variceal bleeding stops in some patients but recurs in others. (Received Sept. 29, 1997; accepted Jan. 23, 1998)  相似文献   

To characterize gastric mucosal perfusion in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertensive gastropathy, 34 cirrhotics with this lesion and 24 noncirrhotics were studied by reflectance spectrophotometry and laser-Doppler flowmetry during endoscopy. A significant correlation was observed between the hemoglobin content of the gastric mucosa, measured by reflectance spectrophotometry, and the serum hemoglobin concentration both in cirrhotics (r = 0.72) and in noncirrhotics (r = 0.87). IHb ratio (hemoglobin content of gastric mucosa divided by blood hemoglobin concentration) was higher in cirrhotics with portal hypertensive gastropathy than in noncirrhotics (P < 0.001), whereas the oxygen content of the gastric mucosa was similar in both groups. This pattern indicates that cirrhotics with portal hypertensive gastropathy have increased gastric perfusion without congestion. Gastric blood flow estimated by laser-Doppler was significantly higher in cirrhotics with portal hypertensive gastropathy than in noncirrhotics (P < 0.001). In cirrhotic patients, gastric areas with cherry red spots showed a significantly higher IHb ratio than areas with a mosaic or scarlatina pattern (P < 0.05). The magnitude of changes in gastric perfusion and the endoscopic severity of portal hypertensive gastropathy had no relationship with the degree of portal hypertension or the azygos blood flow.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of the systemic venous circulation in the hemodynamic alterations of the cirrhotic disease. Cardiac output (thermodilution; n = 8), mean circulatory filling pressure (balloon technique; n = 6), and blood volume (Evans blue dye; n = 7) were investigated in a rat model of liver cirrhosis without ascites induced by a 12-week individualized CCl4/phenobarbital treatment. Compared with control rats, conscious cirrhotic rats showed a hyperdynamic circulation characterized by normotension, high cardiac output (51 +/- 4.8 vs. 28.6 +/- 1.3 mL.min-1.100 g-1; P less than 0.01), and expanded blood volume (6.5 +/- 0.15 vs. 5.4 +/- 0.22 mL.100 g-1; P less than 0.05). There were no significant differences between control and cirrhotic rats in mean circulatory filling pressure (6.40 +/- 0.27 vs. 5.99 +/- 0.22 mm Hg, respectively) or in the pressure gradient for venous return (6.17 +/- 0.19 vs. 5.8 +/- 0.21 mm Hg, respectively). To further examine the venous tone, effective vascular compliance was estimated with the vascular filling-blood volume relationship by measuring the vascular filling before and after rapid changes in volume (+/- 8 mL.kg-1). Compliance was similar in both control and cirrhotic rats (3.15 +/- 0.26 and 3.41 +/- 0.21 mL.mm Hg-1), but the vascular filling-total blood volume relationship of the cirrhotic rats was displaced toward the volume axis. In conclusion, the increase in blood volume without changes in mean circulatory filling pressure (or venous tone) of the cirrhotic rats indicates a situation with venodilation and elevated total venous capacity; this is likely to be an important mechanism that could explain the hyperdynamic circulation of the cirrhotic disease.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that ritanserin, a serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonist void of systemic effects, caused a significant reduction of portal pressure in conscious cirrhotic dogs. The mechanism by which ritanserin lowers portal pressure is poorly defined. We investigated the splanchnic and systemic hemodynamic effects of ritanserin (0.63 mg/kg body wt i.v., a dose known to completely inhibit binding of 5-hydroxytryptamine to its receptors), in conscious and unrestrained cirrhotic rats (n = 13). Heparinized catheters were placed into the portal vein, inferior vena cava, aorta, and left ventricle with exit from the neck. Hemodynamic studies were performed 4 h after consciousness was regained. Cardiac output and regional blood flows were measured using radiolabeled microspheres and the reference sample method. Sixty minutes after administration, ritanserin caused a significant reduction of portal pressure (-17%) with minimal changes in portal venous inflow (+3%). Portal vascular resistance decreased significantly (-23%), whereas splanchnic arteriolar resistance was similar before and after ritanserin. A significant increase in mean arterial pressure (+5%) and cardiac output (+22%) was observed. Our results suggest that ritanserin lowers portal pressure through a mechanism separate from portal venous inflow. This effect could be due to changes in intrahepatic or on portocollateral resistances, or both. These findings support the potential use of this new agent in the treatment of portal hypertension.  相似文献   

This study measures regional gastric blood flow in portal hypertensive rats at three separate periods after portal vein ligation using quantitative autoradiography with 14C-labeled iodoantipyrine. The level of corpus mucosal blood flow was significantly reduced in 3-day portal vein-ligated animals compared with sham-operated control animals (30.4 +/- 2.3 vs. 47.1 +/- 5.6 ml/100 g.min). There was no significant difference in corpus mucosal blood flow between portal vein-ligated and sham-operated animals at 7- and 28-day periods, although the level of perfusion was higher in the 28-day portal vein-ligated group. There was no significant difference in antral mucosal or muscle blood flow between portal hypertensive and control animals at any of the study periods. We conclude that the acute period after portal vein ligation is associated with a reduced corpus mucosal microcirculation but that this effect is not sustained in portal hypertensive animals studied at later intervals after portal vein ligation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore peripheral blood cell variations in hepatic cirrhosis portal hypertension patients with hypersplenism.MethodsClinical data of 322 hypersplenism patients with decreased peripheral blood cells, admitted with cirrhotic portal hypertension, was retrospectively studied over the last 17 years.ResultsIn 64% (206/322) of patients, more than 2 kinds of blood cell were decreased, including 89 cases of pancytopenia (43.2%), 52 cases of WBC + PLT decrease (25.2%), 29 cases of RBC + PLT decrease (14.1%), and 36 cases of WBC + RBC decrease (17.5%); in 36% (116/322) of patients, single type blood cell decrease occurred, including 31 cases of PLT decrease (26.7%), 29 cases of WBC decrease (25%) and 56 cases of RBC decrease (48.3%). Of 227 routine bone marrow examinations, bone marrow hyperplasia was observed in 118 cases (52.0%), the remainder showed no hyperplasia. For the distinct scope and extent of peripheralblood cell decreases, preoperative blood component transfusions were carried out, then treated by surgery, after whole group splenectomy, the peripheral blood cell count was significantly higher (P<0.05).ConclusionsOf portal hypertensive patients with splenomegaly and hypersplenism, 64% have simultaneous decrease in various blood cells, 36% have decrease in single type blood cells, 52% of patients have bone marrow hyperplasia. A splenectomy can significantly increase the reduction of peripheral blood cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The aims of this study were to examine, in a conscious rat model of portal hypertension, the effect of postprandial splanchnic hyperemia on collateral blood flow and to determine whether octreotide has an effect on postprandial collateral flow changes. METHODS: In rats with portal vein ligation, pulsed-Doppler flowmeters were implanted chronically around the splenorenal venous shunt (SRS), which is the main spontaneous collateral vessel in the portal hypertensive rat and around the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). Changes in flow after a standard liquid meal gavage and after the administration of octreotide were examined in the rat under unanesthetized and unrestricted conditions. RESULTS: SRS flow increased significantly after gavage with a standard liquid meal (10.6+/-2.9%) compared to orogastric intubation alone (-6.5+/-2.1%) (P<0.01). Similar flow changes were observed in the SMA after liquid meal gavage. The subcutaneous administration of octreotide at a dose of 400 g/kg reduces basal SRS flow (-19.5+/-2.3%) and significantly attenuated the change in SRS flow after liquid meal gavage (-8.1+/-2.9%) compared to animals that received placebo (3.6+/-4.1% and 27.8+/-7.6%, respectively) (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that, in an experimental model of prehepatic portal hypertension, postprandial splanchnic hyperemia results in an increase in collateral flow that can be ameliorated with the use of octreotide.  相似文献   

Propranolol decreases portal pressure by reducing portal blood inflow. Studies in rats with prehepatic portal hypertension due to portal vein stenosis (a model with extensive portosystemic shunting) have shown that propranolol increases the portocollateral resistance, which hinders the fall in portal pressure. The present study examined the effects of propranolol on splanchnic and systemic hemodynamics in rats with portal hypertension due to cirrhosis of the liver, a model which is characterized by mild portosystemic shunting. Two groups of rats with CCl4-induced cirrhosis were studied: the propranolol group (n = 8), which received a propranolol infusion of 2 mg per 15 min, and controls (n = 9), which received a placebo (saline) infusion. Hemodynamic measurements were done using radiolabeled microspheres. Propranolol-treated rats had significantly lower cardiac output (-31%) and heart rate (-26%) than controls (p less than 0.001). Hepatic artery flow was not modified by propranolol. Propranolol caused splanchnic vasoconstriction, manifested by increased splanchnic resistance (+57%) and by a significant fall in portal blood inflow (4.8 +/- 0.4 vs. 6.3 +/- 0.5 ml per min.100 gm in controls, p less than 0.05). In contrast with rats with prehepatic portal hypertension, propranolol did not increase portal resistance in cirrhotic rats [2.0 +/- 0.2 vs. 2.0 +/- 0.1 mmHg per ml per min.100 gm body weight (not significant)]. Hence, the fall in portal pressure (-19%) was expected from the decrease in portal inflow (-24%). These results suggest that increased portal resistance in rats with prehepatic portal hypertension may represent an intrinsic effect of propranolol on the portocollateral vessels, since beta-blockade does not modify portal vascular resistance in cirrhosis.  相似文献   

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