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Two patients are presented who had malignant fibrous histiocytomas of the skin and soft tissue. These tumors characteristically consist of a solitary mass, 0.5 cm to 12.0 cm, which has skin fixation, is circumscribed and firm. Microscopically, there is a pattern of histiocytes and bizarre histiocytic giant cells intermingled in a fibrous stroma with fibroblasts arranged in a whirling pattern. The lesion is treated with wide excision and skin grafting. Local recurrence is common. Metastasis is less common, but with metastasis the prognosis is poor.  相似文献   

病例 女,60岁,活动时气促20余天,查体:双肺呼吸音增粗,可闻及少许哮鸣音;心率98次/分,律齐,肺动脉瘤区可闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音。超声心动图;主肺动脉及有室流出道占位,二尖瓣钙化伴轻度狭窄,二尖滤少量返流,三尖瓣少量返流,重度肺动脉高压。MRI检查:有室右房增大,于肺动脉瓣平面起向上直达有肺动脉主干腔内见血管铸形异常信号,T1W1呈中等信号,T2W1呈高信号,  相似文献   

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the breast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma presenting as cystic pancreatic mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is a common sarcoma of late adulthood, it has rarely been reported to involve the pancreas. We describe the clinical and imaging features of a 27-year-old patient presenting with a predominantly cystic MFH. The cystic appearance of the lesion corresponded histologically to necrosis and hemorrhage within the mass.  相似文献   

恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(MFH)发生于纵隔者少见,现将手术病理确诊的1例报告如下。  相似文献   

肺肿瘤;腺癌,细支气管肺泡;体层摄影术,X线计算机  相似文献   

患者男,40岁,因关节肿痛伴间断发热1个月余住院。查体:心界不大,心率74次,心脏未闻及杂音,双侧第一指关节及踝关节肿大,无压痛。心电图示:窦性心律,正常心电图。CT示:左侧胸膜肥厚、粘连。超声心动图示:左房内可见低密度回声,无运动,但图像显示不清。经食管超声心动图示:各房室内径正常,左房内可见多个圆形团块状回声,靠近肺静脉入口处,与左房侧壁、房间隔广泛相贴。多普勒检测:二尖瓣瓣口前向血流加速。超声诊断:左心房内占位性病变(图1、2)。手术见左房散在多个不规则灰色、质脆的瘤组织,基底部分别在左房后壁、房间隔及二尖瓣环部。术后…  相似文献   

Exploration prompted by acute abdominal symptoms in a 29-year-old woman discovered to have an asymptomatic right upper lobe cavitary lesion disclosed a malignant fibrous histiocytoma, the primary lesion of which was in the duodenum. At autopsy, the lung lesion was found to be metastatic. We believe this is the first recorded instance of cavitary lung metastasis from this type of tumor.  相似文献   

患者,女,57岁,主诉头痛、头晕20年.神经系统检查未见异常阳性体征.既往未经系统性检查和治疗,也无其他疾病史.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDMultiple primary malignant neoplasms refer to multiple tumors with different origins. They may be synchronous or metachronous. The incidence is 0.73%– 11.7%. Synchronous cases of breast cancer with sarcoma are rare.CASE SUMMARYHere, we report a 78-year-old female patient admitted to hospital after accidental discovery of a left axillary mass. Preoperative examination revealed a breast mass. Pathology showed left breast cancer and left axillary sarcoma. The patient underwent surgery, endocrine therapy and radiotherapy. She has been followed up for 1 year, and no local recurrence or distant metastasis was observed.CONCLUSIONAttention should be paid to multiple primary malignant neoplasms, not limited to the current diagnosis and analysis, avoiding missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.  相似文献   

This case study reports on a rare case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma arising in the right spermatic cord. An 80-year old male presented with a 2-week history of a right inguinal mass, with mild pain in the same region. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed a mass arising from the right spermatic cord. A right radical orchiectomy was performed with wide dissection of the mass; the right testicle and epididymis were found not to be grossly involved. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and recovered well. The patient and his family refused further adjuvant radiotherapy. There was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis during 20 months of regular follow-up. The diagnosis, histological classification, treatment and prognosis of this case are presented, together with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

There is a marked paucity of reports on malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) of the spleen in the literature, and there are no previous reports of its color Doppler sonographic (US) and contrast-enhanced US findings. We report on an 82-year-old male with splenic MFH (inflammatory subtype), with an emphasis on color Doppler and contrast-enhanced US findings.  相似文献   

High initial technical success rates for superficial femoral artery revascularization are possible using multiple modalities. For these interventions to pose a serious challenge to open surgical bypass, improved primary patency in mid- and long-term follow-up must be achieved. In several smaller studies, covered stenting of the superficial femoral artery has shown superior patency at 2 years after intervention. The ongoing VIBRANT trial randomizes patients to superficial femoral artery intervention with either bare nitinol stents or Viabahn covered stents. The 3-year outcomes data from this trial will better define the role of percutaneous intervention for complex superficial femoral artery disease.  相似文献   

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