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The distribution ofproneuropeptide Y-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain of Rana esculenta and Xenopus lavis was determined with antisera directed toward neuropeptide Y and the carboxyl terminal flanking peptide. The distribution of proneuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity was similar in both anurans. In the telencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were found in the olfactory bulb, all subdivisions of the pallium, the septum, pars lateralis of the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, and the anterior preoptic area. In the diencephalon, labelled perikarya were detected in the ventromedial, ventrolateral and central thalamic nuclei, the magnocellular preoptic nucleus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the posterior tuberculum, and the infundibulum. Amacrine-like cells were stained in the retina. In the pretectal area, posterior thalamic neurons showed intense, Golgi-like immunostaining. In the mesencephalon, immunoreactive cells were found in the reticular nucleus, the anteroventral tegmental nucleus, the optic tectum, the interpeduncular nucleus, and the torus semicircularis. In the rhombencephalon, labelled perikarya were detected in the secondary visceral nucleus, the central gray, the nucleus of the solitary tract, the dorsal column nuclei, and the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. Immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in all areas of the brain that contained labelled perikarya. The densest accumulations were found in the accessory olfactory bulb, pars lateralis of the amygdala, the ventral habenula, the posterior pituitary, the optic tectum, the interpeduncular nucleus, and the saccular nucleus. The distribution of proneuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the anuran brain showed many similarities to the distribution described for the amniote brain. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), sauvagine, and urotensin I are all members of the so-called CRF neuropeptide family. Urocortin (Ucn), a 40-amino-acid neuropeptide recently isolated from the rat brain, is the newest member of this family. Until now, the distribution of Ucn in the central nervous system (CNS) has been studied only in placental mammals. We used a polyclonal antiserum against rat Ucn to determine the distribution of Ucn-like immunoreactivity in the CNS of the green frog, Rana esculenta. The great majority of Ucn-immunoreactive perikarya was seen in the anterior preoptic area, ventromedial thalamic nucleus, posterior tuberculum, nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, and Edinger-Westphal nucleus. Urocortin-immunoreactive nerve cells were also observed in the motor nuclei of the trigeminal and facial nerves and in the hypoglossal nucleus. Immunoreactive fibers were found in the medial and lateral septal nuclei, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, many of the thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei, mesencephalic tectum, tegmental nuclei, torus semicircularis, and dorsal horn and central field of the spinal cord. Only scattered Ucn-immunoreactive axon terminals were observed in the external zone of the medial eminence. The densest accumulations of Ucn-immunoreactive nerve terminals were seen in the granular layer of the cerebellum and cochlear nuclei. Our results suggest that an ortholog of mammalian Ucn occurs in the CNS of the green frog. The distribution of Ucn-like immunoreactivity in Rana esculenta showed many similarities to the distribution in placental mammals. The distribution of Ucn-like immunoreactivity in the anuran CNS was different from that of CRF and sauvagine, so our results suggest that at least three different lineages of the CRF neuropeptide family occur in the anuran CNS.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical distribution of authentic proenkephalin-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain of Rana esculenta was determined with antisera directed toward different epitopes of preproenkephalin. The pattern of proenkephalinlike immunoreactivity was similar with antisera directed toward [Met5]-enkephalin, [Met5]-enkephalin-Arg6, [Met5]-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7, [Leu5]-enkephalin, and metorphamide; however, the intensity of the labelling varied depending on the target antigen. Proenkephalin-containing perikarya were located in all major subdivisions of the brain except the metencephalon. In the telencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were detected in the dorsal, medial, and lateral pallium; the medial septal nucleus; the dorsal and ventral striatum; and the amygdala. In the diencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were detected in the preoptic nucleus, in the dorsal and ventral caudal hypothalamus, and in an area that appeared to be homologous to the paraventricular nucleus. In the mesencephalon, numerous immunoreactive perikarya were detected in layer 6 of the optic tectum and a few scattered perikarya were detected in layer 4 of the optic tectum. Immunoreactive perikarya also occurred in the laminar nucleus of the torus semicircularis. In the rhombencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were detected in the obex region and the nucleus of the solitary tract. Immunoreactive fibers of varying density were observed in all major subdivisions of the brain with the densest accumulations of fibers occurring in the dorsal pallium, the lateral and medial forebrain bundles, the amygdala, the periventricular hypothalamus, the superficial region of the caudolateral brainstem, and in a tract that appeared to be homologous to the tractus solitarius. The extensive system of proenkephalin-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain of an amphibian showed many similarities to the distribution of proenkephalin-containing perikarya and nerve fibers previously described for the amniote brain.  相似文献   

The distribution of perikarya and nerve fibers containing neuromedin U-like immunoreactivity in the brain of Rana esculenta was determined with an antiserum directed toward the carboxyl terminus of the peptide. In the telencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were found in the olfactory bulb, the medial septum, and the diagonal band. In the diencephalon, labeled perikarya were detected in the anterior and posterior preoptic areas, the dorsal nucleus of the hypothalamus, the caudal part of the infundibulum, and the posterior tuberculum. In the mesencephalon, immunoreactive cell bodies were found only in the laminar nucleus of the torus semicircularis and the anterodorsal tegmental nucleus. In the rhombencephalon, labeled perikarya were detected in the secondary visceral nucleus, the cerebellar nucleus, the central gray, and the nucleus of the solitary tract. Immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in all areas of the brain that contained labeled perikarya. The densest accumulations were found in the nucleus accumbens; the dorsal part of the lateral septum; the periventricular region of the ventral thalamus; the lateral part of the infundibulum; the anterodorsal, anteroventral, posterodorsal, and posteroventral tegmental nuclei; and the periaqueductal region of the tegmentum. The distribution of neuromedin U-like immunoreactivity in the frog brain was substantially different from the distribution described for the rodent brain. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical methods were used to study the distribution of SP-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) in the brain of the common goldfish (Carassius auratus). SPLI cell bodies and fibers were seen in distant areas and nuclei throughout the brain. In the telencephalon, SPL1 was found in the area dorsalis telencephali pars centralis and pars lateralis, areas that have been compared to the basal ganglia of land vertebrates. In the diencephalon, SPLI somata were seen in the hypothalamus. Four primary visual centers contained SPLI fibers: the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the area pretectalis, the nucleus dorsolateralis thalami and the optic tectum; the origin of these fibers could not be determined. SPLI cell bodies were seen in the oculomotor nucleus; the possibility that this may be the Edinger-Westphal nucleus is discussed. A high density of immunoreactive fibers was seen in the tractus retroflexus and the interpeduncular nucleus, though the habenula showed a few SP-like immunopositive fibers. In the hindbrain, SPLI cell bodies and fibers were seen in the nuclei ambiguus and commissuralis of Cajal and in the dorsal motornucleus of the vagus nuclei; even though these nuclei are known to belong to the visceral and sensory motor columns, the exact role SP plays in processing this information is at present unknown.  相似文献   



Many studies have reported that animals will display collision avoidance behavior when the size of retinal image of an object reaches a threshold. The present study aimed to investigate the neural correlates underlying the frog collision avoidance behavior.


Different types of visual stimuli simulating the retinal image of an approaching or a recessing object were generated by a computer and presented to the right eye of frog. A multielectrode array was used to examine the activity of collision-sensitive neurons, and single electrode recordings were employed to quantify visual parameter (s) of the frog collision-sensitive neurons.


The multielectrode array revealed that 40 neurons in the optic tectum showed selective responsiveness to objects approaching on a direct collision course. The response profiles of these collision-sensitive neurons were similar to those of lobula giantmovement detector (LGMD) in the locust or to those of η neurons in the pigeon. However, the receptive field (RF) size of the frog neurons [(18.5±3.8) °, n=33)] was smaller than those of collision-sensitive neurons of the locust and the pigeon. Multielectrode recordings also showed that the collision-sensitive neurons were activated only when the focus of expansion of a looming retinal image was located within the center of its RF. There was a linear relationship between the parameter l/v (l denotes half-size of the object, v denotes approaching velocity) and time-to-collision (time difference between the peak of the neuronal activity and the predictive collision) in 16 collisionsensitive neurons. Theoretical consideration showed that the peak firing rate always occurred at a fixed delay of (60.1 ± 39.5) ms (n=16) after the object had reached a constant angular size of (14.8 ± 3.4)° (n=16) on the retina.


The results may help clarify the mechanisms underlying the collision avoidance behavior in bullfrog.  相似文献   

The reticular formation contributes serotonin to many brain regions, including the optic tectum. We examined the organization and development of its serotonergic neurons in the leopard frog. Serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-ir) cells in adult frogs were organized into 10 distinct populations that were identified on the basis of their location and cellular morphology. Populations ranged in size from 16 to 2,066 cells and sometimes spanned more than one previously identified nuclear region. Four of the ten populations were absent in tadpoles. The remaining populations, though present, had two contrasting patterns of development. Half of the populations were established early and showed little change in numbers during tadpole stages but increased in size in juvenile and adult frogs. The other half increased dramatically during tadpole stages but failed to add many more cells in juveniles and adults. Three populations provided 90% of the serotonergic projections from the reticular region to the adult optic tectum. These projections were established early in development and likely originated from the dorsal raphe, median raphe, raphe pontis, raphe magnus, and reticularis pontis oralis. Termination sites were located in midtectal layers and were not topographically organized. We conclude that serotonergic cells within the reticular formation of the leopard frog have an organization similar to that found in mammals, that the overall increase in numbers of these cells is attributable to growth in different cell populations at different stages, and that input from this region changes activity levels in the optic tectum in a global rather than a site-specific manner.  相似文献   

The anatomical localization of cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity (CCK-I) within the rat main olfactory bulb was analyzed by using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical technique. Neurons or neuronal processes containing CCK-I were localized within all laminae of the olfactory bulb except the olfactory nerve fiber layer. A large population of CCK-I neurons, with morphology, size, and distribution corresponding to that of the middle and external tufted cells, was observed within a zone extending from the deep periglomerular region through the superficial one-half to one-third of the external plexiform layer. A smaller number of immunoreactive perikarya were found in the deep external plexiform layer, the glomerular layer, and rarely within the inner plexiform layer. These CCK-I neurons appeared to correspond to internal tufted cells, periglomerular cells, and deep short-axon cells, respectively. Dense CCK-I staining of fibers and terminals was present within the internal plexiform layer and, less densely, within the neuropil of the granule cell layer. In addition, terminal-like CCK-I was localized within layer 1A of the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory tubercle, and the most rostral piriform cortex. This observation provides corroboration for the identification of the principal CCK-I neuron in the rat olfactory bulb as the centrally projecting middle tufted cell. The present results, demonstrating the localization of CCK-I to both local circuit and projection neurons of the olfactory bulb and to terminal-like puncta in the internal plexiform and granule cell layers, suggest that CCK may be significantly involved in olfactory processing at several levels.  相似文献   

Distribution of galanin-like immunoreactivity in the human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of galanin-like immunoreactivity has been studied in complete coronal sections taken from 9 normal human brains (4 male, 5 female mean age 54, range 42-72 years). Galanin-immunoreactive cells were restricted largely to the basal nucleus of Meynert and to the supraoptic, ventromedial and posterior areas of the hypothalamus. Fibre staining was more widespread, seen throughout the hypothalamus and in the diagonal band, septum, amygdala, hippocampus and scattered throughout the cortex. This distribution may indicate a role for galanin in the modulation of hypothalamic and basal forebrain function in man.  相似文献   

Published evidence that ganglion cells in the retinae of nonmammalian species are cholinergic is strong but indirect. In this paper we report results of attempts to demonstrate choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in ganglion cells of goldfish retina using two different antisera against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme. We obtained ChAT-immunoreactive staining of amacrine and displaced amacrine cells in the retina and type XIV cells in the tectum, but we obtained no direct immunocytochemical evidence that ganglion cells in the goldfish retina are cholinergic. Thus, ganglion cells identified by retrograde transport of propidium iodide were never ChAT-immunoreactive. Intraocular injections of colchicine did not result in the appearance of a population of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons in the ganglion cell layer. ChAT-immunoreactive axons were not observed in intact, ligated, or transected optic nerves. And finally, the ChAT immunoreactivity of cells and fibers in the optic tectum was unaffected by deafferentation. These experiments provide no positive evidence that any ganglion cells in goldfish retina contain the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme, ChAT. While it is possible that our method is too insensitive to detect the enzyme in ganglion cell somata or too specific to recognize the form of ChAT present in these cells, the fact that we can stain putatively cholinergic retinal amacrine cells and tectal neurons makes these alternative explanations improbable. We conclude that it is unlikely that any of the ganglion cells in the retina are cholinergic and that alternative explanations should be sought for previously published results that suggest that they are.  相似文献   

The nucleus isthmi NI of frogs is a relay for input from the eye to the ipsilateral tectum; each NI receives retinotopic input from one tectum and sends retinotopic output to both tecta. The crossed isthmotectal projection in Xenopus displays tremendous plasticity during development. Physiological and anatomical studies have suggested that the location at which a developing isthmotectal axon will terminate is determined by the correlation of its visually evoked activity with the activity of nearby retinotectal terminals. What structures could mediate such communication? We have examined quantitatively the ultrastructural characteristics of crossed isthmotectal axons and synapses in order to determine whether retinotectal axons communicate directly with isthmotectal axons via axo-axonic synapses or whether the communication is indirect, e.g., via common postsynaptic dendrites. Our results support the conclusion that isthmotectal axons interact with retinotec tal axons indirectly and that tectal cell dendrites are the critical site of interaction.  相似文献   

The distribution of neuropeptides has been useful in comparing neuronal aggregates of elasmobranchs with those in other vertebrates. The distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity in the brain of the dogfish was examined with an antiserum to rat α-CGRP. Western blot analysis confirms that our antiserum recognizes a single peptide in the dogfish brain very similar to mammalian CGRP. CGRP-like immunoreactivity was located in discrete neuronal groups. CGRP-like-immunoreactive (CGRP-ir) neurons were found in the motor nuclei III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, and X of the brainstem motor column and in the octavolateral efferent neurons. In the isthmal region, two groups of CGRP-ir neurons appeared in the parabrachial region and reticular substance. Three other CGRP-ir cell groups were observed in the mesencephalon: in the ventral tegmental area, in the substantia nigra, and one widely scattered but numerous population in superficial layers of the optic tectum. In the diencephalon, CGRP-ir cells were observed in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus and the organon vasculosum hypothalami. A population of CGRP-ir cells was also observed in the entopeduncular nucleus in the impar telencephalon. CGRP-ir fibers of central origin were widely distributed in the brain, but the most conspicuous areas were found in the ventral telencephalon, the hypothalamus, the mesencephalic lateral reticular area, and the dorsolateral isthmal region. The neurointermediate lobe of the hypophysis was also richly innervated by CGRP-ir fibers. CGRP-ir sensory fibers of cranial nerves IX and X and of dorsal spinal roots formed very conspicuous terminal fields in the lobus vagi and Cajal's nucleus commissuralis and in the dorsal region of the substantia gelatinosa, respectively. Comparison of the distribution of fibers and perikarya in dogfish and other vertebrates suggests that this CGRP-ir system has been well conserved during evolution. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Positions, numbers, and cell and nuclear sizes of mesencephalic fifth nucleus (M-V) cells were determined in Xenopus laevis larvae in stages 47 through the end of metamorphosis at stage 66. M-V cells may be found at every tectal level, from the rostralmost section almost to the caudal pole, and in the anterior medullary velum. A large majority of the cells lie between 15 and 65% caudad of the rostral tip of the tectum. At anterior and middle tectal levels the cells lie lateral to but mainly above the optic ventricle. At posterior levels, to which the ventricle does not extend, a few cells may be seen at middle and lower tectal levels, as if in transition to the anterior medullary velum. At stage 47 fewer than ten cells are seen in each animal. The numbers rise to 20-40 by stage 50, and are uniformly above 100 after stage 51. Initially many M-V cells were small, i.e., 6-7 microns in diameter, but grew to a mean diameter of about 19 microns at stage 59, with a maximum value of 29 microns. A single individual at stage 57 had 581 cells. The peak of mean cell numbers, 387, occurred at stage 59, which was also the stage with the highest mean values for nuclear and cell sizes. Pyknotic M-V cells at low frequency were seen at stages 55 and 57, and at all stages thereafter. Cell death frequency peaked at stage 62, but continued through stage 66. By stage 66 mean cell numbers had been reduced to about 240, indicating survival of about 60% of cells present at stage 59.  相似文献   

Galanin is a 29-amino acid peptide widely distributed in the central nervous system of vertebrates. The organization of galaninergic systems is well known in teleosts, the most advanced actinopterygians, but no data are available on primitive bony fish. To extend the evolutionary analysis of galaninergic systems we studied the distribution of galanin-like immunoreactive (GAL-ir) cells and fibers in the sturgeon brain, since chondrosteans are among the most primitive extant actinopterygians. Double-immunolabeling experiments were performed to compare the distribution of galanin with that of neurophysin, tyrosine hydroxylase, and serotonin. Numerous GAL-ir cells of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting (CSF-C) type were found in the ventral telencephalon, preoptic area, and in the tuberal and caudal hypothalamus. The distribution of GAL-ir elements in the sturgeon brain shows many similarities to that observed in other vertebrates, but also important differences, such as the abundance of GAL-ir CSF-C cells, which appear to be a primitive characteristic. GAL-ir neurons observed in the sturgeon telencephalic hemispheres perhaps represent the basic organization of common ancestors of bony fishes and tetrapods. In the preoptic-hypophyseal system, GAL-ir cells appeared to be related not only with neurophysin-expressing neurons (in the tuberal hypothalamus) but also with serotoninergic and catecholamines-synthesizing neurons (in preoptic and tuberal nuclei). Numerous GAL-ir fibers were observed in the median eminence and neural lobe of the hypophysis, indicating that galanin may play a role in the modulation of hypophyseal secretion. GAL-ir neurons were absent from the sturgeon brainstem, suggesting that their presence in other vertebrates could represent an evolutionary recent acquisition.  相似文献   

Information processing in the vertebrate brain is thought to be mediated through distributed neural networks, but it is still unclear how sensory stimuli are encoded and detected by these networks, and what role synaptic inhibition plays in this process. Here we used a collision avoidance behavior in Xenopus tadpoles as a model for stimulus discrimination and recognition. We showed that the visual system of the tadpole is selective for behaviorally relevant looming stimuli, and that the detection of these stimuli first occurs in the optic tectum. By comparing visually guided behavior, optic nerve recordings, excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents, and the spike output of tectal neurons, we showed that collision detection in the tadpole relies on the emergent properties of distributed recurrent networks within the tectum. We found that synaptic inhibition was temporally correlated with excitation, and did not actively sculpt stimulus selectivity, but rather it regulated the amount of integration between direct inputs from the retina and recurrent inputs from the tectum. Both pharmacological suppression and enhancement of synaptic inhibition disrupted emergent selectivity for looming stimuli. Taken together these findings suggested that, by regulating the amount of network activity, inhibition plays a critical role in maintaining selective sensitivity to behaviorally‐relevant visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SRIF) is a neuropeptide with a widespread distribution in the mammalian CNS. In the present study we have examined the distribution of immunoreactive-like SRIF (ISRIF)-containing elements in the nervous system of the cephalopod mollusk Loligo pealei, or the Woods Hole squid. ISRIF was localized by light immunocytochemistry in sections of the squid-optic lobe, circumesophageal ganglia-and in stellate ganglion. In the optic lobe, ISRIF neurons were found in the internal granule cell layer and medulla and immunoreactive fibers were seen throughout the lobe and in the optic tract but were absent from the optic nerve, i.e., the projection between the retina and optic lobe. In the supraesophageal complex, ISRIF neurons were found in all lobes, but primarily in the vertical, subvertical, and frontal. In the subesophageal ganglion, ISRIF neurons were seen mainly following unilateral pallial nerve lesions; these neurons were primarily small-to-medium sized. ISRIF fibers were seen in many of the nerves exiting from the brain and in nerves extending between the sub- and supra-esophageal ganglia. In the stellate ganglion, ISRIF was present in many neurons as well as in a plexus of fibers within the ganglion; the peptide was absent from the second-order fibers and the giant axon. The data suggest that a molecule immunologically similar to vertebrate SRIF may be a major transmitter/modulator in this invertebrate. These results provide a foundation for further studies to evaluate the role of this molecule.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal sequence of the appearance of cholinergic structures in the brain of Xenopus laevis during development was studied by means of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry. The first ChAT labeling in the central nervous system of Xenopus was obtained at late embryonic stages in the spinal motoneurons, the cranial nerve motor nuclei of the brainstem, and in amacrine cells of the retina. During premetamorphosis, these cholinergic structures maturated significantly and new ChAT-immunoreactive cells were observed in several other nuclei such as the solitary tract nucleus, isthmic nucleus, laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei, epiphysis, dorsal habenular nucleus, medial amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and dorsal pallidum. Further maturation continued through prometamorphosis and the climax of the metamorphosis together with the appearance of new cell groups in the efferent octaval nucleus, ventral hypothalamic nucleus, anterior preoptic area, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and medial septum. Transient expression of ChAT was only seen in the large Mauthner cells that showed moderate ChAT labeling during pre- and prometamorphosis but became immunonegative at the end of the metamorphosis. The gradual appearance, in general from caudal to rostral brain levels, of ChAT immunoreactivity in Xenopus, was correlated with other developmental events to get insight into the possible roles of acetylcholine during ontogeny. Comparison with the developmental pattern of cholinergic systems in other vertebrates shows that Xenopus possesses abundant features in common with amniotes, suggesting a conservative developmental plan for tetrapods.  相似文献   

Following surgical rotation of an eye, the Xenopus 'intertectal' system is capable of a vision-dependent alteration of its connectivity, that restores spatial registration of binocular maps on the optic tectum. In the preceding paper (Keating and Grant, Eur. J. Neurosci. , 4 , 27–36, 1992), we reported that this capacity undergoes a progressive, age-dependent restriction during a critical period around the time of metamorphosis, so that rotations produced in animals aged 3 months postmetamorphosis normally evoke no such alteration of the system. Here we examine whether this restriction is rigidly age-dependent or whether vision can influence its profile. We report that in animals dark-reared from embryonic stage 35 through the critical period to 3 months, 1 year or even 2 years after metamorphosis, rotations instituted at those ages now result in intertectal reorganization if a period of normal vision is allowed after the operation. Similarly, intertectal alteration was also seen in animals eye-rotated at larval stage 58, then dark-reared just for the duration of the critical period, and subsequently returned, at 3 months of age, to a normal visual environment. We conclude, therefore, that the normal developmental restriction in the plasticity of the Xenopus intertectal system is not strictly age-dependent, but that vision contributes to the process by activating the underlying plasticity mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two forms of somatostatin are expressed in the frog brain, i.e., somatostatin-14 (SS1) and the [Pro(2), Met(13)]somatostatin-14 variant (SS2). We have previously described the ontogeny of SS1-immunoreactive cells in the brain of Rana esculenta. In the present study, we have investigated the distribution of prepro-SS2 (PSS2)-expressing neurons in the brain of the same species during development by using antibodies directed against the N-flanking region of SS2 (PSS2(54-66)). Immunoreactive perikarya first appeared in the ventral hypothalamus at stages IV-VII. Subsequently, positive neurons were seen in the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, the anterior preoptic area, the posterior tuberculum (stages VIII-XII), as well as the dorsal (stages XIII-XV) and medial (stages XIX-XX) periventricular preoptic nucleus. At metamorphic climax and in newly metamorphosed frogs, positive perikarya were found in the striatum and in the interpeduncular nucleus. PSS2(54-66)-immunoreactive fibers were already widely distributed during the first stages of development, indicating that SS2 may act as a neuromodulator and/or neurotransmitter during ontogeny. The presence of PSS2(54-66)-positive nerve fibers in olfactory structures suggests that, in tadpoles, SS2 may be involved in the processing of olfactory information. The occurrence of PSS2(54-66)-like immunoreactivity in taste buds, and in the olfactory and vomeronasal organs indicates that SS2 may mediate the unconditioned and reinforcing properties of natural chemicals. Finally, the intenseexpression of PSS2(54-66)-like immunoreactivity in melanotrope cells of the pituitary suggests that SS2 may diffuse toward the pars distalis to regulate the activity of adenohypophysial cells during tadpole development.  相似文献   

Galanin is a brain-gut peptide present in the central nervous system of fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. For comparative studies among vertebrates, the distribution of galanin in the brain of reptiles has been investigated. We studied the localization of galanin-like-immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain of the turtle Mauremys caspica by using an antiserum against porcine galanin. In the telencephalon, few immunoreactive perikarya were seen in the amygdaloid complex. The diencephalon contained the majority of the immunoreactive perikarya present in the lamina terminalis, nucleus periventricularis anterior, lateral preoptic area, nuclei hypothalamicus ventromedialis and posterior, nucleus basalis of the anterior commissure, and nucleus ventralis tuberis. Many immunoreactive cells, especially in the infundibulum, contacted the cerebrospinal fluid by an apical process. In the rhomben-cephalon, immunopositive perikarya were restricted to a few cells in the nucleus tractus solitari. In the mesencephalon, they were absent. Immunoreactive nerve fibers were present in all regions containing labeled perikarya and in (1) telencephalon: septum, nucleus fasciculi diagonalis Brocae; (2) diencephalon: nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus supraopticus, nucleus suprachiasmaticus, subventricular grey, nucleus of the paraventricular organ, nucleus mamillaris, infundibular decussation, outer layer of the median eminence, posterior commissure and subcommissural organ region, habenula, nuclei dorsomedialis anterior, and dorsolateralis anterior of the thalamus; and (3) mesencephalon and rhombencephalon: stratum griseum periventriculare, stratum fibrosum periventriculare, laminar nucleus of the torus semicircularis, periventricular grey, nucleus interpeduncularis, nucleus ruber, substantia nigra, locus coeruleus, raphe nuclei, nuclei of the reticular formation, nucleus motorius nervi trigemini, cochlear and vestibular area, and nucleus spinalis nerve trigemini. Our results suggest that galanin may have hypophysiotropic and central roles in the turtle Mauremys caspica. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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