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惠普HP—78352监护仪声响控制电路是由66512板完成的,该电路由从显示板送来的三路控制信号即QRS波声响、超限报警声响和仪器状态报警声响信号控制,三种音响的区分,分别由U3B组成的振荡器产生QRS波声响,由UI二进制计数器对62.5kHz脉冲输入进行分频,产生976Hz、488Hz两路音频频脉冲信号,其中976Hz音频脉冲用于超限报警声响,488Hz音频脉冲用于仪器状态报警声响。这三路音频脉冲分两路进入音频放大器输出音响,一路是QRS波声响,由QRS波触发信号直接经Q1、U3B、QRS音量…  相似文献   

基于单片机的实时室性QRS波分类方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基于单片机的便携式动态心电实时分析仪中,识别室性QRS波为判断室性心律失常的关键,本文用反映QRS波形态特征的间期和幅度信息构成形态特征向量,并对MIT/BIH心电数据库中速肯室性心律失常的文件中QRS波形态特征向量的分布进行了研究分析,采用形态特征向量聚类法用于区分多形态的室性QRS波,在此基础上提出了适用于捕年一过性室性心律失常的形态特征参数变化法。  相似文献   

QRS波检测方法的回顾与新进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用计算机分析心电信号,已经越来越广泛的用于心脏功能检查(如Holter系统)、心电监护等方面,而心电分析中的首要的关键问题是QRS波的检测,可靠的检测不仅是诊断心律失常的重要依据,而且只有在QRS波确定之后,才有可能计算心率并进行心率变异分析,才能检测ST段的参数和分析心电的其它细节信息。  QRS波检测包括QRS波位置、宽度、面积的检测,各参量检测方法已有不少研究成果发表(见参考文献),但是各种方法均有其不足之处,因为心电信号波形的复杂性和各种类型噪声(如肌电干扰、基线漂移等)的存在以及生理…  相似文献   

双时值QRS波检出电路   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文介绍了一种结构简单,性能可靠的QRS波检出电路,它使用两个不同时间常数的峰值检测器,一个作为阈值控制,另一个作为触发信号。由于将滤波后心电信号的多峰波形转换成单峰波形,避免了带通滤波器振铃效应引起的误触发。  相似文献   

宽QRS波心动过速多见于室性心动过速,但室上性的宽QRS波心动过速也常有发生,易误诊为室性心动过速。本文收集非室性的宽QRS波心动过速24例报告如下。1 临床资料1·1 一般资料 本组24例中男性17例,女性7例,年龄22~78(613±143)岁。基础疾病:高血压病、冠心病14例,预激综合征3例,肺心病2例。甲亢性心脏病、心肌病、先天性心脏病、肺癌及上消化道出血各1例。1·2 心律失常类型 24例宽QRS波心动过速中,房性心律失常(包括房性心动过速,快速心房纤颤及心房扑动)合并束支阻滞10例;房性心律失常合并预激综合征及预激综合征引发逆…  相似文献   

宽QRS波心动过速是指QRS波宽大(≥0 12秒)畸形的心动过速。可为室性心动过速(室速)或室上性心动过速。主要见于室速、室上速伴室内差异传导、房颤伴差异传导、房颤伴束支阻滞等。我院急诊科自1998年1月~2000年9月经静脉注射胺碘酮转复持续性宽QRS心动过速62例 ,收到较好疗效。本文旨在通过对静脉运用胺碘酮转复各种宽QRS心动过速的分析比较 ,为临床医师提供一些参考。1病例与方法1 1病例62例均为急诊科收治观察患者 ,男性40例 ,女性22例 ,年龄23~84岁 ,平均68 7岁。其诊断标准如下 :①Q…  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,3 8岁 ,因心悸、乏力反复发作 10年 ,再发 1d到我院门诊就诊 ,临床诊断 :风湿性心脏病。此前多次在我院就诊 ,描记心电图QRS都为正常图形。入院后即时描记心电图可见心律规整 ,QRS有两种图形 ,一种呈完全性左束支传导阻滞图形 ,QRS时限 0 14s,另一种呈正常图形 ,QRS时限 0 0 6s,出现左束支阻滞图形的R -R间距等于或接近正常图形的R -R间距。心电图诊断 :( 1)窦性心律 ;( 2 )心率无关型间歇性完全性左束支传导阻滞。讨论 :束支传导阻滞多数是永久性的 ,间歇性束支阻滞并不多见 ,而间歇性束支传导阻滞常为心率…  相似文献   

EECP—MC1型体外反搏装置微机系统故障检修二例肥城市人民医院设备科陈光才,顾涛,顾建东EECP—MC1型体外反搏装置是一种微机化增强型体外反搏装置。该装置性能稳定,抗干扰能力强,能准确地检出不同形态的QRS波。由于反搏控制信号是在微电脑内的心律自...  相似文献   

本文报道了18例宽QRS心动过速的病例。重点讨论宽QRS心动过速的鉴别诊断要点及处理原则,提出了鉴别诊断时需结合病人病史、年龄、临床诊断、发作时的症状、心电图主要表现综合分析。处理原则是:明确诊断者作相应处理,不能明确诊断者可先按室性心动过速处理,紧急情况下,若能排除洋地黄中毒所致者,应立即进行直流电击复律。  相似文献   

室速 /室颤是引起心脏猝死的重要原因 ,因此对致命性室速 /室颤的准确检出 ,有助于更好的预防猝死。动态心电图则可能发现这一短暂而严重的心律失常。短阵室性心动过速是动态心电图检测出 ,连续的室性异位搏动≥ 3次 ,频率≥ 10 0次 /min ,持续时间≥ 30s ,并可自行终止 ,同一导联QRS形态不同者为多源性。本文对动态心电图检出的 2 5例短阵室性心动过速进行临床和心电图分析 ,探讨动态心电图检出短阵室性心动过速的临床意义和可能的机制。1 资料与方法共收集 10 80例动态心电图 ,其中检出短阵室性心动过速 2 5例 ,占 2 36%。其中男…  相似文献   

主要介绍尝试一种新的方法对心电信号的QT间期进行检测。QT间期指心电波形中QRS波起点到T波终点这一段所对应的时间间隔,代表心室去极化过程。QT间期及其变异对于预测恶性心率失常具有一定准确性和临床意义。小波变换是一种信号的时间-尺度分析方法,它具有多分辨率的特点即对于信号的低频部分具有较高的频率分辨率和较低的时间分辨率,在信号高频部分具有较高的时间分辨率和较低的频率分辨率。根据QT间期起始点的特点选择高斯函数的二阶导数作为小波基,并用其对心电信号进行多尺度变换,观察结果选择QRS波起点、T波终点特征明显的波形作间期检测对象。将检测结果转化成校正QT间期—QTC,转化后可进一步评测间期长短,对疾病进行预测。  相似文献   

Baseline wandering in electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the biggest interferences in visualization and computerized detection of waveforms (especially ST-segment) based on threshold decision. A new method based on wavelet transform, QRS barycenter fitting and regional method was proposed in this paper. Firstly, wavelet transform as a coarse correction was used to remove the baseline wandering, whose frequency bands were non-overlapping with that of ST-segment. Secondly, QRS barycenter fitting was applied as a detailed correction. The third, the regional method was used to transfer baseline to zero. Finally, the method in this paper was proved to perform better than filtering and function fitting methods in baseline wandering correction after the long-term ST database (LTST) verification. In addition, the proposed method is simple and easy to carry out, and in current use.  相似文献   

二次微分小波在心电图QRS波检测中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
叙述将小波变换应用于ECG信号检测QRS波。利用二进Marr小波对信号按Mallat算法进行变换;从等效滤波器的角度分析了信号奇异点(R波峰值点)与其小波变换模极大值的关系;探讨了二次微分小波与一次微分小波在奇异点分析时性能上的差异。在检测中运用了一系列策略以增强算法的抗干扰能力,提高QRS波的正确检测率。经MIT/BIH标准心律失常数据库验证,QRS波的正确检测率高达99.8%。  相似文献   

利用小波变换模极大值对ECG信号进行奇异性检测,提取ECG信号P波、T波和QRS波群的特征点,具有定位准确,检出率高的特点。实验中选用Mexicanhat连续小波算法,应用MATLAB6.5对MIT-BIH心电数据库的数据进行处理,证实了算法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

基于多分辨率分析的心电图QRS波检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从多分辨率分析出发,构造出一个用于心电图R波检测的滤波器,并在此滤波器的基础上提出了一种新的R波检测算法。本文详细论述了滤波器的构造方法和新的R波检测算法的原理及在实现中采用的一些策略,经MIT-BIH标准心律失常数据库验证,该算法对于各种干扰尤其是肌电干扰具有很强的抑制能力。算法实现简单,计算量小,在ECG信号的脱机和实时处理程序中均可使用。  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive system for automatic heart rate (HR) detection. The system is robust and resistant to disturbances (noise, interferences, artifacts) occurring mainly during epileptic seizures. ECG signal filtration (IIR) and normalization due to skewness and standard deviation were used as preprocessing steps. A key element of the system is a reference QRS complex pattern calculated individually for each ECG recording. Next, a cross-correlation of the reference QRS pattern with short, normalized ECG windows is calculated and the maxima of the correlation are found (R-wave locations). Determination of the RR intervals makes possible calculation of heart rate changes and also heart rate variability (HRV). The algorithm was tested using a simulation in which a noise of an amplitude several times higher than ECG standard deviation levels was added. The proposed algorithm is characterized by high QRS detection accuracy, and high sensitivity and specificity. The algorithm proved to be useful in clinical practice, where it was used to automatically determine HR for ECG signals recorded before and during 58 focal seizures in 56 adult patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

12导联同步心电信号自动检测技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述基于PC机的标准十二导联同步心电图自动检测系统的构成,本系统软件采用Windows开发平台面向对象的程序设计方法,从整体结构上分析实现QRS复合波、P波、T波以及ST段的检测,实现心电信号的自动分析。内容涉及心电信号预处理技术、波形特征参数检测技术和波形模式识别技术,介绍小波变换在波形特征点识别中的应用方法。  相似文献   

一种基于Fourier复变换的压缩比自调整ECG数据压缩算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了一种基于Fourier复变换的ECG数据压缩算法。由于采用复FT,压缩比(CR)较基于实FT的算法提高约一倍,保真度较好,可以实现压缩量的自适应调整,同时也避免了QRS的检测、波形分析和差值计算。  相似文献   

H Wang  X Dong  J Qi 《中国医疗器械杂志》1997,21(6):327-8, 336
The author uses improved Levkov method to remove 50 Hz interference from ECG signal so that filtered QRS wave can be exactly regarded as the mark identifying other physiological signals' characteristics points, and the paper presented the result of the cancelling.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that in order for sound to affect the vestibular end organs in the inner ear, very high intensities are required. Furthermore, in patients with noise induced hearing loss, vestibular signs, if present, are subclinical. In order to study possible auditory-vestibular interactions in a more controlled fashion, using physiological sound intensities, the present study used short latency vestibular evoked potentials (VsEPs) to impulses of angular (15,000 degrees /sec(2), risetime 1.5 msec) and linear (3-5 g, risetime 1.5 msec) acceleration were used to study the possible effects of sound on peripheral vestibular function in rats. Four different paradigms were used: a - an intense (135 dB pe SPL) click stimulus was presented 5 msec before the linear acceleration impulse and the VsEP to 128 stimuli were recorded with and without this click stimulus. There was no effect of the preceding intense click on the first wave (reflecting end organ activity) of the linear VsEP. b - 113 dB SPL white noise "masking" was presented while the VsEPs were elicited. A 10-20% reduction in the amplitude of the first VsEP wave was seen during the noise exposure, but 5 minutes after this exposure, there was almost complete recovery to pre-exposure amplitude. c - 113 dB SPL noise was presented for one hour and VsEPs were recorded within 15 minutes of cessation of the noise. The auditory nerve-brainstem-evoked response showed a temporary threshold shift while there was no effect on the VsEP. d - 113 dB SPL white noise was presented for 12 hours per day for 21 consecutive days. Auditory nerve-brainstem-evoked responses and vestibular (VsEPs) function were studied one week after the conclusion of the noise exposure. Auditory function was severely permanently depressed (40 dB threshold elevation and clear histological damage) while the amplitude of wave 1 of the VsEP was not affected. It seems therefore that even though intense noise clearly affects the cochlea and may have a "masking" effect on the vestibular end organs, the intensities used in this study (113 dB SPL) are not able to produce a long-term noise induced vestibular disorder in the initially normal ear. These differences between the response of the cochlear and vestibular end organs to noise may be due to dissimilarities in their acoustic impedances and/or their electrical resting potential.  相似文献   

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