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时假时真的新生儿呕吐中国医科大学第二临床学院儿内科副教授孙梅呕吐是新生儿期常见的症状,往往给刚添了小宝宝的欢乐家庭蒙上一层阴影。但呕吐却不全是病,由疾病引起的呕吐也分内科性和外科性。呕吐特别是外科性疾病引起的,必须及时就诊、治疗,才不致延误时机影响预...  相似文献   

中老年人利用闲暇之时,登上高山,走进大自然,呼吸新鲜空气,欣赏迷人的风景,更是有助于身心愉悦,祛病延年。如今炎炎夏日已过去,秋高气爽,天高云淡,正是登山最好的时节。  相似文献   

李亚 《健康世界》2011,(10):104-105
城市的快节奏生活总是让我们忘记寻找生活中的美,忘记享受自然的清新。现在,正当秋高气爽时节,准备一身行装,背上登山包,揣上最爱的零食,约上同样在汽车尾气中生活了许久的朋友们,一起郊游吧!  相似文献   

我发现我的阴囊有时大,有时小,请问这正常吗?  相似文献   

我们的身体是一个生物体,有机体,体内的一切生命活动除在大脑中枢的统一和最高指挥下协调完成外,在身体的各系统和重要脏腑器官还有一只“生物钟”,配合大脑协调支配着我们有节奏有规律的生命活动。人体因“天地之气生,四时之法成”,与天地自然密切相关。所以,我们还必须要学会顺应四时自然变化,以求健身延年。  相似文献   

柯大夫:我儿子才三个月。前几天给他把尿时发现一侧蛋蛋肿起。肿起处发青,将儿子放平时,蛋蛋似乎又变小了。去医院看,一个年轻医生说是疝气,想将流出物复位,但儿子痛得哇哇哭,也没复回去。后来外科主任来了,用手电筒照了照,说是鞘膜积液,让回家观察。在网上看到说,如果是疝气,不复位易坏死。请问,我儿子有可能是疝气吗?  相似文献   

严修 《家庭保健》2014,(7):16-17
我有时会失眠,但从来不吃安眠药,因为害怕产生依赖性。最近,又一次失眠,我依旧不吃药,对付的办法是,与其在床上辗转反侧,胡思乱想,白白浪费时间,不如索性动动脑筋,来做文字游戏。  相似文献   

身处现代都市,每个人都很忙,忙着学习,忙着充电,忙着工作,忙着找钱,忙得昏天黑地,忙到没有时间寂寞,忙到没有时间生病,忙到没有时间休闲。如果你问人家,寂寞吗?被问的人,一准笑话你:谁有时间寂寞啊?  相似文献   

韦公远 《医药与保健》2002,10(12):56-56
同样一种药物在不同的时间使用,作用效果以及对人体的影响可能相差甚远,因为用药时间大有讲究。饮食起居患者在用药时,不仅要考虑日常的饮食起居对药效的影响,而且要了解药物作用是否会妨碍正常的生活工作。受一日三餐影响最大的,莫过于消化系统药物,如氢氧化铝、氧化镁、胃舒平等抗酸药,其最佳服用时间为餐后1~2小时,这样可以在3~5个小时内持续药效;颠茄合剂、阿托品、山莨菪碱等胃肠道解痉药,口服60分钟左右逐渐达到药物高峰,因此适宜在餐前15~30分钟服用;俗称胃动力药的多潘立酮、胃复安、西沙必利等,也适宜在…  相似文献   

5月是夏季的开始,此时春天刚过,阳光越来越旺,万物显蓬勃生长趋势。此时的气候特点是暑热与湿。这里是指气温升高,天气炎热。气候特点除了热之外还有“湿”,湿是指外界环境的湿度大。同气温一样,湿度也是影响人体舒适感的重要因素。而且5月还是梅雨季节,天气潮湿,温度过高,湿度过高,人会感到周身皮肤黏湿难受。  相似文献   

目的:简单了解ERP,考察ERP在CDC中应用的案例,探讨成功应用ERP的方法;方法:通过对杭州市疾病预防控制中心实施ERP软件,考察其对工作流程和工作效率的改进;结果:实施结果表明,适当的ERP软件能优化工作流程结构、增强财务管理功能、提高整体工作效率;结论:可根据疾控中心的具体情况,适当的引入ERP资源管理系统,以促进中心资源管理的能力。  相似文献   

In a two-country (home and foreign) model in which the home producer of a branded pharmaceutical product faces generic competition in each market, we analyze home's optimal policy choices regarding two major types of price regulations: external reference pricing (ERP) and direct price controls. Home's nationally optimal ERP policy lowers domestic price while maintaining the firm's export incentive. This ERP policy results in a negative international price spillover that the foreign country can (partly) offset via a local price control. Generic competition in either market reduces home's welfare gain from instituting an ERP policy. Weaker competition abroad or a greater weight on firm profits relative to consumer surplus in home's welfare function makes it more likely that home prefers an ERP policy to a price control. While international integration of national generic markets can improve welfare, such is not the case if it causes home to relax its ERP policy.  相似文献   

事件相关电位特征提取方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
事件相关电位特征提取分析在大脑认知的神经生理基础和临床应用研究中起着重要的作用。基于事件相关电位特征分布的先验知识,提出了一种结合小波多尺度分辨和径向基神经网络进行事件相关电位提取的方法。应用径向基神经网络从脑电信号的小波多尺度分解系数中提取与低频响应相关的成分,实施重构完成事件相关电位特征提取。结果表明该方法具有较强的稳健性。  相似文献   

介绍了ERP管理系统的概念,结合医院医用耗材管理在供应链和高值耗材管理中的不足,探讨了ERP在管理模式工作流程、基础物品管理、操作使用和高值耗材方面的应用。应用表明,该系统虽然存在一些缺点,但是优化了日常业务流程.大大提高了耗材管理的工作效率。  相似文献   

ERP系统是将供应链理论运用到企业的日常管理工作中,将整个企业的管理工作整合成一套标准化流程。这一系统在医院的医疗设备维修管理工作中同样适合。通过ERP系统能够将设备报修、检修、维修数据上传、日常巡检等工作正规化、标准化。文章对ERP系统在医疗设备维修管理工作中的应用展开分析和探索。  相似文献   

Alcohol-related ERP changes in cognition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M Oscar-Berman 《Alcohol》1987,4(4):289-292
This paper reviews five separate experimental studies concerning the acute or chronic effects of alcohol on late ERP components related to cognitive processes. The studies are evaluated for their adequacy in two arenas: (a) task relevance from a behavioral viewpoint, and (b) their ability to clarify the functional significance of alcohol-related ERP changes. Based upon the general trends of the results reported from the five individual laboratories conducting the investigations, it can be concluded that the P3 component is the most consistently altered of the four late ERP components considered (N1, N2, P2, P3). The finding of a reduced P3 amplitude was more reliable than the finding of increased P3 latency. Alterations in ERP components, when they did occur, occurred under the acute influence of ethanol, as well as in abstinent chronic alcoholics. All of the ERP findings reported were obtained using variations of signal detection procedures. Changes in ERP components did not always parallel performance changes, suggesting that aspects of psychological processes (e.g., attention and stimulus evaluation), presumed to underly ERPs' functional significance, did not directly reflect these processes.  相似文献   

This study had three aims: 1) to cross-validate previously reported findings that sober alcholics compared to nonalcoholic peers have reduced ERP P300 amplitudes to visual target stimuli at the Pz electrode; 2) to test the hypothesis that alcoholics from VA Hospital treatment programs will manifest more ERP indications of brain dysfunction than peer alcoholics from community treatment programs (paralleling our neuropsychological findings in these samples); and 3) to explore differences among the groups in ERP responses to the little-studied nontarget stimuli. Nineteen VA alcoholics, 32 community alcoholics, and 24 peer community controls were given a visual “oddball” stimulus task. The total group of alcoholics had significantly lower P300 amplitudes than controls for target stimuli at the Pz electrode but VA and community alcoholic subgroups did not differ. There were no latency differences between or among the groups. On the nontarget stimuli, alcoholics had significantly higher P100 and lower N100 amplitudes than the controls at all three scored electrodes (Fz, Cz, and Pz). We conclude that cross-validation of reduced P300 amplitudes at Pz in sober alcoholics was obtained but that differences in severity of brain dysfunction, at least as measured by neuropsychological test performance, cannot account for alcoholics' ERP changes relative to controls. Finally, our data suggest that ERP changes to nontarget visual stimuli should be investigated in addition to the more traditional ERP measures to target stimuli.  相似文献   

The European Journal of Health Economics - External reference pricing (ERP) is widely used to regulate drug prices. Although the literature has largely focused on the impact of ERP on a number of...  相似文献   

While on a waiting list for treatment by therapist-guided exposure and ritual prevention (ERP), patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) did self-treatment at home guided by a manual plus a computer-driven telephone interview system (BT STEPS). Of 21 patients who used the system for at least three weeks while on the waiting list, one improved so much that subsequent therapist-guided ERP was unnecessary. Progress of the rest with the system predicted later progress with therapist-guided ERP. Improvement after using the system was similar to that of 20 matched historical controls who had had therapist-guided ERP without the prior use of BT STEPS. Outpatient users of BT STEPS needed less subsequent clinician-guided time than did their matched controls. In this pilot study, patients with OCD improved nearly as much with home self-treatment guided by a manual plus computer, as with treatment guided by a behaviour therapist.  相似文献   

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