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Three patients sustained a Schatzker type II depressed lateral tibial plateau fracture and a tear of the lateral meniscus following a valgus injury to the knee. An arthroscopically-aided reduction of the articular surface was performed. This was followed by an autogenous iliac crest buttress graft with cancellous screw fixation. The meniscal tear was abrased with a rasp or a shaver. An arthroscopic repair of the lateral meniscus during the same session was performed. Clinical follow-up, including MR imaging of the knee at 68 months (range 60–74 months), showed an excellent clinical result and a completely healed meniscus in all patients. Arthroscopic meniscal repair in combination with arthroscopically-aided reduction of a depressed lateral tibial plateau fracture is technically possible. Restoration of the anatomy of both tibial plateau and lateral meniscus will optimize the outcome.  相似文献   

目的:建立一种适合临床影像设备进行实验研究的脑内出血动物模型。方法:选用家猫,对尾状核、内囊或丘脑进行MRI三维定位后,采用立体定向技术注入自体动脉血。术后3h行MRI扫描验证血肿,并于术后72h对血肿及其周围组织行MRI评价。结果:(1)尾状核头、内囊或丘脑的定位测量结果平均值(mm)分别为:前囟后距离:5.8、11.1、11.9;矢状缝右旁开距离:5.5、7.1、7.1;颅骨外板下垂直深度:16.6、19.6、21.5。(2)猫脑内注入自体血后均可形成局灶性大小、部位稳定的血肿,72h后血肿的MRTlWI信号强度明显增加,12WI显示的血肿周围组织水肿区明显增大。结论:MRI定位后建立的猫脑内出血模型,是较理想的适合于临床影像设备进行实验研究的脑内出血动物模型。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the spatial resolution of microscopic arteries on magnetic resonance images acquired at 8 Tesla (T). Techniques similar to those used for standard MRI of the human brain in vivo at 8 T were utilized to generate high-resolution gradient echo (GE) images of a whole postmortem human brain whose common carotid arterial system had been injected with an epoxy-resin. Single slice images, along with summed images of up to 5 contiguous slices, were then compared to color digital photographs detailing the distribution of the arterial system on the surface of the same injected brain. There was excellent MR visualization of the microscopic cerebral arteries down to a spatial resolution of 200 microm. Through the use of an 8 T whole-body MRI scanner and standard GE imaging sequences, microscopic arterial structures can be clearly resolved down to a dimension of 200 microm.  相似文献   

目的 总结半月板根部的MRI解剖特点,确定半月板主体部分与根部的分界。方法 收集2012年10月—2014年2月保定市第一中心医院骨科24例经关节镜证实正常半月板根部的膝关节MRI资料和1例男性成人患者因下肢动脉硬化而截肢的新鲜膝关节标本,对半月板根部的MRI解剖行前瞻性研究,总结半月板根部MRI的形态、走行及附着点的位置,分析信号特点,并测量根部的长度、宽度、高度以及各根部走行角度。另在新鲜膝关节标本上确定半月板主体部分与根部的分界并用铜丝标示之,对标本行MRI扫描。结果 24例患者膝关节MRI显示:内侧半月板后根部呈梳状斜向下走行,信号较半月板主体部分稍高,附着于髁间后区;外侧半月板后根部较内侧半月板后根部明显长,走行于髁间隆起,附着于内侧髁间隆起的外侧面,信号与半月板主体部分类似;内侧半月板前根部较细,附着于髁间前区最前缘,为低或较低信号;外侧半月板前根部呈梳状稍向下向后走行,信号稍高,附着于髁间前区并稍向外下方倾斜的骨表面。各根部测量数据显示:横断面外侧半月板后根部最长,为(15.74±2.03)mm;冠状面内侧半月板后根部最短,为(7.88±1.57)mm;外侧半月板后根部走行与标准冠状面扫描线的夹角角度最大,为34.00°±9.24°。1例新鲜标本MR扫描图片清晰,半月板主体部分与根部分界标记显示清晰。结论 内外侧半月板前后根部各有其特点,MRI能够清晰显示半月板根部的形态、走行、信号特点及附着点位置。  相似文献   

目的 研究脊髓型颈椎病(CSM)的MRI成像特点及其临床意义。方法 分析主诉有颈肩痛或/和肢体麻木、乏力就诊者134例,经诊断CSM者80例,并根据临床表现分组比较MRI表现。结果 非CSM者MRI表现出椎间盘变性或轻度突出、骨赘形成但不构成对脊髓压迫;CSM病例表现不同程度椎间盘突出、椎体后缘骨赘形成及硬膜囊和脊髓受压,其中69例(86.25%,)脊髓受压,11例(13.75%)脊髓受压变性。临床症状严重者,MRI表现出颈髓变性显著增多,术后脊髓变性信号仍存在。结论 高场强MRI可良好显示CSM中椎间盘退变突出、骨赘形成及脊髓受压变性,为临床诊断与外科治疗提供依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨膝关节半月板半脱位MRI测量方法与表现,提高对该病的认识和诊断准确性。方法回顾性分析200例膝关节症状患者的临床和影像资料,该批患者均行单膝关节MRI检查,采用统一的检查和测量方法,分析膝关节内、外侧半月板MRI表现(正常、退变、撕裂)与半月板半脱位发生率的关系。结果内侧半月板:MRI表现正常的31例,其中发生半脱位1例;MRI表现为退变的86例,发生半脱位14例;MRI表现为撕裂的52例,半脱位16例。内侧半月板不同MRI表现半脱位发生率的差别有统计学意义(χ2=7.261,P0.05)。外侧半月板:MRI表现正常的41例,其中半脱位1例;MRI表现为退变的95例,半脱位8例;MRI表现为撕裂的46例,半脱位9例。外侧半月板不同MRI表现半脱位发生率的差别有统计学意义(χ2=6.079,P0.05)。内、外侧半月板半脱位的发生率的差别有统计学意义(χ2=3.930,P0.05)。结论选择合理的测量方法,有利于膝关节半月板半脱位的诊断;膝关节内、外侧半月板撕裂后半月板半脱位的发生率增大。  相似文献   

目的比较常规磁共振成像(MRI)、液体衰减反转恢复(FLAIR)序列及弥散加权成像(DWI)检查技术对多发性硬化(MS)的诊断价值。方法58例MS患者,其中男性34例,女性24例,年龄4~70岁,平均年龄35.95岁。使用MRI进行T1加权、T2加权、FIAIR序列及弥散加权成像检查。将4种序列图像进行比较,同时使用软件进行DWI的弥散系数(ADC)及影像分析。结果①FLAIR序列共检出病灶877个,而T1WI、T2WI和DWI分别检出病灶651、776和537个,分别为FLAIR序列检出病灶数的74%、88%和61%。各成像序列对病灶的检出率之间的差异有显著统计学意义(P〈0.0001)。②MS病灶主要分布在脑室周围白质和半卵圆中心区,占总病灶数的96.1%。其中分布在脑室周围白质的病灶数与半卵圆中心区者相比,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),而与脑干、小脑和胼胝体相比,差异均有显著统计学意义(均P〈0.01)。③T1WI信号多为低信号、略低信号和等信号,T2WI及FLAIR序列为高信号,DWI在急性期病灶显示为略高信号影,在慢性期可表现为等信号或低信号。④MS急性期病灶平均ADC与急性脑梗死相比差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。亚急性和慢性期平均ADC高于脑缺血的ADC(P〈0.001),但低于脑肿瘤的ADC(P〈0.05)。结论对MS病灶的阳性检出率,FLAIR序列优于其余3个序列;DWI可以较好地区分MS病灶分期,同时应用DWI、ADC检查对判别病灶的性质、鉴别诊断有较大帮助,是诊断MS等脱髓鞘疾病的有效影像学方法。  相似文献   

半月板运动及形态学改变的动态磁共振研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :通过动态磁共振检查屈膝过程中半月板的运动及形态学改变 ,并探讨其发生机制。方法 :3 0个健康志愿者 3 0膝从 0°到屈曲 40°时的内、外侧半月板被矢状面和冠状面成像检查。同时测量了每一个半月板在屈膝过程中向后移动、高度改变及侧方移动的具体数值。结果 :通过测量显示每一个半月板在屈曲时均向后移动 ,外侧半月板比内侧半月板运动距离大 ,前角比后角大 (P <0 .0 1) ,内、外侧半月板后角运动范围最小。随着屈膝半月板高度均有不同程度的增加 ,半月板的前后径减少 ,同时可见半月板向侧方移位。结论 :随着膝关节屈曲半月板向后及侧方移动 ,半月板的形态亦发生改变 ,这可能与膝关节股骨髁、胫骨髁的形状有密切关系 ,同时与半月板的附着方式及关节囊和周围韧带有关。  相似文献   

目的分析骨化性肌炎的MRI表现特点与演变规律,以提高其诊断和鉴别诊断的水平。方法对13例患者(男性4例,女性9例,年龄11~65岁,平均年龄39.69岁)经手术或穿刺组织病理学诊断证实为骨化性肌炎的共16例次MRI检查图像进行回顾性分析。结果早期(2~3周,4例次)为边界不清的T1WI中等偏高信号、T2WI高信号为主的软组织肿块;中期(1-12个月,11例次):T1WI由不均匀中等偏高信号逐渐变为中低信号,T2WI以团块和分叶状不均匀中低信号为主,夹杂有片状高信号区的软组织肿块,周边有低信号带形成。1例次内见有出血和液一液平,周围的水肿带(T1WI低信号、T2WI高信号)变窄。晚期(1~2年,1例次):肿块缩小,T1WI和BWI上以高信号为主,夹杂有条带状低信号影。结论骨化性肌炎MRI表现有一定的特点和变化规律.具有一定的特征性.提高对其MRI表现的认识有助于诊断和鉴别诊断.避免不必要的手术。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The medial meniscus extrusion beyond the edge of the tibial plateau can be observed on MR images of the medial meniscus of the knee joint during injury. It is worth exploring whether the external protuberance is related to the mode of medial meniscus injury and the degree of medial interventricular cartilage injury of the knee joint. OBJECTIVE: To quantitatively measure the extrusion of medial meniscus under magnetic resonance imaging, and to study the factors affecting the value of medial meniscus extrusion, and whether it is related to the injury mode of medial meniscus and the degree of cartilage injury in medial compartment. METHODS: In this study, 117 patients diagnosed as knee meniscus posterior horn injury by sports injury in First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University were selected. They underwent knee joint MRI scan and knee arthroscopic meniscus surgery. The meniscus extrusion value (medial meniscus extrusion) was measured under MRI in each patient. The body mass index of each patient, whether due to acute injury, the mode of meniscus injury confirmed by arthroscopy and the grade of cartilage injury in the medial compartment were recorded from the medical record, and the correlation between the meniscus extrusion value and the above-mentioned factors was analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) There were 31 (26.5%) acute injury patients with definite recall, 86 (73.5%) acute injury patients with no clear recall; there was a significant difference in the meniscus extrusion value between the two groups (P=0.001). (2) There were 56 (47.9%) patients with low body mass index (body mass index ≤ 25 kg/m2) and 61 patients (52.1%) with high body mass index (body mass index > 25 kg/m2); there was a significant difference in the meniscus extrusion value between the two groups (P=0.008). (3) According to the site of meniscus injury, there were meniscus posterior body injury group (60 cases, 51.2%), posterior horn injury group (37 cases, 31.6%), and posterior root fracture group (20 cases, 17.1%); there was a significant difference in the meniscus extrusion value between the two groups (P=0.000). (4) According to the injury confirmed by arthroscopy, patients with non-medial meniscus posterior root rupture were divided into compound meniscus fracture group (n=49) and non-compound meniscus fracture group (n=48); there was a significant difference in the meniscus extrusion value between the two groups (P=0.000). (5) The areas under receiver operating characteristic curve of moderate and severe cartilage injury in medial compartment and medial meniscus posterior root tearing predicted by medial meniscus extrusion were 0.794 and 0.942, respectively. (6) It is indicated that the size of medial meniscus extrusion reflects the presence or absence of acute trauma in the patient's disease course, their body mass index, and pattern of medial meniscus injury. Medial meniscus extrusion has a good predictive value for medial meniscus posterior root rupture. © 2023, Publishing House of Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁共振成像(MRI)DWI联合3D-ASL对急性脑梗死(ACI)的诊断效能及在血流动力学评估中的应用价值。方法:收集因ACI就诊的80例患者的临床资料,全部入选者均接受1.5T/3.0T MRI进行扫描,分别分析患者脑梗死的DWI、3D-ASL图像表现,并评估DWI联合3D-ASL检查ACI是否具有更高的诊断价值。结果:有49例ACI患者在DWI图像上显示为弥散受限,面积为(673±319) mm2,68例患者在3D-ASL图像上显示为低灌注,低灌注面积为(1 953±803) mm2,其中面积ASL>面积DWI的患者有62例,存在缺血半暗带。在DWI图像上显示为弥散受限的患者中,左侧高信号者的CBF绝对值均低于右侧(22.34±4.36 vs 40.58±9.01, P<0.001),右侧高信号者的CBF绝对值均低于左侧(19.48±5.67 vs 46.01±11.15, P<0.001)。DWI联合3D-ASL检查诊断ACI的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值和阴性预测值均高于单独DWI检查。结论:DWI联合3D-ASL检查评估ACI中梗死灶和缺血半暗带具有很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

鼻咽癌靶区及关键组织确定CT与MRI比较可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较CT与MRI对鼻咽癌靶区及关键组织的确定.优化MRI序列以改善对鼻咽癌靶区及关键组织确定。方法8例未经治疗的鼻咽癌患者采用相同的放射治疗体位,面罩阎定,经CT、MRI扫描后,全部CT/MRI图像经网络传输至Ac—QSIM4.9.2配准,按照解剖边界、信号、密度等采用六点评分方法对CT与各序列MRI图像上的各个病变结构(咽旁间隙、颅底、颅内、椎前组织、脊髓、眼球、脑干)显示按级评分。结果各个解剖结构评分如下,咽旁间隙:CT2.750±0.370,T2WI4.250±0.250,T2W14.500±0.380,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI5.625±0.180;椎前组织:CT2.000,T1WI4.125±0.230,T2WI5.000±0.190,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI5.375±0.375;颅底:CT2.375±0.625,T1WI3.125±0.515,T2WI2.750±0.590,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI4.250±0.725;颅内:CT1.000,T1WI1.375±0.375,T2WI1.875±0.580,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI2.125±0.740;脊髓:CT4.125±0.230,T1WI6.000,T2W16.000,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强TIW16.000;脑干:CT3.500±0.190,T1WI6.000、T2WI6.000,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI6.000;眼球:CT5.375±0.180,T1WI6.000,T2WI6.000,化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI6.000。各结构的MRI图像都比CT有更高评分的趋势。结论与CT相比MRI在鼻咽癌靶区、重要器官的确定上有更大的优势,在MRI各序列中化学饱和脂肪抑制(FSPGR)增强T1WI较其他两种序列有更好的判断能力的趋势。在MRI模拟常规用于鼻咽癌放射治疗前,需要进一步研究来证实该研究结果及探讨其几何畸变、扫描时间等问题。  相似文献   

Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) represents the most sensitive tool for the detection of white matter abnormalities in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), the heterogeneity of MS placques severely hampers the elucidation of specific pathophysiological processes. In order to identify putative MRI markers for de- and remyelination, we employed the cuprizone mouse model which leads to a selective and reversible demyelination of the corpus callosum with little or no axonal damage. Apart from histopathology, animals were studied with high-resolution three-dimensional MRI in vivo using multiple contrasts. While individual MRI findings significantly correlated with electron microscopy, the differentiation of regions with normal, demyelinated or remyelinated white matter by one contrast alone was less specific than by histology or electron microscopy. However, an accurate MRI prediction of the in vivo myelin status was achieved by a discriminant function analysis using a combination of T1, T2 and magnetization transfer contrast. With a correct assignment of 95% of all animals examined, the procedure will allow for the survey of new therapeutic approaches aiming at improved remyelination.  相似文献   

Neurodegeneration refers to a large clinically and pathologically heterogeneous disease entity associated with slowly progressive neuronal loss in different anatomical and functional systems of the brain. Neurodegenerative diseases often affect cognition, e.g. Alzheimer's disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies and vascular dementia, or different aspects of the motor system, e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and ataxic disorders. Owing to increasing knowledge about the mechanisms leading to neurodegeneration, the development of treatments able to modify the neurodegenerative process becomes possible for the first time. Currently, clinical outcome measures are used to assess the efficacy of such treatments. However, most clinical outcome measures have a low test-retest reliability and thus considerable measurement variance. Therefore, large patient populations and long observation times are needed to detect treatment effects. Furthermore, clinical outcome measures cannot distinguish between symptomatic and disease-modifying treatment effects. Therefore, alternative biomarkers including neuroimaging may take on a more important role in this process. Because MR scanners are widely available and allow for non-invasive detection and quantification of changes in brain structure and metabolism, there is increasing interest in the use of MRI/MRS to monitor objectively treatment effects in clinical trials of neurodegenerative diseases. Particularly volumetric MRI has been used to measure atrophy rates in treatment trials of AD because the relationship between atrophic changes and neuron loss is well established and correlates well with clinical measures. More research is needed to determine the value of other MR modalities, i.e. diffusion, perfusion and functional MRI and MR spectroscopy, for clinical trials with neuroprotective drugs.  相似文献   

目的:研究肘关节有关结构的MRI检查方法和影像特点。方法:急性肘关节后脱位2例和慢性肘关节后脱位1例,行MRI检查。结果:冠状位MRI可清楚地显示肘关节诸结构,并可显示损伤的肝关节副韧带,矢状位部分层面可分别显示尺侧和桡侧副韧带,横断面不能完整地显示肘关节副韧带。副韧带损伤的常规MRI影像特点,在冠状位SE序列T2加权像,呈低信号,尺侧副韧带在尺骨冠突内侧呈薄止点,线型或稍呈弧形向近端,在肱骨骨侧髁止点稍扩散,其损伤的表现有韧带的增厚或变薄、韧带松驰及不连续包绕韧带的水肿或血肿的高信号影等。结论:肘关节副韧带的MRI检查是较准确、敏感、无损伤的方法,值得进行进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的临床与磁共振成像诊断价值。方法50例临床诊断为缺氧缺血性脑病的患儿,对其进行MR的T1WI、T2WI、DWI及FLAIR序列检查,观察皮层及皮层下白质、深部白质、基底节及丘脑、脑室及脑外间隙等部位。结果缺氧缺血性脑病患儿MRI的T1WI及FLAIR序列病灶检出率明显高于T2WI(P<0.05),DWI序列可早期发现部分病变;缺氧缺血性脑病患儿早期Apgar评分与MRI脑白质损伤影像分级有一定相关性,但非绝对相关。结论MRI对缺氧缺血性脑病的诊断有高度的敏感性,运用不同的MR序列可提高缺氧缺血性脑病患儿的检出率;缺氧缺血性脑病患儿预后须从临床与MR表现综合判断。  相似文献   

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