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In this paper, we present a conservative semi-Lagrangian finite-difference scheme for the BGK model. Classical semi-Lagrangian finite difference schemes, coupled with an L-stable treatment of the collision term, allow large time steps, for all the range of Knudsen number [17, 27, 30]. Unfortunately, however, such schemes are not conservative. Lack of conservation is analyzed in detail, and two main sources are identified as its cause. Firstly, when using classical continuous Maxwellian, conservation error is negligible only if velocity space is resolved with sufficiently large number of grid points. However, for a small number of grid points in velocity space such error is not negligible, because the parameters of the Maxwellian do not coincide with the discrete moments. Secondly, the non-linear reconstruction used to prevent oscillations destroys the translation invariance which is at the basis of the conservation properties of the scheme. As a consequence, the schemes show a wrong shock speed in the limit of small Knudsen number. To treat the first problem and ensure machine precision conservation of mass, momentum and energy with a relatively small number of velocity grid points, we replace the continuous Maxwellian with the discrete Maxwellian introduced in [22]. The second problem is treated by implementing a conservative correction procedure based on the flux difference form as in [26]. In this way we can construct conservative semi-Lagrangian schemes which are Asymptotic Preserving (AP) for the underlying Euler limit, as the Knudsen number vanishes. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated by extensive numerical tests.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the development of an efficient deterministic framework for modelling of three-dimensional rarefied gas flows on the basis of the numerical solution of the Boltzmann kinetic equation with the model collision integrals. The framework consists of a high-order accurate implicit advection scheme on arbitrary unstructured meshes, the conservative procedure for the calculation of the model collision integral and efficient implementation on parallel machines. The main application area of the suggested methods is micro-scale flows. Performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a rarefied gas flow through the finite-length circular pipe. The results show good accuracy of the proposed algorithm across all flow regimes and its high efficiency and excellent parallel scalability for up to 512 cores.  相似文献   

The solution of complex rarefied flows with the BGK equation and the Discrete Velocity Method (DVM) requires a large number of velocity grid points leading to significant computational costs. We propose an adaptive velocity grid approach exploiting the fact that locally in space, the distribution function is supported only by a sub-set of the global velocity grid. The velocity grid is adapted thanks to criteria based on local temperature, velocity and on the enforcement of mass conservation. Simulations in 1D and 2D are presented for different Knudsen numbers and compared to a global velocity grid BGK solution, showing the computational gain of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, a gas-kinetic unified algorithm (GKUA) is developed to investigate the non-equilibrium polyatomic gas flows covering various regimes. Based on the ellipsoidal statistical model with rotational energy excitation, the computable modelling equation is presented by unifying expressions on the molecular collision relaxing parameter and the local equilibrium distribution function. By constructing the corresponding conservative discrete velocity ordinate method for this model, the conservative properties during the collision procedure are preserved at the discrete level by the numerical method, decreasing the computational storage and time. Explicit and implicit lower-upper symmetric Gauss-Seidel schemes are constructed to solve the discrete hyperbolic conservation equations directly. Applying the new GKUA, some numerical examples are simulated, including the Sod Riemann problem, homogeneous flow rotational relaxation, normal shock structure, Fourier and Couette flows, supersonic flows past a circular cylinder, and hypersonic flow around a plate placed normally. The results obtained by the analytic, experimental, direct simulation Monte Carlo method, and other measurements in references are compared with the GKUA results, which are in good agreement, demonstrating the high accuracy of the present algorithm. Especially, some polyatomic gas non-equilibrium phenomena are observed and analysed by solving the Boltzmann-type velocity distribution function equation covering various flow regimes.  相似文献   

The Boltzmann equation (BE) for gas flows is a time-dependent nonlinear differential-integral equation in 6 dimensions. The current simplified practice is to linearize the collision integral in BE by the BGK model using Maxwellian equilibrium distribution and to approximate the moment integrals by the discrete ordinate method (DOM) using a finite set of velocity quadrature points. Such simplification reduces the dimensions from 6 to 3, and leads to a set of linearized discrete BEs. The main difficulty of the currently used (conventional) numerical procedures occurs when the mean velocity and the variation of temperature are large that requires an extremely large number of quadrature points. In this paper, a novel dynamic scheme that requires only a small number of quadrature points is proposed. This is achieved by a velocity-coordinate transformation consisting of Galilean translation and thermal normalization so that the transformed velocity space is independent of mean velocity and temperature. This enables the efficient implementation of Gaussian-Hermite quadrature. The velocity quadrature points in the new velocity space are fixed while the correspondent quadrature points in the physical space change from time to time and from position to position. By this dynamic nature in the physical space, this new quadrature scheme is termed as the dynamic quadrature scheme (DQS). The DQS was implemented to the DOM and the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). These new methods with DQS are therefore termed as the dynamic discrete ordinate method (DDOM) and the dynamic lattice Boltzmann method (DLBM), respectively. The new DDOM and DLBM have been tested and validated with several testing problems. Of the same accuracy in numerical results, the proposed schemes are much faster than the conventional schemes. Furthermore, the new DLBM have effectively removed the incompressible and isothermal restrictions encountered by the conventional LBM.  相似文献   

An accurate and direct algorithm for solving the semiclassical Boltzmann equation with relaxation time approximation in phase space is presented for parallel treatment of rarefied gas flows of particles of three statistics. The discrete ordinate method is first applied to discretize the velocity space of the distribution function to render a set of scalar conservation laws with source term. The high order weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme is then implemented to capture the time evolution of the discretized velocity distribution function in physical space and time. The method is developed for two space dimensions and implemented on gas particles that obey the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Computational examples in one- and two-dimensional initial value problems of rarefied gas flows are presented and the results indicating good resolution of the main flow features can be achieved. Flows of wide range of relaxation times and Knudsen numbers covering different flow regimes are computed to validate the robustness of the method. The recovery of quantum statistics to the classical limit is also tested for small fugacity values.  相似文献   

This paper develops a high-order accurate gas-kinetic scheme in the framework of the finite volume method for the one- and two-dimensional flow simulations, which is an extension of the third-order accurate gas-kinetic scheme [Q.B. Li, K. Xu, and S. Fu, J. Comput. Phys., 229(2010), 6715-6731] and the second-order accurate gas-kinetic scheme [K. Xu, J. Comput. Phys., 171(2001), 289-335]. It is formed by two parts: quartic polynomial reconstruction of the macroscopic variables and fourth-order accurate flux evolution. The first part reconstructs a piecewise cell-center based quartic polynomial and a cell-vertex based quartic polynomial according to the "initial" cell average approximation of macroscopic variables to recover locally the non-equilibrium and equilibrium single particle velocity distribution functions around the cell interface. It is in view of the fact that all macroscopic variables become moments of a single particle velocity distribution function in the gas-kinetic theory. The generalized moment limiter is employed there to suppress the possible numerical oscillation. In the second part, the macroscopic flux at the cell interface is evolved in fourth-order accuracy by means of the simple particle transport mechanism in the microscopic level, i.e. free transport and the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) collisions. In other words, the fourth-order flux evolution is based on the solution (i.e. the particle velocity distribution function) of the BGK model for the Boltzmann equation. Several 1D and 2D test problems are numerically solved by using the proposed high-order accurate gas-kinetic scheme. By comparing with the exact solutions or the numerical solutions obtained the second-order or third-order accurate gas-kinetic scheme, the computations demonstrate that our scheme is effective and accurate for simulating invisid and viscous fluid flows, and the accuracy of the high-order GKS depends on the choice of the (numerical) collision time.  相似文献   

Computations of microscopic circular pipe flow in a rarefied quantum gas are presented using a semiclassical axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann method. The method is first derived by directly projecting the Uehling-Uhlenbeck Boltzmann-BGK equations in two-dimensional rectangular coordinates onto the tensor Hermite polynomials using moment expansion method and then the forcing strategy of Halliday et al. [Phys. Rev. E., 64 (2001), 011208] is adopted by adding forcing terms into the resulting microdynamic evolution equation. The determination of the forcing terms is dictated by yielding the emergent macroscopic equations toward a particular target form. The correct macroscopic equations of the incompressible axisymmetric viscous flows are recovered through the Chapman-Enskog expansion. The velocity profiles and the mass flow rates of pipe flows with several Knudsen numbers covering different flow regimes are presented. It is found the Knudsen minimum can be captured in all three statistics studied. The results also indicate distinct characteristics of the effects of quantum statistics.  相似文献   

The development of high-order schemes has been mostly concentrated on the limiters and high-order reconstruction techniques. In this paper, the effect of the flux functions on the performance of high-order schemes will be studied. Based on the same WENO reconstruction, two schemes with different flux functions, i.e., the fifth-order WENO method and the WENO-Gas-Kinetic scheme (WENO-GKS), will be compared. The fifth-order finite difference WENO-SW scheme is a characteristic variable reconstruction based method which uses the Steger-Warming flux splitting for inviscid terms, the sixth-order central difference for viscous terms, and three stages Runge-Kutta time stepping for the time integration. On the other hand, the finite volume WENO-GKS is a conservative variable reconstruction based method with the same WENO reconstruction. But it evaluates a time dependent gas distribution function along a cell interface, and updates the flow variables inside each control volume by integrating the flux function along the boundary of the control volume in both space and time. In order to validate the robustness and accuracy of the schemes, both methods are tested under a wide range of flow conditions: vortex propagation, Mach 3 step problem, and the cavity flow at Reynolds number 3200. Our study shows that both WENO-SW and WENO-GKS yield quantitatively similar results and agree with each other very well provided a sufficient grid resolution is used. With the reduction of mesh points, the WENO-GKS behaves to have less numerical dissipation and present more accurate solutions than those from the WENO-SW in all test cases. For the Navier-Stokes equations, since the WENO-GKS couples inviscid and viscous terms in a single flux evaluation, and the WENO-SW uses an operator splitting technique, it appears that the WENO-SW is more sensitive to the WENO reconstruction and boundary treatment. In terms of efficiency, the finite volume WENO-GKS is about 4 times slower than the finite difference WENO-SW in two dimensional simulations. The current study clearly shows that besides high-order reconstruction, an accurate gas evolution model or flux function in a high-order scheme is also important in the capturing of physical solutions. In a physical flow, the transport, stress deformation, heat conduction, and viscous heating are all coupled in a single gas evolution process. Therefore, it is preferred to develop such a scheme with multi-dimensionality, and unified treatment of inviscid and dissipative terms. A high-order scheme does prefer a high-order gas evolution model. Even with the rapid advances of high-order reconstruction techniques, the first-order dynamics of the Riemann solution becomes the bottleneck for the further development of high-order schemes. In order to avoid the weakness of the low order flux function, the development of high-order schemes relies heavily on the weak solution of the original governing equations for the update of additional degree of freedom, such as the non-conservative gradients of flow variables, which cannot be physically valid in discontinuous regions.  相似文献   

A new approach to high-order accuracy for the numerical solution of conservation laws introduced by Huynh and extended to simplexes by Wang and Gao is renamed CPR (correction procedure or collocation penalty via reconstruction). The CPR approach employs the differential form of the equation and accounts for the jumps in flux values at the cell boundaries by a correction procedure. In addition to being simple and economical, it unifies several existing methods including discontinuous Galerkin, staggered grid, spectral volume, and spectral difference. To discretize the diffusion terms, we use the BR2 (Bassi and Rebay), interior penalty, compact DG (CDG), and I-continuous approaches. The first three of these approaches, originally derived using the integral formulation, were recast here in the CPR framework, whereas the I-continuous scheme, originally derived for a quadrilateral mesh, was extended to a triangular mesh. Fourier stability and accuracy analyses for these schemes on quadrilateral and triangular meshes are carried out. Finally, results for the Navier-Stokes equations are shown to compare the various schemes as well as to demonstrate the capability of the CPR approach.  相似文献   

The high-order gas-kinetic scheme (HGKS) has achieved success in simulating compressible flows with Cartesian meshes. To study the flow problems in general geometries, such as the flow over a wing-body, the development of HGKS in general curvilinear coordinates becomes necessary. In this paper, a two-stage fourth-order gas-kinetic scheme is developed for the Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions in the curvilinear coordinates from one-dimensional to three-dimensional computations. Based on the coordinate transformation, the kinetic equation is transformed first to the computational space, and the flux function in the gas-kinetic scheme is obtained there and is transformed back to the physical domain for the update of flow variables inside each control volume. To achieve the expected order of accuracy, the dimension-by-dimension reconstruction based on the WENO scheme is adopted in the computational domain, where the reconstructed variables are the cell averaged Jacobian and the Jacobian-weighted conservative variables. In the two-stage fourth-order gas-kinetic scheme, the point values as well as the spatial derivatives of conservative variables at Gaussian quadrature points have to be used in the evaluation of the time dependent flux function. The point-wise conservative variables are obtained by ratio of the above reconstructed data, and the spatial derivatives are reconstructed through orthogonalization in physical space and chain rule. A variety of numerical examples from the accuracy tests to the solutions with strong discontinuities are presented to validate the accuracy and robustness of the current scheme for both inviscid and viscous flows. The precise satisfaction of the geometrical conservation law in non-orthogonal mesh is also demonstrated through the numerical example.  相似文献   

With discretized particle velocity space, a multi-scale unified gas-kinetic scheme for entire Knudsen number flows has been constructed based on the kinetic model in one-dimensional case [J. Comput. Phys., vol. 229 (2010), pp. 7747-7764]. For the kinetic equation, to extend a one-dimensional scheme to multidimensional flow is not so straightforward. The major factor is that addition of one dimension in physical space causes the distribution function to become two-dimensional, rather than axially symmetric, in velocity space. In this paper, a unified gas-kinetic scheme based on the Shakhov model in two-dimensional space will be presented. Instead of particle-based modeling for the rarefied flow, such as the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, the philosophical principal underlying the current study is a partial-differential-equation (PDE)-based modeling. Since the valid scale of the kinetic equation and the scale of mesh size and time step may be significantly different, the gas evolution in a discretized space is modeled with the help of kinetic equation, instead of directly solving the partial differential equation. Due to the use of both hydrodynamic and kinetic scales flow physics in a gas evolution model at the cell interface, the unified scheme can basically present accurate solution in all flow regimes from the free molecule to the Navier-Stokes solutions. In comparison with the DSMC and Navier-Stokes flow solvers, the current method is much more efficient than DSMC in low speed transition and continuum flow regimes, and it has better capability than NS solver in capturing of non-equilibrium flow physics in the transition and rarefied flow regimes. As a result, the current method can be useful in the flow simulation where both continuum and rarefied flow physics needs to be resolved in a single computation. This paper will extensively evaluate the performance of the unified scheme from free molecule to continuum NS solutions, and from low speed micro-flow to high speed non-equilibrium aerodynamics. The test cases clearly demonstrate that the unified scheme is a reliable method for the rarefied flow computations, and the scheme provides an important tool in the study of non-equilibrium flow.  相似文献   

The accuracy of moment equations as approximations of kinetic gas theory is studied for four different boundary value problems. The kinetic setting is given by the BGK equation linearized around a globally constant Maxwellian using one space dimension and a three-dimensional velocity space. The boundary value problems include Couette and Poiseuille flow as well as heat conduction between walls and heat conduction based on a locally varying heating source. The polynomial expansion of the distribution function allows for different moment theories of which two popular families are investigated in detail. Furthermore, optimal approximations for a given number of variables are studied empirically. The paper focuses on approximations with relatively low number of variables which allows to draw conclusions in particular about specific moment theories like the regularized 13-moment equations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a compact third-order gas-kinetic scheme is proposed for the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. The main reason for the feasibility to develop such a high-order scheme with compact stencil, which involves only neighboring cells, is due to the use of a high-order gas evolution model. Besides the evaluation of the time-dependent flux function across a cell interface, the high-order gas evolution model also provides an accurate time-dependent solution of the flow variables at a cell interface. Therefore, the current scheme not only updates the cell averaged conservative flow variables inside each control volume, but also tracks the flow variables at the cell interface at the next time level. As a result, with both cell averaged and cell interface values, the high-order reconstruction in the current scheme can be done compactly. Different from using a weak formulation for high-order accuracy in the Discontinuous Galerkin method, the current scheme is based on the strong solution, where the flow evolution starting from a piecewise discontinuous high-order initial data is precisely followed. The cell interface time-dependent flow variables can be used for the initial data reconstruction at the beginning of next time step. Even with compact stencil, the current scheme has third-order accuracy in the smooth flow regions, and has favorable shock capturing property in the discontinuous regions. It can be faithfully used from the incompressible limit to the hypersonic flow computations, and many test cases are used to validate the current scheme. In comparison with many other high-order schemes, the current method avoids the use of Gaussian points for the flux evaluation along the cell interface and the multi-stage Runge-Kutta time stepping technique. Due to its multidimensional property of including both derivatives of flow variables in the normal and tangential directions of a cell interface, the viscous flow solution, especially those with vortex structure, can be accurately captured. With the same stencil of a second order scheme, numerical tests demonstrate that the current scheme is as robust as well-developed second-order shock capturing schemes, but provides more accurate numerical solutions than the second order counterparts.  相似文献   

A comparative study is conducted to evaluate three types of lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) models for fluid flows with finite-sized particles, including the lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model, the model proposed by Ladd [Ladd AJC, J. Fluid Mech., 271, 285-310 (1994); Ladd AJC, J. Fluid Mech., 271, 311-339 (1994)], and the multiple-relaxation-time (MRT) model. The sedimentation of a circular particle in a two-dimensional infinite channel under gravity is used as the first test problem. The numerical results of the three LBE schemes are compared with the theoretical results and existing data. It is found that all of the three LBE schemes yield reasonable results in general, although the BGK scheme and Ladd's scheme give some deviations in some cases. Our results also show that the MRT scheme can achieve a better numerical stability than the other two schemes. Regarding the computational efficiency, it is found that the BGK scheme is the most superior one, while the other two schemes are nearly identical. We also observe that the MRT scheme can unequivocally reduce the viscosity dependence of the wall correction factor in the simulations, which reveals the superior robustness of the MRT scheme. The superiority of the MRT scheme over the other two schemes is also confirmed by the simulation of the sedimentation of an elliptical particle.  相似文献   

The simulation of rarefied gas flows through complex porous media is challenging due to the tortuous flow pathways inherent to such structures. The Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has been identified as a promising avenue to solve flows through complex geometries due to the simplicity of its scheme and its high parallel computational efficiency. It has been proposed to model the stress-strain relationship with the extended Navier-Stokes equations rather than attempting to directly solve the Boltzmann equation. However, a regularization technique is required to filter out non-resolved higher-order components with a low-order velocity scheme. Although slip boundary conditions (BCs) have been proposed for the non-regularized multiple relaxation time LBM (MRT-LBM) for planar geometries, previous slip BCs have never been verified extensively with the regularization technique. In this work, following an extensive literature review on the imposition of slip BCs for rarefied flows with the LBM, it is proven that earlier values for kinetic parameters developed to impose slip BCs are inaccurate for the regularized MRT-LBM and differ between the D2Q9 and D3Q15 schemes. The error was eliminated for planar flows and good agreement between analytical solutions for arrays of cylinders and spheres was found with a wide range of Knudsen numbers.  相似文献   

High-order discretization techniques offer the potential to significantly reduce the computational costs necessary to obtain accurate predictions when compared to lower-order methods. However, efficient and universally-applicable high-order discretizations remain somewhat illusive, especially for more arbitrary unstructured meshes and for incompressible/low-speed flows. A novel, high-order, central essentially non-oscillatory (CENO), cell-centered, finite-volume scheme is proposed for the solution of the conservation equations of viscous, incompressible flows on three-dimensional unstructured meshes. Similar to finite element methods, coordinate transformations are used to maintain the scheme's order of accuracy even when dealing with arbitrarily-shaped cells having non-planar faces. The proposed scheme is applied to the pseudo-compressibility formulation of the steady and unsteady Navier-Stokes equations and the resulting discretized equations are solved with a parallel implicit Newton-Krylov algorithm. For unsteady flows, a dual-time stepping approach is adopted and the resulting temporal derivatives are discretized using the family of high-order backward difference formulas (BDF). The proposed finite-volume scheme for fully unstructured mesh is demonstrated to provide both fast and accurate solutions for steady and unsteady viscous flows.  相似文献   

Are extensions to continuum formulations for solving fluid dynamic problems in the transition-to-rarefied regimes viable alternatives to particle methods? It is well known that for increasingly rarefied flow fields, the predictions from continuum formulation, such as the Navier-Stokes equations lose accuracy. These inaccuracies are attributed primarily to the linear approximations of the stress and heat flux terms in the Navier-Stokes equations. The inclusion of higher-order terms, such as Burnett or high-order moment equations, could improve the predictive capabilities of such continuum formulations, but there has been limited success in the shock structure calculations, especially for the high Mach number case. Here, after reformulating the viscosity and heat conduction coefficients appropriate for the rarefied flow regime, we will show that the Navier-Stokes-type continuum formulation may still be properly used. The equations with generalization of the dissipative coefficients based on the closed solution of the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model of the Boltzmann equation, are solved using the gas-kinetic numerical scheme. This paper concentrates on the non-equilibrium shock structure calculations for both monatomic and diatomic gases. The Landau-Teller-Jeans relaxation model for the rotational energy is used to evaluate the quantitative difference between the translational and rotational temperatures inside the shock layer. Variations of shear stress, heat flux, temperatures, and densities in the internal structure of the shock waves are compared with, (a) existing theoretical solutions of the Boltzmann solution, (b) existing numerical predictions of the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, and (c) available experimental measurements. The present continuum formulation for calculating the shock structures for monatomic and diatomic gases in the Mach number range of 1.2 to 12.9 is found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

A projection-based reduced order model (ROM) based on the Fourier collocation method is proposed for compressible flows. The incorporation of localized artificial viscosity model and filtering is pursued to enhance the robustness and accuracy of the ROM for shock-dominated flows. Furthermore, for Euler systems, ROMs built on the conservative and the skew-symmetric forms of the governing equation are compared. To ensure efficiency, the discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM) is employed. An alternative reduction approach, exploring the sparsity of viscosity is also investigated for the viscous terms. A number of one- and two-dimensional benchmark cases are considered to test the performance of the proposed models. Results show that stable computations for shock-dominated cases can be achieved with ROMs built on both the conservative and the skew-symmetric forms without additional stabilization components other than the viscosity model and filtering. Under the same parameters, the skew-symmetric form shows better robustness and accuracy than its conservative counterpart, while the conservative form is superior in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

A priori subcell limiting approach is developed for high-order flux reconstruction/correction procedure via reconstruction (FR/CPR) methods on two-dimensional unstructured quadrilateral meshes. Firstly, a modified indicator based on modal energy coefficients is proposed to detect troubled cells, where discontinuities exist. Then, troubled cells are decomposed into nonuniform subcells and each subcell has one solution point. A second-order finite difference shock-capturing scheme based on nonuniform nonlinear weighted (NNW) interpolation is constructed to perform the calculation on troubled cells while smooth cells are calculated by the CPR method. Numerical investigations show that the proposed subcell limiting strategy on unstructured quadrilateral meshes is robust in shock-capturing.  相似文献   

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