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《空气理化检验》是卫生检验与检疫专业的专业必修课程之一,是一门实践性课程.该课程通过应用现代理化知识和技术,系统研究空气中污染物采样、理化检验的原理和方法的科学[1].目前空气理化检验领域的研究热点,主要体现在发现新型污染物以及新型检测方法、技术和仪器的开发与应用[2].目前该课程现有教材是2014年人民卫生出版社再版...  相似文献   

《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》、新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情和高质量经济发展,对高等医学院校的卫生检验与检疫学专业的培养方案提出新要求。本文通过分析调整教学计划,优化课程教学内容,改革理论和实践教学方法,构建四大实践平台,建设卫生检验与检疫实践教学案例库,综合计算实验课成绩,改进本科毕业评价体系和加强职业素养与学习能力培养等教改方案,探讨改革培养举措对卫生检验与检疫学专业检验技能,培养满足新时期岗位需求的现代人才。  相似文献   

正空气理化检验是卫生检验与检疫专业的重要专业必修课程,以保护人群健康为目的,应用分析化学等理化知识和技术,系统研究空气中化学污染物采样、检验的方法和原理,为卫生监督相关标准和环境监测等提供可靠的科学依据~([1,2])。目前空气理化检验的教学多以讲授为主,由于国家政策法规、检测仪器原理等内容的枯燥、乏味,传统的老师讲、学生记的被动学习模式越来越显示出了局限性~([3-5])。另外,本课程具有很强的技术性和实践  相似文献   

“病毒学检验实验”是卫生检验与检疫专业必修的专业实践课,它注重培养学生在病毒学检验中的实践能力和解决问题能力。因此,本研究结合当前公共卫生需要,以提高学生实践综合能力为目标,进行实验教学改革与探索。本文对病毒学检验实验课程体系中的教学方法和手段、实验考核方法进行改革探索,提出研究型、实战式、案例式病毒学检验实验教学模式;受新冠疫情影响,采用线上线下混合式教学,并在原有实验基础上,新增虚拟仿真实验,打破时空限制,帮助学生掌握实验技能。此外,采用综合实验考核方案,构建适合于卫生检验与检疫专业病毒学检验的实验教学体系。  相似文献   

<正>食品卫生理化检验是医学高等专科学校卫生检验与检疫技术专业的一门工学结合专业的核心课程。该课程具有技术性、应用性、实践性很强的特点[1],这一性质决定了实验实训在本课程教学中具有举足轻重的地位。传统的食品卫生理化检验实验教学由于课时的限制,选择的实验项目非常有限,且在实验前,老师做了大量的准备工作(配制试剂、准备实验器材、调试仪器等),学生仅在有限的时间内完成测定流程,  相似文献   

目的:培养21世纪公共卫生事业发展及卫生改革需要的高层次卫生检验人才。方法:以问题/课题为主线,从专业实际出发,整合相应的实验教学内容。结论:卫生检验专业实验教学的形式和内容有必要作相应的改革,把卫生理化检验实验课程开设为开放的综合实验。  相似文献   

目的 比较中美卫生检验本科专业的课程设置,为我国卫生检验本科专业的课程设置改革提供参考。方法 通过网络搜索和文献查询,获得美国开设卫生检验专业的学校信息、课程设置情况和专业能力核心课程,并以四川大学卫生检验专业和美国佛蒙特医学检验专业卫生检验方向课程设置为例进行比对。结果 与美国佛蒙特学校的同类专业比较,四川大学卫生检验本科专业课程设置中基础医学内容偏少、实践课比例需要加强,化学相关课程比重更高,美方更侧重疾病控制方面的课程;美方凝练了25门专业能力核心课程。结论 我国的卫生检验(与检疫)本科专业的课程值得进一步优化并凝练专业能力核心课程。  相似文献   

随着社会主义现代化建设和现代商品社会的飞速发展,我国进、出口业务检验及检疫要求随之提高,国内食品检验及检疫要求日益严格,因此卫生检验人才的需求量非常大[1],迫切需要一大批高素质、高技能的卫生检验人员去从事检验、检疫工作。本文论述了全国卫生检验检疫人员的人才现状及专业办学现状,并对如何顺  相似文献   

目的 构建科学、有效的卫生检验与检疫专业人员岗位胜任力评价指标体系,为卫生检验与检疫专业人员岗前培训提供参考。方法 通过文献分析、理论研究、现场访谈的方法初步构建卫生检验与检疫专业人员岗位胜任力评价指标体系,选取18位专家采用Delphi专家咨询法进行两轮的问卷咨询确定卫生检验与检疫专业人员岗位胜任力评价指标体系,用AHP层次分析法确定指标权重。结果 两轮专家咨询的问卷回收率均为100%,计算得专家权威系数为0.865,两轮调查专家意见的协调度分别为0.310和0.280。最终确定了一级指标6项,二级指标49项。一级指标医学基础知识、预防医学知识、卫生检验与检疫知识、实践技能、个人能力、综合素质的权重分别为0.1272、0.1655、0.2134、0.1530、0.1482、0.1927。结论 初步形成了卫生检验与检疫专业人员岗位胜任力评价指标体系,此体系构建较可靠,可为卫生检验与检疫专业人员的培训与考核提供科学依据。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解某校卫生检验专业实验课程的设置情况,比较实际工作与实验教学中的差异,为课程改革提供依据。方法 针对常见卫生理化和微生物检测项目和使用方法设计问卷,对四川大学华西公共卫生学院卫生检验专业的教学实习基地及四川省各级疾病预防控制中心的检验人员进行访谈式调查,与实验课程开设实验项目及方法进行对比。结果 卫生理化部分和微生物部分与实验课程中涉及的项目或方法不同的比例分别为18.5%和30.4%;有28.1%的问卷认为该校实验课程还有待提升。结论 实验课程设置基本能满足工作要求,还应在硬件设施和教学内容方面加以优化,以培养出更加优秀的卫生检验人才,满足社会工作的需要。  相似文献   

Development of a strategy in public health (PH) education is crucial for Macedonia in providing modern education for actual PH practice. Establishing a School of Public Health (SPH) is vital for a country in a health transition with high rates of preventable diseases. The main strategic goals in modern PH education in Macedonia should be capacity building, improving the competencies of PH professionals, serving communities, participating in the policy, and partnership development. Expectations were expressed through two key points: strengthening institutional capacity in the area of PH and institutional development of SPH. The organizational structure of the new Center of Public Health is based on existing human resources and infrastructure. Medical Faculty initiated development of a postgraduate PH teaching program [Master of Public Health (MPH)] provided by the newly formed Center of Public Health within the Medical Faculty Skopje. The Macedonian MPH program has been developed with modular-type courses as a part-time teaching program in four semesters within a 2-year period. This program is designed to cover all the basics of PH sciences and practice, including basic and elective courses, workshops, research forum. and master's thesis with a credit transfer system in PH education. The main assets for SPH development are knowledge and skills of the constantly improving teaching staff. Successful preliminary evaluation of the Macedonian SPH project, being qualified “as a model for SPH development,” led to full Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) membership. Sustainability of this program will require continuing support although a remarkable beginning has been achieved. The next strategic goal is continuing development of SPH with fiscal and academic autonomy and preparing formal ASPHER Public Health Education European Review (PEER). This SPH recognized the main communicating message of the New Public Health: “Moving with the time.” New Public Health is determined by a dual approach: to be modern, and to grow and to build the tradition in PH education. The development of Macedonian SPH represents a new orientation toward science, philosophy, culture, and life and promotes new spirit and movement in PH in this region of Europe.  相似文献   

中国医学检验教育经过几十年的探寻与发展,形成了一套比较完整合理的体系,但仔细研究不难发现该体系在教育目标定位、课程设置、师资力量、教学模式、就业出路等方面依然存在若干问题,尤其是四年制本科医学检验教育.针对以上问题,并结合中外医学检验教育的模式及发展趋势,该文从政策制定、课程改革、师资优化、丰富教学模式、拓宽就业口径等方面对医学检验教育教学提出了一些对策.  相似文献   

目的:了解我国卫生经济学教育的发展现状、面临的机遇与挑战,并提出改进建议。方法:综合运用文献分析法和问卷调研法,从学科、专业、课程3个层面分析我国卫生经济学教育的现状以及存在的问题。结果:在综合性高校,卫生经济学具有较强的学科基础,然而,医药类院校的医疗卫生的专业实力雄厚,经济学却是发展短板。在课程设置方面,开设层次与学科专业发展水平密切相关,开设单位和授课对象多元化。教材选用以国外教材居多,国内教材的内容较为系统全面。卫生经济学的师资团队呈现高学历和跨学科的特征。教学模式以传统讲授模式和研讨式教学模式为主,问题导向教学模式和案例教学模式运用相对较少。讨论与建议:步入新时代,新医改政策助推卫生经济学教育。我国的卫生经济学教育应顺应变化趋势,在确保学科独立地位的同时,在条件成熟的高校设置健康经济学这一特设专业,为国家的卫生事业发展培养更多的优秀人才。  相似文献   

The science and practice of the New Public Health have a key role in the promotion of people’s health and in the reform of the health system. Serbia experienced many social and economic threats to public health during the 1990s when the health infrastructure both for curative and preventive services gradually deteriorated. Existing skills and knowledge of public health professionals are insufficient in virtually all fields of public health activities. The foundation of the Centre – School of Public Health, within the Medical School of Belgrade University has been a precondition for the improvement of professional training in public health. The objectives are described as (1) education of capable experts in the field of public health, (2) improvement of knowledge in the health sciences, (3) health promotion in cooperation with local communities, (4) training of competent researchers in the field of public health and (5) improvement of the process of decision making and policy formulation. The training programme covers five key areas of education in the domain of public health: (1) public health in Europe, (2) epidemiology and biostatistics, (3) health policy and management, (4) health promotion, health education and social sciences and (5) environment and health. In the first year, 27 students were admitted for the Master of Public Health programme and more than 350 participants attended various short courses for continuing education in public health and health management based on applied learning approach. The next developmental steps focus on sustainability of the programmes for continuing education and research and a wider national and international partnership.  相似文献   

Undergraduate public health education at 4-year institutions, those with and without graduate public health education, has grown rapidly during the first decade of the 21st century since the IOM recommended that "all undergraduates have access to education in public health." Much of this growth has been guided by the Educated Citizen and Public Health initiative, a collaboration of arts and sciences and public health educators that encourages introductory course work in public health, epidemiology, and global health plus undergraduate minors and majors in public health. The Educated Citizen and Public Health model, as opposed to existing professional models, envisions core public health education based on the Association of American Colleges and Universities' Liberal Education and America's Promise essential learning outcomes that encourage experiential learning, evidence-based thinking, a global and community focus, plus integration and synthesis. Public health education in this model provides solid generalist grounding for graduate education in public health as well as a range of graduate disciplines from the health professions to international affairs and from law to business. In addition, it helps ensure a broad range of college graduates who understand and support public health approaches. The Healthy People 2020 objective to increase the proportion of 4-year colleges and universities that offer minor or major in public health should help propel additional growth, especially in 4-year colleges without graduate public health education. Integrative curricula designed as part of the reform of undergraduate education provide opportunities to make evidence-based public health approaches available to a large number of undergraduates.  相似文献   

Three inquiries about Public Health continuing professional development were undertaken in the Northern and Yorkshire Region of the National Health Service during 1995–96. Public Health Physicians were asked about their experience of continuing education and for their views on a regional policy for continuing professional development. Health Authority Chief Executives were asked about their reactions to Public Health Physicians continuing educational needs.The overall response rates for the Public Health Physicians were very disappointing. Most of the Chief Executives (a much smaller group) responded to the inquiry. A large minority of Public Health Physicians believed that their continuing education in the preceding two years had been adequate. Most wished their future continuing education activities to be multi-disciplinary. One finding with considerable significance for those managing Public Health education, both specialist and continuing, was that many of those with teaching responsibilities had not been trained to teach. Despite apparent concordance between the views of Chief Executives and those of Public Health Physicians; on some important points there were inconsistencies in the comments of Chief Executives, which suggested lack of understanding of both the roles of their professional colleagues and the need for their continuing education. The inquiries gave rise to a sense of apathy and under-confidence, manifested in some reluctance to accept policing of continuing education. There is a need to experiment with learning and teaching approaches in order to progress from the current traditional educational methods.Although there are signs of promise for the future, much more is still needed.  相似文献   

改革实验教学模式,发展药学高职教育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨高职药学实验教学问题.通过总结教学经验,提出随着中专升格的高职院校系列课程改革与实践,在教学方法上探索要建立一种新的实验教学体系和模式,进一步发挥实验教学在素质教育的独特地位,其中建设一个与之适应的实验室和实验教学模式是当务之急.  相似文献   

This paper examines the future of Schools of Public Health in the United States. The history of Schools of Public Health is developed by tracing the history of the philanthropies which supported scientific medicine and public health in the early decades of the twentieth century. The role of the theory of disease in shifting the focus of public health from the community to the laboratory is explored. This paper argues that Schools of Public Health have lost their legitimacy and no longer have any content area or discipline for which they alone are responsible. The declining public image of public health is explored in light of the recent swine flu and legionnaire disease episodes. The current tendencies of Schools of Public Health as miniature business schools or as departments of medical schools are explored and criticized and a revitalized curriculum for Schools of Public Health is posited.  相似文献   

探讨实验教学体系改革,以某医科大学高职学院实验教学改革为主体进行研究。学院医学基础教研室的教师以"中国西部农村实用型卫生人才培养模式研究与实践"(CMB)项目为契机,加强教学实验创新,建立实验教学新体系,加大综合性、设计性和创新性实验的比例,开设独立的医学基础实验课程,改革教学方法,全面提高实验教学水平和学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

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