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对避孕措施使用的有效性在很大程度上取决于使用者的特性,其中对所选用避孕措施知识了解的正确性是一项重要的因素。避孕知识多的妇女能更多使用紧急避孕法或合并使用几种方法。如避孕套与宫内节育器,以避免失败的可能性。由我们对上海市夫妇新婚后3个月时避孕使用影响因素的分析,显示该时夫妇推迟初育的时期及妻子的避孕知识是影响夫妇新婚使用避孕措施的两项主要因素。  相似文献   

采取了避孕措施还怀孕,这就是我们常说的避孕失败。一般把避孕失败的原因分为两类:一类称为方法失败,是指所选择的避孕方法本身,在效果上存在的问题。比如放置了宫内节育器,但节育器相对小于宫腔而发生的带器怀孕。另一类叫使用失败,多是由于使用者未能正确地掌握使用方法  相似文献   

宫内节育器是一种常用的放置在子宫腔内的避孕装置,被广泛应用于女性避孕。其作用机制为带铜宫内节育器中的铜离子使子宫内膜的无菌性炎症反应加重,并干扰着床必须的酶系统活性,不利于受精卵的着床及囊胚发育,从而达到避孕的目的。近年来随着人们观念的改变以及避孕措施的多样化,宫内节育器的使用率呈现出降低趋势。影响宫内节育器放置的因素较多包括人口文化水平、医疗水平、医疗政策等。本文对宫内节育器放置的影响因素进行了相关文献复习,在此做一简要综述,以期为临床工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

蒋珊珊  陈春燕 《现代保健》2010,(16):190-190
我国在实行计划生育以来,宫内节育器成了广大育龄妇女最受青睐的避孕工具,至今已有40余年的历史。随着国家对避孕方法知情选择工作的推进,宫内节育器的使用仍处于主要地位。放置宫内节育器虽然可以收到避孕效果,但并非能够一劳永逸。2009年笔者所在乡镇宫内节育器使用率占全镇育龄妇女采用避孕措施的61.07%。  相似文献   

采取了避孕措施还怀孕,这就是我们常说的避孕失败。一般把避孕失败的原因分为两大类:一类称为方法失败,是指所选择的避孕方法本身,在效果上存在问题。比如放置了宫内节育器,但节育器相对小于宫腔而发生的带器怀孕:另一类叫使用失败,多是由于使用者未能正确地掌握使用方法而造成失败。如服用短效避孕药,正确的用药方法是每  相似文献   

避孕失败是指采取了避孕措施依然怀孕。一般把避孕失败的原因分为两类:(1)方法失败,是指所选择的避孕方法本身在效果上存在问题。比如放置宫内节育器,但节育器相对小于宫腔而发生的带器怀孕。(2)使用失败,多是由于使用者未能正确地掌握使用方法而造成的失败。如服用短效避孕药,正确的用药是每次月经来潮的第五天开始服药,  相似文献   

<正>放置宫内节育器(IUD)避孕具有长效、安全、简便,经济等优点,且取出IUD后能够很快恢复生育能力,因此在众多避孕措施中成为首选。在中国有8 000万以上的育龄妇女使用IUD避孕,临床上常用二维超声对其进行评价,但二维超声有其局限  相似文献   

徐爱珍 《中国保健》2005,13(12):108-108
目的了解石首市已婚妇女正在使用的避孕方法情况,人工流产史以及阴道炎症的发病情况.方法利用对市直单位女职工健康检查询问其病史包括避孕方法,人工流产史,白带常规检查.结果75.5%的妇女均使用宫内节育器避孕,文化程度高的人群较多采用自然避孕法(安全期避孕).65%的妇女有人流史,发生在产后2年内着占69%,霉菌性阴道炎发病率15%,滴虫性阴道炎4%.结论宫内节育器是本市妇女所选择的主要避孕措施,避孕的薄弱环节为产后2年内,霉菌性阴道炎的发病率高于滴虫性阴道炎.  相似文献   

农村地区已婚育龄妇女人工流产原因分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的:了解农村已婚育龄妇女的人工流产原因。方法:采用结构式问卷调查方法对农村已婚育龄妇女进行问卷调查,分析人工流产情况及原因。结果:农村已婚育龄妇女的人工流产率为29.98%;人工流产原因中有35.15%是由于未避孕造成的,有超过一半(52.85%)的人工流产为避孕失败情况下采取的补救措施;避孕失败的原因中有65.09%为宫内节育器失败;婚前及婚后初产前的人工流产超过70%是未采取避孕措施造成的,而产后的人工流产主要是避孕失败造成的;多次人工流产妇女的避孕措施趋向多样化;而人工流产原因中避孕失败的比例增加。结论:应加强避孕方法知识的宣传以及避孕方法使用的指导,提高农村育龄妇女的避孕使用率及正确使用率,特别是对有人工流产(一次或多次)史的对象应加强避孕使用指导;对采用宫内节育器的妇女应进行定期检查,保证官内节育器的有效性。  相似文献   

产后避孕方法的选择受妇女生理状态和哺乳的影响,产后即时或尽早落实常规避孕措施,对预防人工流产及其并发症有重要作用。本综述对产后避孕的国内外指南进行复习和比较,重点讨论经产妇可优先选择的宫内节育器(intrauterine contraceptive device,IUD)、雌孕激素复方和单纯孕激素避孕方法及女性绝育术在产后不同时期使用的医学标准,为临床医生在产后帮助妇女选用安全、适宜的避孕方法提供指导。  相似文献   

Contraceptive practice among American women, 1973-1982   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During the decade 1973-1982, use of oral contraceptives declined sharply among wives aged 15-44, although the total number of pill users did not decrease after 1979. This drop occurred in all groups of wives examined. At the same time, the prevalence of female contraceptive sterilization rose sharply; this increase occurred mainly among wives aged 35 and older and, of course, among all wives intending no more children. Among other subgroups of married women, the fall in pill use was complemented by a smaller rise in the use of barrier methods--the condom and diaphragm, in particular. The contraceptive status and method choices of never-married and previously married women differed sharply from those of wives as of 1982. Sexually active never-married women were less likely than married women to practice contraception and were more likely to choose the pill when they did. Previously married women were also less likely than wives to practice contraception but, when using a method, were more likely than either never-married or currently married users to depend on one of the more effective methods--sterilization, the pill or the IUD.  相似文献   

Contraceptive failure in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang D 《Contraception》2002,66(3):173-178
This study examines patterns and differentials of contraceptive failure rates by method and characteristics of users, using the Chinese Two-per-Thousand Fertility Survey data. The results show that contraceptive failure rates for modern methods including sterilization are some of the highest in the world. The first year failure rates are 4.2% for male sterilization, 0.7% for female sterilization, 10.3% for IUD, 14.5% for pill, and 19.0% for condom. There are also some differentials in contraceptive failure rates by users' sociodemographic and fertility characteristics. Contraceptive failure rate declines with women's age for all reversible methods. Rural women have higher sterilization, IUD, and condom contraceptive failure rates than urban women. Women with two or more children have a higher failure rate for sterilization methods but have lower failure rates for other methods.  相似文献   

目的:了解我国已婚妇女现在避孕方法的使用情况及其续用意愿,并分析其影响因素。方法:采用分层、三阶段与规模成正比的容量比例抽样方法获得调查对象,由调查员入户对抽中的已婚育龄妇女进行面对面的问卷调查。现场调查时间为2005年11~12月。结果:总的来讲,已婚育龄妇女中现在避孕率为84.5%。现在避孕方法构成中,宫内节育器所占比例最高(51.8%),避孕套的比例较低(13.1%)。现在避孕的妇女中,对现用避孕方法的满意度为82.2%,对宫内节育器的满意度为83.9%,对避孕套的满意度为80.4%。避孕方法总的续用意愿比例为69.1%,愿意续用宫内节育器的比例最高(83.6%),避孕套的续用比例为68.2%。续用意愿较差的方法中,大多数人在重新选择时选择了宫内节育器。因素分析结果显示,避孕方法的续用情况主要受方法本身及其使用满意度情况的影响。结论:在我国,育龄人群的避孕服务利用情况已经取得了巨大的进步,今后计划生育工作的重点应该在于进一步提高避孕服务的质量,加强男性参与的宣传,促进育龄人群避孕套的进一步使用。  相似文献   

Condom and contraceptive use at first intercourse have become important reference points in monitoring the sexual health of young people. This study describes the precautionary practices of a national stratified cluster sample of 3133 Australian hairdressing, automotive, and commercial cookery apprentices aged 15 to 24 years. Approximately 77% of the apprentices reported using a condom, the oral contraceptive, spermicide, IUD, or a diaphragm at first intercourse. Of these, 91.7% used a condom either alone or in combination with another method. Among female apprentices, younger age at the time of the survey, year 10 or more schooling, being older at first intercourse, being the same age or older than their partner, and planning first intercourse were associated with increased condom use. First intercourse with a regular partner and planning first intercourse were associated with greater likelihood contraceptive use. Male apprentices were more likely to use condoms, and to use contraception generally, if they were younger at the time of the survey, older at first intercourse, and were involved in planning their first occasion of intercourse. No significant differences were found in rates of precautionary use between the sexes. Rates of condom and contraceptive use at first intercourse in this Australian sample were comparable to those of other developed countries. However, there is still a worrying degree of non‐use, especially among those who engage in intercourse early in their teenage years, who are forced or coerced into sex, or do not plan their first occasion of intercourse.  相似文献   

Eighty-two percent of never-married American women aged 20-29 have had sexual intercourse; black women are somewhat more likely than white women to have had intercourse. In all, 53 percent of never-married women in this age-group had intercourse at least once in the four weeks preceding the 1983 National Survey of Unmarried Women. Black women are more likely than white women to have done so (62 percent compared with 51 percent). Nearly all of the women who ever had intercourse have used a contraceptive method at some time; 78 percent practiced contraception at the time of their most recent intercourse. A high proportion did not start using birth control until some time after first intercourse, however: On average, the delay between first coitus and first contraceptive use was eight months, and one-fifth of the respondents said that they began using a method only after their first pregnancy. Most of the women who did use a method at the time of first intercourse relied on the condom or withdrawal; in contrast, about two-thirds of white women and three-quarters of black women now rely on the pill, IUD or sterilization. Eighty-six percent of the women who had intercourse in the four weeks before the interview were current users--88 percent of the white women and 77 percent of the black women. Catholic women are no less likely than others to have ever had intercourse, to be currently sexually active or to be using contraceptives. However, Catholic women who receive communion at least once a week are less likely to be sexually active and substantially less likely to use medical contraceptive methods. Women who consider themselves very religious are less likely to be sexually active, but the sexually active among them are about as likely as others to use contraceptives. Better-educated women are much more likely than less-educated women to practice contraception, and women who work outside of the home are more likely than those who do not to use contraceptives. Thirty-three percent of unmarried 20-29-year-olds have had at least one pregnancy (about 40 percent of those who have ever had intercourse). Thirty-two percent of sexually active white women have been pregnant, compared with 70 percent of comparable black women. Furthermore, whereas 14 percent of white 20-29-year-olds have had an out-of-wedlock birth, 62 percent of black women have done so.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Contraceptive use and the need for family planning in Puerto Rico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1982, 69 percent of Puerto Rican women in union were practicing contraception. Forty-five percent relied on contraceptive sterilization (40 percent, female, and five percent, male), eight percent were using the pill, four percent each, the IUD and the condom, five percent relied on rhythm, and three percent were using other methods. Thus, sterilization is the dominant form of fertility regulation in Puerto Rico, and there is relatively little use of reversible methods for childspacing. Reliance on female sterilization peaks among women in union in the age-group 35-44 (54 percent), whereas pill use is highest among those aged 15-24 (approximately 23 percent). Overall, eight percent of all women aged 15-49 are at risk of unintended pregnancy because they are fecund, sexually active, not pregnant or seeking pregnancy and not using any kind of contraceptive method. However, among women in union, this risk ranges from nine percent among those aged 30-39 to 22 percent among women aged 15-19. Reliance on sterilization rather than reversible methods of contraception is strongly influenced by socio-demographic variables. Women with less than a high school education, the wives of blue-collar workers, women living outside of the major cities and those born in Puerto Rico depend upon sterilization more than do women with a college education, the wives of white-collar employees, women living in cities and those born outside of the country. These findings point to the need for improved availability of reversible family planning services, especially for young women, and those whose childbearing is incomplete.  相似文献   

First premarital contraceptive use: United States, 1960-82   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study shows the first national estimates of trends and differentials in first contraceptive use for a national sample of all women. Only 47 percent of women aged 15-44 in 1982 (or their partners) used a method at first premarital intercourse. The leading method at first intercourse was the condom, followed by the pill and withdrawal. The percentage using a method increased from the early 1960s to the late 1970s, because of increases in use of the pill and withdrawal. However, in the early 1980s, use at first intercourse increased sharply because of an increase in use of the condom. The proportion who used a method at first intercourse varied from 22 percent among Hispanic women to 74 percent among Jewish women; it was higher among white than black women, and higher in higher socioeconomic categories. After first intercourse, contraceptive use did not vary significantly by socioeconomic characteristics. While the condom was the leading method at first intercourse, women who practiced contraception for the first time after first intercourse typically used the pill.  相似文献   

目的对官内节育器、避孕套、口服避孕药、绝育术4种常用避孕措施的已婚妇女进行宫颈细胞学检查,探讨较理想的避孕方法,提高避孕效果,减少宫颈炎的发生率。方法选择2011年江苏省已婚妇女宫颈癌筛查项目中健康育龄妇女1941例,根据避孕方法分为4组,宫内节育器避孕组、屏障法避孕组、口服避孕药避孕组和绝育术避孕组;采用巴氏涂片染色方法和TBS行宫颈细胞学诊断。结果宫颈细胞学检查≥ASC.US病变的发生率从高到低依次为绝育术避孕组、口服避孕药避孕组、宫内节育器避孕组和屏障法避孕组,分别为7.3%、6.3%、5.4%和2.2%,但差异无统计学意义。结论口服避孕药和绝育术与宫颈细胞学阳性改变有一定相关性;使用宫内节育器和避孕套避孕组炎性反应性改变率略高。  相似文献   

Studies have shown family planning adoption is likely to be more effective for women when men are actively involved. The transtheoretical model of behavior change was used to examine men's involvement in general contraception and intrauterine device (IUD) use by their wives. The study was carried out in rural Vietnam with 651 eligible participants. Cons of IUD use for men in precontemplation and contemplation/preparation were significantly higher than those in the action/maintenance stages, whereas the reverse was true for pros of IUD. The self-efficacy for convincing wife to have IUD in precontemplation was significantly lower than for those in higher stages. Women's education and ages, spontaneous recall of modern contraceptive method, cons for IUD, and self-efficacy for contraception and for convincing wives to get IUD inserted (or continue use) were significant predictors of men's readiness to accept IUD. Interventions are targeted to reduce cons and increase self-efficacy for IUD use.  相似文献   

Analyses of a nationally representative survey of 1,880 15- to 19-year-old men were conducted to examine factors associated with (a) the age when first sexual intercourse occurred and (b) whether a condom or other contraceptive method was used at first intercourse. Discrete time-event history models assessed factors influencing their age until first intercourse. Black males began sexual activity significantly earlier than white or Hispanic males. Males who had been held back in school also began sexual activity earlier. If a respondent''s mother had been a teenager when she first gave birth, or if his mother was employed during his childhood, he was more likely to initiate intercourse early. A variety of combinations of AIDS and sex education topics were examined for their association with one''s age at the time of first intercourse: two topics were associated with earlier intercourse, and one was associated with delays in first intercourse. Logistic regression models examined correlates of using a condom or any effective male or female method of contraception at first intercourse: having received education about birth control was marginally associated with increased probability of using a condom or any effective male or female contraceptive method at first intercourse. These findings indicate the relevance of integrated approaches to school-based sex and AIDS education in delaying intercourse and promoting use of contraceptive methods.  相似文献   

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