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腕骨角的X线测量及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解国人腕骨角的正常值和腕骨征的出现率。方法:在174名16-23岁大学生,双手后前位 X线片上测量腕骨角,用 SPSS软件统计全部数据。结果:腕骨角平均值,男为 136.96°±8. 83°,女为 134.20°± 9.61°。侧别没有统计学差异,但性别差异非常显著( P< 0.01)。阳性腕骨征出现率为 2.59%±0.85%,没有性别差异。结论:国人阳性腕骨征出现率远远低于美国白人和日本人,具有非常明显的差异。  相似文献   

目的:研究近侧列腕骨切除术后头状骨近端关节面的解剖及其和桡尺骨远端关节面的匹配。方法:12例福尔马林固定的尸体手标本,行近侧列腕骨切除术后观测头状骨近端关节面的解剖学特点和活动;纵、横行剖开远侧列腕骨和桡尺远端,描模正常桡骨一月骨关节面和桡尺骨一头状骨关节面的匹配曲线。结果:头状骨近端关节面有桡、尺、背、掌4个子关节面组成,和桡尺骨远端在矢状面上匹配差,冠状面上好,尺侧部分匹配好,桡侧部分匹配差。结论:头状骨近端和桡尺骨远端形成的关节面其解剖学上明显不同千诈常腕美节.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经舟骨月骨周围脱位的诊断和治疗。方法 回顾性分析17例经舟骨月骨周围脱位病例,背侧型13例,掌侧型4例;新鲜损伤组10例中8例行撬拨复位成功,仅2例因舟骨对位不良接受手术治疗;陈旧性组7例中均接受手术,4例行开放复位内固定,3例行近排腕骨切除术。结果 采用Cooney评价标准,优11例,良3例,可1例,差2例,优良率82.35%。结论 经舟骨月骨周围脱位的早期治疗简单且疗效较好,而一旦误诊,则多数需手术治疗,且残留不同程度的功能障碍。提高对本病损伤机制、腕部体征和影像学特点的认识和了解,减少误诊。是提高本病预后的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

带血管蒂头状骨移位替代月骨的应用解剖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:设计一种治疗晚期月骨无菌性坏死的手术方法。方法:对50侧上肢标本解剖观测腕部血管的构成、走行、分支和腕骨的血供;对100侧腕头状骨和月骨的外径、关节面的弧高、弧长,进行对比观测,经统计学处理。结果:头状骨和月骨的外径和关节面的弧高、弧长极其相近;头状骨血供以背侧为主,骨间掌侧动脉背侧支通过腕背动脉网可供给其充足的血运。结论:可以骨间掌侧动脉背侧支为蒂设计头状骨移位替代月骨,术式符合腕关节的功能解剖和生物力学传导,是治疗晚期月骨无菌性坏死的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

跟骨Gissane′s角的测量及其临床意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的研究跟骨Gissane's角的数值范围、跟骨骨折后Gissane's角的改变以及Gissane's角与跟骨骨折预后间的关系。方法测量120例正常跟骨侧位x线平片和30例跟骨骨折侧位x平片的Gissane's角;随访35例CrabyⅡ型以上跟骨骨折患者进行临床Maryland评分。结果正常跟骨的Gissane's角为123.8°±8.7°(103.3°~146.8°),无性别差异;跟骨骨折后Gissane's角为131.2°±10.2°(124.8°~157.5°),明显大于正常Gissane's角;Gissane's角正常的跟骨骨折治疗疗效Maryland评分优良率为68.5%,而Gissane's角不正常的跟骨骨折Maryland评分优良率仅为5.8%。结论Gissane's角的正常范围为110°~140°,骨折后呈增大趋势;Gissane's角不是决定跟骨骨折预后的主要因素,但跟骨骨折后应尽可能恢复Gissane's角的正常。  相似文献   

岩矢角及岩锥延长线的测量和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

人体中、下段颈椎曲率的测量及意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
目的:为设计、改进适合国人的颈前路钢板系统提供参考值。方法:用游标卡尺和自制弧度仪测量129例颈椎各椎体最小高度、冠状径、矢状径和前壁横向弧度;测量43例正常成人X线侧位片,计算颈椎的生理曲度。结果:C3-C6最小高度和C3-C5最小矢状径均较接近,分别为10.0mm和14.6mm;最小冠状径由C3-C6依次增加,增量约1mm;椎体前壁横向曲率半径由C3的9.6mm逐渐增大至C7的14.4mm;颈椎各节段纵向曲度的变异较大,无明显规律。结论:颈椎中段各椎体的最小高度值、矢状径值相近,中、下段颈椎各椎体的最小冠状径和前壁横向曲度由下至下递减,此规律可帮助确定理想的螺钉长度、钢板宽度和钢板的横向弧度;颈椎纵向生理曲度变异较大,无明显规律性,对确定钢板的纵向弧度帮助不大。  相似文献   

跟骨、距骨的计算机三维重建及其解剖学测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立跟骨、距骨数字化计算机三维模型,测量相关解剖数据,为踝部的手术设计提供解剖学参数.方法:正常成人志愿者40例,男性20例,女性20例,进行CT扫描,扫描层厚5 mm,以1.25mm层厚、0.6 mm层间隔进行重建,重建后的图像用Mimics软件进行处理,进行三维测量.测量指标包括距骨与跟骨的相关解部学参数.结果:重建的跟骨、距骨数字化虚拟可视模型能够从多角度、多平而进行观察及测量,距骨上关节而前中后宽度,弧形关节面半径,跟骨长度,跟骨前部、沟部及后部的高度和宽度,载距突的长、宽、高的测量值男性大于女性,同性别间左右两侧比较无明显差异,Gissane's角的测量值同性别间、左右两侧及男女间同侧比较无明显差异.结论:本研究获取的踝部解剖学数据可能对跟距骨手术器械的设计、手术方案的制定有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

下颌骨的骨学测量及临床意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
下颌前突或后缩、小下颌畸形和下颌角及嚼肌肥大均需要行截骨术进行矫正。自Obwegeser 1957年首次报道口内进路下颌支矢状劈开截骨术以来,国内、外学已探讨出多种截骨术式治疗下颌骨畸形。然而,针对下颌骨截骨术的骨学测量尚不多见,对下颌骨的有关数据测量,以往主要是偏重于一般的人类学资料的积累,不能满足整形美容方面的需要。为此,本对下颌骨截骨术相关的数据进行测量,旨在减少下颌骨截骨术时并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的为舟骨、大、小多角骨融合术的手术方式及新式内固定器械的研制提供解剖学依据.方法解剖32侧成人上肢标本,首先在舟骨和大、小多角骨关节正常状态下测量舟骨大多角骨间距;舟骨小多角骨间距以及大、小多角骨间距.然后解剖出上述3骨,观察骨性标志及各骨形态,测量各骨长度、宽度及厚度.结果舟骨、大多角骨及小多角骨有较恒定的骨性标志.舟骨、大多角骨间距为(38.60±1.70)mm,舟骨、小多角骨间距为(32.14±2.22)mm,大、小多角骨间距为(30.73±1.95)mm.大多角骨厚度最小,为(10.36±0.83)mm.结论(1)按照舟骨、大多角骨、小多角骨骨性标志制定的测量标准可初步量化形态不规则的腕骨;(2)依据测量数据进行舟骨、大小多角骨融合术,可避免损伤邻近关节,减少并发症,提高舟骨和大、小多角骨融合率.(3)测量的相关数据,为舟骨和大、小多角骨融合术内固定器械研制的关键参数.  相似文献   

目的探讨腕管综合症的发病原因,寻找治疗腕管综合症的最佳方法。方法利用通过造改的血压测量器,测量腕管在碗横韧带上、下方的内压;观察测量腕横韧带的厚度。结果腕管内压力在韧带上方左侧为(1.39±1.14)mmHg,右侧为(1.81±0.72)mmHg,在韧带下方左侧为(3.02±1.12)mmHg,右侧为(3.15±1.23)mmHg;腕横韧带的厚度为(0.13±0.06)mm。切断腕横韧带后用此种压力测量器尚未测出腕管内压。结论腕管内压的维持与腕横韧带的厚度有一定关系,某种因素造成腕横韧带的增厚是腕管综合症的发病原因之一。  相似文献   

Among the clinical isolates hitherto identified as Geotrichum capitatum, two groups were defined from DNA-DNA reassociation experiments. This confirms the existence of two closely related, human-pathogenic Geotrichum species, namely, G. capitatum and G. clavatum. A third group of strains from cactus rots, though morphologically identical to G. capitatum, has a lower moles percent G + C of DNA. The three groups can be recognized by a combination of morphological and physiological characters.  相似文献   

目的 获得成人寰椎后弓部分解剖参数,为后弓内固定钉板系统的设计提供依据。 方法 对60名成人(男30,女30)寰椎三维CT及40具干燥寰椎标本进行测量,测量指标有后结节中央及距中央5、10、15 mm处高度(矢状面垂直距离)及厚度(轴位垂直距离)、后弓水平面夹角、内侧面椎动脉沟半距、外侧面椎动脉沟半距,比较CT测量数据与标本测量数据有无差异。 结果 CT测量:后结节中央高度为(9.48±0.95)mm,厚度为(7.80±1.60)mm,后弓夹角为(130.70±12.31)°,内侧面椎动脉沟半距为(11.08±1.28)mm,外侧面椎动脉沟半距为(20.13±1.53)mm;标本测量:后结节中央高度为(9.97±2.18)mm,厚度为(7.44±1.32)mm,后弓夹角为(135.07±9.59)°,内侧面椎动脉沟半距为(11.33±0.52)mm,外侧面椎动脉沟半距为(20.86±0.84)mm。CT测得内、外侧面椎动脉沟半距均小于标本测得数据,且差异有统计学意义。 结论 CT资料可较好反映实体的解剖特征,解剖学测量可为临床实践提供有力参考。  相似文献   

正中神经掌皮支形态特点及其临床意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:为腕掌部手术避免损伤掌皮支提供解剖学基础。方法:在双目放大镜下对50侧成人上肢正中神经掌皮支的来源、走行及分支进行解剖和观测。结果:50侧均存在掌皮支,距离“O”点即远侧腕横纹46.0mm处自正中神经桡侧发出,穿出前臂筋膜处距O点19.6mm;穿出掌腱膜处距O点8.3mm。掌皮支长48.5mm,起点宽1.2mm,距舟骨结节垂直距离8.2mm。掌皮支有3个分支的28侧(56.0%);只有外侧支和中间支的11侧(22.0%);只有内侧支和外侧支的4侧(8.0%);只有外侧支的4侧(8.0%);只有中间支的3侧(6.0%)。结论:掌皮支的来源、行程较恒定。腕掌部手术应尽量靠近尺侧,采取纵行切口,免伤掌皮支。  相似文献   

Hamate-pisiform coalition is characterized by the abnormal union of the pisiform bone and hamulus of the hamate. Because most reported cases are isolated, and literature on the subject is sparse, relatively little is known about this condition and its clinical significance. The purpose of this report is to discuss the occurrence, morphology, and frequency of hamate-pisiform coalition identified in a skeletal sample of native South Africans, and to conduct a metaanalysis of all known cases in order to clarify the sex distribution, laterality, form, and clinical significance of this condition. Five new cases (three male, two female) of hamate-pisiform coalition were identified in 527 native South Africans. Results indicate that hamate-pisiform coalition is infrequent (0.76%) but may be more likely encountered in individuals of African ancestry. Morphologically, non-osseous examples ranged in appearance from minor expressions involving pitting of an expanded hamulus base, to a variably pitted articulation between an elongated pisiform and hamulus. Osseous union between the two bones tends to extend beyond the hamulus base to adjacent areas of the hamate. Cases involving osseous union appear predisposed to fracture while ulnar neuropathy is significantly more frequent in individuals exhibiting non-osseous coalition. As both non-osseous and osseous cases can have clinical significance, awareness of the variable manifestations of this condition is necessary for hand specialists. A simplified classification system is suggested to more consistently characterize carpal coalitions.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to study the variations in the branching pattern of median nerve in the carpal tunnel and hand, which would form useful data for hand surgeons doing open/endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Median nerve and its branches were explored by dissection in fifty hands of twenty-five formalin fixed adult human cadavers over a period of three years. We found variations in 35 out of 50 hands. Based upon Lanz classification, frequency of variations in present series was variation in the course of thenar branch (58%), accessory branches at the distal portion of the carpal tunnel (34%), high divisions of the median nerve (8%) and accessory branches proximal to the carpal tunnel (nil). Rare variations including transligamentous median nerve and multiple thenar branches were also observed. Medial take off of thenar branch as observed in this series has special clinical significance in carpal tunnel release. Knowledge of the variable anatomy of median nerve would help to avoid incomplete decompression at operations for nerve entrapment and injury to thenar branch.  相似文献   

The relationship of topographical landmarks to the deep structures of the wrist and hand has not been clearly defined and would be of benefit to surgeons performing endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery. To this end, 10 fresh cadaveric wrist specimens had radiopaque markers placed adjacent to key anatomic structures within the wrist and hand. A new technique for localizing the hook of the hamate was established. We found that the thick segment of the flexor retinaculum, often defined as the transverse carpal ligament, was 2.2 cm in length. Its distal border was 1 cm distal to the distal aspect of the hook of the hamate. The proximal ligamentous portion had a mean length of 1.2 cm, whereas the distal aponeurotic portion (distal to the hook of the hamate) had a mean length of 1.0 cm. The position of the superficial palmar arch was 2.7 cm distal to the hook of the hamate or at a line bisecting three-fourths of the distance from the distal flexor wrist crease to the proximal palmar crease. The relationship of the superficial palmar arch to topographical landmarks was more consistent than it was when the standard reference of Kaplan's cardinal line was used. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This review shall familiarize the reader with the various aspects of intussusceptive angiogenesis (IA). The basic event in IA is the formation of transvascular tissue pillars. Depending on location, timing, and frequency of pillar emergence, the IA process has different outcomes. In capillaries, a primary IA function is to expand the capillary bed in size and complexity (intussusceptive microvascular growth). It represents an alternative to capillary sprouting. Highly ordered pillar formation in a developing capillary network leads to the formation of vascular trees (intussusceptive arborization). In small arteries and veins, pillar formation at the vessels' branching angles leads either to remodeling of the branching geometry or even to vascular pruning (intussusceptive branching remodeling). It appears essential that future angiogenic research considers always both phenomena, sprouting and intussusception. Vascularization of tissues, organs, and tumors rely heavily on both mechanisms; neglecting one or the other would obscure our understanding of the angiogenesis process.  相似文献   

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