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The objective of this work is to develop a dosimetric phantom quality assurance (QA) of linear accelerators capable of cone-beam CT (CBCT) image guided and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT). This phantom is to be used in an integral test to quantify in real-time both the performance of the image guidance and the dose delivery systems in terms of dose localization. The prototype IG-IMRT QA phantom consisted of a cylindrical imaging phantom (CatPhan) combined with an array of 11 radiation diodes mounted on a 10 cm diameter disk, oriented perpendicular to the phantom axis. Basic diode response characterization was performed for 6 and 18 MV photons. The diode response was compared to planning system calculations in the open and penumbrae regions of simple and complex beam arrangements. The clinical use of the QA phantom was illustrated in an integral test of an IG-IMRT treatment designed for a clinical spinal radiosurgery case. The sensitivity of the phantom to multileaf collimator (MLC) calibration and setup errors in the clinical setting was assessed by introducing errors in the IMRT plan or by displacing the phantom. The diodes offered good response linearity and long-term reproducibility for both 6 and 18 MV. Axial dosimetry of coplanar beams (in a plane containing the beam axes) was made possible with the nearly isoplanatic response of the diodes over 360 degrees of gantry (usually within +/-1%). For single beam geometry, errors in phantom placement as small as 0.5 mm could be accurately detected (in gradient > or = 1% /mm). In clinical setting, MLC systematic errors of 1 mm on a single MLC bank introduced in the IMRT plan were easily detectable with the QA phantom. The QA phantom demonstrated also sufficient sensitivity for the detection of setup errors as small as 1 mm for the IMRT delivery. These results demonstrated that the prototype can accurately and efficiently verify the entire IG-IMRT process. This tool, in conjunction with image guidance capabilities has the potential to streamline this QA process and improve the level of performance of image guided and intensity modulated radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Irradiation of moving targets using a scanned ion beam can cause clinically intolerable under- and overdosages within the target volume due to the interplay effect. Several motion mitigation techniques such as gating, beam tracking and rescanning are currently investigated to overcome this restriction. To enable detailed experimental studies of potential mitigation techniques a complex thorax phantom was developed. The phantom consists of an artificial thorax with ribs to introduce density changes. The contraction of the thorax can be controlled by a stepping motor. A robotic driven detector head positioned inside the thorax mimics e.g. a lung tumour. The detector head comprises 20 ionization chambers and 5 radiographic films for target dose measurements. The phantom's breathing as well as the 6D tumour motion (3D translation, 3D rotation) can be programmed independently and adjusted online. This flexibility allows studying the dosimetric effects of correlation mismatches between internal and external motions, irregular breathing, or baseline drifts to name a few. Commercial motion detection systems, e.g. VisionRT or Anzai belt, can be mounted as they would be mounted in a patient case. They are used to control the 4D treatment delivery and to generate data for 4D dose calculation. To evaluate the phantom's properties, measurements addressing reproducibility, stability, temporal behaviour and performance of dedicated breathing manoeuvres were performed. In addition, initial dosimetric tests for treatment with a scanned carbon beam are reported.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine a segmentation protocol for the treatment of localized non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) that is as effective as possible while practically simple and hence robust to known practical inaccuracies. This study focused on the stratification of continuous profiles into a discrete number of intensity levels. The selection of the segmentation parameters for the delivery of the fluence profiles using multiple static fields has been considered. Five-field equispaced IMRT treatment plans of five patients with NSCLC were selected. The study comprised nine treatment plans for each patient, starting from a conformal plan, optimizing it for IMRT and then segmenting it utilizing different numbers of segments in each case and optimizing for segment weights separately. A conformal plan, optimized for beam directions, collimator and wedge angles, was also used for comparison with the IMRT plans, so as to consider the best coplanar conformal case. A dose objective for the PTV and the organs-at-risk plus a constraint for the spinal cord were set for all inverse plans. All stages were compared with the aid of dose-volume histograms, dose distributions at the plane of the isocenter, intensity maps for key beams and plots of PTV homogeneity and overall conformality versus complexity. The unsegmented IMRT plans gave the best results but cannot be realized in practice with an MLC. They were best approximated by plans that needed 106-167 segments to deliver, but did not deteriorate significantly when approximated by plans which required 26-40 segments in total. All segmented IMRT plans gave a better lung sparing than the conformal plans, indicating that the deterioration of IMRT plans following segmentation is not equivalent to that of unmodulated, conformal plans. However, optimized conformal plans have the potential to approach the lung sparing achieved by segmented IMRT plans. Among the IMRT situations examined, five-field treatment plans for the lung, utilizing a maximum of 40 segments in total, have proven to give a good approximation of the IMRT plans with continuous modulation.  相似文献   

Cheng CW  Das IJ  Ndlovu AM 《Medical physics》2002,29(9):1974-1979
The effect of the initial pulse forming network (IPFN) on the suppression of dark current is investigated for a Siemens Primus accelerator. The dark current produces a spurious radiation, which is referred to as dark current radiation (DCR) in this study. In the step-and-shoot delivery of an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), the DCR could be of some concern for whole body dose along with leakage radiation through collimator jaws or multileaf collimator. By adjusting the IPFN-to-PFN ratio to >0.8, the DCR can be measured with an ion chamber during the "PAUSE" state of the accelerator in the IMRT mode. For 15 MV x rays, the magnitude of the DCR is approximately equal to 0.7% of the dose at dmax for a 10 x 10 cm2 field. The DCR has a similar central axis depth dose as a 15 MV beam as determined from a water phantom scan. When the IPFN-to-PFN ratio is lowered to <0.8, no DCR is detected. For low energy x rays (6 MV), no DCR is detected regardless of the IPFN-to-PFN ratio. Although the DCR is studied only for the Siemens Primus model accelerator, the same precaution applies to other models of modern accelerators from other vendors. Due to the large number of field segments used in a step-and-shoot IMRT, it is imperative therefore, that dark current evaluation be part of machine commissioning and annual calibration for high-energy photon beams. Should DCR be detected, the medical physicist should work with a service engineer to rectify the problem. In view of DCR and whole body dose, low-energy photon beams are advisable for IMRT.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the application of compensators for the intensity modulated irradiation of a thorax phantom. Measurements are compared with Monte Carlo and standard pencil beam algorithm dose calculations. Compensators were manufactured to produce the intensity profiles that were generated from the scientific version of the KonRad IMRT treatment-planning system for a given treatment plan. The comparison of dose distributions calculated with a pencil beam algorithm, with the Monte Carlo code EGS4 and with measurements is presented. By measurements in a water phantom it is demonstrated that the method used to manufacture the compensators reproduces the intensity profiles in a suitable manner. Monte Carlo simulations in a water phantom show that the accelerator head model used for simulations is sufficient. No significant overestimations of dose values inside the target volume by the pencil beam algorithm are found in the thorax phantom. An overestimation of dose values in lung by the pencil beam algorithm is also not found. Expected dose calculation errors of the pencil beam algorithm are suppressed, because the dose to the low density region lung is reduced by the use of a non-coplanar beam arrangement and by intensity modulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to compare different ion chambers available for dose measurements in small fields used in intensity modulated radiotherapy. Some dosimetric aspects, related to these small radiation fields, i.e., lack of electronic lateral equilibrium and steep dose region, must be evaluated, in order to obtain an accurate technique implementation. Furthermore, the size of the sensitive volume of the chambers compared with the mapping of the beams or segments needs consideration. If the size of the chamber is too large for the flatness of the field, the measurement can deviate from the expected absorbed dose at a point. We propose a comparison of various dosimetric values between different microionization chambers with respect to a smaller dosimeter, such as the diamond detector.  相似文献   

Although IMRT has been shown clinically to increase skin doses for some patients, it has also been shown that intensity modulated delivery does not, of itself, increase skin doses. The reason for this apparent difference is that inverse planning can result in solutions that give high fluence to tangential beam segments near the skin surface, in an attempt to counter the build-up region. In cases where the clinical target volume (CTV) stops short of the skin surface, but the planning target volume (PTV) does not, there is no clinical reason to treat the skin. The CTV-PTV margin exists purely to ensure that fields are large enough to allow for geometrical uncertainties. With an objective function based on the doses to the PTV, it is possible for a plan that gives excess fluence to the skin to have a lower objective function, and hence to be preferred in an optimization. We describe a technique of plan evaluation, based on analysis of a plan by recalculating several plans in which the isocentre has been offset by a distance equal to the CTV-PTV margin. We demonstrate that changes to a plan that reduce a PTV-based objective can give a worse dose distribution to the CTV when systematic and random set-up errors are accounted for, and increase skin dose. Several possible strategies for avoiding this problem are discussed, including the use of the skin as an organ at risk, modification of the PTV to avoid the skin, and the use of 'pretend bolus' applied in planning but not in treatment. The latter gave the best results. The possibility of using the evaluation method itself, as the basis of an objective function for optimization, is discussed.  相似文献   

In intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) of cervical cancer, uterine motion can be larger than cervix motion, requiring a larger clinical target volume to planning target volume (CTV-to-PTV) margin around the uterine fundus. This work simulates different motion models and margins to estimate the dosimetric consequences. A virtual study used image sets from ten patients. Plans were created with uniform margins of 1 cm (PTV(A)) and 2.4 cm (PTV(C)), and a margin tapering from 2.4 cm at the fundus to 1 cm at the cervix (PTV(B)). Three inter-fraction motion models (MM) were simulated. In MM1, all structures moved with normally distributed rigid body translations. In MM2, CTV motion was progressively magnified as one moved superiorly from the cervix to the fundus. In MM3, both CTV and normal tissue motion were magnified as in MM2, modeling the scenario where normal tissues move into the void left by the mobile uterus. Plans were evaluated using static and percentile DVHs. For a conventional margin (PTV(A)), quasi-realistic uterine motion (MM3) reduces fundus dose by about 5 Gy and increases normal tissue volumes receiving 30-50 Gy by ~5%. A tapered CTV-to-PTV margin can restore fundus and CTV doses, but will increase normal tissue volumes receiving 30-50 Gy by a further ~5%.  相似文献   

Mohan R  Arnfield M  Tong S  Wu Q  Siebers J 《Medical physics》2000,27(6):1226-1237
The purpose of this work is to examine the potential impact of the frequency and amplitude of fluctuations ("complexity") in intensity distributions on intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) dose distributions. The intensity-modulated beams are efficiently delivered using a multileaf collimator (MLC). Radiation may be delivered through a continuous (dynamic mode) or discrete (step-and-shoot) sequence of windows formed by the leaves. Algorithms and software that convert optimized intensity distributions into leaf trajectories apply approximate empirical corrections to account for the various effects associated with MLC characteristics, such as the rounded leaf tips, tongue-and-groove leaf design, leaf transmission, leaf scatter, and collimator scatter upstream from the MLC. Typically, the difference between inter- and intraleaf transmissions is ignored. In this paper, using a schematic example of IMRT for head and neck carcinomas, we demonstrate that complex anatomy and severe optimization constraints produce complex intensity patterns. Using idealized intensity patterns we also demonstrate that, for complex intensity patterns, the average window width tends to be smaller and, for the same dose received by the tumor, the number of MUs is larger. We found that as the complexity increases, so does the contribution of radiation transmitted through and scattered from the leaves ("indirect radiation") to the total delivered dose. As a consequence, the lowest deliverable intensity in complex intensity patterns may be significantly greater than that required to provide adequate protection for some normal tissues. Furthermore, since corrections for leaf transmission and scatter effects are approximate and the difference between inter- and intraleaf transmission is ignored, the accuracy of the delivered dose may be affected. Using the results of a simple experiment and a typical intensity-modulated beam for a head and neck case as examples, we show the effect of window width and complexity on the accuracy and deliverability of intensity patterns. Some possible strategies for improving the accuracy and for relaxing the lower limit on deliverable intensity are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to better account for the known uncertainties in radiobiological response parameters when optimizing radiation therapy. The radiation sensitivity of a specific patient is usually unknown beyond the expectation value and possibly the standard deviation that may be derived from studies on groups of patients. Instead of trying to find the treatment with the highest possible probability of a desirable outcome for a patient of average sensitivity, it is more desirable to maximize the expectation value of the probability for the desirable outcome over the possible range of variation of the radiation sensitivity of the patient. Such a stochastic optimization will also have to consider the distribution function of the radiation sensitivity and the larger steepness of the response for the individual patient. The results of stochastic optimization are also compared with simpler methods such as using biological response 'margins' to account for the range of sensitivity variation. By using stochastic optimization, the absolute gain will typically be of the order of a few per cent and the relative improvement compared with non-stochastic optimization is generally less than about 10 per cent. The extent of this gain varies with the level of interpatient variability as well as with the difficulty and complexity of the case studied. Although the dose changes are rather small (<5 Gy) there is a strong desire to make treatment plans more robust, and tolerant of the likely range of variation of the radiation sensitivity of each individual patient. When more accurate predictive assays of the radiation sensitivity for each patient become available, the need to consider the range of variations can be reduced considerably.  相似文献   

Results are presented of measurements of skin sparing, penetration and total dose per unit of incident charge for various target thicknesses and filtrations for a neutron beam generated by 42 MeV protons on beryllium. These results are contrasted to predictions outlined in a previous paper. The differences from these predictions are attributed to the contribution of low-energy neutrons produced by the residual proton beam in the thick copper target backstop.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of the penumbra region are important for the proper modeling of the radiation beam for linear accelerator-based intensity modulated radiation therapy. The usual data collection technique with a standard ionization chamber artificially broadens the measured beam penumbrae due to volume effects. The larger the chamber, the greater is the spurious increase in penumbra width. This leads to inaccuracies in dose calculations of small fields, including small fields or beam segments used in IMRT. This source of error can be rectified by the use of film dosimetry for penumbra measurements because of its high spatial resolution. The accuracy of IMRT calculations with a pencil beam convolution model in a commercial treatment planning system was examined using commissioning data with and without the benefit of film dosimetry of the beam penumbrae. A set of dose-spread kernels of the pencil beam model was calculated based on commissioning data that included beam profiles gathered with a 0.6-cm-i.d. ionization chamber. A second set of dose-spread kernels was calculated using the same commissioning data with the exception of the penumbrae, which were measured with radiographic film. The average decrease in the measured width of the 80%-20% penumbrae of various square fields of size 3-40 cm, at 5 cm depth in water-equivalent plastic was 0.27 cm. Calculations using the pencil beam model after it was re-commissioned using film dosimetry of the penumbrae gave better agreement with measurements of IMRT fields, including superior reproduction of high dose gradient regions and dose extrema. These results show that accurately measuring the beam penumbrae improves the accuracy of the dose distributions predicted by the treatment planning system and thus is important when commissioning beam models used for IMRT.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of respiratory motion on breast radiotherapy delivered using segmented multileaf collimator (SMLC) intensity modulation. An anthropomorphic breast phantom was constructed of polystyrene plates between which radiographic films were inserted. The phantom was mounted on a moving platform to simulate one-dimensional sinusoidal oscillation with variable amplitude and frequency. The motion effect on two breast IMRT techniques, a beamlet-based plan created using the Corvus treatment planning system and an aperture-based plan, was evaluated via film comparison. Motion-induced differences in the treatment region are generally within +5%, with the exception of the posterior field edge and the apex of the breast in the Corvus IMRT plan. Considering the experimental uncertainty arising from the setup and film dosimetry, this result indicates that respiratory motion-induced dose variations are generally relatively insignificant. It appears that the anterior hot spots observed in the Corvus IMRT plan result from the high intensity fluence delivered to the "virtual bolus" area which must be created during the planning process in order to provide "flash" for the respiratory motion. The potential magnitude of such effects resulting from the interplay between fluence modulation and patient motion are unique to the individual planning system and planning technique, as well as the delivery equipment and technique. Such effects should be carefully investigated prior to the implementation of IMRT for breast radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Zhang T  Orton NP  Tomé WA 《Medical physics》2005,32(11):3493-3502
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) can be used to treat small lesions in the chest. A vacuum-based immobilization system is used in our clinic for SBRT, and a motion envelope is used in treatment planning. The purpose of this study is to automatically derive motion envelopes using deformable image registration of 4D-CT images, and to assess the effect of abdominal pressure on the motion envelopes. 4D-CT scans at ten phases were acquired prior to treatment for both free and restricted breathing using a vacuum-based immobilization system that includes an abdominal pressure pillow. To study the stability of the motion envelope over the course of treatment, a mid-treatment 4D-CT scan was obtained after delivery of the third fraction for two patients. The planning target volume excluding breathing motion (PTV(ex)) was defined on the image set at full exhalation phase and transformed into all other phases using displacement maps from deformable image registration. The motion envelope was obtained as the union of PTV(ex) masks of all phases. The ratios of the motion envelope to PTV(ex) volume ranged from 1.3 to 2.5. When pressure was applied, the ratios were reduced by as much as 29% compared to free breathing for some patients, but increased by up to 9% for others. The abdominal pressure pillow has more motion restriction effects on the anterior/inferior region of the lung. For one of the two patients for whom the 4D-CT scan was repeated at mid-treatment, the motion envelope was reproducible. However, for the other patient the tumor location and lung motion pattern significantly changed due to changes in the anatomy surrounding the tumor during the course of treatment, indicating that an image-guided approach to SBRT may increase the efficacy of this treatment.  相似文献   

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