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罗彬 《现代预防医学》2011,38(8):1495-1496
[目的]通过调查骨科住院患者的健康教育需求,对患者进行针对性的健康教育宣传,提高患者对健康知识的掌握率。[方法]将2008年12月~2010年6月95例骨科住院的患者根据不同病种、不同阶段,在主治医生、责任护士、用药指导、饮食、体能锻炼等方面做相应的问卷调查。[结果]通过收集95例患者的调查问卷,骨科住院患者由于不同病种及年龄、性别、职业及文化程度的不同,对健康教育的需求也不同。[结论]健康教育作为一种传播载体,已经成为医护人员宣传的重要方式之一。同时骨科住院患者对健康教育需求存在多样性,对患者进行针对性的健康教育,可以提高患者的掌握率及满意度,改善患者的预后。  相似文献   

济南市第四人民医院自 1998年开展社区卫生服务以来,针对社区内的不同病种、居民的不同要求,采取形式多样的健康教育,收到了良好的效果。现将具体做法介绍如下:1 制订健康教育计划 我们根据社区居民的特点,把健康教育的项目和内容制成健康教育处方、健康手册、健康教育宣传单、录像带、VCD光盘、幻灯片、漫画、卡通画等。计划包括:教育内容、教育时间、地点、方式、教育对象及效果评价等内容。2 健康教育的方法及内容 在实施健康教育的过程中,根据居民的年龄、病种、文化层次及需求,采用多种方法相结合、内容相交错的教育方式,  相似文献   

宫外孕病人出院前健康教育需求调查及相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程少坤  陈少兰 《现代医院》2006,6(12):154-155
目的了解宫外孕病人出院前健康教育需求及希望的健康教育方式。方法采用问卷调查法对132例宫外孕病人出院前进行相关问题调查。结果宫外孕病人出院前健康教育内容上最关心如何自我判断宫外孕及宫外孕后能否再生育的问题,最希望的健康教育方式是医护人员的个体化指导;设立咨询电话是病人出院后遇到问题时最希望的咨询方式;同时对护士在健康教育活动中知识和能力方面提出了更高要求。结论目前的健康教育模式需要根据不同病种、不同的知识层次灵活运用,护士必须加强学习,扩大知识面,才能满足病人日益增长的健康教育需求。  相似文献   

目的探讨社区门诊开展家庭病床及健康教育的有效方法及效果。方法对2010年3月1日—2012年3月1日开展家庭病床服务工作报表进行汇总统计,以在社区门诊建立的50张家庭病床运行数据为基础,对服务对象的基本情况、年龄分布、病种构成、疾病转归、开展上门服务项目、健康教育情况进行分析。结果 50例家庭病床中60~79岁患者31例(62.5%),病种构成以高血压、脑血管疾病康复期,肿瘤康复期等疾病为主,开展定期巡视随访。2年中病情稳定好转的患者占94%。结论家庭病床患者多为高龄、慢性病患者,对社区门诊开展家庭病床,上门服务有一定需求,开展个性化健康教育对居家康复患者有实际指导意义,符合当前社会发展的需要及患者的需求。  相似文献   

以特定病种、特定人群的健康教育需求为导向有针对性地推送健康科普知识,开展目标人群健康教育是我国健康科普工作亟需加强的薄弱之处。某三级甲等专科医院探索组建多学科健康科普团队,结合门诊患者认知调查分析和临床诊疗中的常见问题,针对性地创作女性更年期健康科普作品,通过线上、线下以及与社会机构合作等多种渠道,有侧重的向患者及其他...  相似文献   

目的 分析三甲公立医院微信公众号传播力影响因素,为改进传播策略及提高运维能力提供理论依据,探索医学科普新模式,提升公民健康素养。方法 收集并分析广州医科大学附属第五医院微信公众号的用户信息、菜单使用、推文内容、阅读量、微信传播指数(WCI)等相关数据。结果 截至2022年3月31日,用户达369 074人,菜单点击数为11 038 264次。推文总数545篇,阅读量751 428次,月均WCI为509.07。结论 智慧医疗服务功能、推文内容符合用户需求和保证持续更新的运维能力是公众号提升传播力的有利影响因素。公立医院公众号应拓展微信智慧医疗服务功能,提升公众就医舒适度。同时结合用户需求推送有质量的健康教育类推文,发挥微信健康教育传播优势,提高公众号传播力。  相似文献   

郭维珍 《工企医刊》2009,22(2):77-78
医院健康教育是贯穿于从病人人院到出院的各个阶段,成为检验整体护理效果、评价整体护理质量的重要指标。在临床工作中,护士往往将健康教育的重点放在住院阶段,而忽略了出院后的教育,尤其是因病种的不同及预后的不同对病人心理、生理造成的影响。针对这种情况作者通过住院病人健康教育需求的调查,及形式的探讨,表明病人对健康教育的需求具有感情交流、信息传递、学习知识、自我保健4个方面的特点。开展周日接待服务,建立病人互助小组,定期对住院及出院后病人进行有组织、有计划的以心理支持与健康宣教相结合的教育活动,缩短了护患之间的距离,加深了护患感情,增强了病人战胜疾病的信心,提高了病人的保健意识和生存质量。  相似文献   

疗养院健康教育的现状与改进措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
疗养开展健康教育的有利条件:①疗养员对健康教育有较强的需求;②疗养员的健康状况易于开展;③疗养院有足够的教育设施。但疗养院也有不利于健康教育开展的因素,即病种多、内容广、病区分散、单人独居。搞好疗效院健康教育的措施:①建立全程分散教育,即入院期、疗养期、出院期的健康教育;②建立电视-手册-个虽指导的教育模式,并认真实施。  相似文献   

王健  杨亮  孙洁 《中国妇幼保健》2020,(9):1582-1584
目的了解上海静安区儿童母亲通过微信平台接受健康教育的需求状况,为利用社交媒体开展儿童保健服务提供依据。方法整群抽取在静安区五家社区卫生服务中心进行常规体检的256例2个月婴儿母亲,开展微信群和微信公众号形式的健康教育,2年后进行平台数据统计和问卷调查。结果共有89.84%婴儿母亲(230/256)至少发出过一条及以上信息,医生回复提问信息共4686条,平均回复每位母亲18.3条。这些提问内容主要涉及喂养、睡眠、疾病及运动发育等几个方面,第一年的问题数量远高于第二年,分别为4342条和344条,问题的类别均以喂养问题为主。母亲最关注的微信健康宣教形式为按月龄的知识推送87.3%(178/204)、最倾向选择的健康教育模式是微信公众号82.84%(169/204),公众号推送信息的点击数以科普类信息为最高。结论应针对儿童母亲不同阶段健康教育的具体需求,通过社交媒体手段提高母亲参与宣教工作的积极性,为儿童成长提供全程指导。  相似文献   

首届国际去屑及头皮健康论坛召开,健康无界限首度全国网民健康调查开启,卡诗德丽碧舒油脂平衡面霜,日常保湿更有效,斯贝瑞【享受】2周年庆典,新清爽配方高乐高,时尚包装新上市![编者按]  相似文献   

顾群  成蔡芸  周国强 《中国健康教育》2009,25(7):522-523,541
目的评价以健康俱乐部为载体开展健康大讲坛活动对提高社区居民健康意识、相关预防和控制慢性病知识、改善不良行为方式所起的作用。方法采用现场调查、专题小组讨论和问卷调查的方法调查6家社区健康俱乐部的健康大讲坛的活动效果。结果共调查219名参与健康大进坛活动的社区居民,他们对健康大讲坛效果满意率为100%,参加健康大讲坛后,糖尿病相关知识得分均分为84.95分,合格率为84.48%,高血压相关知识得分均分为78.50分,合格率为93.20%,活动后社区居民慢性病知识知晓率均有所提高,与干预前比较具有统计学差异(P〈0.01)。结论健康俱乐部的健康大讲坛活动有助于人们较系统地获得相关健康知识和保健技能,并在管理者的指导下,逐步形成了健康生活方式。  相似文献   

Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) infection and subsequent liver complications are rising in prevalence in Australia due to increased migration from endemic regions. Nearly 50% of all those living with CHB in Australia are undiagnosed, leading to missed opportunities for liver cancer and cirrhosis prevention. Health literacy around CHB among refugee communities such as Afghan, Rohingyan, and Sudanese populations (all with a high prevalence of CHB) is low, partly due to a paucity of targeted health promotion programmes; despite the release of the Victorian Hepatitis B Strategy (2016–2020). We developed a peer‐education intervention in these three communities to deliver CHB focused radio programmes and community forums in their own language, following a needs assessment consisting of semistructured interviews and surveys. Effectiveness of this intervention was measured through paired comparison of disease‐knowledge assessment pre and post forum. Community forums were held between 2015 and 2016, with 25 attendees at the Rohingyan forum (68% male), 10 attendees at the Afghan forum (90% male) and 0 attendees at the Sudanese forum. Participants demonstrated a significant improvement in CHB knowledge between pre‐ and post‐forum surveys (p‐value < 0.05). A peer‐educator approach was a cost‐effective health promotion strategy in building CHB knowledge and dispelling misconceptions within the Afghan and Rohingya communities. There were significant barriers in the engagement of the South Sudanese community, which will inform future strategies for health promotion.  相似文献   

Modifying knowledge and attitudes through persuasive communication in health via radio has produced encouraging results for public health planners. This study's objective was to measure the effect of an educational strategy on knowledge and attitudes towards nutrition in two marginalized communities in Guadalajara, Mexico. Two communities were randomly selected. In each community a group of individuals was invited to be exposed to radio broadcasts. Using a coded and structured instrument, knowledge and attitudes towards the contents of nutritional education for health were measured before and after the intervention in both groups. Group A (n = 37) was organized and exposed to the dynamics of the radio forum throughout the 4 months during which the project lasted. Group B (n = 33) was not organized, and listened to the radio program according to its own cultural dynamics. Median knowledge and attitudes (KA) for group A was 56.8 in the pre-test and 74.1 in the post-test (W: p = -0.05). In group B the KA results were 53.0 and 59.2, respectively (W: p = -0.05). The results emphasize the advantages of the radio forum as a health communications strategy for human nutrition.  相似文献   

Patients with long‐term chronic disease experience numerous illness patterns and disease trends over time, resulting in different sets of knowledge needs than patients who intermittently seek medical care for acute or short‐term problems. Health‐care organizations can promote knowledge creation and utilization by chronic patients through the introduction of a virtual, private, disease‐specific patient community. This virtual socialization alters the role of chronic disease patients from external consumers of health‐care services to a ‘community of practice’ of internal customers so that, with the tacit support of their health‐care organization, they have a forum supporting the integration of knowledge gained from the experiences of living with chronic disease in their self‐management. Patient‐centred health‐care organizations can employ the virtual community to direct and support the empowerment of chronic patients in their care.  相似文献   

Health communication is part of the public health response to the significant continuing threat of communicable diseases in Europe. However, the nature and extent of health communication activities in the context of Europe aimed at the prevention and control of communicable diseases is currently unknown. This severely restricts capacity development as neither strengths nor gaps in knowledge and practice are evident and therefore cannot be addressed. This article reports on the initial phase of a research project aimed at supporting the optimal use and development of health communication activities in the European Union and the European Economic Area. The study used a mixed-methods design—an e-survey and telephone interviews—with participants from 30 countries to identify activities, followed by an opportunistic group interview with 15 key stakeholders to identify perceived needs of public health bodies in relation to identified gaps. Results indicate that health communication activities are not clearly delineated in national public health structures and policies, there is an emphasis on crisis communication, and limited evaluation of activities and education and training opportunities for health communication are required. The facilitation of partnership working with a forum for knowledge exchange between Member States would enhance efficacious health communication.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the contribution of the micro-credit programme in raising health knowledge among poor women in rural Bangladesh. Data were collected from the 1998 sample survey of 500 mothers aged 15-49 years who had at least one child aged <5 years. Findings revealed that the socio-demographic factors such as the age of the woman, land ownership of the family and occupation of husband had no association with the prevalence of maternal knowledge. The knowledge was much greater among credit forum participants than non-participants, although exposure to the media and the education of women had also played a significant role in raising the level of knowledge. Multivariate analysis suggested that the duration of credit programme participation and exposure to the media were significantly more likely to raise the health knowledge among women when the influence of demographic and socio-economic factors were controlled. The paper concludes that the micro-credit programme can be an effective tool in promoting health among poor women in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The field of infant mental health promotion has rapidly developed in academia, health policy and practice. Although there are roots in earlier childhood health and welfare movements, recent developments in infant mental health promotion are distinct and different. This article examines the development and practice of infant mental health promotion in South Australia. A regional, intersectoral forum with a focus on families and young children was used as a case study. In‐depth interviews with forum members were analysed using a governmentality lens. Participants identified a range of risks to the healthy development of the infant. The study suggests that the construction of risk acts as a technique of governing, providing the rationale for intervention for the child, the mother and the public's good. It places responsibility on parents to self‐govern. Although the influence of broader social contexts is acknowledged, the problematisation of mothering as risk shifts the focus to individual capacity, rather than encompassing the systems and social conditions that support healthy relationships. This research suggests that the representations of risk are a pervasive and potent influence that can act to undermine health promotion efforts that seek to empower and enable people to have more control over their own health.  相似文献   

A forum of health professionals was held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 30-31 August 2003, to discuss the relevance and potential of the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) model to rural, remote and Indigenous communities in Australia. The forum identified principles and guidelines for the development of CBR, which are presented here as a focus point for future discussion and action by people with disabilities, rural community members, Indigenous people, policy makers and health professionals. Forum members noted that while considerable strengths were evident in the CBR model, it has yet to make a significant impact on the service system in Australia. While recognising that the Australian context is quite different from many countries in which CBR has traditionally been implemented, they suggested that it may have particular application to remote, rural and Indigenous communities. To facilitate the principles of CBR in these communities, the forum called for recognition of the need for greater community involvement in disability services, the need to develop appropriate training frameworks, and the need to redirect resources to such community models. In keeping with the CBR philosophy, forum members noted that if the model is to be implemented effectively, substantial consumer and community involvement will be instrumental in future steps.  相似文献   

Do 'informed' or 'expert' patients challenge dominant traditions in biomedicine or simply adopt these as conventional ways of thinking about body shape and size, illness and health? This paper examines this question in relation to the use of the weight-loss drug Xenical by participants in an Internet forum for obese and overweight people. Ethnographic and interview data from the forum provides evidence that participants share information and support each other as they use Xenical, and in the process emerge as 'expert patients' in relation to their body shape and its treatment. However, it is argued that while an 'expert patient' can be perceived as desirable, enabling the democratisation of healthcare, it can also be constraining. The exchanges between the users in the forum perpetuate a biomedical model of overweight as a condition to be overcome. The discussion critically considers a number of options for the development of the expert patient, including the emergence of an 'informed consumer'.  相似文献   

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