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心房颤动简称房颤,是常见的房性心律失常。据统计,60岁以上人群中房颤的发生率为1%,并随年龄的增加而升高。动态心电图检测常发现房颤伴长R-R间期的现象,此现象能否诊断合并Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞存在争议。本文通过对20例房颤伴长R-R间期≥2.0s患者的动态心电图结果进行分析,  相似文献   

心房颤动简称房颤,是常见的房性心律失常.据统计,60岁以上人群中房颤的发生率为1%,并随年龄的增加而升高.动态心电图检测常发现房颤伴长R-R间期的现象,此现象能否诊断合并Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞存在争议.本文通过对20例房颤伴长R-R间期≥2.0s患者的动态心电图结果进行分析,旨在探讨房颤合并Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞的诊断问题,报道如下.  相似文献   

目的探讨心房颤动伴长R-R间期的发生机制及临床意义。心房颤动(Atrialfibrillation)是临床上最常见的心律失常之一。动态心电图监测常发现心房颤动伴长R-R间期(R-R间期≥2.0s),逸搏及逸搏心律现象,以往多认为是房颤合并Ⅱ度、高度,甚至Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞。但以后人们发现许多心房颤动患者复律为窦性心律时并无Ⅱ度或高度房室传导阻滞。方法本研究对门诊及病房心房纤颤患者行动态心电图24h记录到的60例心房颤动伴长R-R间期患者的资料进行相关分析,对长R-R间期与睡眠相关或不相关的情况进行比较。结果 60例患者共出现长R-R间期(≥2.0s)526次,白天65次(12.4%),夜间461次(87.6%);平均心室率<60次/min者37例、≥60次/min者23例;60例患者的长RR间期在2.0~4.6s之间。长R-R间与睡眠相关者46例、不相关者14例。结论心房颤动伴长R-R间期多发生在夜间睡眠状态,与睡眠呈显著相关性(P<0.01),患者无明显自觉症状,为非病理性房室传导阻滞,一般无临床意义,诊断心房颤动伴Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞(AVB)时应慎重。  相似文献   

目的探讨心房颤动合并长R-R间期的动态心电图(DCG)特征。方法选取2016年10月~2018年9月本院心房颤动合并长R-R间期患者100例,所有患者均给予24hDCG检查并分析其特征。结果 100例患者共出现长R-R间期14556次,其中睡眠相关者60例(60.00%)、非睡眠相关者40例(40.00%);依据检测结果分为睡眠组和非睡眠组,睡眠组最慢、最快、平均心室率明显高于非睡眠组,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05);睡眠组长R-R间期、逸搏、逸搏心律、晕厥发生率明显低于非睡眠组,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论 DCG可有效检测心房颤动合并长R-R间期情况,心房颤动合并长R-R间期多发生在夜间睡眠状态,而非睡眠时出现长R-R间期、心室率低、晕厥患者,应当予以高度重视。  相似文献   

目的 探讨动态心电图分析在心房颤动伴长R-R间距的临床意义.方法 回顾性分析600例动态心电图(DCG)检查结果,检出持续性房颤32例,其中房颤伴长R-R间距14例.观察长间歇出现的规律,采用最高、最低、平均率,24 h总心率,每小时平均率等参数分析房颤伴发长R-R间期的心率波动情况.结果 32例中共检出R-R间期>2.0 s 14例.结论 Af伴长R-R间期者不要轻易做出合并二度AVB诊断,可用长R-R间期请结合临床表述并由临床医生结合临床情况作出判断较为客观.  相似文献   

目的观察心房颤动伴长R-R间期的动态心电图的特点。方法回顾性分析我院2013年4月至2014年12月62例阵发性心房颤动患者临床资料,根据动态心电图检测结果将患者分为两组,即睡眠相关组和睡眠无关组,分析两组患者平均心室率、长R-R间期昼夜发生频率及伴随性症状。结果睡眠相关组患者睡眠时间及非睡眠时间平均心室率大于睡眠无关组,P<0.05;睡眠相关组长R-R间期、逸搏及逸搏心律发生率明显低于睡眠无关组,P<0.05;睡眠相关组长间歇时未出现晕厥,但是睡眠无关组长间歇时有11例患者产生晕厥,且均出现在患者清醒状态下,两组差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对心房颤动患者伴长R-R间期的动态心电图特点进行有效分析,能够对判断患者病理性或心理性房室传导阻滞提供科学依据。  相似文献   

126例心房颤动合并长R-R间期患者的动态心电图分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的采用动态心电图分析心房颤动合并长R—R间期(〉1.5s)、逸搏及逸搏心律患者是否存在房室阻滞。方法对126例心房颤动患者进行24h动态心电图检查,根据患者记录的生活日志,按长R—R间期、逸搏及逸搏心律出现的时间是否与睡眠有关,把患者分为A(睡眠有关组)、B(睡眠无关组)两组。结果A组发生长R—R间期1.5~2.0s,〉2.0s及逸搏及逸搏心律人平均数分别为(26.02±6.03)、(7.39±1.05)、(6.90±1.28);B组发生长R—R间期1.5—2.0s,〉2.0s及逸搏及逸搏心律人平均数分别为(203.05±41.01)、(35.48±7.52)、(28.10±6.25);B组明显多于A组(P〈0.01)。结论房颤伴长R—R间期、逸搏及逸搏心律与睡眠有关时,此现象非病理性房室阻滞;而房颤伴长R—R间期、逸搏及逸搏心律与睡眠无关时,应视为病理性房室阻滞。  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

叶海容 《现代医药卫生》2009,25(23):3522-3524
目的:探讨心房颤动(Af)患者动态心电图长R-R间距的原因及临床意义。方法:将Af患者动态心电图中R-R间距≥2.0 s者分为持续性Af组(A组)、阵发性Af组(B组),分别统计比较两组长R-R间距差异原因、发生机制及临床意义。结果:A、B两组长R-R间距分别为(2.78±0.25)s、(7.32±1.25)s,组间差异具有显著性(P&lt;0.05),B组恢复窦性心律后无一例存在房室传导阻滞。A、B两组平均每例24h长R-R间距出现次数分别为(127.5±23.5)次、(578±126.1)次,组间差异具有显著性(P&lt;0.05)。两组中长R-R间距在夜间出现比例分别占85.1%、86.7%。结论:Af患者长R-R间距出现频率及时限长短差异与不同心律有关,长R-R间距多发生在夜间,与夜间迷走神经张力增高有关。  相似文献   

老年心房颤动患者R-R长间期的分布规律及临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨静  程立顺  施有为  张良洁  李从圣 《安徽医药》2008,12(12):1186-1187
目的观察老年心房颤动患者R-R长间期的发作规律,探讨老年心房颤动伴R-R长间期的临床意义。方法对2005年1月-2007年12月在我院住院的96例老年心房颤动患者动态心电图及临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果96患者共发生大于1.5 s长间期共15 456次,23:00时至凌晨05:00时出现次数最多,11:00时至14:00时次之,最长R-R间隔为4.21 s,发生在02:16分;均合并其他心律失常,以期前收缩、ST-T改变及交界性逸搏多见;患者记录中均无明显自觉症状。结论老年心房颤动伴R-R长间期多发生在睡眠状态,可能与睡眠迷走神经张力增高或应用抗心律失常药物有关,绝大多数并非病理性房室传导阻滞所致。  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the relationship between atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm and pathological atrioventricular block by dynamic electrocardiography (DCG). Methods 126 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into group A (being related to sleep) and group B (being not related to sleep) according to the factor whether long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm relevant to sleep. All were detected by DCG for 24 hours. Results The cases with1.5~2.0 s long R-R interval, more than 2.0s long R-R interval, escape beat and escape heart rhythm were (26.02±6.03), (7.39±1.05 ) and (6.90±1.28)in group A and (203.05±41.01), (35.48±7.52), (28.10±6.25) in group B respectively. The cases of group B were markedly more than those in group A. Conclusion Those atrial fibrillation complicating long R-R interval, escape bbeat and escape heart rhythm were related to sleep could not be deemed as pathological atrioventricular block, while those were not related to sleep could be considered pathological atrioventricular block.  相似文献   

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