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护患沟通艺术临床实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 护患沟通的重要意义护患沟通是指护士与病人之间的信息交流及相互作用的过程,旨在建立良好的护患关系.语言能治病也能致病.俗话说得好,良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒,这充分说明了沟通的重要性.沟通是一种艺术,需要技巧,沟通无时无处不在.通过沟通可获得患者完整的信息资料,为患者制定恰当的护理计划、护理措施提供可靠充分的依据.  相似文献   

1护患沟通的重要意义护患沟通是指护士与病人之间的信息交流及相互作用的过程,旨在建立良好的护患关系。语言能治病也能致病。俗话说得好,“良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒”,这充分说明了沟通的重要性。沟通是一种艺术,需要技巧,沟通无时无处不在。通过沟通可获得患者完整的信息资料,  相似文献   

护理护患关系是护理人员在医疗服务过程中与患者建立起来的相互依赖的的关系.患者在就医过程中离不开护士的关心和照顾,而护士的工作又依赖患者的存在.建立良好的护患关系有助于护理质量的提高,促进患者早日康复.  相似文献   

护患关系是护理过程中涉及最广泛,影响最复杂的一种人际关系,良好的护患关系是治病的前提和患者早日康复的关键.  相似文献   

1临床上影响护患沟通的不利因素 1.1由于护理人员短缺导致病人护理时数减少护士工作量大节奏快,与病人的沟通时间少,达不到沟通的效果。快节奏、超负荷的护理工作使护士不能和病人建立一种治疗性的护患关系,这种情况下护士既没有时间也没有精力与病人进行有效的沟通,护士与病人的关系也就成了传统的治疗与被治疗,护理与被护理的关系。护患之间缺乏互动缺乏理解,患者就不会满意,不仅如此,超负荷的护理工作也会使一部分护士情绪化,与病人谈话时如果语气把握不好会很容易发生冲突。  相似文献   

提高护患沟通的能力降低护理风险   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
1 临床上影响护患沟通的不利因素 1. 1 由于护理人员短缺导致病人护理时数减少护士工作量大节奏快,与病人的沟通时间少,达不到沟通的效果.快节奏、超负荷的护理工作使护士不能和病人建立一种治疗性的护患关系[1],这种情况下护士既没有时间也没有精力与病人进行有效的沟通,护士与病人的关系也就成了传统的治疗与被治疗,护理与被护理的关系.  相似文献   

护患沟通在护理实践中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
沟通是信息从一个人传递到另一个人的过程,是指在社会环境下的语言和非语言行为,它包括所有的被人们用来给予和接收信息的符号和线索[1].对护士来说,沟通是护理实践中重要的内容,有着特殊的工作含义.  相似文献   

护患沟通技巧在护理工作中的应用与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院护理部从1998年开始便将护患沟通纳入整体护理的一部分。护士在护理工作中,运用良好的沟通技巧,才能取得病人的信任。从而获得有关病人的全面信息,为病人制定个体化的护理计划,以满足病人需要,促进病人早日康复。  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the conventional techniques of assessing sleep, nursing and patient report, of inpatients on a clinical psychiatric unit. Nurses assessed sleep/wake status at hourly checks and patients completed a sleep diary. For three nights patients wore a wrist actigraph, a portable instrument which provides objective data about sleep/wake activity. The nursing and patient data obtained were compared with actigraphy data. Nursing staff evaluated sleep with satisfactory agreement (76.5% night 1 and 81.6% night 3) that improved over the first three nights of hospitalization (p < 0.03). When the nurses' report did not agree with the actigraph, they tended to overestimate sleep. Patients tended to underestimate their total sleep time and total time awake after sleep onset. Time in bed and initial sleep latency were overestimated. There was great intersubject variability, making determination of agreement impossible. This data suggest that treatment teams on psychiatric units should in general consider nursing reports of sleep more accurate than patient self-report. However, since nursing staff and patients observe different aspects of sleep, both sources of data are important to inpatient treatment teams on clinical units.  相似文献   

A therapeutic community consists of an interdisciplinary team working collaboratively with the patient to maximize the patient's potential health. This process requires nursing facilitation of the patient's movement towards and assumption of behaviors inherent in the roles of newcomer, member, and leader. The nurse contributes to the therapeutic milieu in many ways: as a change agent of human behavior, as a manipulator of the dynamic environment, as a confronter of discrepancies, as a role model of interpersonal skills, and as an identified leader with diversified functional skills. The nurse enhances her utilization of the therapeutic community by knowledge of roles enacted by staff, patients, and self.  相似文献   

The risk for suicidal behavior in schizophrenia is high with 10–15% committing suicide and 20–40% making suicide attempts. Due to the chronicity and complexity of schizophrenia and the multi-determined nature of suicidal behavior, the clinician must utilize a biopsychosocial approach to assessment and intervention. Clinical factors such as psychosis, depression and substance abuse increase the risk for suicidal behavior in schizophrenia. Social factors such as social adjustment and social supports also play a critical role. Ongoing assessment and intervention of suicidal behavior, clinical symptomatology, social environment and treatment issues are essential. Prediction and prevention of suicidal behavior are not always possible however. Treatment focused on the reduction of symptomatology and maintenance of an effective social environment may attenuate the risk for suicidal behavior in schizophrenia.  相似文献   


In Japan, Community-based integrated care systems are being built in response to a super-aged society and policies of de-institutionalization. In this paper, we present findings and discussion of our review about Japanese psychiatric home visit nursing services provided by Home Visit Nursing Stations (HVNS). We have examined documents, investigated the implementation rate and summarized findings of the surveys of home visiting services from 2006 to 2016. The number of users of psychiatric home visiting services during 2007 to 2015 increased from 13,532 to 52,203. From 2013 to 2015 there was a large increase in user numbers, from 31,248 to 52,208. The implementation rate of psychiatric home visiting also increased steadily from 35.5% in 2006 to 58.3% in 2016. These changes reflected the impact of policy on psychiatric service usage in Japan. We should be able to detect the outcome of psychiatric home visiting nursing in influencing patient’s quality of daily life and their recovery.


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