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All general practitioners and psychiatrists working in a single health district were sent a questionnaire on their perceptions of the prevalence of psychological problems among patients consulting in general practice. One hundred and twenty-one GPs (75%) and 10 (83%) psychiatrists responded. GPs and psychiatrists agreed that up to 20% of consulting patients were likely to be clinically depressed; they also agreed on the most appropriate management, although GPs tended to be more conservative than psychiatrists would advise on making use of hospital services. GPs, however, believed non-specific psychological problems to be significantly less common than did psychiatrists. This expectation may help explain the reported failure of GPs to diagnose all psychological problems identified by formal psychiatric instruments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The general practitioner is usually the first health care contact for mental problems. The position of a general practitioner may vary between health care systems, depending on the referral system (gatekeepers versus directly accessible specialists), presence of fixed lists and the payment system. This may influence patients' expectations and requests for help and GPs' performance. In this paper the effects of working in different health care systems on demand and supply for psychological help were examined. METHODS: Data were collected in six European countries with different health care system characteristics (Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the UK). For 15 consecutive contacts with 190 GPs in the six countries, each patient completed questionnaires concerning reason for visit and expectations (before) and evaluation (after consultation). General practitioners completed registration forms on each consultation, indicating familiarity with the patient and diagnosis. General practitioners completed a general questionnaire about their personal and professional characteristics as well. RESULTS: Practices in different countries differed considerably in the proportion of psychological reasons for the visit by the patient and psychological diagnoses by the GP. Agreement between patients' self-rated problems and GPs' diagnoses also varied. Patients in different countries evaluated their GPs' psychological performance differently as well, but evaluation was not correlated with agreement between request for help and diagosis. In gatekeeping countries, patients had more psycho-social requests, GPs made more psychological diagnoses and agreement between both was relatively high. Evaluation, however, was more positive in non-gatekeeping countries. Individual characteristics of doctors and patients explained only a relatively small part of variance. CONCLUSIONS: Health care system characteristics do affect GPs' performance in psycho-social care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of general practices and the perceptions of the psychological content of consultations by GPs in those practices. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of all GPs (22 GPs based in nine practices) serving a discrete inner city community of 41 000 residents. GPs were asked to complete a log-diary over a period of five working days, rating their perception of the psychological content of each consultation on a 4-point Likert scale, ranging from 0 (no psychological content) to 3 (entirely psychological in content). The influence of GP and practice characteristics on psychological content scores was examined. RESULTS: Data were available for every surgery-based consultation (n = 2206) conducted by all 22 participating GPs over the study period. The mean psychological content score was 0.58 (SD 0.33). Sixty-four percent of consultations were recorded as being without any psychological content; 6% were entirely psychological in content. Higher psychological content scores were significantly associated with younger GPs, training practices (n = 3), group practices (n = 4), the presence of on-site mental health workers (n = 5), higher antidepressant prescribing volumes and the achievement of vaccine and smear targets. Training status had the greatest predictive power, explaining 51% of the variation in psychological content. Neither practice consultation rates, GP list size, annual psychiatric referral rates nor volumes of benzodiazepine prescribing were related to psychological content scores. CONCLUSION: Increased awareness by GPs of the psychological dimension within a consultation may be a feature of the educational environment of training practices.  相似文献   

An understanding of patients' perspectives is crucial to improving engagement with health care services. For older people who may not wish to bother medical professionals with problems of living such as depression, such exploration becomes critical. General practitioners (GPs), nurses and counsellors working in 18 South London primary care teams were interviewed about their perceptions of depression in older people. All three professional groups shared a predominantly psychosocial model of the causes of depression. While presentation of somatic symptoms was seen as common in all age groups, identification of depression in older patients was complicated by co-existent physical illnesses. GPs reported that older patients rarely mentioned psychological difficulties, but practice nurses felt that older people were less inhibited in talking to them about "non-medical" problems. Many older people were perceived to regard symptoms of depression as a normal consequence of ageing and not to think it appropriate to mention non-physical problems in a medical consultation. Men were thought to be particularly reluctant to disclose emotional distress and were more vulnerable to severe depression and suicide. Some GPs had mixed feelings about offering medication to address what they believed to be the consequences of loneliness and social isolation. Participants thought that many older people regard depression as a "sign of weakness" and the perceived stigma of mental illness was widely recognised as a barrier to seeking help. Cultural variations in illness beliefs, especially the attribution of symptoms, were thought to profoundly influence the help-seeking behaviour of elders from minority ethnic groups. Families were identified as the main source of both support and distress; and as such their influence could be crucial to the identification and treatment of depression in older people.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite persistent poverty-related health inequalities, few sustained responses have been developed in primary care. Welfare rights provision has been proposed as one potential pathway to addressing health inequalities. OBJECTIVES: This study was set up to address the prevalence of welfare rights issues in general practice, and the practitioner response to unmet need. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to practitioners in GP surgeries of an inner city health authority with high levels of deprivation. By means of a 'most recent case audit', data on welfare advice needs were collected. Practices with in-house welfare rights provision were compared with those surgeries with no such provision. RESULTS: Questionnaires were returned by 153 practitioners, describing their most recent case with a welfare rights need (mean 10.41 days ago). Of the respondents, 70.6% felt that there was a mental health element to this consultation, 49.8% of problems were described as urgent, and 65.8% of patients requested information or guidance. Those practitioners with specialist advisers in the surgery (n = 81) were significantly more likely to find referring patients to advisers easy, that quality of advice for patients was good, that welfare providers enhanced their ability to practice effectively and that such provision improves the health and well-being of patients. In those surgeries without provision (n = 72), patients were more likely to approach their practitioner for advice. GPs were more likely than nurses and other practising staff to see a case with welfare rights needs. Practitioners were more likely to raise the welfare issues if they had specialist advice in the surgery. CONCLUSIONS: A large amount of practitioner consultation time is spent on welfare rights-related issues. Although practitioners are skilled in detecting need, and their practice is enhanced by specialist support, expansion is needed to provide the advice which cannot be met by clinical consultation.  相似文献   

An exploration was made of attitudes and practices of general practitioners (GPs) and nurses concerning early identification of, and intervention for, alcohol-related problems. Sixty-five GPs and 141 nurses in 19 primary health centres in a county in southern Sweden answered a 28-item questionnaire before implementation of an intervention programme. The questionnaire covered experiences with patients with alcohol-related health problems, knowledge and perceived capacity concerning early identification and intervention, attitudes towards the role of primary care staff in early identification and intervention and current intervention methods in use at the health centre. Self-reported frequency of asking about alcohol use was higher among GPs than nurses. Both groups reported more frequently asking about alcohol consumption in cases where they believed that the health status was influenced by alcohol. For both professions, knowledge and skills concerning identification were rated as better understood than that concerning intervention methods. Nurses rated their knowledge and skills less confidently than GPs. The overall attitude was fairly positive towards early identification and intervention, but nurses were more worried than GPs that patients would react negatively to questions about alcohol. Attitudes, self-rated capacity, and practice were related. The low level of early identification and intervention in primary care appears to be related more to insufficient practical skills than to attitudes. Nurses appear to be an unexploited resource, in need of training and support. Nurses may need to be convinced that an active role does not interfere with the nurse-patient relationship. Building teams of GPs and nurses in primary care might enhance the dissemination of alcohol prevention into regular practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines the views of clients with a physical disability, general practitioners and staff working in health and social work physical disability services about the needs of young disabled people. The most common area of disability seen by GPs was respiratory, followed by cardiac problems and stroke. With the exception of cardiac patients a third to over half of GPs felt that the needs of the identified groups were not being adequately met, in particular the needs of individuals with progressive neuromuscular problems. Over a quarter of clients felt that their needs were not being adequately met. Ninety-five percent of GPs and 100% of staff identified psychological needs of clients. For clients themselves, physical needs are ranked highest, with over 33 percent identifying psychological problems, 50 percent neuropsychological problems and 25 percent psychosexual difficulties as priority needs. In relation to carers, over 90 percent of GPs, 100% of staff and 50 percent of clients highlighted psychological needs. The majority of participants felt that clinical psychology had an important role to play in physical disability services. There was broad agreement on the areas of need which psychology would be seen to address. These were psychological needs, behavioural problems, neuropsychological problems and relationship/psychosexual difficulties. A high percentage of both staff and GPs also saw a role for clinical psychology in meeting the psychological, relationship and psychosexual needs of carers.  相似文献   

AIMS: To explore the attitudes of Swedish general practitioners (GPs) and nurses to secondary alcohol prevention (early identification of, and intervention for, alcohol-related problems) and compare it to their attitudes to other important lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, stress, exercise, and overweight. METHODS: An adjusted version of The WHO Collaborative Study Questionnaire for General Practitioners was posted to all GPs and nurses in the County of Skaraborg, Sweden; 68 GPs and 193 nurses responded. RESULTS: The importance of drinking alcohol moderately, counselling skills on reducing alcohol consumption and perceived current effectiveness in helping patients change lifestyle behaviours ranked lower than working with all the other lifestyle behaviours. The nurses rated their potential effectiveness in helping patients change lifestyle higher than that of GPs for all the lifestyle behaviours. Nurses receiving more alcohol-related education had more positive attitudes than nurses with less education. For alcohol, the GPs assessed their role adequacy, role legitimacy and motivation higher than that of the nurses. The main obstacles for the GPs to carry out alcohol intervention were lack of training in counselling for reducing alcohol consumption, time constraints, and the fact that the doctors did not know how to identify problem drinkers who have no obvious symptoms of excess consumption. CONCLUSION: GPs and the nurses estimated their alcohol-related competence as lower than working with many other health-related lifestyles. These results can be explained by lack of practical skills, lack of training in suitable intervention techniques, and unsupportive working environments. All these elements must be considered when planning secondary alcohol prevention programs in primary health care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Child and adolescent psychological problems are rarely brought to the attention of GPs. Children and adolescents with psychological problems who do visit their GP are seldom identified as such by GPs. OBJECTIVE: To investigate in a general population sample of 2,449 Dutch children and adolescents (4-17 years) GP consultation and GP diagnoses of child psychological problems, and the influence of child and family characteristics upon these variables. METHODS: The degree to which parent, teacher, and adolescent reports of the presence of child psychological problems are in concordance with GP diagnoses of these problems was determined. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine correlates of GP consultation and psychological diagnoses. RESULTS: Approximately 80% of children and adolescents with psychological problems had visited their GP within the preceding year. GP consultation was most strongly associated with child/adolescent chronic physical disorders. Concordance between GP psychological diagnoses and parent, teacher, and adolescent reports of psychological problems was limited. Children and adolescents with psychological problems according to parent or teacher report, children with school problems, young boys, adolescents with negative health perceptions, and adolescents from single parent families were more likely to be diagnosed with psychological problems by GPs. CONCLUSION: Improving GPs' interview techniques, introducing standardised screening measures in general practice, increasing GPs' awareness of the possible presence of psychological problems in children consulting for physical problems, and strengthening collaboration between GPs and mental health professionals may increase GP identification of child psychological problems and enhance access to care for those in need.  相似文献   

General practitioners provide treatment for the majority of people diagnosed as having a mental disorder in New Zealand, but much research suggests that they fail to diagnose many common mental disorders. This paper explores the issue of GP recognition of mental health problems through four discussion groups with GPs from the lower half of the North Island of New Zealand. GPs were asked to consider what they thought their role was in relation to mental health, what facilitated discussion of mental health issues in consultations and what could influence patients to disclose mental health problems. The analysis of the data collected drew on thematic and discourse analysis. Four key domains that had an impact on the consultation were identified, which were categorised as practice pressures, socio-cultural factors, the medico-legal framework and the consultation process. GPs employ a number of strategies to respond to the systemic and social issues influencing the consultation. This research suggests that GPs do recognise mental health problems in patients, but that a number of important factors result in the consultations not being labeled as mental health ones. The paper concludes by offering a framework for the mental health consultation that illustrates the systemic issues that GPs consider when making decisions about mental health consultations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: GPs are an accessible health care provider for most patients with mental disorders and are gatekeepers to specialist care. The extent to which patients consider their primary care team as relevant to their mental health problems needs to be explored. OBJECTIVES: To explore reasons why patients choose not to disclose psychological problems to GPs, and to discuss the implications for the provision of primary mental health care. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of consecutive patients attending general practices in New Zealand (part of the MaGPIe study). Patients were screened using the GHQ-12 and a stratified sample participated in a structured in-depth interview to assess their psychological health. Non-disclosure of psychological problems was explored. GPs assessed patients' psychological health using a 5-point scale of severity. RESULTS: Seventy GPs (90%) and 775 patients (70%) participated. Overall, 29.8% of all patients and 36.9% of patients with current symptoms reported non-disclosure of self-perceived psychological problems. Younger patients, those consulting more frequently and those with greater psychiatric disability were more likely to report non-disclosure. The most frequently given reasons were beliefs that a GP is not the 'right' person to talk to (33.8%) or that mental health problems should not be discussed at all (27.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Interventions such as screening and GP education may be ineffective in improving primary mental health care unless accompanied by educational programmes for the general public to increase mental health literacy, de-stigmatise mental illness and increase awareness of general practice as an appropriate and effective source of health care.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that women are more likely to disclose domestic violence to a GP during the consultation in primary health care than in Accident and Emergency. Little is known of the process of disclosure in the context of primary health care, especially from the perspective of the GP. In this article we present data from a pilot study with GPs working in a city locality about their experiences of disclosure and the actual processes through which they suspect and explore domestic abuse. We draw upon the work of, amongst others, Strong (1979 ) and his analysis of medical encounters to consider the consultation in which domestic abuse is disclosed in terms of a ceremonial order. The concepts of time ( Adam 2000 ) and myths ( Barthes 1972 ) provide crucial dimensions to our analysis. GPs employed various concepts of time as vehicles for explaining the reasons for, and circumstances surrounding, violence as well as presenting barriers to further involvement. GPs mythologised time by asserting they did not have enough time and yet revealing their ability to control and suspend time in the consultation if they consider it to be appropriate. In the process of mythologising time, the ceremonial order can become paramount. In conclusion, we contend that the sociology of health and illness might gain further conceptual and analytical understanding of the consultation by merging notions of ceremonial order with a fuller appreciation of sociological theory on time and myths, especially as this poses barriers to the disclosure of domestic abuse and other sensitive matters.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary health care reform is underpinned by a move towards patient-centred holistic care. This pilot study uses the Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) to assess outcome at a fundamental level: that of the patient and their doctor at consultation. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to assess the evaluative potential of the PEI in relation to a reform programme in Poland by (i) comparing the outcomes of consultations (using the PEI) carried out by nine doctors (three diploma GPs who had participated in the training programme, three GPs who had not participated in the training programme and three polyclinic internists); and (ii) relating PEI scores to a proxy quality process measure (consultation length). METHODS: A cross-sectional quantitative questionnaire survey was carried out using the PEI. The subjects were patients consulting with nine doctors distributed within a single region around Gdansk. RESULTS: The overall results with the PEI and consultation length reflected UK experience. In addition, there were significant differences between groups in this pilot study. Patients seen by diploma GPs achieved higher patient enablement scores (mean 4.33, 95% confidence interval 4.09-4.58) relative to GPs (mean 3.44, 3.21-3.67) and polyclinic doctors (mean 3.23, 2.99-3.47). However, there is evidence of appreciable between-doctor variation in PEI scores within groups. The difference in patient enablement between groups was not affected by patient case mix, in contrast to the duration of consultation, which was. Holistically trained diploma GPs spent longer with patients with psychological problems. Patients seen by diploma GPs received longer consultations (mean 12.65 min, 95% confidence interval 12.18-13.13) relative to their colleagues (the GPs' mean was 10.11, 9.82-10.41 min; that of the polyclinic internists was 10.16, 9.81-10.50 min). The duration of consultation was positively correlated with patient enablement. CONCLUSION: The results of such training courses should be examined from the perspective of both the patient and their doctor. Significant differences were found in both patient enablement and consultation length between patients attending groups of doctors delivering primary care, but working from different paradigms. This pilot shows promising results which, if repeated in a larger study, would provide an objective means of evaluating such reform programmes.  相似文献   

Key factors in health counselling in the consultation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To design an effective course in behaviour influence all GPs and general nurses at two health care centres were interviewed concerning procedure and perceived barriers to prevention. The results demonstrated that most doctors and nurses regarded health counselling as important in medical health service. They also maintained that they have time and space for this activity. However, most doctors and nurses were hesitant and/or disappointed concerning their perceived efficacy in affecting people's life habits. The explanation may be that the personnel lack an effective methodology to handle these issues. Few had a more developed educational theory where the starting-point was the patient. Another explanation may be that many doctors and nurses had a non-patient-centred style, which previous studies demonstrate to be less successful in affecting people's behaviour. This was expressed in the notion that the doctor/nurse has to be a model from which the patient can learn the 'right' life habits. It was also expressed in the notion that the reasons why patients do not change behaviour were mostly psychological, but no importance was attached to the role of different values. The results point out the need for education in patient-centred pedagogics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the predictors of self-reported confidence and skills of GPs in management of patients with mental health problems. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey, with questionnaire presented to 246 GPs working in 62 practices throughout Gippsland. SETTING: Rural general practices in Gippsland. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and thirty-four GPs across Gippsland. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: GPs completed a questionnaire assessing self-perception of knowledge and skills in recognition and management of common mental health problems. RESULTS: Of 134 GPs, 45% reported that they have a specific interest in mental health, and 39% of GPs reported that they had previous mental health training. Only 22% of GPs describe having both an interest and prior training in mental health care. Age and years since graduation are not significantly related to self-reported confidence and skills. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study highlight that self-professed interest and prior training in mental health are associated. Self-professed interest in mental health care predicts confidence and self-perceived skills in recognition, assessment and management of common mental health disorders. Similarly, prior training in mental health care predicts confidence and self-perceived skills in recognition, assessment and management of common mental health problems. Self-professed interest in mental health issues is also associated with hours of participation in continuing medical education related to mental health care. Unfortunately, only a minority described having both interest and prior training in mental health care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: GPs state that patients with mental problems make heavy demands on their available time. To what extent these perceived problems correspond with reality needs more investigation. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of patients with psychological or social diagnoses on GP's workload, expressed in time investments. METHODS: Data were derived of a cross-sectional National Survey in General Practice, conducted in The Netherlands in 2000-2002. For a year, all patient contacts with a representative sample of 104 general practices were registered. Patients diagnosed with one or more diagnoses in ICPC (International Classification of Primary Care) chapter 'Psychological' or 'Social' (n = 37,189) were compared to patients with only somatic diagnoses (n = 189,731). A subdivision was made in diagnoses depression, anxiety, sleeping disorders, stress problems, problems related to work or partner and 'other psychological or social problems'. Workload measures are the consultation frequency, number of diagnoses and episodes of illness of the patients involved. RESULTS: Patients in all categories of psychological or social problems had almost twice as many contacts with their general practice as patients with only somatic problems. They received more diagnoses and more episodes of illness were shown. Patients with psychological or social diagnoses also contacted their general practice about their somatic problems more frequently, compared to patients with only somatic problems. CONCLUSION: Patients with psychological or social problems make heavy demands on the GP's workload, for the greater part due to the increase in somatic problems presented.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is evidence that health professionals do not discuss sexually related issues in consultations as often as patients would like. Although primary care has been identified as the preferred place to seek treatment for sexual health concerns, little is known either of the factors that prevent GPs and practice nurses initiating such discussions or of how they feel communication in this area could be improved. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to identify barriers perceived by GPs and practice nurses to inhibit discussion of sexual health issues in primary care and explore strategies to improve communication in this area. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 GPs and 35 practice nurses recruited from diverse practices throughout Sheffield. RESULTS: The term 'can of worms' summarized participants' beliefs that sexually related issues are highly problematic within primary care because of their sensitivity, complexity and constraints of time and expertise. Particular barriers were identified to discussing sexual health with patients of the opposite gender, patients from Black and ethnic minority groups, middle-aged and older patients, and non-heterosexual patients. Potential strategies to improve communication about sexual health within primary care included training, providing patient information and expanding the role of the practice nurse; however, several limitations to these approaches were identified. CONCLUSION: GPs and practice nurses do not address sexual health issues proactively with patients, and this area warrants further attention if policy recommendations to expand the role of primary care within sexual health management are to be met.  相似文献   

Background: Studies describing GP consultation have identified duration of consultation as an important marker of patient satisfaction. Duration of consultation differs between countries. Objective: The aim of this study was to measure the duration of consultations and the different segments of the consultation in a representative sample of GPs in the Nantes district (France).

Material and methods: 150 GPs in the Nantes district were randomly selected from the telephone directory. A letter of explanation was sent, followed up by a telephone call asking the GPs to receive an observer into their surgery. The observer timed consultations and the different segments of the consultation. Results: 30 out of 150 GPs contacted agreed to participate. 329 consultations were observed. Average duration of consultation was 14 min and 24 s; it was 15 min in non-computerised practices and 12 min and 50 s in computerised practices. Consultations for psychological problems or with many reasons for consulting took longer. Doctors usually talked more than patients, except during long consultations. Patients were not examined in only 2% of consultations. Trainers in general practice had longer consultations. Discussion: Many GPs refused to receive the observer; the ratio of trainers within the group of respondents (40%) was higher than in the general GP population (7–10%). As in other studies, female GPs were overre-presented as active participants. In our sample, the average duration of consultation was longer than in other studies. The finding regarding the duration of consultation in computerised practices may need validation in other studies. EurJ Gen Pract 2000;6:88–92.  相似文献   

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