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目的:了解小学生父母对子女躯体暴力行为发生情况,探讨父母对子女躯体暴力行为的相关因素。方法:在辽宁某城市2所普通小学,对1164名1~6年级小学生父母进行了不记名自填式问卷调查,调查其在过去3个月里对子女施加躯体暴力状况,分析相关因素。躯体暴力定义为有1项或以上的下列行为者:用力推搡/摇晃孩子;掐/拧/捏/抓孩子;徒手拍打孩子的屁股;徒手拍打孩子的手/脚/胳膊/腿/背;拿物品打孩子屁股;用力徒手拍打孩子的脸或头;拿物品打孩子屁股以外的其他部位;用拳头揍/用脚踹/踢孩子。结果:在被调查的1164名小学生父母中,有53.1%报告在最近3个月里曾对子女施加过轻度躯体暴力(51.0%)和/或重度躯体暴力(19.8%)。儿童为男孩(OR=1.49)、年龄较小(OR=1.38)、学习成绩差(OR=1.85),容易受到父母的躯体暴力;母亲(OR=2.09)、童年期有被自己父母躯体暴力伤害经历(OR=1.53)、对体罚儿童持容忍或赞成态度(OR=3.15)、对儿童躯体暴力伤害认识不足(OR=2.31)、家庭经济状况差(OR=1.47)是小学生父母对子女施加躯体暴力的危险因素。结论:小学生父母对子女施加躯体暴力现象较为普遍。不正确的体罚观念和较低的躯体暴力危害认识水平是父母对子女施加躯体暴力的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨幼儿心理理论发展水平与其预防性虐待知识和技能的关系,为更好开展儿童早期预防性虐待工作提供一定的临床参考。方法:使用幼儿版预防性虐待知识问卷(PSQ)、幼儿版预防性虐待技能问卷(WIST)和3项儿童心理理论错误信念任务对262名3~5岁幼儿进行施测。结果:1与心理理论低水平组相比,高水平组在辨别性虐待情景、言语拒绝说"不"、行为拒绝"离开"、告诉信任的人和正确报告性虐待事件等预防性虐待技能的得分较高。2心理理论高水平组和低水平组在预防性虐待知识得分不存在显著差异。结论:学前儿童预防性虐待技能水平与心理理论发展存在密切关联。  相似文献   

目的 调查中小学生学习障碍者的家庭环境、教育、父母文化、临床特点及短期治疗效果.探讨防治办法。结果 父母关系紧张或离婚的27.42%,父母教育子女态度不一致的38.71%,父母中小学文化占74.19%.79.03%的儿童有心理问题,不良学习行为以注意力不集中(72.58%)为多;35例接受短期心理和药物治疗,40.0%疗后学习成绩均分提高20%以上。结论 改善家庭环境和父母家庭教育方去,提高父母文化水平,及早防治儿童的心理问题,学校老师应加强素质教育.认真开展心理和药物治疗.进行综合干预有利于防治学习障碍。  相似文献   

239名高中男生儿童期性虐待调查   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
目的:了解高中男生中儿童期性虐待发生情况,探讨性虐待经历对学生心理健康的影响。方法:用自境式问卷,对某中学以班级为单位整群抽取的239名高中男生就有关儿童期性虐待经历进行不记名横断面回顾性调查。结果:在被调查的239名男生中,有55人(23.0%)报告16岁前曾经历过非情愿的或非身体接触或身体接触的性虐待;其中3人(1.3%)经历过被试图性交,2人(0.8%)经历过被强行性交。49.1%的儿童期性虐待首次发生年龄在11岁及以下。与没有儿童期性虐待经历的男生比较,有儿童期性虐待经历的男生抑郁情绪量表得分高;自尊量表得分和健康状况自我感觉评价得分低,差异有显著性。结论:本研究结果提示我们应重视男童中儿童性虐待问题的研究;儿童期性虐待经历是影响受害者心理健康的一个重要因意。  相似文献   

24例小学生学习障碍的调查和治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨小学生学习障碍的临床特点和治疗方法。方法:对24例学习障碍学生采用自制量表调查情况,并用心理治疗、家庭干预和药物治疗进行短期综合治疗。结果:小学生学习障碍与家庭环境、父母文化、父母关系紧张或离婚、父母教育子女态度有密切联系,接受短期综合治疗后,45.8%的学习障碍学生学习成绩均分提高20%以上。结论:综合治疗是通过改善家庭环境和父母家庭教育方法、普及儿童心理卫生知识、认真开展心理和药物治疗等措施来达到防治学习障碍的。  相似文献   

父母接受健康教育对儿童行为问题的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:分析父母接受健康教育与否对2岁儿童行为发育的影响。方法:应用《Achenbach 2- 3岁儿童行为调查表(家长问卷)》及相关背景问卷,对项目社区310例2岁儿童母亲进行调查,同时选取 191例2岁儿童的母亲作为对照组。结果:项目组儿童行为偏离检出率为48.7%,低于对照组的62.8%(X2 =9.49,P<0.01);项目组比对照组有较多比例的母亲采取积极养育行为,包括在孩子会说话前即开始经常与孩子说活(93.9%及91.3%,X2=3.85,P<0.05)、经常与孩子玩耍(80.7%及70.7%,X2=20.36,P <0.01)、给孩子讲故事(90.8%及85.5%,X2=10.60,P<0.01)、指导孩子独立做事情(91.9%及 85.9%,X2=4.68,P<0.05)、当孩子学会1个本领时立即表扬(78.0%及73.6%,X2=3.82,P<0.05); 经常与孩子说话、知道孩子不高兴的原因、给孩子提供较多的图画书、指导孩子独立做事情等与儿童行为偏离呈负相关(r=-0.16--0.26);孩子哭闹时对孩子发火、父母管教态度有分歧、经常体罚孩子等与儿童行为偏离呈正相关(r=0.12-0.33)。结论:父母养育行为是影响儿童行为问题得分的因素之一。社区干预在一定程度上改善了父母养育行为,进而减少了项目社区儿童行为偏离的发生。  相似文献   

小学生社会能力及其相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :探讨小学生社会能力的现状及其影向因素。方法 :运用Achenbach儿童行为量表以及自编的调查问卷对随机整群抽取的 5 17名小学生进行调查 (由家长填写问卷 )。结果 :小学生社会能力总分为15 0 0± 3 83分 ,女生的社会能力得分高于男生 (P <0 0 1) ,性别间的差异主要体现在社交能力和学习成绩方面。社会能力低下的小学生占所调查学生的 10 1%。小学生的社会能力与从小发育情况、参加课外特色班、体型、父母文化程度、是否偏食、母亲管教孩子态度、与父母分房而睡、以及年龄等因素有关 ;社会能力的三个方面互相关联。结论 :小学生社会能力低下与发育状况、父母管教态度、儿童生活方式等多种因素有关。提高小学生的社会能力 ,需要从提高身体素质与学习兴趣、培养良好生活习惯、创造适宜家庭环境等多方面入手  相似文献   

目的 了解夫妻关系不和的子女和夫妻关系良好的子女行为方面是否存在差别。方法 通过学校老师向儿童母亲询问 ,儿童母亲自评夫妻关系是否良好。对夫妻关系不好和很好者 ,要求儿童母亲以 Achenbach儿童行为量表评价孩子行为。结果 绝大多数父母关系不良的儿童得分高于父母关系良好的儿童 ,且多动、攻击性、残忍有统计学显著性差异。结论 父母关系不良可能影响儿童的行为 ,并对这一可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:了解粤西地区异地务工青年随迁子女心理健康状况。方法:采用心理健康诊断测验(MHT)对475名小学生进行了调查分析。结果:1约80%的随迁子女父母的文化程度在高中及以下,93.6%的随迁子女父母花较少时间甚至没有时间指导孩子学习;2仅9.6%的随迁子女认为学校开设的心理健康课程类课程课时足够而且起到作用;3随迁子女中有明显心理问题的比例为0.5%,内容量表的检出率排在第一位的是学习焦虑;4随迁子女中,女生在恐怖倾向的得分显著高于男生(t=-3.427,P0.001);5不同年级学习焦虑(F=3.325,P0.05)、冲动倾向(F=4.147,P0.05)分量表的得分存在显著差异。结论:随迁子女父母的文化程度普遍偏低,用在指导孩子学习上的时间偏少;学校开设的心理健康教育类课程实效性不强;随迁子女的心理健康状况总体良好,学习问题是随迁子女面临的主要问题;不同性别、不同年级随迁子女的心理健康状况存在差异。  相似文献   

家长对高中生异性交往的态度和做法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究家长对高中生异性交往的态度和做法,提高家长的指导子女异性交往的能力。方法:在广东番禺中学随机选取3个高中教学班,对学生家长(有效样本136个)采用自编问卷进行调查。结果:家长对高中生性心理特点的认识水平较低,对异性交往、青春期恋爱和婚前性行为的部分态度做法不当;相对年轻、受教育程度较高、相关认识正确的家长.在态度和做法上更加恰当;母亲比父亲做法更恰当。结论:家长的受教育水平、接受新事物的能力和富于母爱是恰当性教育的促进因素。  相似文献   

The present study reports the results of knowledge and attitudes of 280 children (mean age = 6.9 +/- 0.75 years) towards cigarettes and smoking. Subjects were divided into two groups: (I) children of parents who smoked (n = 178) and (II) children whose parents did not smoke (n = 102). The scoring for knowledge in the topics of cigarettes, smoking and the consequences was similar in the two groups (6.2 +/- 2.2 vs 6.1 +/- 2) (N.S.). The differences between the two groups were obvious and significant (p = 0.001) in their attitude towards smoking and its damage; children in group I displayed tolerant attitudes towards smoking even though they knew its consequences in comparison with the children of group II (6.1 +/- 2.4 vs 7.0 +/- 2.2). Without any exceptions among the children of the two groups, 7.4% believe that even at this young age they will begin to smoke one day. In addition, 2.1% pointed out that it is possible they will belong one day to the smokers' group. Of the population study, 90.2% believe that instruction about smoking damage should be included starting from the first grade of elementary school, and certainly, it should be at the level which will be understandable for them. As the pupils' knowledge about the consequences of smoking was lacking, we could add that the important topic of smoking and the damage it can inflict should be taught in all schools from the level of the first grade and during all subsequent years of study. Pupils should be familiar with all aspects of negative consequences caused by cigarette smoking. This knowledge may have influence upon their attitude towards smoking and smokers. More studies should be done to find what may change the positive attitudes of these pupils towards cigarettes and smoking.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to investigate teachers’ knowledge and attitudes towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities (LD). Forty-six high school teachers were interviewed in this regard. The 46 teachers were divided into two groups: 25 teachers taught at an academic school (School 1); and 21 teachers taught at special education school (School 2) and dealt with ADHD/LD cases regularly. General knowledge about ADHD (71%) and about LD (74%) was relatively low among both groups. Thirteen percent of all teachers considered LD to be the result of parental attitudes, namely ‘spoiling’ the children. The score for attitude and understanding of ADHD children was relatively low (72.5%) for both groups, whereas Group B teachers scored higher regarding LD cases. Almost 40% considered that ADHD children should be rebuked and/or punished in a manner similar to non-ADHD kids. Regarding long-term outcome, 45.7% of the teachers expected ADHD children to experience multiple difficulties in family life during adulthood. In relation to LD cases, the overall scoring for positive attitude was 75%. However, this score was higher for Group B teachers. Three-quarters of the teachers favored increasing peer awareness and comprehension as to the problems LD kids encounter at school. Ninety-five percent believed LD patients should enjoy a more lenient school education. There was no correlation between teachers, knowledge of ADHD and LD and their attitude. The main sources for this knowledge were: specialized textbooks, continuous education, TV shows, journals and newspapers, and medical personnel.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to study the habits, knowledge and attitudes of 132 high school students in regards to their teeth and oral health. An inflated amount of consumption of snack food and sweet beverages between meals was reported. Seventy-two point seven percent claimed to brush their teeth at least twice daily. Forty-nine point three percent claimed to visit their dentist annually. The results also demonstrated a poor general knowledge and misconceptions concerning teeth, food and oral health throughout the years of high school studies. Knowledge levels correlated with with age. More than half of the pupils attributed esthetical importance to the teeth appearance. The students' knowledge concerning prevention stemmed mainly from their dentist, parents, and the media and only 2.6% learned anything from formal school teaching. In the light of the students' poor knowledge, it would appear that resources should be invested in schools at the elementary and high school level for oral hygiene and caries prevention education in the hope of improving bad habits and perpetuating improved oral health and hygiene.  相似文献   

李蕾  李思齐  陈倩  张莉莉 《医学信息》2019,(12):136-138
目的 通过调查成都市成华区居民碘缺乏病防治知识知晓率情况,评估碘缺乏病健康教育效果,为今后的防治工作提供科学依据。方法 在成华区选择3个街道办,在每个街道办分别选择一所项目学校和一个代表社区,选择30名5年级小学生及15名家庭妇女。结合主题日宣传、社区、学校综合干预措施在全区开展健康教育,对比干预前后小学生及家庭妇女碘缺乏病防治相关知识知晓率。结果 干预前家庭妇女的知识知晓率低于小学生(67.41% vs 82.22%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。通过在社区、学校等场所开展系列健康教育活动,利用主题日开展宣传,干预后小学生碘缺乏病防治知识知晓率为98.15%,家庭妇女知晓率为95.56%,均较干预前有所提高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。健康教育前碘缺乏病防治知识知晓率较低的辖区学生及家庭妇女知识知晓率的提升更为明显。结论 健康教育干预措施能够有效提高小学生、家庭妇女人群碘缺乏病防治知识知晓率,增强群众的健康意识。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of previous AIDS education on AIDS knowledge and sex behaviour among Danish adolescents, a survey was carried out in April-May 1988 amongst 15-16 year-old school children of 9th grade elementary school. Through a cluster-sampling procedure, 45 school classes in nine geographical areas around the country were selected representing various degrees of urbanisation. A questionnaire was handed out and collected by the local school physician during a class session. The 728 pupils responding corresponded to a response rate of 89% of the pupils enlisted and 99% of the pupils present. The results demonstrate that AIDS education has been widely introduced in Danish schools and is well accepted. However, school health services have only rarely been involved. The educational activities seem to have a positive effect on knowledge about HIV-transmission and AIDS, attitudes towards the use of condoms and actual sexual behaviour, although risk-behaviour is still prevalent. The respondents express positive attitudes towards more AIDS education--especially among those with very little or no previous educational experiences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry. ADHD children are at risk for academic and psychological difficulties. Lack of cooperation between schools, parents and therapeutic institutions inhibits a multimodal treatment program. This study surveys teachers' knowledge and attitudes towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. METHOD: One hundred and ninety six elementary school teachers in Shiraz, Iran, anonymously completed a self-report questionnaire on ADHD. RESULTS: Knowledge about ADHD was relatively low. 46.9% of respondents agreed that ADHD is due to biological and genetic vulnerabilities and causation. 53.1%of all the teachers considered ADHD to be the result of parental spoiling. The attitude score towards ADHD children was also low. 64.8% agree that the same disciplinary rules used for all students should also be applied to ADHD children. 77.6% believe that ADHD students experience difficulties in their relations with their classmates. There was a significant correlation between teachers' knowledge of ADHD and their attitude. The main sources of knowledge about ADHD were: Television and radio; friends and relatives; periodical, newspapers and magazines. CONCLUSION: Knowledge about ADHD was sound to be very low. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Health and/or Educational Ministry should promote a special course on ADHD for teachers and education should be part of the curriculum in faculty training. Providing these educational programs on television and radio may be highly effective as they were the most common source of information.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2013,15(4):274-281
PurposeThe goal of this first-of-its-kind qualitative study was to examine the awareness, attitudes, and experiences among parents of autistic children regarding autism genetic testing.MethodsWe conducted in-depth, individual, and semistructured interviews with 42 parents of autistic children with diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds. All interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, and coded into major themes and subthemes.ResultsApproximately one-quarter of participants had two or more autistic children, and about half of them were ethnic/racial minorities. The majority of participants postulated favorable attitudes toward autism genetic testing for three main reasons: early intervention and treatment, identifying the etiology of autism, and informed family planning. Nevertheless, among parents who had taken their children for genetic testing, some expressed frustration and questioned the competency of their providers in interpreting test results. Asian parents and those with a low socioeconomic status expressed lower awareness and tended to have more limited access to autism genetic testing.ConclusionAs health-care providers play a vital role in providing genetic services and education, these professionals should be educated and be sensitive to the needs of parents with autistic children. Further quantitative research is required to examine the effects of socio-demographic factors on parents’ awareness, attitudes, and experiences regarding autism genetic testing.Genet Med 2013:15(4):274–281  相似文献   

目的调查有关高中生对待性与生殖健康问题的知识、态度与行为。方法采用国际青春健康项目组提供的问卷调查表,对哈尔滨市6所高中学生施测。结果高中生的课余生活主要是读书(62.1%)、看电影电视(60.2%)、与伙伴玩耍(45.2%)、上网(41.8%)等;30%-40%的人从不与父母探讨有关性的话题;多数学生已经了解青春期的一般性知识,对于生殖健康和避孕知识了解较少;约30%的人谈过恋爱,仅有4.3%的人有过性行为,学生普遍缺乏性保护的意识和能力;31.6%的人认为青春期健康知识的主要来源渠道是学校教育。男生的相关知识较女生广泛,态度和行为较女生主动积极。结论高中生的生活状态比较积极,青春健康方面的知识掌握不够系统。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Food allergy reactions and anaphylaxis may occur in children while at school. However, information regarding school readiness for children with food allergies is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To identify school education and prevention and treatment policies for food-allergic children in Michigan. METHODS: A questionnaire assessing food allergy awareness and avoidance and treatment strategies was mailed to a randomized sample (n = 273) of 2,082 public elementary school principals. RESULTS: One hundred four responses representing 109 schools were collected. From school estimates of 66,598 children, there was a 1.7% self-reported prevalence of food allergy. The most common allergens were milk and peanut, followed by tree nuts, shellfish, egg, and wheat. Affected children were identified primarily through office records, with few reporting individual emergency plans or designated classrooms, teachers, or lunch tables. Methods of food allergy education included parents of students and in-services. Avoidance strategies, food substitution, and "no-sharing" policies were common, whereas other measures such as food-label-teaching were uncommon. A minority of schools had epinephrine immediately accessible, either in the student's classroom, carried by the student, or passed by teachers. Principals, nurses, and teachers were most often trained to administer epinephrine. CONCLUSIONS: There appears to be a need for schools to formally educate staff on food allergy, provide information on prevention measures such as reading of food labels, establish immediate accessibility to emergency epinephrine, and train staff for appropriate epinephrine use.  相似文献   

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