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A new iridium/iridium-oxide electrode heated to 42 degrees C was used to monitor transcutaneous carbon dioxide levels during surgery in 27 adult patients. The purpose of this study was to compare arterial and transcutaneous CO2 values. This metal electrode performed similarly to glass CO2 electrodes. In addition, its lower operating temperature may reduce the risk of skin injury and more quickly reflect changes in local tissue perfusion.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (tc-pco2) at 37, 39, 41, 43, and 45 degrees C, and transcutaneous oxygen tension (tc-po2) at 41, 43, and 45 degrees C were measured simultaneously in 10 healthy adults during hyperventilation and inhalation of O2/CO2 gas. Nine electrodes were applied to each subject: Five CO2 electrodes, one O2 electrode, and three combined O2/CO2 electrodes. The CO2 electrodes had negligible temperature coefficients in the calibration gases, but the O2 electrodes showed an increase in po2 of 4.5% per degree C. With skin application, tc-pco2 increased approximately 4% per degrees C between 37 and 45 degrees C, which is close to the anaerobic temperature coefficient of pco2 in blood. The tc-po2 increases on the skin with increasing temperature appeared to be more dependent on changes in blood flow in skin, but in the temperature range 43 to 45 degrees C, tc-po2 showed the expected decrease in the temperature coefficient with increasing po2. The correlation between transcutaneous and capillary pco2 was close at all transcutaneous electrode temperatures, even 37 degrees C, provided the skin was preheated (via the electrode) to 45 degrees C. For tc-po2, an electrode temperature of at least 43 degrees C was necessary to produce a reasonable correlation between tc-po2 and capillary po2. The combined O2/CO2 electrodes measured slightly higher pco2 values than the single CO2 electrodes, but there were no differences in po2 readings, stabilization time, imprecision, or electrode drift between the two electrode types. The imprecision (CV, %) of tc-pco2 and tc-po2 measurements was approximately twice that of the corresponding capillary blood-gas measurements.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous PCO2 (PtcCO2) measurements were used to monitor changes in systemic lactate levels during exercise. PtcCO2 increased in all 17 male volunteers, and this increase was significantly correlated with increases in measured plasma lactate concentration. In six volunteers, the PtcCO2 increase was greatest during the last minutes of work, indicating rapid lactic acid elimination from the muscles. In these six subjects, the rate of this increase also correlated significantly with the lactate increase. This technique is potentially of interest for detecting fatigue in athletes and for monitoring lactoacidosis as an indicator of circulatory impairment in shock patients.  相似文献   

This study compares two noninvasive techniques for monitoring the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2) in 24 anesthetized adult patients. End-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) and transcutaneous Pco2 (PtcCO2) were simultaneously monitored and compared with arterial Pco2 (PaCO2) determined by intermittent analysis of arterial blood samples. PETCO2 and PtcCO2 values were compared with PaCO2 values corrected to patient body temperature (PaC02T) and PaCO2 values determined at a temperature of 37°C (PaCO2). Linear regression was performed along with calculations of the correlation coefficient (r), bias, and precision of the four paired variables:PETCO2 versus PaCO2 and PaCO2T (n = 211), and PtcCO2 versus PaCO2 and PaCO2T (n = 233). Bias is defined as the mean difference between paired values, whereas precision is the standard deviation of the difference. The following values were found forr, bias, and ± precision, respectively.PetCO2 versus PaCO2: 0.67, ?7.8 mm Hg, ±6.1 mm Hg;PETCO2 versus PaCO2T: 0.73, ?5.8 mm Hg, ±5.9 mm Hg;PETCO2 versus PaCO2: 0.87, ?1.6 mm Hg, ±4.3 mm Hg; PtcCO2 versus PaC02T: 0.84, +0.7 mm Hg, ±4.8 mm Hg. Although each of thesePCO 2 variables is physiologically different, there is a significant correlation (P < 0.001) between the noninvasively monitored values and the blood gas values. Temperature correction of the arterial values (PaCO2T) slightly improved the correlation, with respect toPETCO2, but it had the opposite effect for PtcCO2. In this study, the chief distinction between these two noninvasive monitors was thatPETCO2 had a large negative bias, whereas PtcCO2 had a small bias. We conclude from these data that PtcCO2 may be used to estimate PaCO2 with an accuracy similar to that ofPetCO2 in anesthetized patients.  相似文献   



Transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure (PtcCO2) has been suggested as a noninvasive surrogate of arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). Our study evaluates the reliability of this method in spontaneously breathing patients in an emergency department.

Patients and methods

A prospective, observational study was performed in nonintubated dyspneic patients who required measurement of arterial blood gases. Simultaneously and blindly to the physicians in charge, PtcCO2 was measured using a TOSCA 500 monitor (Radiometer, Villeurbanne, France). Agreement between PaCO2 and PtcCO2 was assessed using the Bland-Altman method.


Forty-eight patients (mean age, 65 years) were included, and 50 measurements were done. Eleven (23%) had acute heart failure; 10 (21%), pneumonia; 7 (15%), acute asthma; and 7 (15%), exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Median PaCO2 was 42 mm Hg (range, 17-109). Mean difference between PaCO2 and PtcCO2 was 1 mm Hg with 95% limits of agreement of − 3.4 to + 5.6 mm Hg. All measurement differences were within 5 mm Hg, and 32 (64%) were within 2 mm Hg.


Transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure accurately predicts PaCO2 in spontaneously breathing patients.  相似文献   

Measurement of end-tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2) is useful because of its noninvasiveness, continuity, and response time when sudden changes in ventilation occur during inhalation sedation. We compared the accuracy of PETCO2 using a nasal mask and nasal cannula with the accuracy of transcutaneous carbon dioxide (TC-CO2) and determined which method is more useful during inhalation sedation in volunteers. We used a modified nasal mask (MNM) and modified nasal cannula (MNC) for measurement of PETCO2. The capnometer measured PETCO2 in the gas expired from the nasal cavity by means of two devices. The volunteers received supplemental O2 by means of each device at a flow rate of 6 L/min. After the volunteers lay quietly for 5 min with a supply of 100 % O2, they received supplemental N2O by means of each device at concentrations of 10, 20, and 25 % for 5 min and 30 % for 25 min. The correlation coefficient was poorer in the MNM than in the MNC, and the mean difference between TC-CO2 and PETCO2 in the MNM was greater than that in the MNC. The difference between the TC-CO2 and PETCO2 ranged from 3 to 6 mmHg in the MNM and from 2 to 5 mmHg in the MNC. The difference between two variables against the TC-CO2 and the CO2 waveforms obtained by means of the two devices were within the clinically acceptable range. Our two devices can provide continuous monitoring of PETCO2 with a supply of N2O/O2 in patients undergoing inhalation sedation.  相似文献   

Adequate tissue oxygenation is one of the main therapeutic goals for the critically ill patient. Until recently, the perfusion status of the critically ill and injured has been assessed by global indices such as blood pressure, heart rate, and urine output. However, these global parameters are inadequate in that they fail to demonstrate the actual perfusion status of a patient. Research has shown the splanchnic region to be a pivotal organ bed in response to shock. Because this region shows early signs of hypoperfusion and hypoxia, its monitoring provides for more effective and complete resuscitation. To that end, gastric tonometry offers a noninvasive means by which early symptoms of low flow can be determined, allowing for optimization of tissue perfusion and patient outcome. The most proximal segment of the gastrointestinal tract offers promising information regarding tissue perfusion with the use of sublingual capnography.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous PO2 (PtcO2) is suggested to reflect tissue oxygenation in intensive care patients, whereas transcutaneous PCO2 (PtcCO2) is advocated as a noninvasive method for assessing PaCO2. In 24 critically ill adult patients (mean Apache II score 14.2, SD 4.7) we investigated the impact of variables that are commonly thought to determine PtcO2 and PtcCO2 measurements. A linear correlation was found between PtcO2 and PaO2 (r = 0.6; p less than or equal to 0.0001) and between PtcO2 and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP; r = 0.42; p less than or equal to 0.003). Cardiac index (CI) correlated with tc-index (PtcO2/PaO2; r = 0.31; p less than or equal to 0.03). There was no relationship between PtcO2 and hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and the position of the oxygen dissociation curve (ODC). Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated a significant influence of PaO2 and MAP on PtcO2. The contribution of CI, Hb and the ODC was not significant. Only 40% of the variability of a single PtcO2 measurement could be explained by PaO2 and MAP. A significant linear correlation was demonstrated between PtcCO2 and PaCO2 (r = 0.76; p less than or equal to 0.0001) but not between PtcCO2 and CI, MAP and arterial base excess (BEa). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed an influence of PaCO2 and of CI on PtcCO2; 66% of the variability of a single PtcCO2-value could be explained by PaCO2 and CI. Our data demonstrate that transcutaneous derived gas tensions result from complex interaction between hemodynamic, respiratory and local factors, which can hardly be defined in ICU-patients.  相似文献   

Worrell JB  Cleary DT 《AANA journal》2002,70(6):456-461
The laparoscopic approach to surgery is being used with greater frequency as our healthcare system continues to strive for shorter hospital stays and improved postoperative patient recovery times. However, laparoscopy is not without potential complications. This article presents 2 patient case studies. The cases differ in surgical technique. One patient's laparoscopic surgery involved an extraperitoneal approach. The second patient's surgery involved an intraperitoneal approach. Massive subcutaneous emphysema developed in both patients. The phenomenon of subcutaneous emphysema associated with laparoscopic surgery will be defined and discussed.  相似文献   

The performance of three electrodes used for transcutaneous carbon dioxide (tcPCO2) monitoring is compared in 15 healthy volunteers and 26 critically ill adults. All three electrodes showed good correlation between tcPCO2 and arterial blood PCO2 (PaCO2) with a correlation coefficient (r) greater than 0.86. There was little difference in the performance characteristics of the three monitors. They may be usefully employed to estimate PaCO2 values when used with a modified calibration recommended by the manufacturers.  相似文献   

目的 研究不同的二氧化碳(CO2)气腹持续时间对患者肾功能的影响.方法 2009年10月至2011年12月行腹腔镜手术患者89例,根据手术时间不同分成3组,即T1组(<1 h)、T2组(1~2h)和T3组(>2 h);所有患者分别于术前、术后10 min、1h、24h检测血肌酐、尿肌酐和尿微量白蛋白.结果 T1组和T2组中患者术后内生肌酐清除率(Cer)较术前差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),T3组中患者术后10 min Ccr较术前显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),术后1h和24h逐渐升高;尿微量白蛋白/尿肌酐比值(A/C)3组患者在术后均较术前显著升高,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05),但术后3组之间差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);T1组中≥60岁和<60岁患者术后的肾功能比较差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),T2、T3组中≥60岁患者在术后24h中Ccr均低于<60岁患者,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05).结论 长时间的CO2气腹可对肾功能产生显著的急性影响,在≥60岁的患者中更加明显,但在较短的时间内肾功能可逐渐恢复.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of two transcutaneous combined PO2 (tcPO2) and PCO2 (tcPCO2) sensors were compared with single tcPO2 and tcPCO2 electrodes in critically ill patients. The relationship between arterial blood gases (PaO2, PaCO2) and transcutaneous values was linear. Correlation coefficients (r) varied from 0.79 to 0.87 for tcPO2 and 0.92 to tcPCO2. The tcPO2 readings were always lower than PaO2 values, but the tcPCO2, with modified calibration of the electrodes, did not differ significantly from PaCO2. There was no significant difference of clinical importance in the performance of the three monitoring systems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We used transcutaneous (TC) carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring to prospectively evaluate changes in respiratory status after interscalene anesthesia in 45 adults (40 successful and 5 unsuccessful blocks). METHODS: TC-CO2 oxygen saturation and respiratory rate were recorded every minute for 5 minutes before block and every 2 minutes for a total of 30 minutes (15 data sets) after injection of the local anesthetic solution. RESULTS: After successful block, TC-CO2 increased from 41 +/- 5 mm Hg to a maximum value of 44 +/- 6 mm Hg (P < 0.0001) and the respiratory rate increased from 14 +/- 2 breaths/min to a maximum of 20 +/- 4 breaths/min (P < 0.001). The increase in TC-CO2 was > or = 5 mm Hg in 11 patients and > or = 10 mm Hg in 4 patients, with a maximum increase of 12 mm Hg. Of the 600 TC-CO2 data points recorded (15 each from the 40 patients with a successful block), 62 (10.3%) showed a TC-CO2 value of 50 mm Hg or greater, with a maximum value of 57 mm Hg. No significant change in TC-CO2 or respiratory rate was seen in the five patients with unsuccessful block. CONCLUSION: After interscalene blockade, we found an increase in respiratory rate and hypercarbia that resulted in no clinically significant effect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of an early dobutamine infusion on gastrointestinal perfusion in patients with severe sepsis. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical study. SETTING: Six medical and/or surgical intensive care units (ICU) of teaching hospitals. PATIENTS: Forty-two patients with severe sepsis. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were divided into two groups according to gastric-to-arterial CO2 gap (DeltaCO2) [normal DeltaCO2 group ( n=17): DeltaCO2 < or = 8 mmHg; increased DeltaCO2 group ( n=25): DeltaCO2 > 8 mmHg]. Patients within each group were then randomized to receive either dobutamine (5 microg/kg per min) or saline for 72 h. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: SAPS II was similar in both groups [group 1: 44.0 (33.0-56.5); group 2: 48.5 (40.5-59.0), p=0.27]. At ICU admission, mean arterial pressure was lower in the high DeltaCO2 group [73.0 (67.0-79.5) mmHg, p=0.03] than in the normal DeltaCO2 group [84.0 (73.7-104.0) mmHg] while blood lactate [normal DeltaCO2 group: 1.6 (0.8-2.3); high DeltaCO2 group: 1.6 (1.1-1.9) mmol/l] was similar for the two groups. DeltaCO2 was significantly lower in the normal DeltaCO2 group [5.0 (2.0-6.0) mmHg)] than in the high DeltaCO2 group [11.0 (10.0-19.0) mmHg]. Dobutamine infusion did not significantly change hemodynamics, blood lactate concentration or tonometric parameters in any group within the first 72 h and had no particular beneficial effect in this population. CONCLUSIONS: An early infusion of dobutamine at a fixed dose of 5 microg/kg per min during the first 72 h of severe sepsis does not influence gastric DeltaCO2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We prospectively compared transcutaneous (TC) versus end-tidal (ET) carbon dioxide monitoring during neurosurgical procedures in adults. METHODS: After calibration and an equilibration time for the TC-CO2 monitor, arterial blood gas (ABG) values were obtained as clinically indicated. The PaCO2 values were compared with the values recorded by the noninvasive monitors (TC and ET). RESULTS: The ET-CO2 to PaCO2 difference was 6.1 +/- 5.6 mm Hg, and the TC-CO2 to PaCO2 difference was 3.7 +/- 2.9 mm Hg. The difference between the PaCO2 and ET-CO2 was 3 mm Hg or less in 17 of 57 values, while the difference between the PaCO2 and TC-CO2 was 3 mm Hg or less in 35 of 57 values. Linear regression analysis of ET-CO2 versus PaCO2 revealed a slope of 0.381 +/- 0.007. Linear regression analysis of TC-CO2 versus PaCO2 revealed a slope of 1.17 +/- 0.008. CONCLUSION: Transcutaneous CO2 monitoring provides a more accurate estimate of PaCO2 than ET-CO2 monitoring during neurosurgical procedures.  相似文献   

D U Jette 《Physical therapy》1986,66(2):187-193
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of five different types of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on experimentally induced pain threshold and tolerance in healthy subjects. Fourteen subjects received the following treatments on different days: low frequency TENS, burst frequency TENS, hyperstimulation TENS, high frequency TENS with a low voltage galvanic stimulator, and high frequency TENS with a high voltage galvanic stimulator to the left upper extremity. Pain threshold and tolerance were tested with electric current on a fingertip of the left upper extremity before each treatment, immediately after each treatment, and 20 minutes after the end of each treatment. Data were analyzed using separate two-by-five analyses of variance with repeated measures for pain threshold and tolerance. No significant effects of treatment or time for pain threshold or tolerance were found. A significant interaction between treatment and time for pain threshold was found. Further study is needed to compare the effects of these treatments in patients with clinical pain.  相似文献   

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