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目的:了解我国当前中等城市个体心理咨询机构的现状,以及负责人对心理咨询市场的态度。方法:选取柳州市4个行政区域的14家个体心理咨询机构,采用自制心理咨询机构基本情况调查表以及访谈提纲,对每家机构的负责人进行调查访谈,以频数统计、内容编码等方式分析调查资料。结果:机构负责人具有教育、心理、医学背景的占50%。8家以上的机构提供婚姻家庭、学习、人际关系、亲子关系等咨询服务项目。咨询收费价格平均水平为50~150元/h,机构经营状况处于不良状态的5家。咨询师采用综合取向的心理咨询技术的有9家机构。咨询量10~30人次/月的9家,>30人次/月3家。有6家机构负责人从未接受过督导。12家机构负责人看好咨询市场,并认为政府的扶持有必要。结论:中等城市个体心理咨询市场缺乏规范,从业人员专业化程度不高、缺乏督导,国家需要出台相关政策来规范行业的发展。  相似文献   

目的了解高校研究生对心理咨询的认知状况。方法采用自编高校研究生对心理咨询的认知调查表,对4所高校共43名博士研究生和158名硕士研究生进行了调查。结果大多数学生认识到心理咨询不仅可以解决心理问题,还可以促进人的成长,希望咨询师像朋友或心理学专家,愿意接受时长1小时左右的个体咨询,希望免费或收取少量费用。现阶段接受心理咨询的学生较少,但大部分学生表示接受心理咨询后自身得到一定的帮助。结论高校研究生普遍认同心理咨询。  相似文献   

我国心理咨询市场需求与行业管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对我国当前心理咨询的市场需求,心理咨询师培训与行业管理等方面的现状进行综述。方法利用文献分析法和深入调查研究,结合本人体会进行归纳总结。结果心理咨询的市场需求,要冷静思考和对待,行业管理工作需进一步加强与完善。结论结合国情,积极稳妥地发展我国心理咨询事业。加大心理咨询行业管理力度,整顿规范心理咨询师培训市场。  相似文献   

目的了解参加心理咨询师培训班人群对心理咨询的态度。方法用自行编制的心理咨询态度调查问卷调查了参加心理咨询师培训班的138名学员及185名普通大众。结果心理咨询师培训班学员与普通大众对心理咨询的总体态度得分差异有统计学意义(χ2=287.118,P=0.000);在各个维度上表现为:①对心理咨询职业前景的认识态度差异显著(2χ=440.071,P=0.000);②对主动求询的态度无显著差异(2χ=334.083,P=0.099);③对隐私保护的态度显著差异(2χ=311.921,P=0.000)。结论参加心理咨询培训的学员对心理咨询的总体态度比普通大众积极,主要表现在对心理咨询职业前景和对隐私保护态度上。  相似文献   

朋辈心理咨询是对专业心理咨询的一个重要的补充,是一种实施方便、推广性强、见效快的心理咨询模式,对增进学校心理健康教育有着重要的意义。本文通过对朋辈心理咨询与专业心理咨询的联系和差异的分析;论述了在学校开展朋辈咨询工作的作用和意义。  相似文献   

引导青年学生修身养性,矫正和调适心理健康水平,是新形势下思想政治工作的主要任务之一。同时,要求方法要有针对性和有效性。本文就心理咨询在高校学生思想政治教育工作中的作用进行探讨。1心理咨询与思想政治教育心理咨询的基本涵义为询问、协商、劝告、答疑,是指运用心理学的知识、理论和技术,对求询者进行启发、扶助和教育,以维持心理平衡,加快人格成熟,调节人际关系,发挥自身潜能,适应社会环境。从内容上看,心理咨询主要包括三方面:帮助有心理障碍的大学生挖掘病源,寻找对策,消除痛苦;对在学习、工作、人际关系等方面的…  相似文献   

目的 了解接受过心理咨询的求助者对心理咨询的态度.方法 采用自编问卷对扬州地区1300名被试抽样调查,选取90名接受过心理咨询的求助者,将结果与普通人进行对照.结果 接受心理咨询的被试比未接受心理咨询的被试在认知上更加准确(t=2.488,P=0.014)、态度更加积极(t=4.41,P=0.00)、对心理咨询的担心更...  相似文献   

目的:了解我国大学生心理咨询与危机干预的管理现状并反映现存的主要问题。方法:采用自编问卷进行调查,中国大陆122所高校心理咨询中心的专职人员代表其所属单位填写问卷。结果:(1)高校心理咨询中心对咨询预约、心理评估与分诊、知情同意、免费咨询次数限制、咨询过程、咨询记录等方面的管理整体上存在较大差异;(2)高校心理咨询中心对心理危机干预的工作制度和危机处理方面的管理整体差异也较大。结论:我国大学生心理咨询的全过程管理需进一步专业化和规范化。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生网络心理咨询态度的基本特点及与人格、网络自我效能感之间的关系,为改善大学生网络心理咨询态度,提高其网络心理咨询行为提供有益参考.方法:在2所高校大一至大四学生中选取有心理咨询经历者310人(其中面对面心理咨询经历者32人,无面对面经历者278人).选用网络心理咨询态度问卷(OCAS,包含网络心理咨询的评价和网络心理咨询的不适感两个维度)、中国人人格量表(QZPS)及大学生网络自我效能感问卷测查.结果:大学生网络心理咨询的评价得分较高,网络心理咨询的不适感得分较低.有面对面心理咨询经历者网络心理咨询的不适感得分低于无面对面心理咨询经历者[(12.9±2.6)vs.(14.0±2.8),P<0.05].大一学生网络心理咨询的评价得分低于其他3个年级学生[(17.8±3.0)vs.(18.7±2.6),(19.0±2.2),(19.1±1.7);均P<0.05],大一、大二学生网络心理咨询的不适感得分高于大三学生[(14.4±3.1),(14.2±2.5) vs.(13.3±2.8);均P<0.05].QZPS的外向性、善良、才干、情绪性和处世态度得分及大学生网络自我效能感问卷的网络能力感、行为努力感得分均与网络心理咨询的评价得分呈正相关(r=0.11~0.29;均P<0.05);网络心理咨询的不适感得分与QZPS的外向性、处世态度得分呈负相关(r=-0.21、-0.16,均P<0.05),而与才干得分呈正相关(r=0.13,P<0.05).结论:大学生对网络心理咨询有较积极的态度,外向性低、高才干的个体对网络心理咨询的接纳性可能更低;大学生网络心理咨询态度可能与其人格特征、网络自我效能感有关.  相似文献   

目的了解大众对心理咨询的基本认识及态度,探讨个体心理咨询干预对大学生心理咨询态度的改善。方法自行编制心理咨询态度调查问卷,对扬州1159名群众进行调查。选取19名扬州大学本科生,根据是否接受心理咨询分为实验组与对照组,通过自编问卷前后测进行比较研究。结果①调查中,74.2%的人认同"当今社会不少人需要心理咨询"(2χ=942.696,P=0.000);62.7%否认"心理问题是否解决完全取决于咨询师"(χ2=667.435,P=0.000);42.8%认为心理咨询给人神秘感觉(χ2=587.69,P=0.000);②男女在开放度上存在极其显著差异(t=3.168,P=0.002);咨询师与非咨询师在求助信任(t=3.953,P=0.000)、容忍度(t=3.961,P=0.000)和开放度(t=7.078,P=0.000)3项上存在极其显著差异;而国内与国外在求助信任(t=-0.498,P=0.619)、容忍度(t=-0.133,P=0.894)、需求度(t=-1.66,P=0.098)、开放度(t=-1.325,P=0.186)上均无显著差异;③干预后,实验组与对照组在求助信任(t=1.16,P=0.262)、容忍度(t=0.16,P=0.875)上由不显著差异转为显著差异(t=2.622,P=0.018;t=2.488,P=0.048)。结论男性与女性、咨询师与非咨询师对心理咨询的态度存在很大的不同;心理咨询干预对改善大学生心理咨询的态度有一定效果,尤其在求助信任、容忍度2个方面。  相似文献   

Improving one's life-style may improve one's health. However, there is a lack of consensus on how to promote compliance with newly adopted health habits. This paper presents a conceptual framework that individuals can learn to assess their life-styles and plan for health-behavior changes. It can also be used by professionals from different disciplines who are developing programs to teach healthy life-style choices. The framework is organized into three ideas: (1) Health status to a large extent reflects the individual's styles of living (a composite of beliefs, emotions, and action patterns). (2) These styles can be encouraged or sabotaged by the individual's support structures (relationships, environments, and equipment). (3) The change process can be seen as a series of steps that cycle through phases of readiness appraisal, decision making, experimentation, and reevaluation. clinical examples and documentation from relevant theory and research illustrate and substantiate the framework.  相似文献   

This paper explores the way in which emotions are causal determinants of action. It argues that emotional events, as appraised by the individual, elicit changes in motive states (called states of action readiness), which in turn may (or may not) cause action. Actions can be elicited automatically, without prior intention (called impulsive actions), or intentionally. Impulsive actions reflect the simplest and biologically most general form in which emotions can cause action, since they require no reflection, no foresight, and no planning. Impulsive actions are determined conjointly by the nature of action readiness, the affordances perceived in the eliciting event as appraised, and the individual's action repertoire. Those actions from one's repertoire are performed that both match the perceived affordances and the aim of the state of action readiness.  相似文献   

Health-related behaviors, social support, and community morale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relation among health behaviors, social support, and community morale--attitudes toward one's community, such as attachment and social participation--was examined in 597 adults living in a Japanese community. Logistic models revealed that strong spousal support was related to reduced alcohol drinking and enhanced family support was related to a reduction in smoking. The support of friends was positively associated with the frequency of alcohol drinking by men. Among women, family support was positively related to the frequency of consuming Japanese-style food. Community morale was positively associated with consuming Japanese-style side dishes and negatively associated with alcohol consumption. The results indicate that there are varied associations between social relationships and health-related behavior and that these associations are gender-related. Knowing the specific associations between an individual's social relationships and his or her health-related behavior will he helpful for community-based intervention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the functions of involuntary memory in the course of daily life. The participant was the author, a 39-year-old male at the time when the record of involuntary memories was begun. When an autobiographical memory occurred spontaneously, the participant would record the contents of that memory and the circumstances surrounding its occurrence, such as the triggered cues for the remembered event and the participant's activity and mood at the time. Over a period of four and a half years, involuntary memories of 184 events were collected. The results suggest four functions of involuntary memory: (1) confirmation of one's existence at a given time in one's life history; (2) confirmation of one's own psychological traits; (3) confirmation of one's relationship to others; and (4) the direction or regulation of one's behavior. One of the main functions of involuntary memory may be to provide one with the opportunity for recognition of the individual's stable beliefs and behavior, that is, the sense of self-continuity.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that an individual's perception of his health and mental health status may be largely determined by his concept or definitions of health and mental health and that how one defines these terms are a function of one's level of awareness of higher needs. A conceptual model is presented that locates these cognitive variables within the causal framework relative to help-seeking behavior and provides the theoretical basis for a methodology of determining the mental health needs of a population, especially in a developing country, based on self-assessment of health status.  相似文献   

The relationship between job stress,burnout and clinical depression   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The definition and phenomenological features of 'burnout' and its eventual relationship with depression and other clinical conditions are reviewed. Work is an indispensable way to make a decent and meaningful way of living, but can also be a source of stress for a variety of reasons. Feelings of inadequate control over one's work, frustrated hopes and expectations and the feeling of losing of life's meaning, seem to be independent causes of burnout, a term that describes a condition of professional exhaustion. It is not synonymous with 'job stress', 'fatigue', 'alienation' or 'depression'. Burnout is more common than generally believed and may affect every aspect of the individual's functioning, have a deleterious effect on interpersonal and family relationships and lead to a negative attitude towards life in general. Empirical research suggests that burnout and depression are separate entities, although they may share several 'qualitative' characteristics, especially in the more severe forms of burnout, and in vulnerable individuals, low levels of satisfaction derived from their everyday work. These final issues need further clarification and should be the focus of future clinical research.  相似文献   

The paper shows a new concept of the mechanisms responsible for aging with emphasis on regulatory peptides. The concept opens basically new approaches to preventing premature aging, to prolonging the individual's active life, and eliminating pathological states and processes associated with age-specific changes. The regulatory peptides described in the paper are now regarded as new-generation therapeutical and preventive agents that can produce a naturally target corrective action on the diseased organ and tissue without adverse side effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The impact of chronic illnesses is not only influenced by one's physical functioning but also by its subjective importance to the individual's life. However, it is often difficult to asses such an impact in an appropriate way. PRISM (pictorial representation of illness and self measure) measures the perception of illness and first data on its validity have been published. The aim of the present study was to prove the applicability of PRISM regarding alcohol-dependent patients. Therefore, a comparison was made between alcohol-dependent patients, alcohol abusers and at-risk drinkers. METHOD: The sample consisted of 763 general practice patients, who scored above the cutoff in alcohol-related screening questionnaires. Of this sample, 330 were diagnosed as alcohol dependent, alcohol abusers (both according to DSM-IV) or at-risk drinkers. To prove the applicability, PRISM was put in context with the severity of alcohol dependence and the core constructs of the transtheoretical model of behavior change. RESULTS: PRISM was related to the severity of the drinking problem: the severer the drinking problem, the shorter the distance between self and illness. High correlations with aspects of alcohol consumption - such as adverse consequences from drinking, temptation to drink, and self-efficacy to abstain - were found. Concerning stages of change according to the transtheoretical model of behavior change, data show a significant difference in the self-illness separation between patients in the stage of contemplation compared to those in the precontemplation or action stage. CONCLUSIONS: The PRISM task is applicable to patients with alcohol use disorders. Within this group and in contrast to other chronic diseases, PRISM reveals a significant relationship not only to the severity of drinking, but also to the readiness to change one's drinking behavior.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was constructed to examine the relationship between eating habits and emotional attitudes toward food. This was administered to 60 individuals who varied widely in body weight relative to the statistically determined optimum for their age and sex. Correlations between item scores and weight discrepancy values from optimum revealed a number of significant correlations. The more the degree of overweight, the greater the tendency to have problems in three areas: depression, anxiety and impulsivity. In addition, the number of overweight relatives in one's immediate family also is related to an individual's degree of overweight. Some implications for the therapy of obesity were suggested.  相似文献   

A system in the human brain for predicting the actions of others   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ability to attribute mental states to others, and therefore to predict others' behavior, is particularly advanced in humans. A controversial but untested idea is that this is achieved by simulating the other person's mental processes in one's own mind. If this is the case, then the same neural systems activated by a mental function should re-activate when one thinks about that function performed by another. Here, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we tested whether the neural processes involved in preparing one's own actions are also used for predicting the future actions of others. We provide compelling evidence that areas within the action control system of the human brain are indeed activated when predicting others' actions, but a different action sub-system is activated when preparing one's own actions.  相似文献   

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