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Phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (S-oligos) are nucleic acid derivatives that are commonly used as antisense agents. These compounds, similar to bacterial DNA and CpG oligonucleotides, display a variety of immunological activities in vitro and in vivo. To assess further these activities, the antigenicity of a series of S-oligos was assessed in the solid phase using anti-DNA antibodies from sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. By ELISA, S-oligos bound well to anti-DNA antibodies under the same conditions as calf thymus DNA antigen. The specificity for anti-DNA was established by competition assays showing cross-inhibition of binding by DNA and S-oligos. Reactivity with anti-DNA was observed with S-oligos varying in sequence, suggesting interaction with a conserved determinant not strictly dependent on the bases. Furthermore, in comparison with a phosphodiester oligomer of the same sequence, a phosphorothioate showed dramatically increased activity. These findings indicate that structural features associated with the S-oligo backbone promote specific binding to anti-DNA antibodies and influence the size requirement for antigenicity in the solid phase. These observations thus extend the immunological properties of S-oligos and suggest uses of these compounds in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

A new method has been characterized for the use of viable target cells as the solid phase for screening of hybridoma supernatants in a cell concentration fluorescence immunoassay (CCFIA). Briefly, the specific target antigen on the cells is bound by the monoclonal antibodies and revealed by use of a fluoresceinated second antibody. Separation of free from bound antibody is accomplished by filtration in the 0.2 micron filter-bottom wells of specialized assay plates. Processing is automated in a Pandex screen machine, resulting in numerical fluorescence values for each well. This method is rapid (under 1 h per 96-well plate), highly sensitive (down to 0.2 ng/ml) and sparing of target cells (0.3-2.5 X 10(4) cells per assay well). It has been applied to 37 different varieties of human solid tumor cells, as well as to human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The cells used as targets for the characterization of this method were still capable of attachment and growth when recovered post-assay. This method was compared with a viable cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, showing similar sensitivity and greatly shortened assay time. Comparison of the results from this method with those obtained from flow cytometric analysis performed on viable cells showed close correlation, whereas a lower correlation was seen with immunohistochemical methods using acetone-fixed cells. Development of this method made it possible to rapidly screen many thousands of hybridoma supernatants and successfully select those which were specific for surface antigens on viable cells.  相似文献   

A solid phase radioimmunoassay (SPRIA) has been developed for detection of IgG antibodies to gonococcal outer membrane components. Gonococcal antigens were immobilised on a solid support by covalent coupling to CNBr-activated Sepharose in the presence of the detergent Triton X-100. Binding of specific antibody to the Sepharose-antigen complex was detected using radiolabelled Protein A as the antiglobulin. Protein A was labelled by radioacetylation with tritiated acetic anhydride, yielding a product of high specific activity and high stability. No detectable loss of activity was observed over a ten month period. The entire assay was performed on Mitex teflon hydrophobic membrane filters which held the Sepharose beads and aqueous supernatant as a discrete drop of liquid. The supernatants and incubation media were easily and rapidly removed from the beads by suction on a specially designed manifold system. This procedure removed the need for repeated and time-consuming centrifugations. Titres were obtained graphically from double log plots of cpm bound versus antiserum dilution by extrapolation of the straight line to a point corresponding to twice the control level of radioactivity binding. The assay proved to be a very reliable and simple procedure for the detection of IgG antibodies to gonococcal surface antigens.  相似文献   

Cell membranes isolated from murine lymphocytes or ascites tumors bind tightly to the surface of flexible plastic microtiter plates in the absence of additional proteins. This allows the detection of membrane associated molecules by specific antibodies and thus forms the basis for a rapid and sensitive radioimmunoassay for antibodies to membrane-bound components. The assay compares favorably with a variety of methods currently used to detect antibodies to cell surface antigens. The assay detects a variety of well characterized murine cell surface antigens (H-2, I-A, T-200, Thy-1.2, Ig). The level of antibody binding to membranes on plates correlates well with antigen density on intact cells. A modification of the assay involving competition between cross-reacting antibodies allows detection and resolution of closely spaced antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for a fluorescence immunoassay of antibodies to, and surface antigens of, Actinomyces viscosus ATCC 19246 are described. In the standard fluorescence immunoassay, 10(8) colony-forming units of A. viscosus reacted with an antibody preparation, were washed, and then were treated with an excess of fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G. After another set of washes, fluorescence was determined in a spectofluorometer; in most cases excitation was at 485 nm, with emission measured at 525 nm. These conditions minimized interference from light scatter and stray light. Under appropriate conditions, antibodies to A. viscosus could be readily determined, with the fluorescence of the specific antibody-treated cells more than five times the fluorescence of controls treated with normal rabbit serum. Organisms coated with specific antibody could be detected at levels approaching 10(5) colony-forming units per ml. The standard fluorescence immunoassay procedure was readily adapted to the measurement of either particulate or soluble surface antigens of A. viscosus by competition of the antigen with a fixed amount of antibody in the standard assay system; the competition resulted in an antigen dose-dependent inhibition of fluorescence. The fluorescent immunoassay system thus appears to be a general one that could be applied to other microbial systems as well.  相似文献   

The paper presents experimental data on the use of the liposomal immunoassay (LIA) with a fluorescence marker to detect lipopolysaccharide antigens (LPS-AG) of the causative agents of infectious diseases (S. typhimurium, S. typhi, F. tularensis) and antibodies to them in the model systems and human serum. The sensitivity of determination of specific antibodies to LPS-AG is shown to be 15-160 times as high as that of RPGA and the sensitivity of determination of LPS-AG is comparable to that of solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. The stability and storage of diagnostic immunoliposomal test systems are dealt with. It is shown that the liposomal diagnostic agents can be stable without losing their properties for years. Whether LIA is of diagnostic value in detecting salmonellosis in children in the clinical setting is discussed and the value of this assay is compared with that of other laboratory methods. The data on how LIA can be automated are presented. Its analytical advantages in using in laboratory diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

A modification of the MAILA (monoclonal antibody specific immobilization of lymphocyte antigens) method has been developed for the detection of antibodies to class 1 histocompatibility antigens. Russian biotin-treated monoclonal antibodies IKO-53 (Medbiospektr, Moscow) were used. In a complex with monoclonal antibodies, lymphocyte HLA antigen was found to retain its antigenic properties when stored for a long time. High specificity and sensitivity of the method were demonstrated. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 120, N o 9, pp. 315–317, September, 1995 Presented by V. I. Shumakov, Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences  相似文献   

A quantitative, semiautomated, solid-phase fluorescence immunoassay (FIA) has been developed for measuring rheumatoid factor (RF) and C-reactive protein (CRP). The correlation of the FIA measurement of RF and CRP with standard measurements in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients is not known. To determine the correlation of FIA with standard assay methods, RF and CRP levels were measured by both methods in 151 patients with active RA. RF levels measured by FIA correlated very closely with charcoal agglutination method (r2 = 0.890, P less than 0.0001). CRP levels by FIA correlated very closely with CRP levels by nephelometric method (r2 = 0.886, P less than 0.0001) and Westergren erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR) (r2 = 0.356, P less than 0.0001). A weak statistical correlation of RF, CRP, and ESR with some clinical variables of RA disease activity was demonstrated. Measurement of RF and CRP by FIA is similar to standard methods and offers no specific advantages in evaluating RA patients at a single evaluation.  相似文献   

A method distinguished by high sensitivity, low non-specific binding, easy handling, and broad applicability with respect to various antigens is described. Films of polymethyl-methacrylate with plane surfaces were selected as solid phase for adhesive or covalent binding of different antigens (DNA, histone, human, rabbit or goat immunoglobulins). Proteins were covalently bound to the films by the azide method (Orth and Brummer, 1972). Polymethylmethacrylate films thus coated had a negligible autofluorescence and gave minimal non-specific binding of protein. Coated films were used for specificity control of FITC-labeled antibody preparations and in the double antibody and sandwich techniques for detection of antibodies or antigens in sera from man, rabbit and goat. FITC-conjugated hyperimmune antibody, in some cases purified by immunoadsorption was used as second antibody in indirect techniques. The amount of fluorescent-labeled antibody bound per unit of surface area of film was measured by incident light with a Zeiss-Axiomat fluorescence microscope equipped for fluorescence photometry and an uranyl acetate glass plate was used as a standard. The technique appears superior to present methods of quantitative immunofluorescence analysis.  相似文献   

The main properties of solid/liquid interfaces are briefly considered before the weak chemical bonds involved in Ag-Ab interactions (hydrogen, electrostatic, Van Der Waals and hydrophobic bonds) are related in detail. The reversible nature of these non covalent bonds allows the discussion of the Ag-Ab reaction in the usual terms of chemical equilibrium the thermodynamic values associated with this equilibrium can be described. However, the complexity of the Ag-Ab reaction is strongly increased if Ag or Ab are bound to a solid phase. The modifications brought about by the solid phase are debated with the intention of understanding the physical and chemical parameters of the Ag-Ab reaction in solid phase immunoassays.  相似文献   

Short synthetic peptides are useful alternatives to whole lysate or recombinant proteins as the antigens used for serodiagnosis of bacterial or viral infections. However, certain known antigenic peptides displayed low seroreactivities in direct enzyme immunoassay. This was believed to be due to the low coating efficiency, a constrained orientation, or loss of flexibility required for optimal antibody binding. Using a model peptide system derived from the V3-loop of HIV-1 gp120, we demonstrated that low antigenicity could be overcome by using either tandem repeats (TR) or multiple antigenic peptides (MAPs) which contained the same amino acid sequence as the monomeric peptide. In our model system, a four-branch MAP was a better choice compared to the tandem repeats because of the MAP's slightly higher sensitivity and lower cost of production.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of systemicCandida infections was attempted by the use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) to detect IgG antibodies towards cell wall-bound and cytoplasmic candidal antigens. Cell wall antigens were sequentially solubilized by treatment of germinated blastoconidia ofCandida albicans (ATCC 26555 strain) with -mercaptoethanol (ME extract) and digestion with Zymolyase 20T, a -glucanase preparation (Zymolyase extract). Protoplasts obtained after treatment with Zymolyase were osmotically lysed (cytoplasmic antigens). Sera were obtained from patients with systemic (n=28) and superficial (n=46) candidiasis. Control sera were obtained from normal healthy individuals (n=31) and from hospitalized patients at low (n=36) and at high (n=13) risk of developing systemic candidiasis yet showing no symptoms of candidal infection. Detection of antibodies in crude sera samples by EIA using all of these antigenic extracts was highly specific (98–100 %), but sensitivity of the method was low (3.5–17.8 %). However, adsorption of sera with latex microspheres coated with purifiedCandida mannan in order to selectively remove antimannan antibodies prior to EIA improved the diagnostic efficiency of this test. Improvement was particularly noticeable when the ME extract was used as antigenic preparation, yielding a sensitivity of 89.2 % and a specificity of 98.6 %.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were prepared against an arthritogenic strain of Mycoplasma hominis isolated from the joint aspirates of a patient with chronic septic arthritis. Immunoblots of polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresed proteins before and after surface proteolysis showed that the predominant antigenic determinants were on surface-exposed polypeptides. These polypeptides have extensive hydrophobic characteristics, as demonstrated by Triton X-114 phase partitioning. The electrophoresed proteins from cells grown in medium containing [14C]palmitate were blotted onto nitrocellulose which was both reacted with the MAbs and exposed to X-ray film. Superimposable bands on both the immunoblots and the exposed film suggested that the proteins might be acylated. The MAbs were further tested for reactivity with 16 other strains of M. hominis isolated from patients with septic arthritis (1 strain), septicemia (10 strains), or nongonococcal urethritis (1 strain); from the cervix (1 strain), rectum (1 strain), or surgical wound (1 strain) of patients; and from a contaminated cell culture. No single protein was consistently recognized from strain to strain, although a 94-kDa protein from 16 of the 17 strains tested was bound by at least one of the MAbs. The apparent antigenic heterogeneity among strains of M. hominis, including those isolated from the same tissue source and/or from patients with the same type of clinical disease, might be misleading in that all strains express epitopes associated with a discrete number of proteins to which one, two, or all three MAbs bind. The expression of the epitopes on multiple proteins from the same or different strains may reflect a mechanism for generating antigenic diversity.  相似文献   

A new solid-phase fluorescence immunoassay technique is described and is exemplified by the detection of murine monoclonal antibodies to human IgG in hybridoma culture supernatants and the detection of murine IgG. The assay is performed in a specially designed 96-well plate. For antibody detection, antigen bound to submicron polystyrene particles is bound to its specific antibody, which is in turn reacted with fluorescein-labeled affinity-purified goat anti-mouse IgG. The reaction is complete in 10 min at ambient temperature. The solid phase is separated from the reaction mixture by filtration, washed and the total particle-bound fluorescence is determined by front-surface fluorimetry. The sensitivity of the technique for antibody detection is equivalent to enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay and 2-4 ng/ml for murine IgG detection. It is readily amenable to automation.  相似文献   

The antigen capture immunoassay which is described herein is based on the binding of specific antigens of cytomegalovirus (CMV) by monoclonal antibodies bound to a solid phase. The specificity of the binding was demonstrated by the analysis of antigens labelled with [35S]methionine and captured by the bound monoclonal antibodies. These specific antigens are recognized in turn by specific anti-cytomegalovirus antibodies in human sera. The immunoassay permits quantitation of these specific anti-cytomegalovirus antibodies and should facilitate both qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the antibodies against specific CMV antigens in different individuals.  相似文献   

In areas of intense Plasmodium falciparum transmission, protective immunity is acquired during childhood in parallel with acquisition of agglutinating antibodies to parasite-encoded variant surface antigens (VSA) expressed on parasitized red blood cells. In a semi-immune child in such an area, clinical disease is caused mainly by parasites expressing VSA not recognized by preexisting VSA-specific antibodies in that child. Such malaria episodes are known to cause an increase in agglutinating antibodies specifically recognizing VSA expressed by the parasite isolate causing the illness, whereas antibody responses to other parasite isolates are relatively unaffected. However, the detailed kinetics of this VSA antibody acquisition are unknown and hence were the aim of this study. We show that P. falciparum malaria in Ghanaian children generally caused a rapid and sustained increase in variant-specific VSA antibody levels, while more transient and limited increases in levels of antibodies to VSA expressed by other parasite isolates were also seen. Plasma VSA antibody levels were positively correlated with the age of the healthy plasma donors but negatively correlated with the age of the parasite donors (the malaria patient). The data from this first detailed longitudinal study of acquisition of VSA antibodies support the hypothesis that naturally acquired protective immunity to P. falciparum malaria is mediated, at least in part, by VSA-specific antibodies.  相似文献   

A colorimetric solid-phase enzyme immunoassay has been developed which quantifies antibodies to porcine granulosa cell membrane antigens in rabbits immunized with porcine granulosa cells. A cell-free, particulate membrane preparation of porcine granulosa cells was used as coating antigen. A biotinylated second antibody in conjunction with a streptavidin-beta-galactosidase conjugate was utilized to amplify reactivity. The enzyme beta-galactosidase was used due to high background obtained using peroxidase, presumably due to endogenous peroxidase activity of the tissue. Sigmoidal serum dilution curves were obtained with immune rabbit sera indicating that absorbance was related to the concentration of antibodies. Assay activity was reduced by preincubation of immune serum with granulosa cell membranes. Sera from ovariectomized or pre-immune rabbits did not yield any specific binding in the assay. This assay has potential applicability for quantifying antiovarian and antigranulosa cell antibodies in women suspected of having autoimmune premature ovarian failure.  相似文献   

Scanning Force Microscopy has already been shown to be a convenient and rapid method for sensitive antigen detection and quantification. Here, we describe different improvement steps brought to a TSH Scanning Force Microscopic ImmunoAssay (SFMIA), each of them aiming to solve a previous limitation of the solid phase test format and leading to a significant sensitivity enhancement. First, superparamagnetic nanoparticles conjugated to monoclonal anti alphaTSH antibodies were used for the specific TSH capture step. Their magnetic properties allowed easy separation of the complexes obtained from relatively large reaction volumes by application of a High Gradient Magnetic Field System. As a consequence, complex formation could proceed in a stirred solution, which greatly enhances binding rates compared to previous 'static' conditions of solid-phase reactions. It was established that, despite their small size, magnetic complexes could be moved over short distances by a NdFeB magnet magnetic field. This property was exploited to overcome diffusion barrier and boundary layer constraints and to drive magnetic complexes through the liquid, towards anti-betaTSH antibodies immobilized on silica wafers. Finally, we significantly increased the complex number/surface area by a stepwise reduction of the biospecific solid phase area. The proposed steps permitted a 3-fold improvement in the TSH SFMIA dynamic range. Moreover, as little as 0.02 pg/ml (0.1 nIU/ml or 0.8 amol/ml) of TSH could be detected using 1 ml sample volumes. This is over 100 times more sensitive than the current performance of commercialized automated systems.  相似文献   

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