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Recent work has highlighted the involvement of a dopamine derivative, 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine (CysDA), in neurodegeneration and apoptotic cell death. In this paper we study in further detail the apoptotic process activated by this catechol-thioether derivative of dopamine in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. CysDA activates a cascade of events by an initial perturbation of Calcium homeostasis in the cell. Cell treatment with the catechol-thioether induces an immediate rise in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, as demonstrated by a shift in the indo-1 dye emission spectrum, and a sustained high calcium concentration at long times of incubation. Fluorescence microscopy data show that the treatment of cells induces mitochondrial transmembrane potential depolarization, a clear evidence of the onset of apoptotic process. Programmed cell death activation is also demonstrated by cytochrome c release from the mitochondria, by an increased activity of both caspase-8 and -9 and by the poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP-1) cleavage, yielding the typical 86 kDa fragment due to caspase-3 activity. Overall, our data support the hypothesis that CysDA may induce apoptotic death in neuronal cells, via an initial perturbation of calcium homeostasis in the cytosol.  相似文献   

In Alzheimer's disease (AD), in aging, and under conditions of oxidative stress, the levels of reactive carbonyl compounds continuously increase. Accumulating carbonyl levels might be caused by an impaired enzymatic detoxification system. The major dicarbonyl detoxifying system is the glyoxalase system, which removes methylglyoxal in order to minimize cellular impairment. Although a reduced activity of glyoxalase I was evident in aging brains, it is not known how raising the intracellular methylglyoxal level influences neuronal function and the phosphorylation pattern of tau protein, which is known to be abnormally hyperphosphorylated in AD. To simulate a reduced glyoxalase I activity, we applied an inhibitor of glyoxalase I, p-bromobenzylglutathione cyclopentyl diester (pBrBzGSCp(2)), to SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells to induce chronically elevated methylglyoxal concentrations. We have shown that 10 microM pBrBzGSCp(2) leads to a fourfold elevation of the methylglyoxal level after 24 hr. In addition, glyoxalase I inhibition leads to reduced cell viability, strongly retracted neuritis, increase in [Ca(2+)](i), and activation of caspase-3. However, pBrBzGSCp(2) did not lead to tau "hyper"-phosphorylation despite activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase but rather activated protein phosphatases 2 and induced tau dephosphorylation at the Ser(202)/Thr(205) and Ser(396)/Ser(404) epitopes. Preincubation with the carbonyl scavenger aminoguanidine prevented tau dephosphorylation, indicating the specific effect of methylglyoxal. Also, pretreatment with the inhibitor okadaic acid prevented tau dephosphorylation, indicating that methylglyoxal activates PP-2A. In summary, our data suggest that a reduced glyoxalase I activity mimics some changes associated with neurodegeneration, such as neurite retraction and apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

目的 动态研究多巴胺对多巴胺能神经细胞的细胞毒作用.方法 用不同浓度的多巴胺处理SH-SYSY细胞,在一定时程内的不同时间点观察细胞活性,各种氧化应激指标.结果 研究发现多巴胺作用于多巴胺能细胞系SH-SY5Y,可导致细胞存活率明显减少,细胞存活率的下降呈时间与浓度依赖;多巴胺处理后,细胞的氧化应激指标OH-自由基、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)、线粒体膜电位(△ψM)、活性氧(ROS)均有不同程度的改变.结论 本次实验结果提示多巴胺对多巴胺能细胞的毒性是通过氧化应激途径起作用的.  相似文献   

Free cytoplasmic dopamine may be involved in the genesis of neuronal degeneration in Parkinson's disease and other such diseases. We used SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells to study the effect of dopamine on cell death, activation of stress-induced pathways, and expression of alpha-synuclein, the characteristic protein accumulated in Lewy bodies. We show that 100 and 500 microM dopamine causes a 40% and 60% decrease of viability, respectively, and triggers autophagy after 24 hr of exposure, characterized by the presence of numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles with inclusions. Dopamine causes mitochondrial aggregation in adherent cells prior to the loss of functionality. Plasma membrane and nucleus also maintain their integrity. Cell viability is protected by the dopamine transporter blocker nomifensine and the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid. Dopamine activates the stress-response kinases, SAPK/JNK and p38, but not ERK/MAPK or MEK, and increases alpha-synuclein expression. Both cell viability and the increase in alpha-synuclein expression are prevented by antioxidants; by the specific inhibitors of p38 and SAPK/JNK, SB203580 and SP600125, respectively; and by the inhibitor of autophagy 3-methyladenine. This indicates that oxidative stress, stress-activated kinases, and factors involved in autophagy up-regulate alpha-synuclein content. The results show that nonapoptotic death pathways are triggered by dopamine, leading to autophagy. These findings should be taken into account in the search for strategies to protect dopaminergic neurons from degeneration.  相似文献   

Neurosteroids are important regulators of central nervous system function and may be involved in processes of neuronal cell survival. This study was undertaken to test the effect of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), pregnenolone (PGL), pregnenolone sulfate (PGLS), and allopregnanolone (Allo) on hydrogen peroxide- and staurosporine-induced toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells. It has been found that DHEAS inhibited the hydrogen peroxide toxicity in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas DHEA was active only at higher doses. PGL and PGLS showed neuroprotective effects only at the lowest concentration. Allo had no significant effect on hydrogen peroxide-evoked lactate dehydrogenase release and at the highest concentration aggravated its toxic effects. Next part of this study evaluated neurosteroid effects on staurosporine-induced apoptosis. DHEAS, DHEA, and PGL significantly antagonized effects of staurosporine on both caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial membrane potential. PGLS and Allo inhibited the staurosporine-induced changes in both apoptotic parameters only at the lowest concentration. Antiapoptotic properties of neurosteroids were positively verified by Hoechst staining. Furthermore, as shown by calcein assay, DHEA, DHEAS, and PGL increased viability of staurosporine-treated cells, and these effects were attenuated by specific inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK)-mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). These data indicate that neurosteroids prevent SH-SY5Y cell damage related to oxidative processes and activation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Moreover, neuroprotective effects of DHEA, DHEAS seem to depend on PI3-K and ERK/MAPK signaling pathways. It can be suggested that, at physiological concentrations, all studied neurosteroids participate in the inhibition of neuronal apoptosis, but with various potencies.  相似文献   

Tau phosphorylation during apoptosis of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Alzheimer's Disease brain, the microtubule-associated protein tau is hyperphosphorylated at specific epitopes and abnormally aggregates into filamentous structures. In addition, there is significant neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease brain, and there is data to suggest that apoptotic-like processes may contribute to the neurodegeneration. It has been demonstrated that in PC12 cells undergoing apoptosis due trophic factor removal, tau is hyperphosphorylated prior to chromatin condensation. To establish that increased tau phosphorylation is a generalized outcome of the apoptotic process, and to examine the involvement of the protein kinase in these events, apoptosis was induced in retinoic-acid differentiated human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells using the topoisomerase-1 inhibitor camptothecin. Treatment of the differentiated SH-SY5Y cells with camptothecin resulted in a time and concentration dependent activation of caspase-3 with a concomitant increase in the presence of apoptotic nuclei. Immunoblotting revealed that camptothecin treatment resulted in a significant increase in tau phosphorylation. Addition of a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor reduced camptothecin-induced cell death in the differentiated SH-SY5Y cells and decreased the effects of camptothecin on tau phosphorylation. In contrast, a general caspase inhibitor decreased camptothecin-induced cell death, but did not significantly decrease the increases in tau phosphorylation. These results suggest that increased tau phosphorylation is likely a generalized outcome of apoptotic processes in neuron-related cells, and that cyclin-dependent kinases probably play a role in this process.  相似文献   

目的:探讨黄芩苷对Aβ诱导的神经细胞凋亡的保护作用,同时通过对诱导凋亡的关键因素综合分析阐明其作用机制。 方法:①实验方法及分组:正常对照组,神经元母细胞瘤SH-SY5Y无血清培养;模型组,模型组加终浓度为25μmol/L 的Aβ25-35处理24h;黄芩苷治疗组,黄芩苷预处理1h,再加终浓度为25μmol/L的 Aβ25-35处理24h,大剂量组采用100μM,小剂量组采用50μM。②实验评估:各实验组作用24小时后,收集细胞上清ELISA测定细胞NO、LDH分泌;MTT实验测定各组细胞存活率;流式细胞仪测定细胞凋亡及线粒体膜电位的改变;RT-PCR检测caspase-3的mRNA水平。 结果:MTT实验显示,Aβ25-35处理后SH-SY5Y细胞的存活率明显下降(p<0.01),而黄芩苷各治疗组则显示出明显的保护作用(p<0.05,p<0.01);细胞上清LDH活性测试显示,Aβ25-35组上清中的LDH明显升高(p<0.01);黄芩苷组各治疗组与模型组比差异显著(p<0.05,p<0.01);比色法测定细胞上清中NO分泌显示,Aβ25-35处理后细胞NO分泌明显上升(31.64±1.96μM),而黄芩苷各治疗组均能有效抑制NO的产生,黄芩苷100μM(9.43±0.63μM),黄芩苷50μM(23.41±0.94μM)p<0.01;流式细胞仪分别测定细胞凋亡率及线粒体膜电位,结果显示与正常对照组比较Aβ25-35明显诱导了细胞凋亡,同时线粒体膜电位也明显下降(p<0.01),而黄芩苷各治疗通过保护线粒体膜电位有效抑制了凋亡的发生发生;进一步的caspase-3mRNA表达测定中也显示黄芩苷各组均能明显抑制caspase-3的表达。 结论:本研究结果明确了黄芩苷能有效抑制Aβ25-35诱导的神经元细胞的调亡,在进一步机制研究中显示了黄芩苷同过抑制自由基损伤、调亡分子caspase-3的表达以及保护线粒体正常功能等凋亡发生的关键环节保护了神经元细胞。  相似文献   

Inflammatory cytokines, produced mainly by activated microglia in the brain, can enhance neuronal degeneration and the amyloid-beta-plaque production involved in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We previously demonstrated that the expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-18 (IL-18) colocalizes with plaques and hyperphoshorylated tau containing neurons in AD patients. Here we exposed neuron-like, differentiated SH-SY5Y neuroblastomas to IL-18 and observed that the protein levels of p35, Cdk5, GSK-3beta, and Ser15-phosphorylated p53 increased during 6 h-24 h. Tau phosphorylation and expression of cyclin G1, involved in neuronal regeneration, increased at 72 h. In vivo, over-expression of IL-18 may induce hyperphosphorylation of tau and induce cell cycle activators.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat cortical neurons exposed to toxic concentrations of β-amyloid peptide (βAP) begin an unscheduled mitotic cell cycle that does not progress beyond the S phase. To analyze possible signal transduction pathways involved in this effect, the action of βAP has been studied in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells differentiated by a 7-d exposure to 10 μM retinoic acid. Treatment with the βAP fragment, βAP(25–35), (25 μM) for 24, 48, or 72 h caused apoptotic cell death, detected by flow cytometry as a prediploid cell population. Cell cycle analysis showed that βAP(25–35) modified cell cycle profiles by markedly increasing the number of cells in the S phase and reducing the population of the G2/M area. These effects seem to involve activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK1/2). Inhibition of this pathway by the specific inhibitor PD98059 (2 μM) completely prevented changes of cell cycle distribution induced by βAP and significantly reduced neuronal death. The data suggest that MAPK cascade can mediate the induction of cell cycle induced by βAP, thus contributing to the toxicity of the peptide.  相似文献   

A genetic defect in complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) is implicated in the etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD), and has been studied in hybrid mitochondrial transgene cells based on the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma. We sought to characterize further the mechanisms and time course of cell death in cultures of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells exposed to the ETC complex I inhibitor methylpyridinium ion (MPP+). We verify previous reports that apoptosis occurs after MPP+ exposure in SH-SY5Y cells. Nuclear pyknosis, the end stage of apoptosis, is evident after 18-hr exposure to 5 mM MPP+ and reversible until 10 hr, providing a temporal window within which to look for molecular and physiological correlates of MPP+-induced apoptosis. We then looked for mitochondrial correlates of MPP+ induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. Using flow cytometry, we found that MPP+ -induced increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lactate production consistent with inhibition of the ETC. Rho(o) cells, lacking a functional ETC, showed no ROS production, compensatory lactate production or apoptosis after exposure to MPP+. Finally, we show a collapse in ROS production and mitochondrial potential that is temporally correlated with irreversibility of MPP+ -induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid peptide, the major component of the senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD), has been probed to be toxic to neurons both in vivo and in vitro. Several mechanisms have been proposed to be involved in the amyloid-induced neurotoxicity; among others it has been suggested that the beta-amyloid peptide exerts its toxic effect mainly by activating the surrounding microglia population, which in turn induces the synthesis and release of preapoptotic and pro-inflammatory factors. In addition, a direct effect of beta-amyloid on neurons has been also described. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the amyloid-induced neurotoxicity have been not yet definitely clarified. To characterize the effects directly induced on neurons, we have analyzed the gene expression profile induced by the 25-35 beta-amyloid fragment in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, by using the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. Our results confirm that beta-amyloid may directly induce neuronal cell death; activating signals that in vivo have been described as causative of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Huang J  May JM 《Brain research》2006,1097(1):52-58
beta-Amyloid causes apoptosis and death in cultured neurons that may be mediated by generation of reactive oxygen species. Since ascorbic acid concentrations are relatively high in brain, we tested whether and how this antioxidant might protect cultured SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells from apoptotic cell death. SH-SY5Y cells did not contain ascorbate in culture but readily took it up to achieve intracellular concentrations several-fold those of GSH. Treatment of cells with 2-10 microM beta-amyloid(25-35) decreased both intracellular ascorbate and GSH without affecting rates of ascorbate transport, which suggests that the peptide induces an oxidant stress in the cells. Overnight culture of cells with 10-20 microM beta-amyloid(25-35) induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells when measured as externalization of phosphatidylserine by annexin V binding, as DNA fragmentation in the TUNEL assay, and as caspase-3 activity in cell lysates. Pre-loading cells with ascorbate substantially prevented apoptosis measured by these assays as well as cell death. In addition to preventing apoptosis, ascorbate loading of SH-SY5Y cells also decreased basal rates of generation of endogenous beta-amyloid. Together, these results support the notion that beta-amyloid induces apoptosis and death in neurons due to oxidant stress and suggest that intracellular ascorbate effectively prevents this toxicity.  相似文献   

Yu Z  Li W  Hillman J  Brunk UT 《Brain research》2004,1016(2):163-169
3-Aminopropanal (3-AP), a degradation product of polyamines such as spermine, spermidine and putrescine, is a lysosomotropic small aldehyde that causes apoptosis or necrosis of most cells in culture, apparently by inducing moderate or extensive lysosomal rupture, respectively, and secondary mitochondrial changes. Here, using the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line, we found simultaneous occurrence of apoptotic and necrotic cell death when cultures were exposed to 3-AP in concentrations that usually are either nontoxic, or only cause apoptosis. At 30 mM, but not at 10 mM, the lysosomotropic base and proton acceptor NH3 completely blocked the toxic effect of 3-AP, proving that 3-AP is lysosomotropic and suggesting that the lysosomal membrane proton pump of neuroblastoma cells is highly effective, creating a lower than normal lysosomal pH and, thus, extensive intralysosomal accumulation of lysosomotropic drugs. A wave of internal oxidative stress, secondary to changes in mitochondrial membrane potential, followed and gave rise to further lysosomal rupture. The preincubation of cells for 24 h with a chain-breaking free radical-scavenger, alpha-tocopherol, before exposure to 3-AP, significantly delayed both the wave of oxidative stress and the secondary lysosomal rupture, while it did not interfere with the early 3-AP-mediated phase of lysosomal break. Obviously, the reported oxidative stress and apoptosis/necrosis are consequences of lysosomal rupture with ensuing release of lysosomal enzymes resulting in direct/indirect effects on mitochondrial permeability, membrane potential, and electron transport. The induced oxidative stress seems to act as an amplifying loop causing further lysosomal break that can be partially prevented by alpha-tocopherol. Perhaps secondary brain damage during a critical post injury period can be prevented by the use of drugs that temporarily raise lysosomal pH, inactivate intralysosomal 3-AP, or stabilize lysosomal membranes against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Summary Increased monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was recently shown to accompany apoptotic cell death of various neuronal cells following growth factor deprivation. Here we show that in serum deprived SH-SY5Y cells, MAO-A mRNA levels and catalytic activities are increased, linked with activation of the apoptotic executioner caspase-3. Importantly, specific inhibition of MAO-A activity resulted in loss of apoptotic cell morphology. Our study indicates that MAO catalytic activity is involved in apoptotic signalling in response to serum withdrawal in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease, affects learning and memory resulting from cholinergic dysfunction. Scopolamine has been employed to induce Alzheimer's disease-like pathology in vivo and in vitro through alteration of cholinergic system. N-benzylcinnamide(PT-3), purified from Piper submultinerve, has been shown to exhibit neuroprotective properties against amyloid-β-induced neuronal toxicity in rat cortical primary cell culture and to improve spatial learning and memory of aged rats through alleviating oxidative stress. We proposed a hypothesis that PT3 has a neuroprotective effect against scopolamine-induced cholinergic dysfunction. PT-3(125–200 n M) pretreatment was performed in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5 Y cell line following scopolamine induction. PT-3(125–200 n M) inhibited scopolamine(2 m M)-induced generation of reactive oxygen species, cellular apoptosis, upregulation of acetylcholinesterase activity, downregulation of choline acetyltransferase level, and activation of p38 and JNK signalling pathways. These findings revealed the underlying mechanisms of scopolamine-induced Alzheimer's disease-like cellular dysfunctions, which provide evidence for developing drugs for the treatment of this debilitating disease.  相似文献   

The neuroprotective effect of mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDPm), an enzyme involved in the reduction of NADP(+) to NADPH and the supply of glutathione (GSH) in mitochondria, was examined using SH-SY5Y cells overexpressing IDPm (S1). S1 cells showed higher NADPH and GSH levels than vector transfectant (V) cells and were more resistant to staurosporine-induced cell death than controls. Staurosporine-induced cytochrome c release, caspase-3 activation, and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were significantly attenuated in S1 cells as compared to V cells and reduced by antioxidants, trolox and GSH-ethyl ester (GSH-EE). Staurosporine-induced the release of Mcl-1 from mitochondria that formed a complex with Bim. Mcl-1 was then cleaved to a shortened form in a caspase-3 dependent manner; its release was attenuated far more in S1 than in V cells after staurosporine treatment. Finally, the staurosporine-induced decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsi(m)) was correlated with the time of mitochondrial Mcl-1 release; the loss of Deltapsi(m) was attenuated significantly in S1 cells as compared to that in V cells. These results suggest that the neuroprotective effect of IDPm may result from increases in NADPH and GSH levels in the mitochondria. This, in turn, inhibits mitochondrial ROS production after cytochrome c release, which seems to be mediated through Mcl-1 release.  相似文献   

Presenilins (PSs) are mutated in a majority of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) cases. Mutated PSs may cause FAD by a number of pro-apoptotic mechanisms, or by regulating gamma-secretase activity, a protease involved in beta-amyloid precursor protein processing to the neurotoxic beta-amyloid peptide. Besides their normal endoproteolytic processing, PSs are substrates for caspases, being cleaved to alternative N-terminal and C-terminal fragments. So far little is known about the role of PSs cleavage in the apoptotic machinery. Here, we used SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with wild-type or exon 9 deleted presenilin 1 (PS1) in a time-course study after the exposure to the calcium ionophore A23187. During and after exposure to A 23187, intracellular calcium levels were higher in exon 9 deleted PS1 cells as compared with non-transfected and wild-type PS1 transfected cells. Cell death and the enrichment of apoptotic cells after A23187 exposure were increased by overexpression of exon 9 deleted PS1 as compared with the control cell lines. Wild-type PS1 cells were compared with exon 9 deleted PS1 cells and the temporal relationship between PS1 and other caspase substrates cleavages was analyzed. Exon 9 deleted PS1 cells exhibited a higher caspase-3 activation and a greater cleavage of PS1 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) compared with wild-type PS1 cells. Exon 9 deleted PS1 cleavage occurred earlier than other caspase substrate cleavages (i.e., PARP and gelsolin), simultaneous with minimum detectable caspase-3 activation. Therefore, alternative cleavage of PS1 may play an important role for the regulation of the proteolytic cascade activated during apoptosis.  相似文献   

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