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 It has been reported previously that the β subunit increases both the ionic current and the gating charge movement of the human cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel α1 subunit, and that steady-state measurements reveal the presence of two distinct components of the charge movement [Josephson IR, Varadi G (1996) Biophys J 70:1285–1293]. The present work identifies and characterizes the kinetic properties of the components of the human cardiac L-type Ca channel gating currents (I g), and determines the relationship of these components to the activation of the Ca channel ionic current (I Ca). Cloned human cardiac L-type α123 subunits were transiently expressed in HEK293 cells and calcium channel gating currents were recorded following the addition of 5 mM Co2+. The steady-state charge integrals of the gating currents (Q ON-V m) were fit by a sum of two Boltzmann components: Q ON1, which ranged over more negative potentials, and Q ON2, which ranged over more positive potentials. The kinetic components of the ON and OFF gating currents were identified using bi-exponential curve fitting. Reconstruction of the two kinetic components of charge (Q ONfast and Q ONslow) yielded distributions that were similar in their voltage dependence and relative proportion to those measured directly by steady-state integration of Q ON1 and Q ON2. Changes in the initial conditions were found to affect Q ON1 and Q ON2 differently. The time constants of the ON gating current decays were similar to those of the activation of I Ca. The results suggest that: (1) the activation of the human cardiac L-type Ca channel involves the movements of at least two, functionally distinct gating structures; (2) a fast charge movement (≈1/4 of the total charge; Q ON1 or Q ONfast) precedes a slower charge movement (≈3/4 of the total charge; Q ON2 or Q ONslow); and (3) channel opening is associated with the conformational change(s) producing Q ONslow. Received: 7 June 1996 / Received after revision: 24 September 1996 / Accepted: 1 October 1996  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels couple membrane depolarization to Ca2+-dependent intracellular signaling events. This is achieved by mediating Ca2+ ion influx or by direct conformational coupling to intracellular Ca2+ release channels. The family of Cav1 channels, also termed L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs), is uniquely sensitive to organic Ca2+ channel blockers and expressed in many electrically excitable tissues. In this review, we summarize the role of LTCCs for human diseases caused by genetic Ca2+ channel defects (channelopathies). LTCC dysfunction can result from structural aberrations within their pore-forming α1 subunits causing hypokalemic periodic paralysis and malignant hyperthermia sensitivity (Cav1.1 α1), incomplete congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB2; Cav1.4 α1), and Timothy syndrome (Cav1.2 α1; reviewed separately in this issue). Cav1.3 α1 mutations have not been reported yet in humans, but channel loss of function would likely affect sinoatrial node function and hearing. Studies in mice revealed that LTCCs indirectly also contribute to neurological symptoms in Ca2+ channelopathies affecting non-LTCCs, such as Cav2.1 α1 in tottering mice. Ca2+ channelopathies provide exciting disease-related molecular detail that led to important novel insight not only into disease pathophysiology but also to mechanisms of channel function.  相似文献   

The effect of arginine-vasopressin (AVP, 0.1 M) on elementary Ca2+ channel currents (L-type) was studied in cell-attached patches with 10 mM BaCl2 as the charge carrier. At a constant potential of –30 mV, bath applied AVP increased the channel openness (NP o) by a factor of 4.7±3.0 (mean±SD, n=9), the effect resulted from an increase in the frequency of opening (factor 2.5±0.8) and from a longer mean open time. Under control, openings longer than 5 ms contributed only 4% of the total, however, with the application of AVP this contribution increased to 29%. Under control, the open times were distributed along a single exponential (o1=0.8±0.4 ms), a double exponential distribution was obtained during AVP (o1=0.8±0.5 ms, o2=7.5±0.7 ms). The Ca2+ agonist BAYk8644 (1 M) changed the open time distribution similarly to AVP (o1=1.0±0.5 ms, o2=9±2.8 ms). With 1 M BAYk8644 in the bath, AVP did not significantly increase the relative contribution of long openings, however, AVP increased the frequency of openings by a factor of 2.0±1 (n=6). The results are compatible with the idea that AVP can change the gating of L-type Ca2+ channels from mode 1 to mode 2.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation on the voltage- and time-dependent gating properties of Ca2+ channel currents recorded from bovine adrenal chromaffin cells under whole-cell voltage clamp. Extracellular perfusion with the membrane-permeant activator of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, 8-bromo(8-Br)-cAMP (1 mM), caused a 49%, 29%, and 21% increase in Ca2+ current (I Ca) amplitudes evoked by voltage steps to 0, +10, and +20 mV respectively (mean values from eight cells, p0.05). Analysis of voltage-dependent steady-state activation (m ) curves revealed a 0.70±0.27 charge increase in the activation-gate valency (z m) following 8-Br-cAMP perfusion. Similar responses were observed when Ba2+ was the charge carrier, where z m was increased by 1.33±0.34 charges (n=8). The membrane potential for half activation (V 1/2) was also significantly shifted 6 mV more negative for I Ba (mean, n=8). The time course for I Ba (and I Ca) activation was well described by second-order m 2 kinetics. The derived time constant for activation (m) was voltage-dependent, and the m/V relation shifted negatively after 8-Br-cAMP treatment. Ca2+ channel gating rates were derived from the (m) and m 2 values according to a Hodgkin-Huxley type m 2 activation process. The forward rate ( m) for channel activation was increased by 8-Br-cAMP at membrane potentials 0 mV, and the backward rate (m) decreased at potentials +10 mV. Time-dependent inactivation of I Ca consisted of a slowly decaying component (h 300 ms) and a non-inactivating steady-state component. The currents contributed by the two inactivation processes displayed different voltage dependences, the effects of 8-Br-cAMP being exclusively on the slowly inactivating L-type component.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that not all voltage-gated calcium channel types expressed in neostriatal projection neurons (L, N, P, Q and R) contribute equally to the activation of calcium-dependent potassium currents. Previous work made clear that different calcium channel types contribute with a similar amount of current to whole-cell calcium current in neostriatal neurons. It has also been shown that spiny neurons possess both "big" and "small" types of calcium-dependent potassium currents and that activation of such currents relies on calcium entry through voltage-gated calcium channels. In the present work it was investigated whether all calcium channel types equally activate calcium-dependent potassium currents. Thus, the action of organic calcium channel antagonists was investigated on the calcium-activated outward current. Transient potassium currents were reduced by 4-aminopyridine and sodium currents were blocked by tetrodotoxin. It was found that neither 30 nM omega-Agatoxin-TK, a blocker of P-type channels, nor 200 nM calciseptine or 5 microM nitrendipine, blockers of L-type channels, were able to significantly reduce the outward current. In contrast, 400 nM omega-Agatoxin-TK, which at this concentration is able to block Q-type channels, and 1 microM omega-Conotoxin GVIA, a blocker of N-type channels, both reduced outward current by about 50%. These antagonists given together, or 500 nM omega-Conotoxin MVIIC, a blocker of N- and P/Q-type channels, reduced outward current by 70%. In addition, the N- and P/Q-type channel blockers preferentially reduce the afterhyperpolarization recorded intracellularly. The results show that calcium-dependent potassium channels in neostriatal neurons are preferentially activated by calcium entry through N- and Q-type channels in these conditions.  相似文献   

A protein referred to as CCDC109A and then renamed to mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) has recently been shown to accomplish mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in different cell types. In this study, we investigated whole-mitoplast inward cation currents and single Ca2+ channel activities in mitoplasts prepared from stable MCU knockdown HeLa cells using the patch-clamp technique. In whole-mitoplast configuration, diminution of MCU considerably reduced inward Ca2+ and Na+ currents. This was accompanied by a decrease in occurrence of single channel activity of the intermediate conductance mitochondrial Ca2+ current (i-MCC). However, ablation of MCU yielded a compensatory 2.3-fold elevation in the occurrence of the extra large conductance mitochondrial Ca2+ current (xl-MCC), while the occurrence of bursting currents (b-MCC) remained unaltered. These data reveal i-MCC as MCU-dependent current while xl-MCC and b-MCC seem to be rather MCU-independent, thus, pointing to the engagement of at least two molecularly distinct mitochondrial Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that not all voltage-gated calcium channel types expressed in neostriatal projection neurons (L, N, P, Q and R) contribute equally to the activation of calcium-dependent potassium currents. Previous work made clear that different calcium channel types contribute with a similar amount of current to whole-cell calcium current in neostriatal neurons. It has also been shown that spiny neurons posses both “big” and “small” types of calcium-dependent potassium currents and that activation of such currents relies on calcium entry through voltage-gated calcium channels. In the present work it was investigated whether all calcium channel types equally activate calcium-dependent potassium currents. Thus, the action of organic calcium channel antagonists was investigated on the calcium-activated outward current. Transient potassium currents were reduced by 4-aminopyridine and sodium currents were blocked by tetrodotoxin. It was found that neither 30 nM ω-Agatoxin-TK, a blocker of P-type channels, nor 200 nM calciseptine or 5 μM nitrendipine, blockers of L-type channels, were able to significantly reduce the outward current. In contrast, 400 nM ω-Agatoxin-TK, which at this concentration is able to block Q-type channels, and 1 μM ω-Conotoxin GVIA, a blocker of N-type channels, both reduced outward current by about 50%. These antagonists given together, or 500 nM ω-Conotoxin MVIIC, a blocker of N- and P/Q-type channels, reduced outward current by 70%. In addition, the N- and P/Q-type channel blockers preferentially reduce the afterhyperpolarization recorded intracellularly.The results show that calcium-dependent potassium channels in neostriatal neurons are preferentially activated by calcium entry through N- and Q-type channels in these conditions.  相似文献   

L-type Ca(2+) channels have two opposing forms of autoregulatory feedback, Ca(2+) -dependent facilitation (CDF) and Ca(2+) -dependent inactivation (CDI), in response to increases in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Calmodulin (CaM) has been reported to mediate the two feedbacks. Although both the direct binding of CaM and the phosphorylation mediated by Ca(2+)/CaM -dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) have been suggested as underlying mechanisms, the detailed features remain to be clarified. In this study, we investigated the effects of CaM and CaMKII inhibitors on CDF and CDI with patch clamp cell-attached recordings in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes. We confirmed that a high-K(+) and high-Ca(2)(+) could induce an increase of the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and subsequent CDF and CDI. We then found that CDF and CDI were both depressed and were finally abolished by treatment with a CaM inhibitor chlorpromazine (1-100 microM) in a concentration-dependent manner. Another CaM antagonist calmidazolium (1 microM) showed a similar effect. In contrast, CaMKII inhibitors, KN-62 (0.1-3 microM) and autocamtide 2 -related inhibitory peptide (1 microM), delayed the development of CDF and CDI significantly, but they did not depress either CDF or CDI. These results imply that CaM is necessary and possibly sufficient for the two mechanisms. We propose a hypothesis that CaM is a key molecule to bifurcate the Ca(2+) signal to CDF and CDI and that CaMKII plays a modulatory role in them both.  相似文献   

Ca(v)2.1 channels, which mediate P/Q-type Ca2+ currents, undergo Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent inactivation and facilitation that can significantly alter synaptic efficacy. Here we report that the neuronal Ca2+-binding protein 1 (CaBP1) modulates Ca(v)2.1 channels in a manner that is markedly different from modulation by CaM. CaBP1 enhances inactivation, causes a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation, and does not support Ca2+-dependent facilitation of Ca(v)2.1 channels. These inhibitory effects of CaBP1 do not require Ca2+, but depend on the CaM-binding domain in the alpha1 subunit of Ca(v)2.1 channels (alpha12.1). CaBP1 binds to the CaM-binding domain, co-immunoprecipitates with alpha12.1 from transfected cells and brain extracts, and colocalizes with alpha12.1 in discrete microdomains of neurons in the hippocampus and cerebellum. Our results identify an interaction between Ca2+ channels and CaBP1 that may regulate Ca2+-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity by inhibiting Ca2+ influx into neurons.  相似文献   

Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is believed to be the most selective inhibitor of voltage-gated fast Na+ channels in excitable tissues, including nerve, skeletal muscle, and heart, although TTX sensitivity of the latter is lower than the former by at least three orders of magnitude. In the present study, the TTX sensitivity of L-type Ca2+ current (I Ca) was studied in isolated canine ventricular cells using conventional voltage clamp and action potential voltage clamp techniques. TTX was found to block I Ca in a reversible manner without altering inactivation kinetics of I Ca. Fitting results to the Hill equation, an IC50 value of 55?±?2???M was obtained with a Hill coefficient of unity (1.0?±?s0.04). The current was fully abolished by 1???M nisoldipine, indicating that it was really I Ca. Under action potential voltage clamp conditions, the TTX-sensitive current displayed the typical fingerprint of I Ca, which was absent in the presence of nisoldipine. Stick-and-ball models for Cav1.2 and Nav1.5 channel proteins were constructed to explain the differences observed between action of TTX on cardiac I Ca and I Na. This is the first report demonstrating TTX to interact with L-type calcium current in the heart.  相似文献   

Among autonomic neurons, sympathetic neurons of the major pelvic ganglia (MPG) are unique by expressing low-voltage-activated T-type Ca2+ channels. To date, the T-type Ca2+ channels have been poorly characterized, although they are believed to be potentially important for functions of the MPG neurons. In the present study, thus we investigated characteristics and molecular identity of the T-type Ca2+ channels using patch-clamp and RT-PCR techniques. When the external solution contained 10 mM Ca2+ as a charge carrier, T-type Ca2+ currents were first activated at -50 mV and peaked around -20 mV. Besides the low-voltage activation, T-type Ca2+ currents displayed typical characteristics including transient activation/inactivation and voltage-dependent slow deactivation. Overlap of the activation and inactivation curves generated a prominent window current around resting membrane potentials. Replacement of the external Ca2+ with 10 mM Ba2+ did not affect the amplitudes of T-type Ca2+ currents. Mibefradil, a known T-type Ca2+ channel antagonist, depressed T-type Ca2+ currents in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 = 3 microM). Application of Ni2+ also produced a concentration-dependent blockade of T-type Ca2+ currents with an IC50 of 10 microM. The high sensitivity to Ni2+ implicates alpha1H in generating the T-type Ca2+ currents in MPG neurons. RT-PCR experiments showed that MPG neurons predominantly express mRNAs encoding splicing variants of alpha1H (called pelvic Ta and Tb, short and long forms of alpha1H, respectively). Finally, we tested whether the low-threshold spikes could be generated in sympathetic MPG neurons expressing T-type Ca2+ channels. When hyperpolarizing currents were injected under a current-clamp mode, sympathetic neurons produced postanodal rebound spikes, while parasympathetic neurons were silent. The number of the rebound spikes was reduced by 10 microM Ni2+ that blocked 50% of T-type Ca2+ currents and had a little effect on HVA Ca2+ currents in sympathetic MPG neurons. Furthermore, generation of the rebound spikes was completely prevented by 100 microM Ni2+ that blocked most of the T-type Ca2+ currents. In conclusions, T-type Ca2+ currents in MPG neurons mainly arise from alpha1H among the three isoforms (alpha1G, alpha1H, and alpha1I) and may contribute to generation of low-threshold spikes in sympathetic MPG neurons.  相似文献   

 β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) stimulation increases cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel (CaCh) currents via cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. We report here that the affinity and maximum response of CaCh to isoproterenol (Iso), in mouse ventricular myocytes were significantly higher when Ba2+ was used as the charge carrier (I Ba) instead of Ca2+ (I Ca). The EC50 and maximum increase of peak currents were 43.7 ± 7.9 nM and 1.8 ± 0.1-fold for I Ca and 23.3 ± 4.7 nM and 2.4 ± 0.1-fold for I Ba. When cells were dialyzed with the faster Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA, both sensitivity and maximum response of I Ca to Iso were significantly augmented compared to cells with EGTA (EC50 of 23.1 ± 5.2 nM and maximal increase of 2.2 ± 0.1-fold). Response of I Ca to forskolin was also significantly increased when cells were dialyzed with BAPTA or when currents were measured in Ba2+. In contrast, depletion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ stores by ryanodine did not alter sensitivity of I Ca to Iso or forskolin. These results suggest that the Ca2+ entering through CaCh regulates cAMP-dependent phosphorylation, and such negative feedback may play a significant role in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and contraction in cardiac cells during β-AR stimulation. Received: 10 December 1997 / Received after revision: 19 January 1998 / Accepted: 21 January 1998  相似文献   

Ca2+ -induced inactivation of L-type Ca2+ channels is proposed as an important negative feedback mechanism regulating Ca2+ entry. Here, for the first time, evidence for modification of heart L-type Ca2+ channel activity by cytoplasmic calcium is provided from excised insideout membrane patches. Ba2+ currents through cardiac L-type Ca2+ channels exhibited only modest inactivation in the absence of cytoplasmic Ca2+. Elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ to micromolar concentrations strikingly affected L-type Ca2+ channel activity as evaluated from ensemble average Ba2+ currents. Inactivation was markedly increased concomitant with a reduction of peak inward current, which was almost completely eliminated at about 15 M cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. Half maximal suppression of Ba2+ currents was observed at 2.3 M Ca2+. The observed modifications of L-type Ca2+ channel activity show that cytoplasmic Ca2+ induces channel closure. Below 4 M Ca2+, channels can be reversibly reactivated during repetitive depolarizations, while at high Ca2+ concentrations (15 M) most Ca2+ channels reside in a closed state. This may allow for a delicate regulation of Ca2+ entry, and consequently of heart contraction.  相似文献   

Excessive body iron or iron overload occurs under conditions such as primary (hereditary) hemochromatosis and secondary iron overload (hemosiderosis), which are reaching epidemic levels worldwide. Primary hemochromatosis is the most common genetic disorder with an allele frequency greater than 10% in individuals of European ancestry, while hemosiderosis is less common but associated with a much higher morbidity and mortality. Iron overload leads to iron deposition in many tissues especially the liver, brain, heart and endocrine tissues. Elevated cardiac iron leads to diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias and dilated cardiomyopathy, and is the primary determinant of survival in patients with secondary iron overload as well as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in primary hemochromatosis patients. In addition, iron-induced cardiac injury plays a role in acute iron toxicosis (iron poisoning), myocardial ischemia–reperfusion injury, Friedreich ataxia and neurodegenerative diseases. Patients with iron overload also routinely suffer from a range of endocrinopathies, including diabetes mellitus and anterior pituitary dysfunction. Despite clear connections between elevated iron and clinical disease, iron transport remains poorly understood. While low-capacity divalent metal and transferrin-bound transporters are critical under normal physiological conditions, L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCC) are high-capacity pathways of ferrous iron (Fe2+) uptake into cardiomyocytes especially under iron overload conditions. Fe2+ uptake through L-type Ca2+ channels may also be crucial in other excitable cells such as pancreatic beta cells, anterior pituitary cells and neurons. Consequently, LTCC blockers represent a potential new therapy to reduce the toxic effects of excess iron.  相似文献   

Effects of L-type Ca2+ channel blockers on intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) changes evoked by the stimulations which cause endothelium-dependent relaxation were examined in freshly isolated pig coronary endothelial cells using fura-2 fluorescent analysis. Substance P and bradykinin produced endothelium-dependent relaxations of pig coronary arteries. The relaxations were inhibited significantly but not completely by N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) or aspirin, suggesting that nitric oxide (NO), prostacyclin (PGI2) and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) were involved in the responses. Both substance P and bradykinin elevated coronary endothelial [Ca2+]i in a biphasic manner: An initial transient increase was observed within a minute, which was followed by the subsequent sustained increase declining with time. In the medium without Ca2+, substance P-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i was markedly reduced. L-type Ca2+ channel blockers (nicardipine, diltiazem and verapamil) did not affect substance P-induced increase in endothelial [Ca2+]i. In consistent with this finding, Bay k 8644 failed to increase [Ca2+]i in partially depolarized endothelial cells. In contrast, substance P-induced elevation of endothelial [Ca2+]i was suppressed in high K+ solutions. These findings indicate that: (1) Substance P and bradykinin relax pig coronary artery via production/release of NO, PGI2 and EDHF from the endothelium; (2) The synthesis and release of these endothelium-derived factors are accompanied by an increase in endothelial [Ca2+]i; (3) Activation of L-type Ca2+ channels is not involved in coronary endothelial elevation of [Ca2+]i responsible for the production/release of these endothelium-derived factors. L-type Ca2+ channel blockers seem to be advantageous in the application for the disorders of coronary circulation with respect to that they do not prevent endothelial function to produce/release of endogenous vasorelaxants.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle, there is bidirectional signalling between the L-type Ca2+ channel (1,4-dihydropyridine receptor; DHPR) and the type 1 ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release channel (RyR1) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In the case of “orthograde signalling” (i.e., excitation-contraction coupling), the conformation of RyR1 is controlled by depolarization-induced conformational changes of the DHPR resulting in Ca2+ release from the SR. “Retrograde coupling” is manifested as enhanced L-type current. The nature of this retrograde signal, and its dependence on RyR1 conformation, are poorly understood. Here, we have examined L-type currents in normal myotubes after an exposure to ryanodine (200 μM, 1 h at 37°C) sufficient to lock RyR1 in a non-conducting, inactivated, conformational state. This treatment caused an increase in L-type current at less depolarized test potentials in comparison to myotubes similarly exposed to vehicle as a result of a ~5 mV hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage-dependence of activation. Charge movements of ryanodine-treated myotubes were also shifted to more hyperpolarizing potentials (~13 mV) relative to vehicle-treated myotubes. Enhancement of the L-type current by ryanodine was absent in dyspedic (RyR1 null) myotubes, indicating that ryanodine does not act directly on the DHPR. Our findings indicate that in retrograde signaling, the functional state of RyR1 influences conformational changes of the DHPR involved in activation of L-type current. This raises the possibility that physiological regulators of the conformational state of RyR1 (e.g., Ca2+, CaM, CaMK, redox potential) may also affect DHPR gating.  相似文献   

The effects of cromakalim (BRL 34915) and its (–) optical isomer, lemakalim (BRL 38227) on the activity of 265-pS Ca2+-activated K+ channels (BK channels) were examined in cell-attached and inside-out patches from canine colonic myocytes. In cell-attached patches lemakalim increased the open probability (P o) of BK channels. Mean NP o, where N is the number of channels per patch, at + 50 mV increased from 0.08 to 0.26 (20 M lemakalim). In inside-out patches, cromakalim and lemakalim increased channel NP o rapidly and reversibly. This increase in NP o was due to a shift in half-maximal activation. Glyburide (20 M) prevented the increase in NP o caused by lemakalim in cell-attached patches and reversed the increase in NP o in inside-out patches. Under conditions where Ca2+-activated K+ channels were maximally activated, lemakalim failed to increase current or induce a second type of K+ channel activity. When tetraethylammonium (200 M) was added to the pipette solution to block the BK channel half maximally, lemakalim also failed to induce a second type of channel. Adenosine triphosphate (1 or 2 mM) applied to the inner surface of inside-out patches had no effect on P o of BK channels. Finally, the effects of lemakalim on ensemble average currents, constructed from multiple openings of BK channels in cell-attached patches was found to successfully mimic the effects of the drug on whole-cell membrane currents. We conclude that cromakalim and lemakalim activate BK channels in canine colonic cells. Whether this action participates in the membrane hyperpolarization and the decrease in frequency and duration of slow waves produced by these compounds in intact colonic muscles remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Prolonged hypoxia, encountered in individuals suffering from various cardiorespiratory diseases, enhances the likelihood of subsequently developing Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown, as are the mechanisms of neurodegeneration of amyloid beta peptides (AbetaPs), although the latter involves disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis. Here, immunohistochemistry demonstrated that hypoxia increased production of AbetaPs, an effect which was prevented by inhibition of either beta or gamma secretase, the enzymes required for liberation of AbetaP from its precursor protein. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings showed that hypoxia selectively increased functional expression of L-type Ca2+ channels. This was prevented by inhibition of either beta or gamma secretase, indicating that hypoxic channel up-regulation is dependent upon AbetaP formation. Our results indicate for the first time that hypoxia promotes AbetaP formation in central neurons, and show that this leads to abnormally high selective expression of L-type Ca2+ channels whose blockade has previously been shown to be neuroprotective in AD models. These findings provide a cellular basis for understanding the increased incidence of AD following prolonged hypoxia.  相似文献   

Cardiac atrophy as a consequence of mechanical unloading develops following exposure to microgravity or prolonged bed rest. It also plays a central role in the reverse remodelling induced by left ventricular unloading in patients with heart failure. Surprisingly, the intracellular Ca2+ transients which are pivotal to electromechanical coupling and to cardiac plasticity were repeatedly found to remain unaffected in early cardiac atrophy. To elucidate the mechanisms underlying the preservation of the Ca2+ transients, we investigated Ca2+ cycling in cardiomyocytes from mechanically unloaded (heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation) and control (orthotopic) hearts in syngeneic Lewis rats. Following 2 weeks of unloading, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content was reduced by ~55 %. Atrophic cardiac myocytes also showed a much lower frequency of spontaneous diastolic Ca2+ sparks and a diminished systolic Ca2+ release, even though the expression of ryanodine receptors was increased by ~30 %. In contrast, current clamp recordings revealed prolonged action potentials in endocardial as well as epicardial myocytes which were associated with a two to fourfold higher sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx under action potential clamp. In addition, Cav1.2 subunits which form the pore of L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCC) were upregulated in atrophic myocardium. These data suggest that in early cardiac atrophy induced by mechanical unloading, an augmented sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx through LTCC fully compensates for a reduced systolic SR Ca2+ release to preserve the Ca2+ transient. This interplay involves an electrophysiological remodelling as well as changes in the expression of cardiac ion channels.  相似文献   

Niemeyer BA  Hoth M 《Immunity》2011,35(3):315-317
Store-operated CRAC channels encoded by the Orai genes mediate calcium entry in T?cells. In this issue of Immunity, Omilusik et?al. (2011) record Ca(V)1.4-mediated voltage-gated calcium currents in T?cells and address their role for T?cell development and function.  相似文献   

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