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遗传性压迫易感性神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)为罕见的常染色体显性遗传神经病,主要表现为轻微压迫、外伤或牵拉后反复出现的受累神经支配区麻木、无力.本文报道作者诊治的疑诊HNPP的一家系.本报道经青岛大学伦理委员会同意,且患者已签署知情同意书.  相似文献   

目的报道一家系2例遗传性压迫易感性周围神经病(HNPP),以提高对本病的认识及诊断水平。方法 2例均行详细肌电图、运动及感觉神经传导速度、运动神经远端潜伏期测定。结果例1,临床表现为右足反复的压迫或牵拉后无力和麻木;例2,为例1姐姐,11 y前发病,现查体无周围神经病表现。2例电生理检查示广泛性神经传导速度减慢,特别是周围神经易嵌压部位运动传导速度减慢更明显,运动神经远端潜伏期延长,包括临床未受累的神经。结论神经电生理检查是诊断HNPP重要的筛选手段,确诊有赖于腓肠神经活检的典型病理表现及基因检测。  相似文献   

遗传性压迫易感性神经病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传性压迫易感性神经病是一种较为罕见的常染色体显性遗传周围神经病。临床上主要表现为青少年起病、轻微外伤后反复出现的单神经病或多神经病,大多数发作可自行好转,多次发作后可遗留部分体征,电生理检查有弥漫性神经传导速度减慢,周围神经病理特征为节段性脱髓鞘性周围神经病伴腊肠样结构形成。绝大多数家系是由于17p11.2上一长约1.5Mb、包含周围神经髓鞘蛋白22(PMP-22)基因的大片段缺失所致,少数家系为PMP-22基因的碱基缺失。  相似文献   

遗传性压力敏感性周围神经病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传性压力敏感性周围神经病(HNPP)是一种常染色体显性遗传的周围神经病。HNPP的分子基础是染色体17p11.2区的一个1.5Mb片段缺失。临床特点为反复发作的在易卡压部位神经受压后,受累神经所支配区域出现运动感觉障碍。本病早期准确诊断后采取预防措施可减少发作。本文就HNPP的病因、临床特点及诊断等作一综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童遗传性压迫易感性周围神经病(HNPP)的临床、EMG与基因特点。方法报道基因诊断明确的1例HNNP,并结合文献分析HNPP的临床、EMG与基因特点。结果患儿,女,11岁8个月,于入院10 d前运动后出现左足麻木,不能背屈,查EMG提示多发性周围神经源性损害。患儿父亲及伯父有类似病史。患儿基因检查示chr17:14095421~15458636杂合缺失,大小1363.2kb,诊断HNPP。结论轻微牵拉或压迫后出现肢体无力患儿,及早进行EMG检查,对于周围神经损害广泛而肢体麻痹局限,且有类似家族史的患儿,应注意HNPP,并进行基因检查。  相似文献   

<正>遗传性压力易感性周围神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)是由17p11. 2上的PMP22基因突变引起的常染色体显性遗传性周围神经病。其以反复发作性无痛性单神经病为典型特征,多首发于10~30岁。神经电生理检查常表现为广泛性多发性周围神经潜伏期延长,传导速度减慢,易卡压部位尤其明显。周围神经腊肠样改变是其特征性病理改变,基因检测可明确诊断。在临床上因广大神经科医师对神经系统遗传病的认知缺失,常造成遗传性压力易感性周围神经病的漏诊和误诊。本文报道经基因确诊的遗传性压力易感性周围神经病一家系,对其家系成员的临床表现进行简要描述,希望能提高大家对此病  相似文献   

经基因诊断确诊的遗传性压迫易感性神经病临床特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究经基因诊断确诊的遗传性压迫易感性神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)患者的临床特点和电生理特征。方法 对来自4个家系的5例HNPP患者进行基因诊断,并总结患者的临床特点,同时分析其电生理特征,包括肌电图(EMG)、运动神经传导速度(MCV)和感觉神经传导速度(SCV)。结果 5例患者均存在周围髓鞘蛋白22(peripheralmyelinationprotein22,PMP22)基因缺失。HNPP临床主要表现为反复发作的肢体麻木、无力,神经传导存在广泛异常。结论电生理检查对HNPP的诊断很重要,基因检测发现PMP22基因缺失是诊断HNPP的金标准。  相似文献   

遗传性压迫易感性神经病(附一家系2例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告遗传性压迫易感性神经病一家系母女 2例患者的临床及电生理资料。2例均在 2 5岁起病 ,呈常染色体显性遗传。临床表现为反复肢体麻木、乏力 ,多于用力、提重物或轻度外伤后出现 ,数日至半个月左右自行好转。电生理检查有弥漫性神经传导速度减慢。周围神经病理特点为节段性脱髓鞘及腊肠样结构形成。已发现大部分本病家系均有 17p11.2上一 1.5Mb片段 (含有 PMP- 2 2基因 )的大缺失 ,少数家系为 PMP- 2 2基因碱基缺失。及时诊断 ,避免重体力劳动和外伤 ,可明显改善患者的预后  相似文献   

遗传性压力易感性周围神经病(hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP)在临床上由轻微的甚至难以觉察的损伤所诱发,以易嵌压部位的反复发作的神经麻痹为特点。临床神经电生理检查显示,无论17p11.2的PMP22基因存在缺失者临床上有无症状,以及临床上神经是否受累及,患者均可能出现感觉神经传导速度及运动神经传导速度减慢,  相似文献   

目的探讨遗传性压力易感性周围神经病(HNPP)散发病例的临床及电生理特征。方法回顾性分析5例基因诊断明确的散发性HNPP患者的临床及电生理资料。结果本组5例患者,病例1,男,27岁,右手麻木无力20 d;病例2,男,63岁,右足下垂15 a,左前臂麻木疼痛4 a,右足疼痛15 d;病例3,男,13岁,双手麻木无力21 d;病例4,男,15岁,左上臂无力伴右手麻木无力7 d;病例5,男,27岁,右手麻木14 d。5例患者均无家族史,2例脑脊液蛋白升高。5例神经电生理检查提示广泛周围神经脱髓鞘性损害,神经易嵌压处运动神经传导速度减慢。基因检测显示5例患者均存在周围髓鞘蛋白22基因杂合缺失突变。结论对于临床表现为单神经病或多发性单神经病,电生理表现为广泛性神经易嵌压部位脱髓鞘损害的散发性患者,需注意HNPP,明确诊断需行周围髓鞘蛋白22基因检测。  相似文献   

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Clinical, neurophysiological and pathological investigations were carried out in 11 affected members of 2 families with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP). The observations were related to findings in 261 cases of 47 families published in the literature. It was concluded that HNPP is a nosological entity characterized by the following diagnostic criteria: (1) an autosomal dominant inheritance; (2) the clinical presentation of a recurrent mononeuropathy simplex or multiplex, frequently related to an inadequate trauma to peripheral nerves; (3) a significant slowing of motor and sensory conduction velocity in clinically affected, but also in clinically unaffected nerves; (4) characteristic morphological findings in sural nerve biopsy featuring tomaculous swellings of myelin sheaths, transnodal myelination and segmental demyelination. The pathogenesis of HNPP is not clear. Hypothetical explanations of the pathogenesis of HNPP are discussed.In memory of Albert Bischoff (1921–1981), Professor of Neurology, University of Berne  相似文献   

A 56-year-old male with recurrent painless focal neuropathies and a family history of peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology presented with progressively worsening of impaired sensations and weakness in his lower extremities. His initial electrodiagnostic evaluation was suggestive of severe sensory and motor peripheral polyneuropathy. The genetic testing was performed for familial causes of peripheral neuropathy as there was a family history of peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology. The patient was found to have 1.5-Mb deletion in the PMP22 gene which was confirmatory of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP). He developed progressive upper and lower extremity weakness, bulbar dysfunction and widespread fasciculations during the course of his illness. He was subsequently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is the second reported case of HNPP associated with ALS. We discuss significant clinical and electrodiagnostic findings of this interesting case.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophysiological, histological and ultrastructural studies on two patients (one family) with familial neuropathy and a liability to pressure palsies are reported. There was slowing of nerve conduction velocities and increase of distal latencies of clinically affected and clinically non-affected nerves. These alterations were confirmed by biopsy of the sural nerve which had the characterized signs of the disease. Pathogenetically there seems to be an endogeneous metabolic defect of the Schwann cell to synthetize a normal myelin sheath, which is responsible for the particular susceptibility to mechanical damage.
Zusammenfassung Es werden zwei Fälle einer familären rezidivierenden polytopen Neuropathie dargestellt. Es wird das klinische und elektrophysiologische Bild und die Charakteristika der lichtmikroskopischen und elektronenmikroskopischen Nervenveränderungen beschrieben. Elektrophysiologisch konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß die Verlangsamung der Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit und der distalen Latenzzeit auch klinisch nicht lädierte Nerven betrifft. Die typischen histologischen Merkmale dieser Krankheit waren in der Biopsie des N. suralis erkennbar. In pathogenetischer Hinsicht muß man wohl annehmen, daß es sich um eine endogene metabolische Entgleisung der Schwannschen Zelle handelt, die nicht mehr fähig ist, eine normale Myelin zu produzieren, die dann den mechanischen Noxen gegenüber besonders empfindlich wird.

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is a peripheral nerve disorder characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance, recurrent pressure palsies, reduced motor and sensory conduction velocities and sausage-like swellings (tomacula) of myelin sheaths in nerve biopsy. Two young adult patients are reported as index cases of two families in which HNPP was diagnosed. The first patient presented with recurrent pressure palsies, whereas the second suffered from fasciculations and myokymias in his right hand, with difficulty in writing, and upper and lower limb paraesthesias of 3 years' duration. Electrodiagnostic studies revealed slowing of conduction primarily in common sites of compression in both patients. Sural nerve biopsy revealed the characteristic tomaculous swellings in both patients. DNA analysis showed that both patients have a deletion in chromosome 17p11.2 which is found in the majority of HNPP cases. In light of the common molecular defect, the different clinical symptomatology of the two patients is discussed.  相似文献   

The typical clinical presentation of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies is an adult-onset recurrent, painless monoparesis. Electrophysiological abnormalities - decreased nerve conduction velocities and delayed distal latencies - can be detected even in asymptomatic patients. We describe a toddler, who presented with asymmetric toe walking, painful cramps and stiffness in the legs. He had calf hypertrophy, brisk tendon reflexes and bilateral Babinski signs and the electrophysiological examination was normal. The unlikely diagnosis of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies was reached 5 years later, when the boy started to complain of episodic numbness and weakness in the upper extremities. His father, paternal aunt and grandmother had similar symptoms, but they had never been investigated. The typical 1.5 Mb deletion on chromosome 17p11.2–12 was found in our patient and his affected relatives.  相似文献   

Two families with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) were evaluated clinically, electrophysiologically and pathologically (2 index cases). Familial patterns suggest autosomal dominant inheritance. The clinical presentation is characteristic, with recurrent painless transitory mononeuropathy, without evident triggering factors, or caused by trivial trauma or pressure. In affected members neurophysiological studies showed diffuse slowing in nerve conduction, more evident at common sites of entrapment. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) showed bilateral peripheral abnormalities with proximal nerve incolvement more pronounced in older patients. 40 to 75% of teased fibers displayed sausage-shaped swellings. Ultrastructurally some sausages showed redundant myelin loops and excessive number of myelin lamellae that seem to cause axonal constriction.
Sommario Due famiglie portatrici di neuropatia ereditaria con predisposizione alla paralisi da compressione (HNPP) sono state valutate dal punto di vista clinico, neurofisiologico e morfologico (2 casi indice). L'eredità in entrambi i casi è autosomica dominante. La presentazione clinica è caratterizzata da mononeuropatie non dolorose, transitorie e ricorrenti, in distretti diversi, precipitate da compressioni o traumi lievi, o senza causa apparente. Nei soggetti più anziani in particolare è presente un quadro clinico di lieve polineuropatia sensitivomotoria. Nei membri affetti le velocità di conduzione del nervo sono rallentate in modo diffuso, con blocchi focali nei comuni siti di intrappolamento. L'esame dei potenziali evocati somatosensitivi ha dimostrato in tutti i soggetti affetti anomalie di tipo periferico, coinvolgenti anche i tratti prossimali in modo più pronunciato nei pazienti anziani. All'esame della singola fibra nervosa isolata, rigonfiamenti della guaina mielinica con l'aspetto caratteristico dei “sausages” sono riscontrabili nel 40 e nel 75% delle fibre esaminate rispettivamente nei 2 casi indice. All'esame ultrastrutturale i “sausages” appaiono formati da un eccessivo numero di lamelle mieliniche, alcune formanti loops, che sembrano costringere l'assone.

A case of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies is described. The main histological findings in sural nerve were focal thickenings of myelin-?sausages?, ?tomaculae?- and wide variability of internodal length. Numerous fibers with signs of remyelination were present, while there was little evidence of active demyelination. There were moderate axonal changes. Electrophysiological study revealed slowed conduction velocity in peripheral nerves. The possibility of a congenital myelin defect in this disease is discussed. This work was supported by Polish Academy of Sciences grant No  相似文献   

Journal of Neurology - Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is characterized by recurrent sensory and motor neuropathy in individual nerves starting in adolescence or...  相似文献   

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