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Oral Diseases (2011) 17 , 171–179 Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions (OML) and to perform a multivariable risk assessment of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and oral risk indicators for its occurrence in an urban population in South Brazil. Methods: This cross‐sectional study selected 1586 subjects (719M/867F, age: 14–104 years) using a multistage probability sampling strategy (65.1% response rate). Prevalence, odds ratios (OR), and confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated accounting for the survey design. Results: Leukoplakia and lichen planus were observed in 1.01% and 1.02% of subjects, respectively. In the multivariable analysis, these lesions were significantly associated with moderate/heavy smoking (OR = 9.0, 95% CI = 2.1–39.1) and heavy drinking (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.1–3.7). Candidiasis and proliferative lesions were observed in 14.09% and 3.80% of the subjects, respectively. These lesions were significantly associated with female gender (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.5–3.2 and OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.0–2.8), older age (OR = 22, 95% CI = 8.0–60.8 and OR = 8.9, 95% CI = 3.4–23.7), and low socioeconomic status (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.0–3.5 and OR = 3.0, 95% CI = 1.2–7.2). Conclusions: This population is in need of OML prevention and treatment. Future studies should validate the findings that premalignant lesions are causally related to smoking and alcohol consumption, and that other OML are associated with socioeconomic‐demographic disparities in this and similar populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral lesions in 13- to 16-year-old students. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was carried out on students in Duzce, a province in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. A total of 993 children aged between 13 and 16 from eight secondary schools were examined. Oral lesions with recurrent behavior, if observed, were recorded at the time of examination. Venous blood samples were obtained for detecting hemoglobin levels. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty adolescents (26.2%) were diagnosed with at least one oral mucosal lesion at the time of the examination. Thirteen different mucosal alterations were diagnosed, and the most common lesions were angular cheilitis (9%), linea alba (5.3%), and aphthous ulceration (3.6%). The correlation between occurrence of mucosal lesions and sex was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Statistical evaluation of the data revealed a significant relationship only between the presence of angular cheilitis and anemia (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study is the first epidemiologic study of oral mucosal lesions in adolescents in Turkey. Angular cheilitis was the only oral mucosal lesion that had a significant correlation with anemia.  相似文献   

Objectives: Evaluation of the prevalence rates of periimplant mucositis and periimplantitis in partially edentulous patients in a private dental practice. Material and methods: The data of 89 patients were collected (52 female, 37 male, age at time of implant placement: 51.8±10.3 years). All patients had been treated with dental implants of the same type and fixed superstructures between January 1999 and June 2006 (observational period: 68.2±24.8 months). Results: The patient‐related prevalence rate of periimplant mucositis (probing depth ≥4 mm and bleeding on probing [BOP]) was over all 44.9%. The respective rates in non‐smokers without periodontal history were 30.4% and in smokers with periodontal history 80%. The multiple logistic regression analysis identified a significant association of mucositis with the independent variable “smoker” (odds ratio [OR] 3.77; P=0.023). The patient‐related prevalence rate of periimplantitis (probing depth ≥5 mm, BOP/pus, radiographic bone loss) was 11.2% (smokers with periodontal history: 53.3%, non‐smokers: 2.8%). No periimplant disease was diagnosed in non‐smoking patients without periodontal history and with a good compliance after treatment. Statistical analysis identified a significant association of periimplantitis with “smoker” (OR: 31.58; P<0.001) and “compliance” (OR: 0.09; P=0.011). Periodontal history in general showed no significant association with periimplantitis. Conclusions: Smoking and compliance are important risk factors for periimplant inflammations in partially edentulous patients. To cite this article:
Rinke S, Ohl S, Ziebolz D, Lange K, Eickholz P. Prevalence of periimplant disease in partially edentulous patients: a practice‐based cross‐sectional study.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22 , 2011; 826–833
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2010.02061.x  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in a cross-sectional study among aging Germans. METHODS: Three specially trained dental teams examined adults (35-44 yrs, Group 1) and senior individuals (65-74 yrs, Group 2) in 90 sample points of which 60 were located in the former West and 30 in the former East part of Germany. The spectrum comprised 28 different oral lesions with subforms. RESULTS: 655 individuals in Group 1 (35-44 yrs) and 1367 individuals in Group 2 (65-74 yrs) were studied. 33.8% (Group 1) and 33.9% (Group 2) were without any pathology of the oral mucosa. Several lesions were not recorded in both Groups like oral hairy leukoplakia and gingival hyperplasia (Group 1 and two) and xerostomia (Group 1). In Group 1 history for labial herpetic lesions (31.7%), Fordyce granules (26.6%), history for recurrent aphthous ulceration (18.3%) and lip and/or cheek biting (10.1%) were recorded. In Group 2 Fordyce granules (23.7%), history of labial herpes (20.0%), plicated tongue (19.0%) and denture stomatitis (18.3%) were those lesions most frequently recorded. Leukoplakia was seen in 1.8% (West) and 0.9% (East) respectively; men were more often affected than women (2.3% versus 0.0% P<0.05, Group 1; 2.3% versus 0.9%, Group 2. There was association between the prevalence of leukoplakia and a lower (3.3%) or higher educational level (0.5%). Denture associated lesions were seen in 18.3% (Group 2) compared to 2.5% (Group 1) (P<0.001). Other age-related lesions were lip and/or cheek biting being more prevalent in Group 1 10.1% versus 1.9% (P<0.001), plicated tongue 19.0% in Group 2 versus 3.8% in Group 1 (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The present study has shown prevalence to be comparable to other relevant Western European studies. Since the spectrum of oral mucosal lesions changes with age and increases with general morbidity, routine examinations of oral cavities of the aging are mandatory particularly to detect early precancerous and other mucosal lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oral prevalence studies are important to know the state of health and the needs of treatment. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions and associated factors among aging Chileans. METHODS: A random sample by age, gender, and socioeconomic status was obtained, comprising 889 individuals older than 65 years. Individuals were interviewed and examined in Santiago, the capital of Chile, according to the World Health Organization guidelines. RESULTS: The prevalence of one or more oral mucosal lesions in the sample was 53%. Logistic regression model revealed that denture use increased the probability of one or more oral mucosal lesions by threefold, while age, gender, smoking, medication use, xerostomia, and social or cultural factors had no effect. The most common lesion was denture stomatitis (22.3%), followed by irritative hyperplasia (9.4%), oral mucosal varicosities (9%), solitary pigmented lesions (4%), traumatic ulcer (3.5%), angular cheilitis (2.9%), multiple pigmented lesions (2.8%), hemangioma (2.3%), lichen planus (2.1%), leukoplakia (1.7%), recurrent aphthous stomatitis (1.4%), nicotine stomatitis (1.3%), median rhomboid glossitis (0.9%), actinic cheilitis (0.9%), pyogenic granuloma (0.7%), oral squamous papiloma (0.6%), and mucocele (0.2%). One case of oral cancer was observed. Different factors increased the probability of specific oral mucosal pathologies. CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude that oral mucosal lesions are common in elderly people in Santiago, suggesting the necessity for improved standards of prevention, and diagnostic and opportune treatment of these lesions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions and conditions in a population in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia. A total 1609 subjects represented the study population in the survey about the periodontal treatment needs in a population in Ljubljana, conducted from 1983 to 1987. Ten years later the same 1609 subjects were invited to the second examination. Altogether, 555 (34.5%) of the invited subjects in the age range 25-75 years came for an interview and clinical examination at the Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology of the Dental Clinic in Ljubljana. Oral mucosal lesions and conditions were evaluated according to the WHO Guide to Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Oral Mucosal Diseases and Conditions. The results showed the presence of one or more mucosal lesions in 61.6% of the population. Fordyce's condition was observed the most frequently (49.7%) followed by: fissured tongue (21.1%), varices (16.2%), history of herpes labialis (16.0%), history of recurrent aphthae (9.7%), denture stomatitis (4.3%), leukoplakia (3.1%), cheek biting (2.7%), lichen planus (2.3%), frictional keratosis (2.2%), geographic tongue (2.2%), geographic and fissured tongue together (1.1%), mucocele (0.9%), smoker's palate (0.5%) and angular chelitis (0.4%). In the population examined, no oral malignancies were observed. Mucosal lesions like whitish lesions, denture related lesions, fissured tongue, varices and mucocele were more prevalent with increasing age. Tobacco-related lesions (leukoplakia and smoker's palate together) were significantly more prevalent among men than among women (P<0.05), while lichen planus, denture stomatitis and herpes labialis occurred more frequently in the female population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Information on alcohol-associated oral mucosal lesions (OMLs) and conditions is meagre. A prevalence survey among alcohol misusers in south London was therefore undertaken. METHODS: Six hundred and ninety-three subjects (388 alcohol misusers and 305 alcohol + substance abuse) attending several clinical care facilities in south London between 1994 and 1999 were interviewed on their alcohol and drug habits. A comprehensive oral mucosal examination was performed, and soft tissue lesions found were classified by the clinical criteria of Axéll. RESULTS: Mean age of the sample was 40.5 years. The majority was white (92.6%); of the whites, 29.9% were Celts (i.e. Irish, Scots resident in London). Many subjects reported misusing more than one type of beverage. Two hundred and twenty-seven OMLs were found in 195 subjects (28.1%). The highest prevalences were found for frictional keratosis (8.8%), scar tissue of the lips (4.8%) and candidiasis (3.8%). Angular cheilitis was present in 21 subjects (3.0%). The alcohol-related OMLs detected were three white patches compatible with a diagnosis of leukoplakia and one treated oral carcinoma. No erythroplakias were detected. The differences in prevalence of mucosal lesions in the two groups were not significant (chi(2) = 2.18; P = 0.14). The prevalence of tobacco smoking was high in both study groups. OMLs were found with all four types of beverages consumed, and there was little variation by the units per week consumed. Concurrent use of substances and alcohol did not make a significant difference to the prevalence of OML. In the logistic regression analysis, minority ethnic groups (Black or Asian), smokers, those with a body mass index (BMI) under 20 and beer drinkers had an increased risk of an OML in this group of alcohol misusers. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison with previous oral mucosal screening programmes undertaken in several settings in the UK, the present study has yielded a higher prevalence of oral mucosal diseases and conditions in this risk population. There are several ways in which alcohol could contribute to these detected oral lesions, either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

目的 调查新疆维汉两民族青年人恒牙先天缺失的状况。方法 2008-2009年对新疆高校学生共5150名采取随机、整群抽样的方法 进行恒牙发育异常情况的调查。对总体及维汉两民族先天缺牙情况进行患病率、颌位情况、缺牙数目、好发牙位及同时伴发2种牙齿发育异常的情况进行卡方检验。结果 恒牙先天缺失的总患病率为5.98%,汉族高于维族(P<0.05),维族男性患病率低于女性(P<0.05)。总体及汉族缺牙数目下颌多于上颌(P<0.05),好发牙位为下颌中切牙;总体及维汉均以缺失1颗牙者最多见,且锥形牙与先天缺牙伴发的比率高。结论 恒牙先天缺失的总患病率略低于其他学者的研究,民族间患病率有差异,汉族高于维吾尔族。性别差异、颌位情况、缺牙数目、好发牙位及伴发情况与其他学者的研究基本一致。?  相似文献   

A range of oral mucosal and periodontal lesions is associated with HIV infection and HIV disease progression. These are often symptomatic and require treatment in themselves, and also have a diagnostic and prognostic role in the management of the underlying HIV disease. These lesions have been broadly divided into: (a) those strongly associated with HIV such as oral candidoses, oral hairy leukoplakia and Kaposi's sarcoma; (b) those less strongly associated such as swellings of the major salivary glands; and (c) those least commonly associated such as recurrent aphthous ulcers. Overall the prevalence and severity of these lesions inversely correlate with the level of immunosuppression. With the passage of time, there has been improved understanding of the disease pathogenesis resulting in the development of new drugs to combat this infection. Medication has changed from monotherapy to current triple combination therapy (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy). This review looks at the impact of changing therapy on the prevalence of the various oral lesions associated with HIV. It finds a decrease in the prevalence of the oral lesions in the era of combination therapy as compared to earlier periods. It also shows a change in the types of lesions which predominate with those previously placed amongst the strongly associated lesions no longer being predominant in the era of combination therapy where such treatment is available.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study, we examined 34 premalignant lesions of the oral cavity by flow cytometer analysis on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue submitted to the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Oral Pathology Laboratory. Three categories of oral epithelial dysplasia were represented (eight mild, seven moderate, nine severe), as well as five epithelial hyperplasias without dysplasia and five fibrous nodules as controls. The DNA index and total proliferative index of each case were calculated. The objective of the study was to determine the amount of epithelial dysplasia necessary in oral lesions before DNA aneuploidy or high proliferative index is detectable and thus determine if flow cytometric analysis can be a diagnostic adjunct for oral premalignant lesions. The results showed that some cases in both the control and dysplastic categories exhibited a high total proliferative index (control = 1, no dysplasia = 1, mild dysplasia = 3, moderate dysplasia = 2, severe dysplasia = 2), whereas only the dysplastic lesions had an abnormal DNA index [8 of 24 (33%)]. The results indicate that flow cytometric analysis may have some limited potential as a diagnostic adjunct in oral premalignant lesions.  相似文献   

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