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重型乙型肝炎e抗原阴性患者前C变异株及其体外翻译   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的:探讨HBeAg阴性的慢性重型乙型肝炎患者HBV前C区变异及前C区T1862突变体对e抗原合成和分泌影响,方法:选取9例重型乙型重病毒性肝炎患者,用PCR方法扩增血清中HBV前C/C基因区,并克隆后测序和序列分析,构建HBV前C区T1862位点突变体表达质粒pGEMT,经体外翻译比较野毒株和变异株的表达产硪,结果:HBV前C区有3个位点异使氨其酸序列改变,A1896,A1899和T1862,A1899并不单独出现,前C区T1862突变并不阻止HBVe前体外合成,同时,有2例并未检测到前C区的变异,结论:部分重型肝炎HBeAg阳性原因降了T1896变异外,还存在T1862变异,前C1862突变对HBVe抗原前体蛋白合成并无影响,可能e抗原前在分泌过程中受阻。  相似文献   

输血后丙型肝炎病毒感染的血清病毒定量研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 研究血清丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)含量与HCV致病的关系及HCV含量与抗-HCV和丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)的相关性。方法 以逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)法对HCV感染的受血及相关供血系列血清进行HCV RNA定量分析,同时检测ALT与抗-HCV。结果 致输血后HCV感染的供血中,HCV RNA平均含量为10^8.6拷贝/L,抗-HCV及ALT的异常检出率随HCV RNA滴度升高而增加。结论  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒存在准种现象。为研究重型乙型肝炎患者血清和肝组织中乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA前C区准种组成特点,本研究从3例重型乙型肝炎患者的血清和肝组织中提取HBV DNA,经巢式聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增出HBV前C区,产物克隆后经单链构象多态性/异源双链分析(SSCP/HDA)筛选不同的克隆并测序,比较血清和肝组织中HBV前C区准种组成的异同。  相似文献   

Non-isotopic in situ hybridization (digoxigenin-labeled probe directed towards hepatitis E virus ORF1) and immunohistochemistry (against hepatitis E virus ORF2 and ORF3) were applied to detect hepatitis E virus genome and gene product in the liver tissue of two patients with fulminant hepatitis E seropositive for hepatitis E virus RNA. Both hepatitis E virus RNA and hepatitis E virus antigens were detected exclusively in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and not detected in other cell types. In both patients, more than 50% of the hepatocytes were positive for both hepatitis E virus RNA and hepatitis E virus antigens, most of which showed degenerative changes. This is consistent with the histological appearance of marked loss of hepatocytes with acinar collapse. Interestingly, denaturation of the RNA before in situ hybridization was found to enhance hepatitis E virus RNA detection. We conclude that: (1) hepatitis E virus RNA and hepatitis E virus antigens can be demonstrated in the liver in hepatitis E virus-related fulminant hepatitic failure, (2) hepatitis E virus is hepatocyte-tropic within the liver, (3) cytoplasmic localization of hepatitis E virus RNA and hepatitis E virus antigens is consistent with cytoplasmic replication, and (4) the presence of degenerative changes in hepatitis E virus positive cells, together with the histological appearance of hepatocyte loss in the absence of significant inflammatory infiltrate, suggests that hepatitis E virus-related fulminant failure is mediated by a cytopathic mechanism.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA was tested for, and HCV genotypes determined, in 96 patients with haemophilia A in Japan. Of 88 patients aged ≥ 10 years, 74 (84%) were positive for HCV RNA at a frequency higher than that in patients aged less than 10 years (one of eight, 13% P <0.001). Genotype I/1a was detected in 30 (40%), II/1b in 12 (16%), III/2a in eight (11%), IV/2b in five (7%) and V/3a in 12 (16%); mixed infection with HCV of two different genotypes was identified in the remaining nine (12%). This distribution was markedly different from that in 767 Japanese HCV carriers without haemophilia, in whom II/1b accounted for the majority (68.7%), I/1a was rare (0.5%), V/3a was absent, and mixed infection was observed rarely (1.3%). Mixed infection was transient in all of the seven haemophilic patients who were followed for 1 to 7 years. One of them was infected with genotype II/ 1b and an unclassifiable genotype, which showed nucleotide sequence similarity to genotype 4c from Zaire (82% homology in the El gene) and to 4a from Egypt (91% homology in a part of the NS5b region). In this patient, HCV of genotype II/1b disappeared while that of group 4 survived during a 4-year observation period. These results indicate different epidemiology of HCV genotypes in Japanese haemophiliacs, attributable to HCV contaminating factor VIII imported in the past, and an increased opportunity in haemophiliacs for mixed infection with HCV of different genotypes.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are the most common causes of chronic liver diseases and hepatocelluar carcinomas. Over the past few years, the liver-enriched microRNA-122 (miR-122) has been shown to differentially regulate viral replication of HBV and HCV. It is notable that the level of miR-122 is positively and negatively regulated by HCV and HBV, respectively. Consistent with the well-documented phenomenon that miR-122 promotes HCV accumulation, inhibition of miR-122 has been shown as an effective therapy for the treatment of HCV infection in both chimpanzees and humans. On the other hand, miR-122 is also known to block HBV replication, and HBV has recently been shown to inhibit miR-122 expression; such a reciprocal inhibition between miR-122 and HBV suggests an intriguing possibility that miR-122 replacement may represent a potential therapy for treatment of HBV infection. As HBV and HCV have shared transmission routes, dual infection is not an uncommon scenario, which is associated with more advanced liver disease than either HBV or HCV mono-infection. Thus, there is a clear need to further understand the interaction between HBV and HCV and to delineate the role of miR-122 in HBV/HCV dual infection in order to devise effective therapy. This review summarizes the current understanding of HBV/HCV dual infection, focusing on the pathobiological role and therapeutic potential of miR-122.  相似文献   

Cao H  Zhang K  Shu X  Xu QH  Li G 《中华肝脏病杂志》2011,19(10):726-728
目的 探讨合并HBV感染对慢性HCV感染者血清丙型肝炎病毒核心抗原(HCVcAg)检出情况的影响. 方法 收集2005年12月-2009年10月慢性丙型肝炎患者和HBV/HCV合并感染者资料,检测血清HCVcAg和HCV RNA,对后者血清进行HBV DNA、HBeAg检测,分析HCVcAg检出率与HBeAg、HBV DNA定量检测的关系.用独立两组多分类的X2检验方法进行统计学分析. 结果 共收集88例慢性丙型肝炎患者和62例HBV/HCV合并感染者资料,血清HCVcAg的检出率分别为72.7%(64/88)和38.7% (24/62),两者比较,x2= 17.358,P<0.01,差异有统计学意义.HCV RNA检出率分别为81.8% (72/88)和53.2% (33/62),两者比较,x2=20.110,P<0.01,差异有统计学意义.62例HBV/HCV合并感染者血清中,HBeAg阳性和HBeAg阴性感染者HCVcAg检出率分别为28.6% (12/42)和60.0% (12/20),两者比较,x2=5.641,P=0.011,差异有统计学意义.HCV RNA阳性率分别为42.9% (18/42)和80.0% (16/20),两者比较,X2=7.547,P< 0.01,差异有统计学意义.HBV DNA阳性和阴性时HCVcAg检出率分别为39.1% (18/46)和37.5% (6/16),两者比较,P>0.05,差异无统计学意义.与单纯HCV感染者血清HCVcAg检出率72.7% (64/88)比较,HBeAg阴性合并感染者为60.0% (12/20),x2=1.266,P=0.261,差异无统计学意义;HBV DNA阴性合并感染者为37.5% (6/16),x2=7.635,P<0.01,差异有统计学意义.结论 HBV/HCV合并感染时HCVcAg检出率较低,可能是由于HBeAg抑制HCV的复制,从而减少HCVcAg的表达所致.  相似文献   

目的 了解HBV前区C区A83变异与重型肝炎的关系。方法 用套式错配PCR限制片段长度多态性分析和凝胶光密度图象分析仪及定量PCR,对9例重型肝炎患者血清HBV变异株的比率和HBV DNA含量进行测定和动态观察。结果 A83变异株在6例阳性率中均与野生株呈混合感染,其比率〉50.0%的仅2例,存活死亡各1例,〈31.0%的4例均死亡,变异株的出现及其比率变化与HBCV DNA含量的消长一致,但无统  相似文献   

目的研究慢性丙型肝炎患者HCV基因型概况。方法采用基因芯片法检测HCV基因分型;采用PCR法测定HCV RNA定量。结果在570例患者中,HCV RNA阳性552例(95%),其中1b型400例(72.4%),2a型63例(11.4%),3a型20例(3.6%),3b型20例(3.6%),1b+2a型12例(2.1%),1a型2例(0.4%),6型7例(1.26%),1b+3a型1例(0.18%),2a+1b型3例(0.5%),未定型24例(4.3%);不同HCV基因型感染者血清HCVRNA水平无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论本组患者HCV基因型以1b型为主,2a型次之,多种混合型的出现提示HCV基因型呈现多样化趋势。  相似文献   

目的为了探讨病毒之间的干扰现象,作者对慢性乙丙型病毒性肝炎重叠感染患者的血清肝炎病毒标志物的变化进行研究。方法1992年1月_1994年10月连续在我院住院确诊的慢性乙丙型病毒性肝炎重叠感染患者60例,同期连续收住院的单纯慢性乙型肝炎患者110例作为对照组,比较两组患者入院时的血清乙型肝炎病毒标志物,并对观察组中20例患者进行了随访,随访期0.5_3年。结果入院时观察组HBeAg和抗_HBcIgM阳性率较对照组显著减少(19/60对52/106,8/60对29/110,P<0.05),HBsAg阴性率和抗_HBe阳性率显著增高(10//60对5/110,P<0.01;38/60对48/106,P<0.05)。观察组20例随访发现,HBV_DNA阳性及HBV_DNA,HCV_RNA二项同时阳性例数都比入院时明显减少(4/20对10/20,P<0.05;1/20对7/20,P<0.05)。结论慢性乙丙型病毒性肝炎重叠感染时存在病毒干扰现象  相似文献   

RNA of GB virus C was searched for in sera from 109 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma. It was detected in 11 patients (10%), and was more frequent than in 3 of 342 blood donors (0.9%) (P < 0.001). The 11 patients included 4 of 29 patients (14%) with hepatitis B surface antigen and 7 of 74 patients (9%) with antibody to hepatitis C virus. RNA of GB virus C was not detected in any of 4 patients without hepatitis B surface antigen or antibody to hepatitis C virus. These results suggest that GB virus C may contribute little to the development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan. Received: August 3, 1998 / Accepted: February 26, 1999  相似文献   

Summary. Coinfection with GBV‐C/HGV in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) may influence clinical course and response rates of antiviral therapy. Aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of GBV‐C/HGV/HCV coinfection and its influence on outcome of interferon/ribavirin combination therapy. Three hundred and four patients with CHC [m/f = 211/93, age: 42 (18–65)] were investigated. HGV RNA detection was performed by polymerase chain reaction prior to and 6 months after the end of antiviral therapy. HGV/HCV coinfection could be identified in 37/304 (12.2%) patients with intravenous drug abuse as the most common source of infection (N = 21, (56.8%)). The predominant HCV genotype in coinfected individuals was HCV‐3a (HCV‐3a: 51.4%, HCV‐1: 37.8%, HCV‐4: 10.8%). HGV coinfection was more prevalent in patients infected with HCV‐3 compared to HCV‐1 or HCV‐4 [19/45 (42.2%) vs 14/185 (7.6%) vs 4/52 (7.7%), P < 0.01]. Patients with HGV/HCV coinfection were younger [35 (18–56) vs 43 (19–65), years; P < 0.01], and advanced fibrosis (F3‐F4) was less frequent (22.2%vs 42.9%, P < 0.05). A sustained virological response was achieved more frequently in HGV/HCV coinfected patients [26/37 (70.3%)] than in monoinfected patients [120/267 (44.9%), P < 0.01]. HGV RNA was undetectable in 65.7% of the coinfected patients at the end of follow‐up. Intravenous drug abuse seems to be a major risk factor for HGV coinfection in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Coinfection with HGV does not worsen the clinical course of chronic hepatitis C or diminish response of HCV to antiviral therapy. Interferon/ribavirin combination therapy also clears HGV infection in a high proportion of cases.  相似文献   

目的比较乙型/丙型肝炎病毒(HBV/HCV)相关性肝细胞癌(HCC)的特点,探讨HCC发生的相关因素。方法收集2005年1月~2009年7月济南市传染病医院450例确诊的HCC住院患者病史及血清学资料,建立数据库,应用SPSS16.0软件进行统计分析。结果450例HCC患者HBV、HCV、HBV合并HCV感染分别为422、17例和11例。422例HBV感染者平均年龄(53.85±10.00)岁,高发年龄为50~59岁,男女比例为7.79∶1;17例HCV感染者平均年龄(60.18±5.47)岁,高发年龄为60~69岁,男女比例为2.40∶1。HCV相关性HCC(C-HCC)患者的发病年龄高于HBV相关性HCC(B-HCC)患者;B-HCC男性患者比例高于C-HCC;高病毒载量及长期肝炎发作是HCC形成的相关因素;C-HCC患者中2型糖尿病比例高于B-HCC患者。结论HBV感染所致的肝炎较HCV所致的肝炎更容易发生HCC。年龄大、男性、肝炎史长、肝硬化是HBV/HCV相关性HCC的主要相关因素。  相似文献   

We report a case of a 41-year-old man with acute myelogenous leukemia who developed fulminant hepatitis from reactivation of trace hepatitis B virus (HBV) 2 months after complete remission. Although he became positive for HB surface antigen at the onset of fulminant hepatitis, he had been negative for HBV serum markers, and only HBV DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification on admission. The original stocks of serum samples from all blood donors were tested again for HBV DNA by PCR, and all samples were negative. This case demonstrates that testing for HBV DNA by PCR is necessary before chemotherapy, because silent HBV carriers are rare and fulminant hepatitis may be induced by chemotherapy in patients with hematologic malignancies.  相似文献   

目的 探讨我国经血液(非静脉吸毒者)和性途径传播的HIV感染者合并乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎的状况.方法 回顾性分析2005年1至9月在全国13个研究中心就诊的362例HIV/AIDS患者(静脉吸毒者除外),应用酶联免疫试剂盒分别测定其HBsAg、抗-HBs,HBeAg、抗-Hbe、抗-HBc和抗-HCV.采用t检验和X2检验分别对计量和计数结果进行统计学分析.结果 315例检测血HBV和HCV的患者中,HBsAg阳性14例,占4.4%;抗-HCV阳性158例,占50.2%,抗-HCV阴性157例,占49.8%;HIV、HBV、HCV共感染2例,占0.6%.抗-HCV阳性组中经血液和性传播的比例分别占92%和4%,以血液传播为主;抗-HCV阴性组中经血液和性传播的比例分别占11%和66%,以性传播为主.抗-HCV阳性组的HIV确诊时间、CD4+T淋巴细胞绝对计数、ALT和AST均高于抗-HCV阴性组.两组患者的HBV标志物表达也存在差异,其中抗-HCV阳性组中HBsAg阳性2例,占1.3%,抗-HCV阴性组中HBsAg阳性12例,占7.6%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(X2=7.542,P<0.01).10例HBsAg阳性者进行HBV DNA检测,其中4例阳性,抗-HCV均为阴性.57例抗-HCV阳性患者进行HCV RNA检测,阳性者占63.2%.结论 我国输血和性传播途径的HIV感染合并HBV或HCV感染,以合并HCV感染为主,并多见于经输血感染者.合并HCV感染可加重HIV患者的肝脏损伤,同时也可能存在干扰HBV复制的情况.  相似文献   

目的 研究血液透析患者HCV感染的相关因素。 方法 血清采自血透前、血透后2-60月的10例肾衰患者,用ELISA检测抗HCV,用PCR法检测HCV,RNA和HCV基因型。 结果 10例患者透析前无HCV感染。透析后2-60月,3例抗HCV阳性(30%),2例HCV RNA阳性(20%),其基因型均为HCVⅡ型。10例患者中7例有输血史,其中4例(57%)HCV感染,所有抗HCV阳性和HCV RNA阳性患者均有输血史。而无输血史的3例患者未见HCV感染。两组有非常显著性差异(P<0.001)。HBV感染与HCV感染无相关性。 结论 反复输血是血透患者感染HCV的高危因素,长期血液透析是参考因素。  相似文献   

Viral interferences between hepatitis C (HCV) and hepatitis B (HBV) viruses were investigated in a case-control study conducted in 107 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with HCV antibodies. Overall, 15 (68%) of 22 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive patients had negative serum HCV-RNA while it occurred in only nine (10%) of 85 HBsAg-negative counterparts (P = 0.02). After adjusting for age, antiretroviral therapy, plasma HIV-RNA and CD4 counts, being HBsAg-positive was strongly associated with having negative serum HCV-RNA (odds ratio: 23; 95% confidence interval: 6-59; P < 0.001). Thus, HBV may favour the elimination of HCV in HIV-infected patients, which may influence liver disease and therapeutic decisions.  相似文献   

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