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Experimental brain tumors were produced in mice with 20–methyl cholanthrene, and the uptake of radioactive extracellular markers was studied by tissue assay and autoradiography. The tracers included C14-sucrose, C14-inulin, and H3inulin. The water content and isotope concentration of both gliomas and meningiomas were higher than those of normal brain tissue. The sucrose content of the tumor tissue increased with time elapsed from injection and so did the tumor/normal brain ratio. The temporal expansion of the neoplastic sucrose space suggests incorporation of sucrose by cellular elements. Autoradiograms indicated that inulin is localized in the intercellular space of the tumors. Sucrose was also seen mostly in the extracellular space, but a small percentage of the grains were located in cells.  相似文献   

Four-week-old mice were infected intraperitoneally with an avirulent strain A7(74) of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and killed at 4, 10, 15, 21 and 29 days after inoculation. Focal demyelinating lesions were present by 10 days. These were usually accompanied by a mononuclear infiltrate which included lymphocytes possessing characteristic cytoplasmic projections. These latter extended deep into the cytoplasm of adjacent cells, which were usually astrocytes and macrophages. Other features of the focal lesions were expansion of the extracellular space and demyelination which appeared to be fragmentation or lysis rather than stripping of myelin by macrophages. Although healing occurred in some mice after 4 weeks, acute lesions were still found in others of the same age. It was concluded that the demyelination probably had an immunological basis, and interaction between elements of the immune system and glial cells was a factor which inhibited orderly remyelination of the relatively mild lesions resulting from this infection.  相似文献   

While many studies have been carried out on the hypothalamus, the autonomic nervous system in the mesencphalon and pons have attracted rather small attention. We studied the fall of body temperature, increase of behavioral excitability, gastric bleeding, decrease of urinary chloride, glycosuria, increase of nitrogen in urine and histological changes of the adrenal cortex caused by electrical lesions in the mesencephalon and pons of rabbits, and published the original papers in 1951 and 1952 and a summarized one in 195413), all in Japanese. As studies on those appear still rather a few, the summarized paper will be translated into English.  相似文献   

凝血酶在对脑出血后脑组织的损伤中起着重要作用。本文通过介绍凝血酶的化学结构及其受体的分布,从脑水肿,炎症反应,脑缺血损伤,神经元损伤四个方面,对凝血酶在脑出血后脑损伤的作用机制进行综述。最后对小剂量凝血酶 预处理在脑组织中的保护作用进行了展望。  相似文献   

In the cerebral lateral ventricle of the human fetus, the embryonic ventricular and subventricular zones (VZ and SVZ) persist into the latter half of gestation, particularly in the lateral wall. The SVZ is usually referred to as the germinal layer at this stage. The VZ is gradually replaced by ependyma, a single epithelial layer composed of tanycytes and ciliated columnar cells. In the prematurely born infant, the germinal layer is frequently the site of haemorrhage, the incidence of which diminishes with increasing maturity. There are many contributory pathogenetic factors but the structure of the germinal layer itself is considered important. It contains numerous, thin walled vessels in a cellular matrix which demonstrates little fibrillary background. Immunohistochemical evidence of glial differentiation in the germinal layer was sought in 21 preterm brains, using antibody to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Early immunoreactivity was due to GFAP positive tanycyte fibres. Subsequently, associated with astrocyte differentiation, there was progressive development of a glial fibre network. It is suggested that the increase in glial fibres may be a significant factor in capillary stabilization, and in the inverse relationship between gestation of the infant and the risk of intracerebral haemorrhage. The possible structural significance of the tanycyte is also highlighted.  相似文献   

本文采用原位杂交组织化学技术,结合计算机图象处理系统,对电针后大鼠脑内前脑啡肽原(PPE)mRNA的表达进行半定量的观察。PPEmRNA探针以半抗原的地高辛标记。电针10小时之后,PPEmRNA阳性信号的强度和神经元内合PPEmRNA的面积在许多与痛和镇痛有关的核团明显增加,如尾核,伏核,视前区,中脑的脚间核,导水管周围灰质,黑质,红核等。表明电针促进了PPEmRNA在大鼠脑内的表达。这可能是针刺具有累积和长期效应的机制之一。  相似文献   

Routine electroencephalography was performed on 58 patients with an intracranial arteriovenous malformation. Local abnormal EEG findings were observed in 23 (40 %) of them, 15 (26 %) had a general abnormality, and in 20 (34 %) the EEG was normal. In two patients with a local abnormality the abnormality was contralateral to the AVM. There was no relation between EEG abnormality and age of patients or duration of the symptoms. The size and radiological density of the AVM were not related with the frequency of EEG abnormality, nor were any differences seen in the distribution of findings between the non-haemorrhagic, subarachnoid haemorrhage and intracerebral haemorrhage groups. In patients with a history of epileptic seizures abnormality of the EEG was more frequent (p < 0.05) than in those with no epileptic seizures. Parietal and temporal AVMs combined had a higher frequency (p < 0.001) of local EEG abnormalities than in those patients in whom the AVM was occipital, central or in the posterior fossa. EEG as a screening method for intracranial AVM is noted to reveal only 62% of those AVMs found by brain scanning. On the other hand, half of the patients in whom scanning failed (due to small size or temporal location of the AVM) the EEG showed a local abnormality.  相似文献   

本文采用受体放射自显影技术,对氟哌啶加强针刺镇痛时脑内阿片受体结合位点的变化进行观察,受体的标记配基为3H-依托芬。结果表明,针刺镇痛时大鼠脑内3H-依托芬的结合位点在许多核团明显增加,如中脑导水管周围灰质、尾核、伏核、视前区、海马、缰核、丘脑、下丘脑、上丘、脚间核、黑质、杏仁核、脊髓背角等,当氟哌啶与针刺合用并加强了针刺镇痛时,上述核团内阿片受体的结合位点进一步增加。本文结果提示,内阿片受体的激活是实现针刺镇痛的条件之一,内阿片受体功能的进一步增强,可能是氟哌啶加强针刺镇痛的机制之一。P<0.05.vsNSgroup;+P<0.05,++p<0.ol,vsNS+EAgroup;*P<0.05,"up<0.ol.vsDgroup ̄SeOfM ̄derptheb ̄20ratSweredividedintofourgroupsasmenhonedabove.TheanimalswereSacrificedbydmpitahonatthe ̄mumofpain ̄oldappeals(about20IninfollowingEA).Paintoeholdwasmea ̄untilthedaspitahon.Antorad  相似文献   

The extent and type of remyelination that occurred following demyelination induced by intraspinal injection of small volumes of lysolecithin was examined in 24 rabbits. Unlike the rat and cat following this procedure remyelination is not complete even after 6 months' survival and little Schwann cell invasion occurs. The cellular environment around remyelinated and persistently demyelinated axons differed. Remyelination was associated with a good astrocytic presence and removal of myelin debris, while persistently demyelinated axons were surrounded by myelin debris and a poor astrocytic presence. It was concluded that the environment around the demyelinated axon influences oligodendrocyte remyelination.  相似文献   

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