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This cross-sectional study examined the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) performance in cryptogenic epileptic patients aged more than 15 years with normal global cognition according to the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score. We tested our hypothesis that the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment and associated patient correlation factors might be increased (score < 26) according to the MoCA, in spite of a normal MMSE score, and that cognitive impairment might occur in a range of domains of the MoCA. Eighty-five patients participated in this study. The mean MoCA score was 22.44 (± 4.32). In spite of a normal MMSE score, which was an inclusion criterion, cognitive impairment was detected in 60% patients based on the MoCA score. The variable that correlated with a higher risk of cognitive impairment was the number of antiepileptic drugs (polytherapy: OR 2.71; CI 1.03-7.15). The mean scores of visuospatial and executive function, naming ability, attention, language, abstraction, delayed recall and orientation among patients with mild cognitive impairment were significantly lower than those of patients with normal cognitive function. These findings suggest that mild cognitive impairment in cryptogenic epileptic patients is common. We suggest using MoCA as a screening test for patients with epilepsy.  相似文献   

目的比较蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MOCA)和简易精神状态量表(MMSE)对脑白质疏松(LA)患者认知功能障碍的筛查能力,并了解lA患者认知功能受损的特点。方法应用MoCA量表及MMSE量表对56倒LA患者及50例对照的认知功能进行测评,比较两组的测试结果,并比较两量表对LA组中VCI患者的诊断能力。结果LA组的MoCA总评分(20.34±3.00)分明显低于对照组(22.20±2.26)分,差异有统计学意义(t-4.02,P〈O.01);其中,LA组的命名、语言、抽象、定向力评分均小于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t分别为3.92,3.43,4.02,5.35;P〈0.01)。LA组的MMSE总评分(27.54±1.36)分低于对照组(28.06±1.92)分,差异有统计学意义(t-2.36,P〈0.05),其中LA组的定向力及延迟回忆评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t分别为2.68,2.60;P〈0.05)。在LA组中,MoCA诊断VCI的敏感度为93.9%、特异度63.6%、假阳性率36.4%、假阴性率9.1%、阳性预测值91.3%、阴性预测值70.0%、诊断符合率84.2%、约登指数0.569;MMSE诊断VCI的上述指标分别为26.7%,90.9%,6.7%,73.3%,92.3%,23.3%,43.4%,0.176。结论LA患者的认知功能受损表现在命名、语言、抽象、定向力及延迟回忆等方面。MoCA量表在筛查LA患者认知功能方面比MMSE量表更敏感。  相似文献   

Objectives: Cognitive assessment is not performed routinely in the acute stroke setting. We investigated factors associated with cognitive impairment and the differences between the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores in patients with acute stroke. Methods: In this prospective study, 881 consecutive patients (median age, 73 years) with acute stroke were enrolled. Clinical characteristics, such as education, vascular risk factors, premorbid cognitive status using the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE), and stroke severity, were assessed. Cognitive performance was measured using MMSE and MoCA within 5 days of stroke onset. Results: Both MMSE and MoCA were feasible in 621 (70.5%) patients. Factors independently associated with nonfeasibility were age (odds ratio [OR]: 1.05; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02-1.08), IQCODE score (OR: 1.02; 95%CI: 1.00-1.04), and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (OR, 1.16; 95%CI, 1.12-1.20). Impaired MoCA (with a cut-off <26/30) performance was observed in 544 of 621 (87.6%) patients. Factors independently associated with cognitive impairment were age (OR: 1.06; 95%CI: 1.03-1.10) and NIHSS score (OR: 1.34; 95%CI: 1.14-1.57). Eighty percent of patients with normal MMSE scores had an impaired MoCA score (MMSE-MoCA mismatch). The differences were highest in the visuospatial (94.8% versus 65.3%; P < .0001), recall (76.6% versus 35.6%; P < .0001), abstraction (82.5% versus 49.8%; P < .0001), and language (72.3% versus 65.9%; P < .0001) domains between the normal MMSE and MoCA group and MMSE-MoCA mismatch group. Conclusions: The MoCA can be particularly useful in patients with cognitive deficits undetectable on the MMSE in the acute stroke phase.  相似文献   

目的 比较简易精神状态量表(Mini-Mental State Examination,MMSE)和蒙特利尔认知评测量表(Montreal Cognitive Assessment,MoCA)对急性期缺血性脑血管病患者认知功能障碍的筛查能力。方法 对筛选的107例发病7 d内的短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)或脑梗死患者应用MMSE及MoCA量表进行认知功能障碍的评测,比较经两量表评测筛查出认知障碍患者的比例。根据患者教育程度对应的MMSE临界值筛选出MMSE评分在正常范围的患者,以MoCA量表评分26分为临界值将受试者分为MoCA评测正常组与异常组,比较两组在各个认知领域的得分。结果 107例患者MMSE平均分25.89±3.65分,MoCA平均分20.67±4.56分。MMSE评测异常者8例(7.5%),正常者99例(92.5%)。MoCA评测异常者98例(91.6%),正常者9例(8.4%)。MoCA评测正常者MMSE评测均正常。MMSE评测正常的99例患者中,MoCA评测正常者9例(9.1%,9/99),评测异常者(<26分)90例(90.9%,90/99)。MoCA评测异常组在视空间与执行能力、命名、延迟记忆等认知领域得分低于MoCA评测正常组(P<0.05)。结论 MoCA量表在筛查急性缺血性脑血管病患者认知障碍方面可能比MMSE量表更敏感,MMSE正常MoCA评测异常的患者认知损害主要表现在视空间执行功能、命名、延迟记忆等方面。  相似文献   



To provide a crosswalk between the recently proposed short Montreal Cognitive Assessment (s-MoCA) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) within a clinical cohort.


A total of 791 participants, with and without neurologic conditions, received both the MMSE and the MoCA at the same visit. s-MoCA scores were calculated and equipercentile equating was used to create a crosswalk between the s-MoCA and MMSE.


As expected, s-MoCA scores were highly correlated (Pearson r = 0.82, P < .001) with MMSE scores. s-MoCA scores correctly classified 85% of healthy older adults and 91% of individuals with neurologic conditions that impair cognition. In addition, we provide an easy to use table that enables the conversion of s-MoCA score to MMSE score.


The s-MoCA is quick to administer, provides high sensitivity and specificity for cognitive impairment, and now can be compared directly with the MMSE.  相似文献   

We assessed the validity of two screening tests [the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Milan Overall Dementia Assessment or (MODA)] in a population study on the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease, carried out in a small town in the north of Italy. A random sample of 1000 subjects aged 60 years or over entered the study. Subjects who scored below the cut-off points on MODA or on MMSE, or both, were further investigated with neuropsychological, laboratory and instrumental tests to ascertain a final diagnosis, which was considered as the gold standard. Our findings show that MODA has a higher sensitivity than MMSE in detecting subjects affected by dementing illnesses, while MMSE shows a higher specificity. MODA seems to be preferable to MMSE as a screening test for studies where a very high sensitivity is required.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether selective memory impairment (SMI) on an adapted Mini-Mental State Examination (aMMSE) test increases risk of future dementia in a population-based survey of central Spain. BACKGROUND: SMI is a strong predictor of dementia in the elderly. However, most approaches have used extensive memory batteries, which are not always suitable for screening purposes. METHODS: The basal cohort consisted of 2982 poorly educated individuals aged 65 or over. Dementia, stroke and parkinsonism cases were previously excluded. At entry, participants received a structured interview including an aMMSE. Two groups were created according to basal cognitive performance, namely: (1) aMMSE > 23 and no word remembered on the aMMSE delayed-recall task (SMI group); and (2) aMMSE > 23 and at least one word remembered on the delayed-recall task (control group). In a three-year follow-up wave, conversion rate to dementia was calculated and logistic regression was performed. RESULTS: Of a total of 2507 subjects who completed the two evaluations, 280 qualified for SMI at entry. In the SMI group, 25 subjects (8.9%) developed dementia vs 26 subjects (1.2%) in the control group. Taking the two groups together, and once demographic and medical variables had been controlled, a low delayed-recall score increased dementia conversion rate (OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.34-0.64). Alzheimer's disease was the main cause of dementia (79.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Memory impairment is a risk factor for future dementia in the neurologically-healthy elderly. This can be observed in a subgroup of subjects with SMI defined on the aMMSE delayed-recall subscore. Some other measurements should be added to the SMI construct to improve its predictive validity.  相似文献   

The comparative ability of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and MMSE to detect mild cognitive difficulties was investigated in 107 older adults. The sensitivity of the MoCA to detect cognitive impairment with a cutoff score of <26 was investigated, as compared to the MMSE across all scores, and at a cutoff of ≥27. Performance on MoCA subtests was compared at these MMSE cutoffs to determine profiles of early cognitive difficulties. The MoCA detected cognitive impairment not detected by the MMSE in a high proportion of participants, and this impairment was evident across various subtests. The MoCA appears to be a sensitive screening test for detection of early cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the reliability of the Mini-Mental State Examination with that of a new Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination, which has expanded guidelines for administration and scoring. METHOD: The subjects were 32 stable elderly residents of a nursing home and 16 elderly residents of a chronic care hospital unit. Six raters administered the Folstein Mini-Mental State to 22 of these stable elderly subjects, and five raters administered the standardized version to 26 of these subjects. Each subject was tested on three different occasions 1 week apart. Each rater tested 4-6 subjects at the first and third weeks and 4-6 different subjects at the second week. The analytic technique used was one-way analysis of variance to estimate the interrater variance and the intrarater variance. RESULTS: The intrarater variance on all occasions was reduced by 86% and the interrater variance was reduced by 76% when the Standardized Mini-Mental State was used; the reductions in variance were significant (p less than 0.003). The intraclass correlation for the Mini-Mental State was 0.69; for the standardized version it was 0.90. It took less time to administer the Standardized Mini-Mental State than the Mini-Mental State. CONCLUSIONS: The Standardized Mini-Mental State had better reliability than the Mini-Mental State in this study group. Although the improved reliability of the Standardized Mini-Mental State was achieved by reducing measurement noise, this advantage would likely occur in a broad spectrum of patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MOCA)和简易精神状态量表(MMSE)在帕金森病轻度认知功能障碍(PDMCI)筛查中的应用。方法采用随机抽样方法,应用MOCA和MMSE对75例诊断为PDMCI患者、帕金森病认知功能正常(PDN)患者180例和健康患者145例进行评估,比较二者筛查PDMCI的敏感性和特异性。结果在文盲组MMSE的敏感性为93.10%,特异性为100%,而MOCA的敏感性仅为0%,特异性为92.72%;在小学组MMSE的敏感性为87.50%,特异性为100%,而MOCA的敏感性为41.67%,特异性为79.17%;在初中及以上学历组MMSE的敏感性为27.27%,特异性为100%,MOCA的敏感性为90.91%,特异性为85.71%。结论 MOCA适合初中及以上学历的PDMCI筛查工具,MMSE适合初中以下学历PDMCI筛查工具。  相似文献   

The present study examined the concurrent neuropsychological validity of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMS). In this study the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB) served as a measure of neuropsychological ability. A sample of 20 patients was all administered the MMS and LNNB. Results demonstrate the highest correlation with the MMS for the LNNB expressive language, arithmetic, writing, motor and tactile scales.  相似文献   

Neurological Sciences - Due to SARS-CoV-2-related encephalopathic features, COVID-19 patients may show cognitive sequelae that negatively affect functional outcomes. However, although cognitive...  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was assessed in a sample of patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type or vascular dementia. The MMSE identified the majority of pts with diffuse cognitive impairment but did not discriminate between the two types of dementia. It failed to detect mild deterioration or forms in which only some cognitive functions were impaired. The test is therefore not sufficient for distinguishing deteriorated from non deteriorated pts, although it is still useful in mass screening or for a quick assessment of deterioration in the course of clinical neurological examination.
Sommario Sono state valutate le prestazioni al Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in un campione di soggetti affetti da demenza tipo Alzheimer o da demenza vascolare. Il MMSE individua la maggior parte dei pt. compromessi diffusamente sul piano cognitivo, senza peraltro discriminare fra i due tipi di demenza. Non vengono diagnosticati, invece, deterioramenti di lieve entità o in cui la compromissione è presente solo in alcune funzioni cognitive. Il test non è pertanto sufficiente per distinguere deteriorati da non deteriorati, benchè conservi un'utilità per indagini di massa o per una rapida valutazione del deterioramento durante l'esame neurologico clinico.

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