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Stress preferentially increases the consumption of high fat foods in women, suggesting the interaction of these two factors may disproportionately predispose women toward excess weight gain. In the present study, female rats were exposed to a chronic high fat or chow diet and were exposed to 4 weeks of chronic variable stress (CVS) or served as home cage controls. Control females exposed to a high fat diet displayed many symptoms of the metabolic syndrome including increased body weight gain, total and visceral adiposity and insulin and leptin concentrations relative to all groups. However, CVS-high fat, CVS chow and control chow groups had similar body weight gain and caloric efficiency. This finding suggests that CVS increases energy expenditure much more in females exposed to a high fat diet relative to those fed a standard chow diet. The CVS-high fat group had increased adiposity and increased circulating leptin and insulin concentrations, despite the fact that their body weight did not differ from the controls. These results underscore the importance of assessing the degree of adiposity, rather than body weight alone, as an index of overall metabolic health. Overall, the data indicate that in female rats, chronic stress prevents high fat diet related increases in body weight, but does not prevent high fat diet induced increases in adiposity when compared to chow-fed females.  相似文献   

The long term ingestion of a sugar-rich diet (low fat) caused severe obesity in adult rats. In a separate experiment, the habitual consumption of a fat-rich diet (40% kcal from fat) also caused severe obesity. Severe obesity developed in both groups of animals even though they did not overeat. Voluntary food intake for the sugar-fed rats averaged 28,314 +/- 756 calories/rat per 55 wks which was similar to the value of 28,884 +/- 953 calories/rat per 55 wks for the fat-fed rats. However, both values were lower than that of 32,869 +/- 588 for the control rats eating Purina chow. Despite a lower caloric intake, carcass fat averaged 45 +/- 1% for rats eating the sugar-rich diet and 46 +/- 2% for rats eating the fat-rich diet, but only 33 +/- 2% for rats eating a diet of Purina chow. These results provide evidence that severe obesity can develop in the absence of hyperphagia in animals eating a sugar-rich or fat-rich diet. Finally, a rat model for severe obesity is presented in which carcass fat ranged from 18% (lean) to 61% (severe obesity) using dietary intervention alone at critical stages of the animal's life.  相似文献   

Cholinergic antagonists, such as scopolamine, atropine, and hemicholinium-3, have been found previously to inhibit lordosis in ovariectomized rats primed with estrogen and progesterone. The present study further examined this effect using intact cycling female rats. Cycling was determined by daily monitoring of sexual behavior and vaginal cytology. In the first experiment, intraventricular administration of the muscarinic receptor blocker, scopolamine, was found to significantly inhibit lordosis behavior during natural estrus (10 or 20 micrograms bilaterally). In the second experiment, systemic administration of scopolamine was also found to significantly inhibit lordosis behavior during natural estrus (4 mg/kg, IP). Administration of the cholinergic antagonist did not significantly interrupt cyclicity patterns. These results indicate that central cholinergic muscarinic systems contribute to the regulation of lordosis during natural behavioral estrus in intact female rats.  相似文献   

The effects of simultaneous increases in dietary phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations while maintaining a constant P:Mg ratio on nephrocalcinosis and kidney function in female rats was investigated. Female Wistar rats were fed a control diet (3.12 g P, 0.51 g Mg per kg diet) or a diet having either 3 times the control P and Mg concentrations (3-fold diet; 9.25 g P and 1.42 g Mg per kg diet) or 5 times the control concentrations (5-fold diet; 14.97 g P and 2.37 g Mg per kg diet) for 21 d. The three experimental diets all had same P:Mg molar ratios (control diet; 4.81, 3-fold diet; 5.11, 5-fold diet; 4.96). The 3-fold diet had no significant influence on kidney calcium (Ca), Mg or P concentrations. However, kidney Ca, Mg and P concentrations were significantly higher in rats fed the 5-fold diet than in rats fed the control or 3-fold diets. No significant differences in creatinine clearance were observed among the three groups. Urinary albumin and beta 2-microglobulin excretion were higher in rats fed the 5-fold diet than in rats fed the control or 3-fold diets, while the 3-fold diet had no significant influence on the urinary albumin and beta 2-microglobulin excretion. These results suggest that absolute concentrations of dietary P and Mg are important factors with regard to the development of nephrocalcinosis and diminished kidney function.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY), repeatedly injected in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), produces dramatic obesity and overeating in female rats maintained on a single nutritionally complete diet. In the present study, we investigated whether these effects could also be obtained in animals with a choice of three pure macronutrients: protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Female rats with indwelling PVN cannulas were injected with NPY (235 pmol) or its saline vehicle every 8 hr for 6 days. A third group was left undisturbed. Consumption of each macronutrient and body weight were measured every 24 hr for 6 days preinjection, 6 days during injections, and 21 days after the injections were terminated. Relative to vehicle or preinjection rates of body weight gain (approximately 1.5 g/day), NPY dramatically enhanced weight gain to a rate of 9.3 g/day and more than doubled total daily food intake. This augmentation was accounted for by increases in carbohydrate intake (+26.4 kcal/day) and fat intake (+48.5 kcal/day), with no significant potentiation of protein consumption. When the NPY injections were terminated, body weight and macronutrient intake returned to control levels within 1 or 2 weeks. These findings are consistent with a role for NPY in hypothalamic mechanisms of macronutrient intake and body weight regulation and suggest that disturbances in brain NPY may contribute to the development of eating and weight disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Drospirenone is the unique progestin derived from 17-spironolactone used for contraception and hormone therapy. Few data are available concerning the effects of drospirenone on the central nervous system and neuroendocrine milieu. The opioid beta-endorphin and the neurosteroid allopregnanolone are considered markers of neuroendocrine functions, and their synthesis and activity are regulated by gonadal steroids. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of a 2-week oral treatment with drospirenone, estradiol valerate, and combined therapy of drospirenone + estradiol valerate on central and peripheral beta-endorphin and allopregnanolone levels in ovariectomized female rats. DESIGN: Seven groups of Wistar ovariectomized rats received oral drospirenone (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg per day), estradiol valerate (0.05 mg/kg per day), or drospirenone (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg per day) + estradiol valerate (0.05 mg/kg per day). One group of fertile and one group of ovariectomized rats were used as controls. beta-endorphin levels were measured in frontal and parietal lobes, hippocampus, hypothalamus, anterior and neurointermediate pituitary, and plasma, and allopregnanolone content was assessed in frontal and parietal lobes, hippocampus, hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, adrenal glands, and serum. RESULTS: Ovariectomy induced a significant decrease in beta-endorphin and allopregnanolone content in all brain areas analyzed and in circulating levels, whereas it increased allopregnanolone content in the adrenal gland. Estradiol valerate replacement increased beta-endorphin and allopregnanolone levels in all brain areas analyzed and in plasma/serum. Drospirenone treatment significantly increased beta-endorphin levels in all brain areas analyzed (with the only exception being the parietal lobe), whereas it produced no effect on allopregnanolone levels. The addition of drospirenone to estradiol valerate did not modify the effects of estradiol valerate on beta-endorphin or allopregnanolone levels. Drospirenone showed an additive and synergistic effect with estradiol in the neurointermediate lobe on beta-endorphin synthesis. CONCLUSIONS: Drospirenone significantly increases central and circulating beta-endorphin levels and does not seem to interfere with allopregnanolone production.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking produces weight suppression in humans that often rebounds following smoking cessation. Nicotine (NIC) administration produces similar effects in rats. While changes in food intake are thought to account for some of the body weight changes, few reports have investigated how NIC affects whole-body metabolism. In the present study, measures of respiratory quotient (RQ) and energy expenditure (EE) were used to investigate metabolic changes that may contribute to NIC's effects on body weight. Female rats (n=46) were implanted for 14 days with subcutaneous Alzet minipumps containing NIC (6 mg/kg/day) or its vehicle. One-hour metabolic test sessions occurred four times: 2 and 12 days after pump implant and 2 and 8 days after pump removal. NIC initially suppressed body weight gain, followed by steady recovery that was briefly exaggerated after withdrawing NIC. Daily food intake was acutely suppressed by NIC and acutely potentiated after NIC cessation. RQ, but not EE, was suppressed by NIC 2 days after pump implant indicating increased fat utilization. Conversely, RQ was increased 2 days after pump removal signaling increased fat storage. These findings indicate that acute changes in whole-body metabolism may contribute to the weight modulating effects of NIC.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were allowed access to food for either 5 hours or 24 hours per day. Within each food availability condition one group had access to a complete diet and one group had access to the complete diet and a 32% solution of sucrose. Caloric intake and rates of growth were considerably higher in the 24 hour access groups. The availability of sucrose led to a small (10–15%) but consistent elevation in caloric intake in the ad lib condition but did not influence growth in either food availability condition. Absolute levels of sucrose intake and the proportion of calories taken from the sucrose solution were consistently higher in the ad lib group and increased with increases in body size for both groups. Dilution of the chow component or the sucrose component of the diet did not alter dietary selection patterns in either food availability condition. It appears that access to a palatable carbohydrate solution can lead to overeating in the rat but these solutions do not induce the rat to select imbalanced diets that compromise growth.  相似文献   

We investigated whether fuel metabolism prior to high-fat feeding differs in outbred Sprague-Dawley rats either prone or resistant to diet-induced obesity. Chow-fed rats were deprived of food, and blood was collected 12, 18, and 24 h later. Rats were then fed a high-fat diet ad libitum for up to 4 weeks to assess weight gain. Blood samples were analyzed for a variety of metabolic fuels and hormones. Only fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations showed a positive correlation with the weight gain during the high-fat feeding period, with concentrations after 18 h of fasting showing the most consistent relationship to weight gain. Body weights and fat pad weights did not correlate with fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations before high-fat feeding. The amount of 14CO(2) recovered from gavaged [14C]palmitic acid in chow-fed rats negatively correlated with weight gain during the subsequent period of high-fat feeding. These results show that there are preexisting differences in fat catabolism that may underlie differential susceptibility to diet-induced obesity; in particular, fasting levels of plasma triglycerides and fatty acid oxidation may be early predictive markers for this susceptibility.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were fed either a high-fat (30% of calories) or a low-fat (10% of calories) diet for four weeks, after which fat preference was assessed using a choice paradigm. Fat preference was measured during 2-hour intake tests in which three peanut butter/peanut oil mixtures containing 0.50, 0.61, and 0.71 grams fat/gram were offered to each animal. Rats fed the high-fat (HF) diet preferred the highest-fat mixture and consumed more total fat during intake tests than animals fed the low-fat (LF) diet. Intake of NaCl and sucrose solutions was measured during separate intake tests. LF-fed rats drank more NaCl solution than HF-fed rats. Following these tests a subgroup of the LF-fed animals was fed the HF diet, and a subgroup of the HF-fed group was fed the LF diet for a further four weeks. Upon repetition of the intake tests, rats that had been fed the HF diet during the initial four weeks still preferred the highest-fat mixture.  相似文献   

For each of five pair of diets, 20 weanling rats were equally divided into ad lib and restricted water groups. Caloric density, palatability, as well as nutrient composition of the diet pairs were manipulated. Though lower in absolute food intake than controls, water-restricted rats took a larger proportion of their food from diets lower in protein content and higher in fat content, regardless of caloric content or palatability. The results demonstrate both a quantitative and qualitative dietary adaptation to water restriction.  相似文献   

Sibutramine, a serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), has been shown to be a safe and effective weight-loss drug. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether sibutramine has an effect on macronutrient selection in both female and male rats in addition to total food intake. Wistar rats of both sexes were divided into three groups, and each group was offered a different set of three sensorily contrasting macronutrient-specific diets, each set including carbohydrate-, protein-, and fat-rich diets. Sibutramine (10 mg/kg) was shown to consistently decrease carbohydrate and fat intake at all data points regardless of gender and diet. Intake of carbohydrate differed between male and female rats at 2 h post administration with 2.5 and 5 mg/kg of sibutramine. The effect of sibutramine on protein intake was diet- and gender-specific. All doses of sibutramine decreased total food intake regardless of gender and diet group beginning at 6 h post administration. In conclusion, sibutramine affected macronutrient selection and emphasis on dietary recommendations, as well as appropriate dosage according to gender should be considered during therapy.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary fat and age on the level of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation, were investigated in cerebellum, kidney, and liver tissues of female Fischer 344 rats. Groups of rats were fed diets containing various levels of corn oil (3, 5, 10, 15, or 20%), starting at 57 days of age, for a duration of 2, 10, or 20 weeks. High fat diets are thought to promote tumor formation, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases via induction of oxidation stress, and this can begin early in the lifespan. However, it was observed that rats chronically consuming 3 and 5% corn oil diets yielded significantly higher levels of MDA, as analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, compared with those fed higher fat diets. After 20 weeks of feeding, the concentration of MDA in each of the three organs studied showed no significant differences among rats consuming diets containing 10, 15, or 20% corn oil. The levels of MDA were highest in the cerebellum, followed by kidney, and lowest in liver. Over the 20-week feeding period, a decrease in MDA level in both cerebellum and liver was observed.  相似文献   

As dieting behavior and attempts at weight loss are becoming increasingly common in adolescent girls, we wished to determine whether early-onset repeated dieting influenced the development of obesity and its metabolic correlates. Female rats were fed a high-fat diet and subjected to six cycles of dieting and regain, beginning in the peripubertal period. Although dieted rats weighted less than nondieted high-fat fed controls at the completion of the sixth cycle, body composition analysis revealed that the two groups were equally obese. Cumulative caloric intake was less in dieted rats, suggesting that the pattern of consumption promoted by dieting helped to establish the obesity. Resting metabolic rate did not differ between the two groups. These data suggest that although early-onset repeated dieting may result in reduced body weight, the eventual level of adiposity may be unknowingly elevated, potentially leading to long-term health risks.  相似文献   

Adult male and female hooded rats were housed in sedentary conditions or were given free access to a running wheel. Exercising and sedentary rats received either a palatable, mixed, high energy diet with chow (experimental group) or only chow (control group). Exercise reduced the weight gain of the males but not of the females. All experimental groups preferentially selected the palatable foods. Both exercising and sedentary females and the sedentary males became obese compared to their controls, but the exercising males did not. The mixed diet was withdrawn after 10 weeks: thereafter the male and female sedentary experimental groups maintained the elevated body weight. The exercising experimental females showed significant weight loss. Analysis of x-ray photographs indicated that elevated body weight in the experimental rats probably reflected increased deposition of fat and not skeletal growth. The results show that the effect of exercise on the development of dietary obesity is different in males and females, and that sedentary male and female rats can both show persistent dietary obesity after withdrawal of the palatable foods.  相似文献   

Patterns of dietary self-selection were examined in ovariectomized and sham-operated female rats. Self-selection animals were offered separate dietary sources of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Control animals were offered ground Purina Rodent Chow. Food intakes, water intakes, and body weights were measured daily for all animals. During a 19-day baseline period, selecting animals chose approximately one third of their daily caloric intake from each of the three diet sources. Following this baseline period, half of the self-selection animals and half of the control animals received bilateral ovariectomies, while the remaining animals in each diet group received sham-operations. Following ovariectomies, both self-selection and control animals significantly increased food intakes and rate of weight gains above baseline values. In contrast, sham-operated animals did not increase food intakes or rate of weight gain following surgery. When weight gain was calculated as a function of caloric intake, ovariectomized animals gained nearly twice as much weight per kilocalorie consumed as sham-operated animals. Ovariectomized animals showed no changes in diet selection after surgery, while sham-operated animals showed a slight decrease in the percentage protein selected. Differences between self-selection patterns in ovariectomized animals and in animals with other forms of experimentally-induced obesity suggest distinct metabolic patterns may underlie various forms of obesity.  相似文献   

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